Talk:Blackmore Bastard Brigade

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Clock.png Historical Group Talk Page
This talk page belongs to a historical group that is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history. Please do not edit this page or the corresponding group page without good reason.

Revival Zones

Has anyone put thought into where all of the dead are going to be revived? Those of use who got out alive could help set up a revive clinic in a safe suburb. --OmegaPaladin 18:03, 13 October 2006 (BST)

Right now I am set up Santlerville. If some of you want to head up here and tell me were you want to be revive like a cemetery or something. Or if Blackmore is retaken I will go there.

I don't know about revive points in other suburbs but i would like to draw attention to Margery Avenue [54, 47]. This is a designated Revive point and if you continue to shoot zombified Omega Company Personnel awaiting treatment there then repercussions will occur. We already have intelligence showing Blackmore personnel firing on our zombified marines. I trust the leaders of the Brigade will deal with this personally.--Sgt Stone, Omega Company

A Challenge

It's on!

Oh you sons of B***** I leave the country for a few months and you invade mah home?! Git offa mah property!

PS It's on. Dance off outside september 1st 6:00 EST Be there or be square

Swfjmq.jpg Oh Snap!
Someone just got served!

--Admiral Ackbar U! WTF 23:08, 31 August 2006 (BST)

This whole article is inaccurate... --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 23:20, 31 August 2006 (BST)

Humor them. If we can get them to come to the dance off this'll end much faster--Admiral Ackbar U! WTF 23:21, 31 August 2006 (BST)

If, dear Sonny, you would point us towards the factual inaccuracies instead of giving us a blanket condemnation, we would be only too happy to fix them. We are big fans of the Truth.

PS: Why don't you come in for the dance-off? We've got a disco ball up now. (It's not a trap, I swear.) --Hec Scrivener 23:51, 31 August 2006 (BST)

The RRF never left Ridleybank. Ignorant survivors, such as yourself, do not understand how the RRF works. Which is why zombies make fun of you so. The RRF is broken down into the moble hordes and the DoHS. The mobile horde is what you think the RRF is. DoHS is the zombie horde that stays in Central Malton. DoHS never left Central Malton. You fail to realize that. Secondly, we have not returned since we never left. Thirdly, attacking one square is not a Battle and calling it a battle would be an insult to the name of Caiger I, Giddings Mall Tour, Blesley Big Bash, and so on. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 00:55, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Thank you for the correction on how your horde works. As for this incident's "battle" status, I think the numbers speak for themselves. --Hec Scrivener 02:29, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Follow-up - would you mind explaining these facts: (a) there were relatively few zombies in Ridleybank when we moved in; (b) now there are considerable more zombies trying to eat us; and (c) that your DoHS wiki page has standing orders encouraging all members to join your field trip? Because my working theory now is that the DoHS, at least the bulk of its numbers, was gone, and did return. --Hec Scrivener 02:57, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Padre, Sonny, and Hec

Sonny, I think the city has had more than enough of your cranky railings against...well, whatever it is that makes you do what you something productive for once...make some anagrams, write some poetry, take up juggling...PadreRomero 23:58, 31 August 2006 (BST)

As for you. Go write some more shitty poetry and I'll tell you what I think about it. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 00:55, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Sonny, really, what is your malfunction? Are you medically incapable of having fun or something? --Hec Scrivener 02:29, 1 September 2006 (BST)
He should know...he's in pre-med...pre-law...language...History...Hec, what the hells your major?...He plays a pediatrician anyhow...he's had more than his fair share of dealing with whiny children.PadreRomero 02:34, 1 September 2006 (BST)
A medical incapability to have fun is a disorder I can assure you no child has. Since this only means Sonny isn't actually a child, though, this fact hardly speaks in his favor. --Hec Scrivener 02:38, 1 September 2006 (BST)
I'm talking to you and whiney poetry Padre Romero get's in on the conversation. If I wanted to talk to him I'd make fun of his poetry. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 02:41, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Um... you did make fun of his poetry. --Hec Scrivener 02:44, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Yeah, last month on the RRF forum where he tried to hide who he was. As I recall I wasn't talking to him on this wiki talk page and he had to butt in and put his two cents worth in. Which, like I said, if I wanted to speak to him I'd comment on his stupid poetry. Nothing more, nothing less. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 02:47, 1 September 2006 (BST)
You were under no obligation to respond to him. But by rising to his bait you have only encouraged him. I should know; I've known him since we were six. In other news, the amount of colons we're using is just stupid. --Hec Scrivener 02:59, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Look what I can do...I'll give it a rest...I don't know how you put up with me either.PadreRomero 03:09, 1 September 2006 (BST)
By making fun of your poetry, of course. --Hec Scrivener 03:10, 1 September 2006 (BST)
and as for Hec having the intelligence of a sliced have no idea how ridiculous that sounds...I personally have no problem with personal attacks, but why not go for the real idiot (That would be me, thank you very much) and not the guy who's sticking up for you more than anyone.PadreRomero 05:02, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Tyler does some digging

"Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:48 pm Post subject: DoHS Report to Ridleybank

Everyone in DoHS please report back home to Ridleybank. The harmanz there have abused their welcome. I said make yourself at home, have your zombie safari, but remember where you are. Instead they have trashed the suburb, broken the barricade laws, filed false reports, and added to the light pollution with generators. Their stay is no longer welcome.

BARHAH young Ridleys. "

It appears that the DoHS had left the suburb. If not the whole group, then enough that they had to be recalled. And for all the talk of the great and powerful RRF the suburb was hardly up to its usual terrifying status when the first survivors arrived and proceeded to barricade nearly every building in the suburb.

By the way Sonny, this is a survivor group's page and you really have no business trying to dictate content here. -Tyler Whitney0

As per the Reptileus incident inaccurate pages do get put up for deletion. And DoHS never left Central Malton I said. Nice job. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 03:39, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Sonny, please restore the alteration you made to Tyler's post. --Hec Scrivener 03:41, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Wait, sorry, Tyler did that himself. --Hec Scrivener 03:44, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Yeah, I tend to re-edit everything I post the first couple minutes after I post it. No worries.- Tyler Whitney0
In any case, with the mounting evidence that the DoHS did leave and return, I'm going to change the page. I might wonder why Sonny would feel compelled to lie about it... --Hec Scrivener 03:49, 1 September 2006 (BST)
On a similar note, I feel we are owed an explaination as to who Gansta 1 is PadreRomero 05:11, 1 September 2006 (BST)

A distinction should also be made in this case between a group's page, which can naturally be as biased and loaded with propaganda as the group likes, and a historical page that claims impartiality. This page is obviously one of the former.-Tyler Whitney0
I'm still interested in factuality as far as the BBB's origins go. Up to and including Hannibal's quote, it could probably be copied whole cloth into the not-yet-made Battle of Blackmore history page, and I'm perfectly fine with that. That's why I invited Sonny's input. More fool me. --Hec Scrivener 04:00, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Owed an explanation. 1. Fuck you. 2. Fuck you where you breathe. 3. He's a PKer and I was contacting him for my PKer group. 4. Learn to sign your post Tyler ~~~~. 4. Central Malton is Barhahville, Ridleybank, Stanbury Village, and Galbraith Hills. I said the RRF did not leave Central Malton, and I was right. Most of the DoHS was in Barhahville. 5. Nice job at making yourself look dumb. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 04:05, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Sonny, step back and take a long look at yourself, for pity's sake. All joking aside, I'm worried about you. --Hec Scrivener 04:09, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Worried about me. You're fucking worried about me because I have an extreme hate for people with the IQ of a sliced cucumber? Honestly. How fucking retarded do you have to be to say I am wrong about the leaving Central Malton thing. Pretty damn retarded it seems. An example of what you just did. "You left Texas." "I did not leave the United States." "Liar! You left Texas!" Now look at that. You did that. You're person number one. You ignored what I said and interpreted it completely wrong, making you look dumb. I, on the other hand, did not change my stance or say anything to contradict myself. Tyler on the other hand is an idiot for saying I owe him an explanation for talking to a PKer for my PKer group. Obviously someone needs to learn seperate existances. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 04:14, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Sonny, I'm only going to say this once: We only ever said you left RIDLEYBANK. By claiming that was wrong you were being misleading; either deliberately so, in which case you were doing what is termed lying, or not, in which case I can only chuckle at the irony of the situation. And now, sir, we are done; you can take outrageously disproportionate offense at Tyler's question somewhere else. --Hec Scrivener 04:22, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Being in 4 suburbs at once does not mean it leaves one of them. The DoHS was spread out over 4 suburbs. That does not mean it left one of them. Got it? --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 04:27, 1 September 2006 (BST)
I might not be able to keep reading this talk page... it will only depress me. Sonny, I hope you become a happy person someday. --Sweetirony 04:59, 1 September 2006 (BST)

