Talk:Clubbed to Death

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Headlines and Deadlines



Sunday 18th April While gorging ourselves on tasty if tiny brains (see below), the Malton Rangers and Army Control Corps capture Blesley (for the time being); even Club Simpson is lit up. The Clubbers get back to basics in order to reclaim our tribal stamping- and chomping-ground.

Saturday 17th April web0, Colonel Al and some Haitian doctor made for a tasty three-course meal at the Pledger Hotel, which surely deserves a Michelin star for this buffet of brains. If only it weren't ruined!

Friday 16th April Another busy week for the Clubbers, this time eliminating the Stendhal Pantywad Brigade from the Brain Arms. Old favourite web0 was among those celebrating our victory, as we toasted our success with brain fluids drunk straight from his cranial pan.

Friday 9th April Clubbed to Death celebrates the anniversary of the capture of Blesley Mall, which robbed the hapless Blesley sheeple of their home, and denied the Mall Tour '09 and its hangers-on its share of the brainfest. This is one mall you didn't get your rotten hands on, Tourists - we got there first!

Thursday 8th April Creek NT returns to CTD control, completing our Gulsonside hat-trick of NecroTech facilities.

Death March

March saw control of Gulsonside and western Osmondville see-saw between CTD and various survivor groups, with the month ending on a high note: the mall and its three surrounding NTs were all in undead hands. Survivor actions as the month drew to a close appeared uncoordinated, with a handful of experienced humans accompanied by swarms of hapless newcomers.


Thursday 25th February: after nearly a year, breathers claimed the entirety of Blesley Mall from the Clubbers, restoring all four corners to a hideous state of cleanliness and orderliness. Despite bringing allies from at least three human factions - Knights Templar, FANNY and Serious Ponies - the Clubbed to Death mini-horde quickly broke in and held the SE corner against all comers. The mass infections and anti-industrial actions taken by our members ensured a rapid evacuation of the mall and its restoration to ruination within a few days of the outrageous intrusion.

Friday 5th February: many buildings in Gulsonside have now been marred by the addition of unsightly barricades, including a laughable number all the way to EHB (not to mention garish lighting caused by foul-smelling generators), but the Gulsonside Heritage Society wing of CTD has preserved Blesley Mall and the local NTs in their state of glorious ruination. It has been noted that the uppity influx of nouveaux breathers is relying heavily on level 1 throwaways as meatshields.


Saturday 30th January: Clubbed to Death has refocussed its efforts on our core business of running and ruining Blesley Mall and its nearby NTs and clubs in Gulsonside and Osmondville, although with the Recession we have withdrawn our representatives from other outlying suburbs.

Friday 15th January: well, it finally happened: coordinated strikes by The Fortress and other pompous pretenders to Ghoulsonside have resulted in Blesley Mall and the Perryn Building NT being repaired and caded by breathers after 9 months' glorious occupation by undead party-goers. Efforts are now underway to restore disorder to the shopping precinct and to prevent the unwanted post-Christmas gift of life being distributed with those horrid NecroTech needles.

Friday 1st January: Clubbed to Death ushers in the New Year with the news that all four Clubber burbs are officially ghost towns - Gulsonside, Osmondville, Scarletwood and Pennville are officially all-but devoid of life! The screenshot of the SE burbs on 1/1/10 is preserved below for posterity:

Happy New Year, breathers!


Season's Eatings to all our Victims!


Saturday 19th December: Scarletwood is briefly declared a Ghost Town, thanks in part to CTD's efforts to protect a salty buffer zone around our Gulsonside homeland; however, Hermann Munster's subsequent investigation reveals that several buildings in northeast Scarletwood are horribly repaired and barricaded, including the Tompson Building NecroTech office. This oversight is to be rectified in short order.

Welcome to Clubberswood! Population: 0

Thursday 10th December: in a sign of CTD's growing notoriety, graffiti is spotted as far away from our club heartland as East Boundwood, viz. "Group, Clubbed To Death, Zed Group, KOS". Praise indeed! Meanwhile, CTD efforts have extended southwards into Pennville, Scarletwood and Fryerbank in search of fresh brains.

Thursday 3rd December: with the help of a Clubbed to Death special operative, the Rothwell Building in Penny Heights is added to the east-west Axis of Ruination, eliminating the last needle supply source in Penny Heights and creating a barrier of lifelessness across southeastern Malton.

