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Developing Suggestions

This section is for presenting and reviewing suggestions which have not yet been submitted and are still being worked on.

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  • Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
  • Description should be a full explanation of your suggestion. Include information like flavor text, search odds, hit percentages, etc, as appropriate. Unless you are as yet unsure of the exact details behind the suggestion, try not to leave out anything important. Check your spelling and grammar.

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The End of the Line

Timestamp: -- | T | BALLS! | 19:46 18 June 2010(UTC)
Type: Improvement
Scope: All players
Description: Now all players would have two new stats in their profile: HEADSHOTS & DEATHS. Neither of these will be viewable to anyone but the player themselves. A newly created player would have the following numbers next to the new stats:

Every time a Survivor is killed their DEATHS falls by 1. Every time a Zombie takes a Headshot their HEADSHOTS falls by 1.

Once a Survivor reaches DEATHS:0, they automatically gain the Brain Rot skill. A survivor who manages to get revived with Brain Rot and has a DEATHS:0 stat will have their HEADSHOTS fall by 1 if they are killed. Once a Zombie reaches HEADSHOTS:0, they can no longer Stand Up and after 5 days their body will disappear forever from Malton.

Players who reach HEADSHOTS:0 will be added to a Leader-board that tracks the best players in the land based on their Skills + XP. Upon perm death Skills grant an equal number of XP that it cost to buy them. So it would be based on your class. Only XP gained after this is implemented would count towards a players Leader-board score, thought their old XP would still be shown for e-peen purposes.

Escape: Players on the edge of the map in an Empty Block (Carpark, Cemetery, Monument, Park, Street, or Wasteland) would have a new option: Attack Walls. Walls cannot be attacked when inside of a building or in any Block that contains a building. Attacking Walls is much like attacking barricades except you only get 25% of your full attack % to succeed. Walls have the same levels as Barricades (Loosely, LB, QSB, VSB, HB, VHB, EHB) Every half hour all the Walls automatically raise by one level (unless maxed at EHB+4) as the soldiers outside work to repair them. If a player breaks through the Walls or finds one open they will have a new button: Escape. Pressing this costs 1 AP and removes the player from the game just as if they had reached HEADSHOTS:0 and they are added to the Leader-board.

Survivors that Escape will have this noted on the Leader-board and it will be worth 1000 XP to their total. Zombies that Escape are killed or Revived by soldiers soon after they escape but their Escape will be noted on the Leader-board and they will be granted 500 XP for the Escape.

Discussion (The End of the Line)

Yeah, because when the game has dwindling players, what we really need to do is get rid of more of them.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:32, 18 June 2010 (BST)

Why not. Yeah Kev would never give up his ad revenue though, as the ESCAPE movement showed there are plenty of people that want to quit but refuse to "admit defeat". Pathetic.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:15 18 June 2010(UTC)
BOOM! headshot lol. -- User:Jordan Salafack » JS talk contribs » 12:20, 23 June 2010 (BST)

Just please : Shut the fuck up and stop making stupid fucking suggestions. This isn't XBox Live, no one here cares about leaderboards, and your ideas are retarded. -- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 22:02, 18 June 2010 (BST)

Go fuck yourself, you Basement Dwelling fucktard. You want to see retarded? Look no further than your 5 fucking line sig.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:15 18 June 2010(UTC)

Fuck player retention, it's balls time. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 22:11, 18 June 2010 (BST)