We've obviously struck a nerve. What with the glaring light of truth clumsily deflected by semantics (are we to count all of Malton as Ridleybank next?). Our entire discussion was about Ridleybank, the suburb, not the RRF's invented conception of "Greater Ridleybank." Your comment more or less admits most of the DoHS had left Ridleybank (the suburb as it is impartially defined as a 10X10 block of space by the game itself). I really REALLY hope we can stop all this silliness now. -Tyler Whitney0 23:16, 1 September 2006 EST

Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. Sign properly. Type in ~~~~. And Central Malton is the 4 center suburbs. You have a hard time understanding that then you should not be on the computer. You should be staring at toy blocks. The RRF did not leave Ridleybank, the suburb, the one that Tyler is only talking about because he's too afraid to admit he hasn't been reading a thing anyone was saying, instead the Group 0 Horde moved on and the DoHS spread out to all of Central Malton. Central Malton is 4 suburbs for 200 zombies spread out over 4 suburbs. Do they fucking math. 200 over 4 suburbs is less per suburb than 200 over 1. They did not leave Ridleybank, instead they spread out to other suburbs too. Spreading out does not mean leaving one, that is moving. Not like this matters because Tyler won't read it. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 04:27, 1 September 2006 (BST)
So, I just did the math. 200/4 = 50 per suburb. So then, there were about 50 zombies left in Ridleybank, and about 150 of them had gone to other suburbs - Barrville, Galbraith Hills, and Stanbury Village. This means 75% of them had left Ridleybank, and 25% of them remained. (The math should be clear to all... but if you don't trust my computations you can try for yourself: x/100 = 150/200 solve for x!) --Sweetirony 04:52, 1 September 2006 (BST)

I never asked that you account for the PKing. You've confused those comments with someone else. If you check the page history you'll see I only joined this (rather embarrasing for all parties involved) debate with the quote pulled from your forums -Tyler Whitney0 04:54, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Tyler, I've taken the liberty of moving this up one section; I'm trying to keep some semblance of organization on this discussion page. --Hec Scrivener 04:23, 1 September 2006 (BST)- you just interrupted my doing the same -Tyler Whitney0
The PKing was a comment to Tyler. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 04:27, 1 September 2006 (BST)

I didn't ask about the pking, (G-whoever). Somebody added it without signing. Check the page history to find out who did. I don't suppose if I asked for an apology for a perfectly understandable mistake by Sonny that there'd be any chance of getting it (and elevating the tone of the page a little)? -Tyler Whitney0 23:35, September 1 2006 (EST)

Yeah, I really don't think that cussing should play a part of this whole can lambaste your enemies all you want, but Cussing just makes people look less intelligent that they really are. PadreRomero 21:49, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Actual discussion of the page

Moved the Padre's History Lesson section to a place where it seemed to make more sense, and tweaked the formatting a bit. --Hec Scrivener 04:09, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Thank you Hec...I'm gonna get amber to muster up some more bible quotes soon.. anyone else got some suggestions as to what we can throw on here? PadreRomero 04:55, 1 September 2006 (BST)

No ideas off the top. But I was thinking: should it be called "History Lesson" or something like "Recommended Reading?" --Hec Scrivener 05:37, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Not a bad idea actually, I'll change it up. PadreRomero 06:20, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Being obsessive compulsive, I have reorganized the list of groups. It is now arranged first in order of how many people from that group we have, then in alphabetical order. Except the NMC is still all at the top. --Sweetirony 09:08, 1 September 2006 (BST)

