Malton War Crimes Trial
The Malton War Crimes Trial
The Malton War Crimes Trial is a trial to convict Zombies and Player Killers of War Crimes and Mass Genocide.
In the most extreme cases, a lone murderer or group of murderers can devastate any given user or group in Urban Dead and even the associated Wiki.
Below you will find a space in which you may report Zombies and PKers. This should be used only in cases where the killing is ongoing and attempts at stopping it have failed. In other words, getting shot a couple times is not worthy of a report. Being killed many times with the promise of more to come without end is worthy of a report.
This is not a PKer list. This is a page on which users may report those who are willfully destroying life for another user or group.
Reasons you may make a report:
- A user targets you excessively.(IE: Discrimination against a side. Zombie vs. Human. Human vs. Human.)
- A user creates a group for the purpose of damaging you or your group.
- A user massacres you and everyone in your group.
- A user makes any large-scale effort spanning a long time-period with the sole intent of murdering you or your group.
List of crimes:
- Mass Genocide - Killing a whole group or a large portion of it.
- Use of Illegal Weapons - Using illegal weapons against others. (IE: Shotgun against a fellow survivor)
- Serial Killer - Targeting certain people and killing them.
- Dictator - Taking full military, political, economical, media, and social control of a suburb.
- Crimes Against Humanity - Murdering Civilians.
- Targeting Neutral Parties - Murdering Scientists.
- Executing Wounded Soldiers - Murdering wounded soldiers instead of taking prisoners. (IE: Those with less than 50 or 60 HP)
- Invading - Invading buildings and adding it to territories.
- Massacres - Massacring a large amount (3+) of enemy soldiers in one attack.
- Coercion - Coercing others to commit criminal acts.
- Kidnapping - Forcefully removing someone from their house or building.
- Treason against Humanity - A Survivor Helping Zombies Kill/Harm other Survivors in anyway.
Italicized crimes above are limited only to Leaders of Zombie or PKer groups.
The spirit of this trial is to convict those War Crimes and Mass Genocide in Urban Dead. All those on this list are to be targeted with extreme prejudice.
Any established group with more than 3 members or a long-standing history may choose to elect one member of their group to serve as a Judge. Once a representitive is chosen in whatever manner said group may choose, the name of that representitive may be added below in alphapetical order.
Judges will, in effect, decide if an accused party is guilty of War Crimes.
If you are supported by your group, and that group contains more than 10 members, you may add your name to the Judges list below.
Current Listing
Judges Accountability
The goal of this page is to convict and prevent war criminals. As such, abusing this system itself will not be tolerated. Every Judge should adhere to the guidelines and spirit of this system.
The Judge presiding over the case will choose if the accused party is guilty or not. After a decision is made said party will either be listed as a War Criminal or will be acquitted.
Judges are similar to Wiki Arbitors in the way they make decisions on cases.
Any established group with more than 3 members or a long-standing history may choose to elect one member of their group to serve as the Prosecutor. Once a representitive is chosen in whatever manner said group may choose, the name of that representitive may be added below.
There can be up to three Prosecutors. The Prosecutor will, in effect, provide evidence against the accused party and try to get said party convicted for War Crimes.
If you are supported by your group, and that group contains more than 3 members, you may add your name to the Prosecutor list below.
- Example:
Current Listing
Prosecutor Accountability
The goal of this page is to convict and prevent war criminals. As such, abusing this system itself will not be tolerated. The Prosecutor should adhere to the guidelines and spirit of this system.
The Prosecutor will provide evidence against the accused party and try to get said party convicted for War Crimes. Evidence is usually in the manner of names, optional screenshots, quotes, and anything else needed. The trial will take as long as it needs to.
War Criminals
War Criminal Submissions
Place your request below the line. Number, sign, and timestamp it. After they have been examined a Judge will move it down to the Suspected list.
No current War Criminals.
Example Submission
- Bad Guy - Man Who Cares 04:22, 13 April 2008 (BST)
- Ive been waiting for a long time to be recognized for my actions against harmanity and im not about to let a change in proceedings get me cast out as a good guy. Im the founder of the Feral Undead dammit!
- My crimes include:
- Mass Genocide
- Use of Illegal Weapons
- Serial Killer
- Dictator
- Crimes Against Humanity
- Targeting Neutral Parties.
- Executing Wounded Soldiers
- Invading
- Massacres
- Coercion
- Kidnapping
- Treason against Humanity
- ... Well fuck, thats all of them isn't it? Damn im awesome. I can provide accounts for each of those if helpful and im pleading fucking guilty so lets speed this up. Some of us have forts to lay waste to again. --Bullgod 21:59, 13 April 2008 (BST)
Cobra Guardian
- This one time, half way through being PKed, I killed my attacker, revived him, and then rekilled him. I mean, thats pretty fucked up right? About every bounty hunting group in the game thinks I'm like satan, so i figured you guys here would like a crack at me.
- My crimes include:
- Self Defence
- Being Awesome
- ... But seriously, how do you guys intend to convict people? I'm pretty sure you can't use the prisons in the game and I'm pretty sure people aren't gonna go "Wells shit, i guess since i did wrong I'll just stop playing or say sorry"... wait, what, you've only convicted 0 people?? Wow, you guys rock my pants - OFF --Cobra Guardian 11:26, 22 April 2008 (EST)
UPDATE: LOL its cool --Cobra Guardian
- As judge, I would also like to add the charge of Mulitple Personality:
accusation and added to the zerg liste |
Cobra Guardian and Cobra Guardian MkII 2 buildings apart, both have Jack Nolan as the real name, both are group freelance |
- --THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS
LOE ZHU | Яezzens 15:44, 22 April 2008 (BST)
Suspected War Criminals
- Bad Guy - Crimes Accused Of
No current Suspects.
Convicted War Criminals
No current Convicted Criminals.
War Criminal Trials
When a case has been deemed worthy to go to court a Judge must create a new subpage of the Malton War Crimes Trial page, similar to Arbitration.
Each Trial will begin with a Judge stating what the accused is being charged for. Afterwards the accused party will plead guilty or not guilty. During the trial those who accused said party will give their case and the accused party will counter it with a defence. Then each side will get the chance at a rebuttal. After all of that the Judges will either convict or acquit the accused party. If the person is found guilty then he will be put on the Convicted War Criminals list.
No current Trials.
Malton War Crimes Trial/Example Trial
- Defendant: Bad Guy
- Prosecutor: Good Guy
- Judge: Judge Mathis
- Charges: Crimes Accused Of