Yeah. Better to go out in a blaze of glory trying to make a real game than let this thing live forever as a glorified sad little social outlet for aspergian basement dwelling fucktards.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:18 18 June 2010(UTC)
Waaah. I can't take criticism for my stupid suggestions. Waaaahhhh! -- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 22:17, 18 June 2010 (BST)
Jesus fucking Christ fix that moronic sig. You sign the page a couple times and double the fucking length of the editing page.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:19 18 June 2010(UTC)
motherfucker what do you have against long sigs -- Uncle Adward, The Artful Dodger  Talk Red Rum The Ridleybank Resistance Front Vote for KyleStyle! Big Bash III! 22:24, 18 June 2010 (BST)
Goddamn motherfucking sig-nazi. -- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 22:27, 18 June 2010 (BST)
You're both going to have to try harder. I've been trolled by the best around here. Grade:D- -- | T | BALLS! | 22:31 18 June 2010(UTC)
Trolling? Perish the thought! We only troll retards.-- Adward  22:33, 18 June 2010 (BST)
I actually miss Izzy. At least when he trolled he made it interesting.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:34 18 June 2010(UTC)
Yeah, we've had one high-brow troll replaced by idiots like you. 'tis a shame.-- Adward  22:36, 18 June 2010 (BST)
Not really a shame. He probably finally decided to eat a gun or grow the fuck up and stop wasting his life. Either way, the world is a better place. God, you're selfish.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:42 18 June 2010(UTC)
Probably because you're a fucking moron. I'm not trying to troll you, I'm trying to tell you your suggestion sucks.-- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 22:35, 18 June 2010 (BST)
I get the sense that "trying" is about as far as you ever get regarding everything.-- | T | BALLS! | 22:42 18 June 2010(UTC)
Well, when I got with your mom that one time we were TRYING to be safe and ended up with you, so I can see where you got that from.-- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 23:55, 18 June 2010 (BST)
Holy shit...I hope it really didn't take you over an hour to think that one up. Grade reassessment: F.-- | T | BALLS! | 00:11 19 June 2010(UTC)
As much as I would like to devote all of my basement dwelling to making you realize that you're not much more than a half aborted fetus, I have others to troll. Sorry. -- Skoll Talk | RRF Gore Corps BB3 00:27, 19 June 2010 (BST)
Please shut the hell up and stop feeding him. You aren't going to "win" this argument on the internet. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 00:29, 19 June 2010 (BST)
It really never even occurs to you what a simple-minded self-righteous hypocrite you are, does it Ledouche? All this time I thought you were just being a stubborn liar, but I'm beginning to believe that you do just wallow in blissful ignorance.-- | T | BALLS! | 01:21 19 June 2010(UTC)
Fuck fuck fucking useless fuck. -- User:Jordan Salafack » JS talk contribs » 12:21, 23 June 2010 (BST)
I agree. It is Balls time. Ed Balls. Now, I hear you ask, "Why should Ed Balls be the next leader of the labour party?" The answer's really quite simple. He's a strong, positive leader, with the ability to actually make this in to a progressive party, rather than just the same old centre party. David Miliband and Andy Burnham supported the Iraq War. And Ed Miliband and Diane abbott may seem appealing now, but they've compromised their integrity as leaders. Balls has the, well, the balls to do the job well. He'll tackled the tories head on, and he easily knows more about education and the economy than most run of the mill MPs. In short, Ed Balls means strong, progressive leadership. He means cutting the conservative term short. We won't have another Thatcher-Major fest. In 20 years times, we won't still be crushed under a blue government, not if we elect balls. So sign up as a labour party member today, and help change the progressive future of Great Britain.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 00:04, 19 June 2010 (BST)
It is all about the Ed Miller Band. Fly like an eagle. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 01:16, 19 June 2010 (BST)
Nah, surely the Black Chick will win? --Honestmistake 00:36, 20 June 2010 (BST)
Nah, she's a hypocritical cow, and no-one will vote for her other than harriet harman.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 01:08, 20 June 2010 (BST)

I actually kinda like parts of the suggestion and don't think they'd be too bad, so long as they're in a city other than Malton. AichonBB3 22:56, 18 June 2010 (BST)

Oh yeah, I could totally dig this for another city, but that seems unlikely at the mo.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 00:04, 19 June 2010 (BST)
Fair enough. As long as it was a real attempt to make another city and not just Malton mechanics with revives removed like the other perm death cities that failed for that reason.-- | T | BALLS! | 00:11 19 June 2010(UTC)
Indeed. Malton would be changed too much by this, but with a new city specifically built for that purpose? I might give it a whirl, although I couldn't care less about leader boards and hi-score tables. -- Spiderzed 12:02, 19 June 2010 (BST)