We might think about adding the Battle of Bastogne to the recomended reading list. It's kind of a cliche, I know. The fact that they were holding out in hopes of rescue might encourage a similar rush of survivors to our fortress (which seems to be underway in any case. Another idea might be Waterloo, as the British hold the line (particularly one farmhouse) against tens of thousands of French for days as they wait for the Prussians to arrive. Here's a link to a wiki article about the farmhouse in question [1] Tyler Whitney0 14:40, 1 September 2006 (BST)

I will do that and some good bible passages later today...The RRF wanted classy people, They seem to think that we've become a bunch of bots, blunderers, and buffoons...I say we prove them wrong! PadreRomero 16:48, 1 September 2006 (BST)

It's beginning to seem to me that they write off anyone who defeats them as bots or zergs or griefers. Before things get too out of hand, I should say that I took off when there were 30 of us in Blackmore and went on a little mall tour, spreading the word of Glorious Battle. That's where the other 80 people probably came from. Ron Burgundy 17:04, 1 September 2006 (BST)
The only problem I have with the current Ridley invasion, as in dirty tactics, is Al Duck with his two accounts in Ridleybank. But apparently you spoke to him about it and he stopped. So there is no problem now. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 18:19, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Uhh... thanks for correcting that, Hec. Haha... I think I need to get more sleep. --Sweetirony 23:26, 1 September 2006 (BST)

I have thrown in a little something to explain the ace...PadreRomero 23:57, 1 September 2006 (BST)

Ok, wtf is the deal with Susan Lucci? I mean, I love it. It's just enough to prove we're crazy. But seriously, wtf??!! Tyler Whitney0 02:10, 2 September 2006 (BST)

Also I vote we start considering bands/songs for an unofficial BBB soundtrack. So the kids at home can sing along with the sounds of shotgun blasts and furniture stacking. I nominate The Ramones. Tyler Whitney0 05:15, 2 September 2006 (BST)

The Ramones were more anarchy. They wouldn't hide behind barricades. They'd be trashing schools and running around Police stations causing mischief. I'd suggest listening to some emo music. Nothing like secluding yourself in a building while listening to emo music. --Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS DORIS Hunt! 05:18, 2 September 2006 (BST)
Now, Sonny, we're hardly secluded. Go into most any building in Ridleybank and you'll find - oh, wait, you can't, they're barricaded. While your minions bang their collective heads against a pile of office furniture, we come and go as we please. --Hec Scrivener 05:45, 2 September 2006 (BST)
Yeah, secluding ourselves would be lingering in Caiger. Entering Ridleybank at all is an act of aggressive, drunken insanity. And for the love of all the gods, I will not tolerate any whiney emo in the midst of our most glorious push into ridleybank. Seriously, what's some other music we should be listening to for this battle. Zombie-biased choices too. With an emphasis on rocking out... Tyler Whitney0 06:03, 2 September 2006 (BST)
The Padre's Urbandead playlist is currently: Living Dead Girl, Don't Fear the Reaper, Moonshadow, Cold Cold Night, Zombie Nation, Can't Stop me now, Reqium. I again mention that I have a recording of one of the trumpeters of the Light brigade playing the charge he played on that fateful day, on the same's touching.PadreRomero 06:05, 2 September 2006 (BST)
You should also put in there "Mary Jane's Last Dance" by Tom Petty just for the video. Colonel Hannibal Smith, 3 September 2006

I love everything on the page, but it might be getting a little long. I'm thinking we might compress the list of represented groups into a block format, and possibly move the "Here's Why" stories to their own page - Blackmore Bastard Brigade/Stories, or something. --Hec Scrivener 05:45, 2 September 2006 (BST)

It's a grand and informative page. I like the stories section idea. Does anyone have screenshots of a necronet scan from the first week ? Sir Fred of Etruria 06:31, 2 September 2006 (BST)

Aw, but my list of groups looks so damn hott! Ok, I think you're right... but I'm not going to do it, as it's way past my bedtime now. --Sweetirony 14:16, 2 September 2006 (BST)

