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Roverprsoner.jpg I AM NOT A NUMBER

Scouteric: Wulves

Joined: 2009-07-30 17:42:15
Character class: Military: Scout
Favorite equipment: Binochs, Knife and Needle
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: "Oh I, Oh, I'm still alive"-Pearl Jam
Character group: Wulves
Character stats: Level 40: 11 Revives, 9 Saves, 19 TKOs, 13 Deaths
Journal: No journal for scouteric

scouteric DSS Satellite Phone NUMBER 884-1843

Wolf3.jpg Wulves
Scouteric is a member of the Wulves group.


On Self-Pity: "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."-D.H. Lawrence

2ndcompany.JPG Wulves/2nd Company

Wulves/Second Company

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it."-Bruce Lee

Sgt Erikson: Independent-looking for a group

Sgt Erikson
Joined: 2009-09-01 18:25:21
Character class: Military: Soldier
Favorite equipment: Pistol, Shotgun, Knife
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: "Oh I, Oh, I'm still alive"-Pearl Jam
Character group: Independent Free Agent
Character stats: Level 35
Journal: No journal for Sgt Erikson

Sgt Erikson DSS Satellite Phone NUMBER 886-8328 Formerly taken in by the Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol, Sgt Erikson has moved on and is looking for a new group to join but will always be a staunch supporter of his friends in the Vigilantes. As a soldier stationed at army base when the quarantine laws came into effect, you've been sent in on a general reconnaissance and patrol mission. You've been airdropped into the suburb of Rolt Heights, with orders to cooperate with other military personnel to protect any surviving civilians in the area. A former Army small arms specialist, Sgt Erikson carries the Walther/S&W Polymer based .45 cal with only six rounds in the seven round magazine because according to him: " You save wear on the clips and prevent a stovepipe type jam. Hell, the .45 APC stops Ol'Uncle Zed in his tracks, so there is plenty of time to reload...unless the Zeds start learning to shoot THAT would really be a problem!!!

Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: [as Herger offers a mead horn] I can taste neither the fermentation of grape, nor of wheat. [Herger laughs] Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: What? Why do you laugh? Herger the Joyous: [laughing, and handing over the bottle] HONEY! It's made from honey!

[Ahmahd is given a Viking sword] Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: I cannot lift this. Herger the Joyous: Grow stronger.


Ed Zeplin: Earletown Rangers

Ed Zeplin
Joined: 2009-10-10 20:43:02
Character class: Civilian Firefighter
Favorite equipment: Toolbox, Axe and Needle
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Earletown Rangers
Character stats: Level 22: Platoon 1st Sargent, 24 Revives,
Journal: No journal for Ed Zeplin

Ed Zeplin DSS Satellite Phone NUMBER 884-4022

EarletownRangers sm.png Earletown Rangers
A fearless and dedicated platoon soldier attached to the Earletown Rangers. During the chaos of the quarantine, a number of fires had broken out in the city - you and the other members of your crew were working around the clock in Pitneybank to control the situation. You were due to take one of the final evacuation trucks out of the city, but it never reached Boxall Road Fire Station, and you've been holed up here ever since. A Firefighter turned citizen soldier inspired by the stories of the Athenian General Miltiades, the Byzantine General Belisarius and the American General John Buford. After serving as a free lance Medic at Fort Creedy, Ed was lucky enough to hire on as a recruit with a new group called the Earletown Rangers. Ed has now earned the rank Sargent 1st Class. He functions as Platoon Sargent/Combat Medic.

A Black Knight: Edmund General United

A Black Knight
Joined: 2009-12-28 17:08:39
Character class: Civilian Police Officer
Favorite equipment: First Aide Kit("Tis but a scratch"), Axe, Knife, Pointed Sticks
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: "Only a flesh wound...I've had worst"
Character group: Edmund General United (Orderly of Very Slight Wounds)
Character stats: Level 16
Journal: No journal for A Black Knight

A Black Knight

You're a police officer from the Haddock Road Police Department in the Grigg Heights area, and were drafted in along with the rest of your unit to help with the military-led evacuation of the city. You've remained stationed here since the quarantine came into effect, helping defend the building from outside forces and patrolling the surrounding streets.