So many dupes, so little time. --Axe Hack Talk (status:Mudkip!) 01:20, 19 June 2010 (BST)

Also, here's your Leaderboard. --Axe Hack Talk (status:Mudkip!) 01:22, 19 June 2010 (BST)
Those don't contain anything about the core suggestion. The Escape part is just an added tweak and the Leader-board was only added because the e-peen crew would want a way to have their character remembered after perm death.-- | T | BALLS! | 01:27 19 June 2010(UTC)
For a dude so fixated with imaginery balls, you hate imaginary wabs quite a lot. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 01:30, 19 June 2010 (BST)
Speak english.-- | T | BALLS! | 01:36 19 June 2010(UTC)
lrn2trl. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 01:38, 19 June 2010 (BST)
No, seriously, hiding behind witless net-slang just because 5 million tards did it before isn't really cool. Step into the world of non-conformity. You will have to leave behind the comfort of herd-think, but in the end it's worth it.-- | T | BALLS! | 01:45 19 June 2010(UTC)

A limit on the number of deaths before you become a zombie, coupled with the eventual removal of zombies once they suffered headshots? Ive found a massive Dupe. And we all know how fun that was. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:32, 20 June 2010 (BST)

Like I indicated above, Kev would have to not be lazy by just removing revives while leaving Malton mechanics (totally designed around the revive cycle) intact if he wants to make new cities workable. Besides this is a lot different since you would never be shut out of the city. You could always have another go as a new player. There was a lot of shit wrong with the new slapdash "cash in" cities but not all of it was permadeath. That just made the huge flaws more unbearable.-- | T | BALLS! | 19:52 20 June 2010(UTC)
I curiously agree with some of that. Thats weird. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:56, 20 June 2010 (BST)

PVP Deaths

Timestamp: Bustersquash 18:42, 17 June 2010 (BST)
Type: PVP Deaths
Scope: Players killed by other players
Description: Ok I hate getting killed by another player and coming back as a zombie. I proposed we are given the option to come back as a human by spending more AP.

Discussion (PVP Deaths)

Put down the crack pipe.--

| T | BALLS! | 18:56 17 June 2010(UTC)

Doesn't make sense, it would make more sense if you didn't come back at all in that case. :p - Whitehouse 19:08, 17 June 2010 (BST)

What the fuck is this shit this would put me out of a jorb. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 21:57, 17 June 2010 (BST)

Would turn NTs completely pointless. Or sieges and PKing in general. And that's just the tip of the ice berg about what's wrong with this one. -- Spiderzed 22:25, 17 June 2010 (BST)

I loled. --Sophie ◆◆◆ CAPD 22:52, 17 June 2010 (BST)

OP is a F&%%@T. /b/ memes ftl! Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 22:58, 17 June 2010 (BST)

You're an idiot. -Alex1guy 06:58, 18 June 2010 (BST)

I'd vote for this. As SPAM! --AORDMOPRI ! T 14:42, 18 June 2010 (BST)

What if you added a looting button with this that way it would still be fun to kill other players. -Bustersquash

That would be cool except zergers would abuse it to trade items and everyone would shit themselves.-- | T | BALLS! | 18:00 18 June 2010(UTC)

Eat a bag of dicks.-- Adward  21:47, 18 June 2010 (BST)

AHAHAHAHAHA! This kills the entire point of the game. Surviving a zombie apocalypse is easy when you never become a zombie. :P --KyleStyle 21:52, 18 June 2010 (BST)

ok maybe i should have specified only when killed by another human not zombie Bustersquash

Tangling Hold

Timestamp: Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 23:17, 16 June 2010 (BST)
Type: Skill Change
Scope: Zombies with Tangling Grasp
Description: Idea: Why not prevent survivors who are caught in a tangling grasp from running away, or even block them from performing actions at all? As a response, we would also have to allow any attack to disable tangling grasp; this would let you punch a zombie off you and run off.

Addendum: Any actions on the attacking zombie will proceed unimpeded.'