Wednesday 2nd December becomes a grey-letter day in Clubbed to Death's history, as Osmondville is declared a Ghost Town for the first time under CTD's occupation. Plans are already underfoot to extend the Axis of Ruination, by denying needles to the mouth-breathing denizens of a classified suburb.

Monday 30th November: Gulsonside receives the coveted Ghost Town award for the second time while under Clubbed to Death management, reflecting the endeavours of the Clubbers in denying all 3 local NTs to the local breathers. A spokeszombie commented, "Now we want to achieve the same level of customer disservice in Osmondville: first we want to paint O'ville red, then watch it fade to grey as the flow of needles remains utterly dry."

Sunday 22nd November: pioneer zedcee extends the dead hand of CTD friendship to Penny Heights, occupying the Craddy Building and extending the Clubbers' salty domain of death to its easternmost point to date.

A land-grabbing corporate zombie

Sunday 15 November 2009: after days of heavy fighting, the iconic Doveton Towers falls to determined zombie attack by elements of Clubbed to Death's elite OstFront mob. Blissful silence falls across Osmondville as mobile phone chat is brought to a halt, and the inane radio spam of 28.01 is reduced to sparks and static. Fillmore West had the honour of delivering the coup de grace to the tower - and the pretentious African painting in the lobby is no more. A breather's attempt to reclaim Axtence is swiftly snuffed out.

On the northern front, Clinch Way Police Department in southern Crowbank is breached by Clubbed to Death's canine patrol unit, Rotting Snoopy.

Sunday 8 November 2009: Clubbed to Death celebrates the acquisition of its fifth NT building, as The Creek Building is added to the Clubbers' portfolio of former revivification centres. As well as holding 5 NT Buildings, the Clubbers continue to own Blesley Mall, the surrounding clubs, and St Polycarp's Hospital, making them the undead equivalent of Donald Trump, but with better hair.

Monday 2 November 2009: Clubbed to Death becomes a member of the Salt The Land Alliance, and turns its activities from leisure-related venues to NT buildings. The Perryn Building, Wetherall Building, The Axtence Building and The Doubting Building NTs are immediately placed under Clubbed to Death management. This creates a diamond-shaped Salty Zone of Death around Blesley Mall and the nearby clubs which form the Clubbers' heartland.


The (Re-)Taking of Gulsonside 1-2-3

Keigo Oyamada, Siege of the Brain Arms

Keigo Oyamada said " fucking pieces of rotten meat!... I hate them!"

Come back soon K.O., we like Japanese food!

Gordon Mullis

"Guys, I'm going to give up on the Creek... We have to coordinate our efforts at the same time. ... There's no use in killing a couple of zeds and then losing the building again."

That's the spirit, Gordon! Give up now and beat the rush.


"I hate u guys go back to ur fucking MALL".

Yes, we do indeed OWN the mall! Thank you for playing, Kelenvor. Your panty-wadded whining is music to our dead ears.

Blesley Mall Siege, February 2010


"To All you Zeds here, I UTU UNCONDITIONALLY WITHDRAW [from Blesley Mall] AND APOLOGISE TO YOU ALL. With utmost respect, your actions and deeds make you the most worthy left-alone players. I admire your courage and sense of our good game. BEST of luck for the future guys - You all are honourable in my mind."

Colonel Al salutes his worthy adversaries!

You've kept Gulsonside interesting. Thanks a bunch! Asheets 16:40, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

In return, may I say your brains are among the tastiest we've had the pleasure of munching on since infesting this suburb.
Please note that we don't mind being ousted from Blesley Mall (temporarily of course) by quality opposition, but we hope you will join us in getting the zergers out of the area - the '63 guy' (dexter63, pepsi63, rarebreed, chipper63...), Jordax19800/jordaxcz..., and cinerary1/cineraryone. Here's to a fair fight, and may the best zombie win!--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 13:04, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

The Fortress: October 2009


"Thanks to CTD for being a great opponent. We'll move on eventually as we tend to get bored if we stay in one place for too long but don't worry I'll be sure to bring the team back for a visit next time we're round these parts."


Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Nothing to be done! 18:47, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

Active! --Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 16:45, 30 January 2010 (UTC)