Tall, rangey chap who had a nasty bump on the head and now believes he is in a Monty Python movie-can often be found on bridges standing as pictured above, hands on his homemade Claymore shouting-"None shall pass", "It's only a flesh wound" and "I move...for no man!" He is quite daft but the kind Doctors at Edmund General United have found useful employ for him as an Orderly and Medic of Very Slight Wounds.

Avatar24731 2.jpg


reg dunlop: Sudden Death: Malton's New Professional Hockey Team!

Reg dunlop.jpg

The SD's new Alternate Captain Reg Dunlop, acquired from the Charlestown Chiefs, shown here in his Player/Coach days in the Federal League.

reg dunlop

Note: Still determining if this project conflicts with other alts-may have to be cancelled dependent on location of Rangers Alt.

NecroWatch Badges

ForScience.gif Belisarius17's Ribbons
NecroTechnician - Rank 1

The Strategicon and Tactica!


Am I allowed to play multiple characters? You are, provided that they lead completely separate existences within the game - your characters should not collaborate, nor share (or stand outside) the same building. Multiple characters found to be working together in a suspicious fashion will be automatically flagged, penalised or even banned permanently by the system. If you're running a few characters, it's best to make sure that they stay in separate suburbs. Funny!!!-Runs through builds going "Buuuuuuzzzzz"!

Template created by Tohrurokuno 8 Jan 08 Proud Sponsor of Urban Dead!
This user or group decided to stop being a cheapskate and donated to Urban Dead. So what's your excuse?
Carlin.jpg This User Mourns for Carlin
" 'Older' sounds a little better than 'old,' doesn't it? Sounds like it might even last a little longer. ... I'm getting old. And it's OK. Because thanks to our fear of death in this country I won't have to die - I'll 'pass away.' Or I'll 'expire,' like a magazine subscription. If it happens in the hospital they'll call it a 'terminal episode.' The insurance company will refer to it as 'negative patient care outcome.' And if it's the result of malpractice they'll say it was a 'therapeutic misadventure.' "


Fs p3 test1.jpgMagnum2.gif EAA45 pistol left.jpg

Colonials.png FREEDOM
This user is an American Revolutionary
Cash.gif UrbanDead Sponsor!
This user and/or group has contributed to the UrbanDead Beer Fund .
Beer.jpg The Blessed Day of Beer
This user or group is attending Biertag and should not be held accountable for his/her actions on the night of July 8th.
Viking1.jpg Belisarius17 is a Viking
They kick Pirate and Ninja ass with ease (all together or one at a time)
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Crom.jpg CROM!
This user knows what is best in life.
Scout.JPG Scout
This user is a scout and is probably off locating zombie concentrations.
Stspringfieldxd061206akn8.jpg Two Pistols
Every character Belisarius17 has, carries two or more pistols at all times.
Spartacus.jpg I'm Spartacus
Belisarius17 claims to be Spartacus.
Flaggyflag.jpg Rank Patch
Belisarius is ranked Wulves Liasion in The Survivor's Republic.

M24.jpg Scout/Sniper
This User is capable of a 1000yd HeadShot


Well, I went home with the waitress

The way I always do

How was I to know

She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana I took a little risk

Send lawyers, guns and money Dad, get me out of this --Warren Zevon

Warren Zevon template

"Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms." (Groucho Marx)

Armies learn only from defeat. That explains why an army which has been victorious in one war so often loses the next (Liddell Hart)

"A few honest men are better than numbers." (Oliver Cromwell)

"The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth." (Stonewall Jackson)

"He who defends everything, defends nothing." (Fredrick The Great)

"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting." (Sun Tzu)

"Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated" (Sun Tzu)

"All war is deception" (Sun tzu)

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." (Napoleon Bonaparte)

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open." (Sir James Dewar)

"Fighter pilots rove in the area allotted to them in any way they like, and when they spot an enemy they attack and shoot them down…. Everything else is rubbish." (Baron von Ricthofen)

"New weapons require new tactics. Never put new wine into old bottles." (Guderian)

"My centre gives way, my right is pushed back, situation excellent, I am attacking." (Foch)