Discussion (Tangling Hold)

No. Most of the time, the player will not be online to "break away" from this hold. Also, limiting your opponent's actions isn't gonna go well with most of the players. --Axe Hack Talk (status:Mudkip!) 00:37, 17 June 2010 (BST)

It would make it more difficult for harmans to just run away from zombie sieges when they're injured. Is that really a bad thing? Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 01:10, 17 June 2010 (BST)

I'm rather neutral to this. I don't see it having a huge effect really, only on live combat. - User:Whitehouse 00:42, 17 June 2010 (BST)

The thing is, if you log off with a tangling grasp, your victim has to punch you (or damage in some way) off before he can run. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 01:10, 17 June 2010 (BST)
I understood as much, I just think it would be a rather rare situation and as such it doesn't really bother me. It adds a little flavour in my opinion, which is a good thing. - User:Whitehouse 01:17, 17 June 2010 (BST)
Right? In zombie movies, having a zombie on you is a big concern; you don't just brush off its hands and jump to the next building over. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 01:33, 17 June 2010 (BST)

This is pretty much how Tangling Grasp should be in the first place. I mean it seems a little weird that you can lose your grip on a, technically, "non-moving" target. As Whitehouse says, this only really affects survivors on the "live" end. If your not logged in, it doesn't really matter. Your NOT going to escape unless the zombie gives up. On the zombie end, it would save some AP from the "you lose your grip" results.--Pesatyel 05:11, 17 June 2010 (BST)

As above; I approve. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 06:23, 17 June 2010 (BST)

Tangling Grasp Immoblization, Death Grasp, Addenum to Tangling Grasp--

| T | BALLS! | 19:44 17 June 2010(UTC)

First uses a low percent chance and the second has a 2AP "escape cost". The 3rd is the closest and most problematic, but I believe my addition of preventing any other actions differentiates this suggestion significantly. Thank you for bringing those to my attention. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 22:44, 17 June 2010 (BST)

Ransack/Ruin XP Buff

Timestamp: CorndogheroT-S-Z 05:32, 14 June 2010 (BST)
Type: makes ransack more attractive to non-max-level zombies
Scope: Ransacking, non maxed zombies
Description: Basically, I think a few changes should be made to ransack.
  1. Two-click ruin. One click of the ransack button ransacks the building and gives 1 xp. The ransack button then changes to a ruin button which costs 5 AP.
  2. XP for each AP of ruining. Clicking the aforementioned ruin button yields a reward of 5 XP in addition to ruining the building.
  3. XP for destroying decorations is included in the ransack. Currently, zack can destroy decorations individually for 1ap and 1 xp each. While decorations are also destroyed by ransack, I do not believe the XP is currently given for such. When ransacking, a zombie would gain the 1 xp for ransack, in addition to 1 xp for each decoration that the ransack destroyed.

Part one of this idea overlaps with a suggestion that is currently in voting. Part two overlaps with an Idea I have previously brought up on the DS page. Part three is original as far as I know. It is my hope that this suggestion being implemented would make ransack more attractive to lower level zombies, and would also give zombies at least a halfway-decent reward for breaking into an empty, caded building.

Discussion (Ransack/Ruin XP Buff)

The last part seems overpowered (so to speak). Your allowing a zombie to earn 18 XP for 5 AP. I don't think there is anything that safe and efficient by comparison.--Pesatyel 06:02, 16 June 2010 (BST)

This is a terrible idea. I can tell you've never played a zombie and that you're a trenchcoater by the way you've worded things. Also you've already admitted to part of the idea being a dupe. The simple fact is that ruining a building for tactics and BARHAH is more appealing than for XP. Also why would a zombie player want to spend 6 AP to completely ruin a building in 2 clicks when the old way is more effective and less AP expensive. This is on top of the fact that 'pure zombies' max out at level 21, and not all take breather skills to Death cult. They are not going to care about xp at that point, and babahz generally would rather get their xp from delicious brains than ruining. Why would they want to spend 6 ap to make 5 xp, when they could spend 1 AP and earn 10+ from the kill bonus plus damage dealt? - Goribus 14:45, 19 June 2010 (BST)


Timestamp: -- | T | BALLS! | 15:36 12 June 2010(UTC)
Type: Improvement
Scope: Survivors
Description: Now Survivors have a new attribute called Hunger. This is tracked much like AP with a range of 0 to 50. For every action a Survivor takes (regardless of the AP cost, even if it is 0 AP for Dropping Items) they lose 1 Hunger point. Once a Survivor reaches 0 Hunger points they begin to lose 1 HP for each action they take.

