Peer Reviewed Suggestions

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This page is for the storage of Suggestions that have passed Peer Review and have been considered Good and Worthy Suggestions. To qualify for this page, the Suggestion must fit the following criteria:

  1. The suggestion must have 2/3 majority Keep to Kill votes (1 Spam = 1 Kill).
  2. The suggestion must have been able to be voted on for 2 weeks.

This is not the place to put new Suggestions.

The Suggestions Page is the queue for new Suggestions to be voted on and suggested.

Any Suggestions that have not been voted on will be removed from this page.


Notes for Editors

Those who are parsing Suggestions to this page should do so under the following procedure:

  1. Take the entire template and paste it into the correct sub-page, linked to from this page.
  2. Remove the entire suggest_votes field.
  3. Add the field suggest_notes=Todo..
  4. Add the field suggest_moved=~~~~~.
  5. replace "suggestion" with "psuggestions".
  6. possibly rename the suggestion (see the notes at the bottom of this section).
  7. add the title of the newly added suggestion to the list on this page.
  8. add the newly added suggestion to the Top 30 most recently added list.

The new template will look like:

===Suggestion Name===
suggest_time=Old Timestamp|
suggest_type=Original type|
suggest_scope=Original scope|
suggest_description=Original description|
suggest_notes=#/# Keep/Total. [Optional additional - see below]|
  • suggest_notes is to be used by responsible users only. Go through the votes and discussion for the particular suggestion and summarize any intelligent comments that could be used to potentially enhance the suggestion. No new comments are to be added, but original comments may be edited/paraphrased for content. New comments regarding a reviewed suggestion should go on this page's discussion page.
  • It is now common practise to rename a suggestion, if required, to make it easier to know what it is about. This allows people to easily scan through this page to see what has already been suggested, without reading the full text of a suggestion. If a suggestion is renamed, add a note (in the suggest_notes section of a suggestion) to say what it was originally called. For example, Beer/Wine Used Like FAK was originally called "Buy My Pal a Drink v2.0". (Keeping a note of the original name allows the suggestion to be tracked down in Previous Days Suggestions, so that the original votes can be read, or the identity of the author found if they've declined to sign the body of the suggestion.)

Most Recently Added

This is the list of the most recently added suggestions. To add a suggestion add it to the top of the list and remove the bottom suggestion.

This list is for suggestions made in old system, prior to May 2007. Suggestions made in new system are not listed here

  1. Gift Giving V2 (Xmas Special)
  2. Necronet Accessing Device
  3. Ditch Unloaded Guns
  4. Candles
  5. Monthly Weather
  6. Jukebox
  7. Syringe Hack (Scanning before reviving - no extra 1AP)
  8. City Map v2.0
  9. Reading A Newspaper Earns You One XP
  10. CCTV
  11. Tips about encumbrance
  12. The Malton Tower
  13. Movie Posters (and other decoration)
  14. Telescope
  15. Familiar Zeds vs. Non Familiar Zeds ("a zombie" target doesn't include those you recognised)
  16. Border flavor text
  17. Show %Encumbrance in Drop Menu
  18. Display contacts outside "list names" link
  19. Looting (Bonus for Risky Tactics)
  20. Set Up GPS

Peer Reviewed Suggestions


Buildings: Multiple Types

  • Alarm Systems
  • Auditorium Effect
  • Bloodstains
  • Church/Cathedral Changes
  • Clubs/Pubs: Selectable Music
  • Cycling Signs
  • Fences: New Rules
  • Fencing To Block Zombie Movement
  • Knives in more places
  • Look Out Window If Cades Low
  • Look Out Window Of Tall Building
  • Pathogenic Liquid
  • Pop Of Corners Of Large Buildings
  • Random Building Fire
Barricades / Doors
  • Atmospheric Barricade Rattling
  • Cade Attacks Reported
  • Cading Puts You Top Of Queue
  • Less Effective Barricades
  • Max Cades Varies by Building Type
  • No Cading Till Door Closed
  • No Cading Till Zombies Removed
  • Zerg-Flag Disallows Cading
  • Zombie Leaving Auto-Opens Door
  • Zombie Can Break Down Door