Ron Burgundy quoted anchorman's A Japaniese families Rec room, not a chiniese families rec room...then again, i'm sure you've woken (wok..haha) up in a lot of recrooms.PadreRomero 17:07, 2 September 2006 (BST)

There are several versions of it, I think. A lot of the absurd one line things in the movie change from cut to cut. Either that or I'm just insane.  :/ Ron Burgundy 16:58, 3 September 2006 (BST)
In the unedited version, it is changed to "I Sh** a squirrel" which is, in all honesty, not remotely as funny, similarly, brick does not say "I ate a big red candle" which is, in my opinion, the best line in the movie. I actually like the "Clean" version of this better, which is something I don't say often. You're right though, there is no "Definitive" version of Anchorman, much like the bible, it has apocrypha (wake up, Ron Burgundy!) and you just have to take what you think is best on faith PadreRomero 17:27, 3 September 2006 (BST)

This actually pertains to the Ridleybank page, but I figured it'd get more attention from the people who should see it here. It strikes me that the Angels, among other groups, are only in Ridleybank in their capacity as Blackmore Bastards. That in mind, having both the Angels and the Bastards under "active groups" in Ridleybank seems somewhat misleading. Therefore, I'm removing the Angels from that list, and I urge everyone whose groups are listed in a similar capacity there to do the same. --Hec Scrivener 07:37, 5 September 2006 (BST)

I tried to shorten down the groups list section by dividing it into official and unofficial groups. I counted a group as official if they are using the template, I talked to them on their forum, or they talked to us on our forum. If anyone thinks any of the other groups belong on the official list, go ahead and move them. --Sweetirony 11:51, 5 September 2006 (BST)

Should we post something on this page pertaining to the Colossus...I think it would be a good idea to run a recruiting program for the bastards out there without factions to call their father. It would be a good way for some of the NMC factions to gain some more members PadreRomero 23:57, 5 September 2006 (BST)

I rearranged the groups page. I divided them 1)NMC - the groups of the NMC who has members in the BBB, 2) Official Groups - groups who have either added the BBB badge to their wikipage or have a member who's posted on the BBB forum, and 3) Participating Groups - groups whose members have been spotting operating in and around the Blackmore Building. I changed the criteria for Official Groups because I figured that if they went to all the trouble to posting on the forum they should be singled out for it whether they wear the badge or not. This does mean, however, we'll have to go through the posts of the forum to find who has posted. I also moved the ballad at the bottom of the page so that more important information would be higher up and thus more likely to be read. I also added a third badge to the page inspired by a recent tag spraypainted outside the building. --Colonel Hannibal Smith 6 September 2006
It's certainly okay to mention the Colossus for our role in the BBB's formation, but this is not an NMC project anymore, Padre, but a work of all survivors, and I think recruiting on the BBB page might give the wrong idea on that front. The Bastards are certainly aware of the Colossus - they use our forum, after all - and if they're interested in joining, they know we're always open. This just isn't the place for recruitment. --Hec Scrivener 07:47, 6 September 2006 (BST)
Uhh Colonel... that's the same criteria as before. I counted as official any group who EITHER is using the template OR talked to us on the forum OR I talked to them on their forum. But I like all the changes! --Sweetirony 08:38, 6 September 2006 (BST)

I forgot to mention this earlier. I put in references to Greater Blackmore and explained how the BBB is trying to annex more blocks into Greater Blackmore, which is the name we've given to the territory we've secured around Blackmore. --Colonel Hannibal Smith 6 September 2006

Hah! Asterix the Gaul. Good call. --Hec Scrivener 03:09, 7 September 2006 (BST)