When a Survivor is inside an unruined Mall, Club, Arms, Warehouse, Hotel, Cinema, Cathedral, Church, Fort Storehouse or Mansion they will see a new button called Eat. Performing the Eat action costs 1 AP and fully restores Hunger to 50. The Eat button will also appear while in the presence of any non-reviving Dead Body...sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...

Zombies have no Hunger attribute to worry about. Standing up from a Revive will set a Survivors Hunger to 25.

Discussion (Eating)

No. We don't need a pointless AP-sink--for either side. If you want survivors to "eat", then maybe you should just spend time with some survivors who actually use that Speak button. You might be surprised how many of them "eat" (and spend the AP you don't want them to have) for the sake of roleplaying without a bogus mechanic. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 17:19, 12 June 2010 (BST)

Just doesn't seem like much fun really. - User:Whitehouse 18:40, 12 June 2010 (BST)

I've seen this type of thing fail at voting over and over. Dupe--V darkstar 19:32, 12 June 2010 (BST)

Why don't zombies get hungry? Isn't that, essentially, the "deal" with them in all zombie genre? Zombies EAT poeple.--Pesatyel 06:01, 13 June 2010 (BST)

Not in Kevan's world. Malton zombies are mainly into scratching.-- | T | BALLS! | 00:57 17 June 2010(UTC)
It's not scratching. It's called massaging. --Axe Hack Talk (status:Mudkip!) 01:50, 19 June 2010 (BST)

Didn't you already suggest this stupid idea, or is that my imagination? - Goribus 14:49, 19 June 2010 (BST)

Here's how survivors eat. When they die and become a zombie, they gorge themselves. Then, when they are revived, they are no longer hungry. This is how Malton's population has survived for so long despite the fact that all food would have spoiled or run out long ago. Actually, when I put it that way, it sounds like Malton isn't effected by zombies at all. Just people who are really, really hungry and lose their sanity until they've had their fill. Although a single restaurant might have alleviated this. -- User:Jordan Salafack » JS talk contribs » 12:39, 23 June 2010 (BST)

Lower max barricade levels

Timestamp: CorndogheroT-S-Z 03:57, 12 June 2010 (BST)
Type: Barricade adjustment
Scope: pretty much everyone, barricades are a central mechanic of the game
Description: So, there's a discussion below about how to make zombies stronger. One Idea I like from the discussion there is the overall reduction of barricade levels, so that VSB is the highest level, and then QSB is required to be able to enter from the street.

I like this idea, because it doesn't really buff strike teams (who distribute a barricade's AP draininess among themselves so they feel the effect less, and have a perfectly decent level of power), while at the same time making it so a full-clawed feral can break into a building every day, and even get in a lot of attacks if it is an entry point/newbie haven, which now must be QSB (giving a zombie an average of 12 more attacks once he breaks into that building.)

Note that I am not proposing this as a final suggestion; my main intent was to separate this from the discussion below, as I feel it has merit. One change I feel might be good is to slightly increase the failure rate for all barricade levels if this goes into effect. Not quite to VHB or EHB levels, but more then they are at currently for QSB and VSB.

Your thoughts?