Buildings: Specific Types

  • City Hall
  • Construction Sites
  • Malton Airport
  • Malton City Park
  • Malton Court
  • The Malton Tower
  • Malton University
  • Prisons
  • Radio Stations
  • Television Stations
  • Car Park Complex
  • Cinema Management
  • Factory Production Lines
  • Hospitals: Add Knives
  • Library: Propoganda
  • Museum: Today's Exhibit
  • Pubs: Beer Production #1
  • Pubs: Beer Production #2
  • Railway Station Items
  • Schools: Add FAKs
  • Stadium Shops
  • Street Descriptions
  • Tower: Multiple Floors
  • Zoo Improvements
Armoury / Fort
  • Armoury Door Diff For Z To Open
  • Fort Body Clearance
  • Fort Flavour Text Addition
  • Fort Map Border
  • Free Runners Enter Armoury Always
  • Gatehouse: Tall Building
  • Increase Armoury Search Odds
  • See Through Armoury Walls
  • Cemetery Feeding Gives XP
  • Crypts
  • Zombies Hidden in Cemetery
  • Mall Loudspeakers
  • Mall Store Names
  • Mall Stores As Drop-Down Menu
  • Mansions: Add Knives
  • Mansions: Add Wine, Books, Shotguns
Power Stations
  • Power All Buildings
  • Power Local Suburb
  • Power Many Suburbs
  • Power Network Monitoring Board
  • Power Street Lights (& Stuff)


Class Change: Survivor & Zombie

  • Crowds Slow Movement
  • Double All HP et al
  • Impossible Actions Use 0 AP
  • Innate Class Abilities
  • Separate Zombie/Survivor Levels
  • Starting Equipment
  • Technical Gameplay Improvements
  • Increased search/attack %ages for newbies
  • Call after
  • Emotes
  • Mark Fifty Person Cutoff Point
  • Select Which Fifty
  • Talk to Nobody
  • Two Free Speeches Per Day
  • User Toggle Nearest Fifty
  • Yell: Heard Outside Building

Class Change: Survivor

  • Doctors Start With Diagnosis - Implemented
  • Fire Fighters Start With Radio - Implemented
  • Scouts Start With Binoculars - Implemented
  • Rearrange Healing Skills
  • Self-Immolation
  • Search Flavor Text
  • Search X Times v1
  • Search X Times v2
  • Zombie Reduces Search Chance

Class Change: Zombie

  • Access Usable Items As Zombie
  • Bonus XP If Kill Zombie Hunter
  • Outnumbering Survivors Attack Bonus
  • Zombie Skill Cost Reduction
  • Extra Zombie Starting Skill
  • Graveyard Spawning
  • Horde Spawning: Always
  • Horde Spawning: Sometimes
  • Tips For Newbie Zombies

Class New: Survivor & Zombie

  • Additional Advanced Classes
  • Civilian: Convict
  • Civilian: Punk
  • Military: Black Ops
  • Science: Engineer
  • Science: Nurse
  • Aberration
  • Fresh Zombie
  • NT Test Subject
  • Rotter
  • Zombie Classes


Equipment Change

  • Beer/Wine Used Like FAK
  • Drinking Creates Message
  • Getting drunk
  • Pass me a beer
  • Distant Billboards
  • Power Status and Binoculars
  • Book Flavour Text
  • Book Types (Flavour)
  • Lighting Increases Book XP Chance
  • Lighting Increases Book XP Chance In Library
  • Tips in books
  • Crucifix Placement
DNA Extractor
  • Contacts colour displayed on scanning
  • DNA Extraction Flavour
  • Random Scan After End Of Stack
  • Scan Known Bodies
  • Extra XP for Extra Healing
  • FAKs Don't Work On Zombies
  • FAK Find Rate
  • FAKs manufacture
  • Heal By Clicking On HP
  • Remove Cades From FAK Drop-Down
  • XP Reduced for Healing Zombies
Flare Gun
  • Better Searching
Flak Jacket
  • Rename Flak Jacket
  • Fuel Drums
  • Rename Generator
  • GPS Ball Of String Function
  • GPS Broadcast Location To Contacts
  • GPS Clock
  • GPS Local Necronet Access
  • GPS Mutual Contacts Location v1
  • GPS Mutual Contacts Location v2
  • GPS Necronet Uplink
  • GPS Seen By Zombies
  • Set up GPS
Lead Pipe
  • Secure Doors with Lead Pipe - Implemented
Mobile Phone
  • 0AP To Open Phone
  • Contacts Mobile Ownership Flag
  • Mobile Phone Signal Status Alert
  • Send To All: Contacts
  • Send To All: Group
  • Signal On Mast Location, Not Suburb
  • Make reading newspapers a 0 AP action
  • Newspaper Headlines 1.0
  • Newspaper Headlines 2.0
  • Newspapers Provide Outbreak Backstory
  • Reading A Newspaper Earns You One XP
  • 1AP To Tune Radio
  • Less Inventory Space for Radios
  • On/Off switch for Radio's
  • Recognize Contacts Over Radio
Radio Transmitter
  • Radio Destruction Sends Half-Message
  • Radios Only Heard Via Receivers
  • Zombies Use Radio (Fixed Channel)
Revivication Syringe
  • 15 AP Syringe Manufacture
  • Find Mk.1 Syringes As Well
  • Revival Syringe Mark 3.0
  • Revivication Text Change
  • Syringe Reworking
Spray Can
  • Amount of Paint Left
  • Colored Spraypaint
  • Wet Paint