Thanks Hec! And here I thought I'd get flamed for suggesting something French. --Sweetirony 05:04, 7 September 2006 (BST)
No, See, back then, they were's only recently that they dissippoint me. I still have a few of yours, Hec PadreRomero 16:36, 7 September 2006 (BST)
They weren't even French; they were Celts. The modern French are descended (generally; over the course of a couple millennia there's bound to be a little mixing) from the Franks who crossed over into Gaul from Germany after the Fall. The Scots, Irish, Welsh, and Bretons are the major Celtic "ethnicities" still extant in Europe, all of whom are more or less totally badass. Speaking of Scots, how's about a little William Wallace? "Scots, wha' hae wi' Wallace bled..." --Hec Scrivener 22:31, 7 September 2006 (BST)
Yeah, I meant because the comic itself is French. You know what makes the Celts extra cool? They were wearing pants when everyone else was still running around in skirts. William Wallace!! Add it!! --Sweetirony 23:09, 7 September 2006 (BST)
...and when everyone else caught on to the whole "pants" thing, the Celts switched back to kilts. You just can't keep up with them! And Uderzo is a Polish Jew, and Goscinny is of Italian extraction, if I recall correctly. So they're not really French. --Hec Scrivener 05:41, 8 September 2006 (BST)
These Celts are crazy.. Jarper 10:21, 8 September 2006 (BST)

That third badge you guys have about three papas is just... unbelievable. Awesome. :D Ron Burgundy 04:43, 7 September 2006 (BST)

I still die laughing every time I read it. Luckily jarper is quick with the comedy revives. --Sweetirony 05:04, 7 September 2006 (BST)

Could somebody move the barricade run schedule to a separate page? It's wicked long as it is and there isn't much new information provided. Yeah, and I'm beginning to get a vibe like maybe we should add the Tet Offensive to our little list of recommended reading (with the Bastards as the Viet Cong). Same sort of deal of a sudden invasion of even the most protected locations far into enemy territory. Today's proclamation of the RRF's adoption of death culting, the disruption of their leadership, and forcing the return of hundreds of RRF from the Big Bash points to this as a major political victory. That's even if the Blackmore fell within the next hour. Very reminiscent of the Tet Offensive. Tyler Whitney0 02:00, 8 September 2006 (BST)

Now it's here. Ron Burgundy 07:37, 14 September 2006 (BST)

Still grand work on the page Hec very entertaining arguments which show the fires from which we were forged. The QSG is actually based out of the nearest library to the south of the blackmore now, my fellow literates would appreciate a visit from one of your fellow Angels (they're feeling low, the Quartly library was in Rotwood.) Sir Fred of Etruria 06:31, 13 September 2006 (BST) BTW official groups are supposed to have the badge on their grouppage heh... wear it with honor !

Know Enemies

Red Rum: I object! ....these suits aren't cheap...they cost most of our victims an arm and a leg! --Sirens 06:58, 19 September 2006 (BST)

Clever, we may have put our foot in our mouth, but you've got to hand it to us...we're classier, by a hair. PadreRomero 14:14, 19 September 2006 (BST)
Just curious, what kind of hair would that be? :) Squidward 10:11, 23 September 2006 (BST)
Perfect hair...

New allies

I may have left the DHPD, But I'm still ready to kick some zombie ass! I'll be in the hood to help you all fight off the zeds! Lt Potter 8:35 PM October 12, 2006

This is Sgt. John Taggart of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Those of us who are still alive following the fall of Caiger will try to make our way over to Greater Blackmore and join you in Glorious Battle against the undead. --Sgt. John TaggartUNIT 11/5 WCDZ TJ! 02:11, 22 November 2006 (UTC)

Don't know if you guys noticed

But the numbers for the BBB on the stats page are actually still rising! The Blackmore veterans should be looking for a way to utilize this brigade of badasses. Tyler Whitney0 13:53, 16 October 2006 (BST)

I'll be damned... That is pretty insane, given that their reason for existance was obliterated. A thought - the BBB could hunt the Shacknews zombies --OmegaPaladin 06:37, 18 October 2006 (BST)

Radio frequency

27.04 is already the Channel 4 news team radio frequency so umm... pick something else mmm'kay?

Has it Ended?

What's the latest news?

The James Earl Jones Awards

JEJ.jpg JEJ Nomination
The Blackmore Bastard Brigade has been nominated to win the Best Multi-Group Alliance Award.


The Bastard tie with the Quartly Study Group as having the highest average level in the game. Truly the toughest, most seasoned survivors around... Tyler Whitney0 00:07, 21 June 2007 (BST)


I just saw one of your members in ridleybank, today! BoboTalkClown 04:28, 30 December 2007 (UTC)