Discussion (Lower max barricade levels)

+10% on to-hit with cades, -10% to all cading attempts, upward limit of VHB, with VSB still being the cut-off. That way it's harder to put them up, easier to take them down, and the limit is 16, not 21, which should see ferals being a bit more powerful (about 20% roughly). When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 04:19, 12 June 2010 (BST)

I'd rather there still be a decision to make with barricade levels, so there isn't just one "best" level to have--CorndogheroT-S-Z 10:41, 12 June 2010 (BST)
Having followed the discussion that spawned the idea, I'd rather go with Mis and put the emphasis on increased hit chances against cades. What makes cades most frustrating is the low success rate, and the quirkiness of the RNG regarding low chances, which easily gives a worse rate than 1 removed cade level per 4 attacks. -- Spiderzed 12:17, 12 June 2010 (BST)
Apologies to mis for my misunderstanding of his first post, I thought he said VSB twice. Now for a few thoughts. I'm personally kind of against decreasing the cading rates too much as a primary means of balancing, due to the fact that a lone zombie or small group likely will not experience any direct benefit from such a measure, creating more of an AP sink for one side for no purpose. However, in large scale, long term engagements such a measure would favor hordes, who really do not need to be buffed.
I'd rather not assume that the actual hit rates are anything other than what we are told they are, or that the RNG is faulty, or anything like that, because if our official source of information is incorrect, why should one player's experience be more correct than another player's? We would be arguing about something we can really get no definitive answer on.
As for how to balance barricades, I'd rather not implement all three ideas of decreasing success, lowering the levels, and increasing the hit rate against cades, in the interest of not taking it too far. Out of the three, I probably most want to see the maximum barricade levels reduced, because right now, UD is a massive boring grind against barricades, and decreasing the AP spent on both sides of the cades leaves each side more AP for fun things. And since the goal behind my arguments is to free up AP for fun things, I would rather see cades take less AP for zack to break down, than them taking up more survivor AP to erect.--CorndogheroT-S-Z 11:32, 13 June 2010 (BST)

One nice thing about this suggestion is that it makes the maximum enterable level and the absolute maximum level adjoining, and so makes overcading less attractive. I could see a lot of organized pro-survivors who could gladly accept that as a zombie buff that has also a smaller buff for them in it. I'd probably make that rather VSB/HB, though, as a.) that makes it easier to see at one glance if something is enterable (strongly/heavily) and b.) keeps the old maximum entry level and so creates less confusion when that update is introduced. To offset that light improvement, you can make decading a tad bit easier (like the +10% that Mis proposed). -- Spiderzed 12:17, 12 June 2010 (BST)

I could get behind this one--CorndogheroT-S-Z 11:32, 13 June 2010 (BST)

As Mis. Maybe not exactly, but along those lines. Kev needs to get rid of whatever bonus he gives the Loosely level too. That last level is always the most stubborn for some stupid reason.--

| T | BALLS! | 12:58 12 June 2010(UTC)

Really? My zombies seem to have no special trouble with that level.--CorndogheroT-S-Z 11:32, 13 June 2010 (BST)

What about just making the over VS levels harder to do?--Pesatyel 06:11, 13 June 2010 (BST)

That does nothing for the feral who is surrounded by barricades he has no hope of breaking; it just makes it take slightly longer to fix the tiny dent he creates. A decrease in cading rates alone would benefit hordes exclusively, which does not need to be done. And, the most important reason, it makes the game less fun, rather than more fun, by increasing, rather than decreasing the overall AP spent on cades.--CorndogheroT-S-Z 11:32, 13 June 2010 (BST)
How does it make it less fun? It forces survivors to do more than just cade all the time. If survivors want to spend so much time barricading JUST to get it as high as possible, more power to them. How can you say that isn't fun? They choose to do it. Yes, that was a bit of sarcasm, but the inherent problem is how easy it is to barricade relative to breaking them down. So what are the options? Lower the max barricade, as suggested (which a majority will spam), make them easier to break and/or make them harder to make. It isn't JUST zombies that have to worry about it. What about survivors? It makes little difference between being level 1 and level 40, your still stuck outside having to break the barricade to get in. Or simply allowing zombies an increased hit against barricades would be good too.--Pesatyel 05:54, 16 June 2010 (BST)

Generator Damage

Timestamp: Warbird108 02:10, 8 June 2010 (BST)

Type: Generators should be altered to create a variety of logical, albeit not yet implemented, effects.

Scope: Survivors and zombies, buildings

Generators are like candy to zombies. Aside from drinking up AP to destroy them that could just as well be used to down survivors, there are absolutely NO detrimental effects to zombies as a result of attacking generators; likewise to any destructive survivors (I've witnessed single survivors take down an entire mall's generators in one AP cycle, for whatever reason, with no repercussions whatsoever). I propose that generators, when reduced to damaged status, should have a chance to douse the attacker or attackers in fuel (if fueled up), with an x% chance to do so. In addition, when destroyed, the generator would have an x% chance to explode (again, it would have to have fuel in its tank), dealing 5 points of damage to all attackers still present in the building, or 15 to any attackers doused in fuel. Supplementing this change, any generators damaged beyond dented would, instead of showing a solid yellow color on the building block, would have a striped yellow/light grey color, to indicate flickering/intermittent lights. This would be a red flag for survivors with toolkits/FAKs to alert them to a recent zombie incursion, and let them know that aid is probably needed/there is hostile zombie activity in the area; it would also let zombies see that their brethren most likely recently led an attack on the building, and that there are bound to be injured survivors/weakened barricades at the designated block.

Note: A problem that has been noted with this is where to set the cutoff point of how much time afterwards will the generator harm you? If you attack it, but don't destroy it, and a day later, someone else comes along and destroys it with you inside, would you take damage? I don't know how you'd set an exclusion on damage for this without people exploiting it.

Discussion (Generator Damage)

So, this is the exact same suggestion as your current suggestion? If you're going to discuss it here, it'd be best if you withdrew the current suggestion first. Anyway, you seem to have gotten hung up on auto-attacks. Let's review some of the pitfalls that you claim are not issues:

  • If you make those changes, would the game be fun for the attacking side?
    • You say "Not Applicable", but I would suggest it would reduce fun for the attacking side, since it means damage where none exists now. Gennies are already a massive AP sink (10-20AP), especially so if there are active survivors. You ignore the fact that they're an AP sink, which is frustrating enough as is, and then make it more frustrating by punishing those who attack them.
  • Zombies hardly care about HP anyway.
    • You say it helps your argument, I say it applies the same to yours as it does to everyone else's. You haven't differentiated why it would help yours when it wouldn't help everyone else's, telling me that you don't quite grasp why this is an issue in the first place.
  • Why let the computer do the fun part of the game?
    • You make a rambling argument about budgeting resources, while I would say that it's all about having fun. Survivor players should be the ones that kill zombies, not generators, of all things.
  • It would be less fun to attack people if you were being automatically attacked back.
    • You say "Not Applicable", I say that it's not only applicable but is entirely true (except change out "people" for "generators"). Much less fun.

Furthermore, you haven't dealt with the multiply it by a billion issues that were raised in the votes, nor have you dealt with the area of effect stuff yet. And those are just the issues with the Frequently Suggested page. We haven't even gotten into stuff such as lacking a solid reason for changing it, nerfing the side that's at the disadvantage in that situation, lack of necessary details, the HTML issues I raised regarding striped buttons, etc., none of which you have even attempted to address at all. Aichon 01:05, 9 June 2010 (BST)

I think his "note" pretty much explains it all.--Pesatyel 05:30, 9 June 2010 (BST)

Give every attack that damages a generator beyond dented a small (1%?) chance of making it explode causing 10 damage (reduced by flak/fleshrot) and destroying the generator. No headshot possible, No XP gained and NO area effect! That adds a little risk and a possibility of saving a few AP to make it worth the risk. --Honestmistake 09:29, 9 June 2010 (BST)

^^^^^IMO Generators aren't enough of an AP-sink compared to how long it takes to find a generator.--Llamajuice 23:48, 18 June 2010 (BST)

Suggestions up for voting

One Click Ruin moved to Suggestion talk:20100611 One Click Ruin

Feeding Drag Change moved to Suggestion talk:20100531 Feeding Drag Change

Increase variety of useful melee weapons moved to Suggestion talk:20100519 Increase variety of useful melee weapons