Equipment New

  • NAD (Necronet Accessing Device)
  • Armor Piercing Bullets
  • Bullhorn
  • CCTV
  • Chunks! (Syringe Manufacture Fuel)
  • Cigarettes
  • City Map
  • City Map v2.0
  • Digital Camera
  • Ear Plugs
  • GPS Phone
  • Heart Monitor
  • Jukebox
  • Money
  • Movie Posters (and other decoration)
  • NecroTech Access Key Cards
  • Telescope
  • Watches


Malton Events
  • All-Hallow's Eve
  • Crates: Attracted By Flares
  • Crates: Attracted By Lights
  • Fire!
  • Gift Giving V2 (Xmas Special)
  • Malton's Stories
  • Monthly Weather
  • Snow
  • Undead Colossus
  • Weather
Malton Permanent
  • Better Location Descriptions
  • Day Cycle
  • Fallback
  • The Malton Wall
  • A River Runs Through It
  • Scavenger Birds
  • Subway Tunnels
  • The Underworld

Skill Change

Skill Change: Survivor

Body Building
  • Body Building Not Cross Class
  • Barricading Difficult In Empty Building
  • Construction Levels
  • Construction Required To Repair Ransack
  • Forklifts Assist Barricading
  • Notice Very Strong +2
  • Display 50 Most Wounded
Free Running
  • >=20HP Required For Free Running
Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • Vigour Mortis / Rend Flesh Affect Fist Attack
  • Headshot Different Attack 2AP
  • Remove Headshot
  • Toggle Headshot
Knife Combat
  • Knife Combat +30%
  • Knife Combat +35%
NecroNet Access
  • Cooperative Syringe Manufacture
  • Coords Shown On Necronet Map
  • Mark NecroNet User Location
  • NecroNet Map Squares Not Rectangles
  • NecroNet Shows Reviv. Bodies
  • Status of NT Buildings Within Range
Necrotech Employment
  • Distinguish Revivifying / Dead Contacts
  • DNA Scanner Improvement: # of Unscanned Zombies

Skill Change: Zombie

Brain Rot
  • Brain Rot Gives +5% Attack
  • Brain Rot Purchase Warning
  • Rotted Since
Death Rattle
  • Add "i" To Zedalphabet
  • Zombies Understand Each Other
Feeding Groan
  • Groan Explanation For Newbs
  • Groan Heard Inside Ransacked
  • Groan Louder If 20+ Survivors
  • Only Show Last 24hrs Groans
  • Timestamp Multiple Groans
Flailing Gestures
  • Flailing Gestures With Speech
  • Points To Crowds
Infectious Bite
  • Infection Related XP Gains
Memories Of Life
  • Open Door From Within
  • Remove Doors, Provide Crossover Skills
Scent Blood
  • Scent Map / Radar
Scent Death
  • Concentration of Zombies
  • Scent Death Options
  • Revived Contacts Smell Strange
  • Scent Drop-Down Menu
Scent Trail
  • Scent Trail Contacts
  • Scent Trail for Zombie Attacks
Tangling Grasp
  • Broken Grasp
  • Frightening Touch
Vigour Mortis
  • Remove Vigour Mortis

Skill New

Skill New: Survivor & Zombie

  • Adrenaline Rush/Zombie Surge
  • Dying Words
  • Elite Skills
  • Increased XP cost for Advanced Skills
  • Infection Detection Skills
  • Necrotic Symbiotes

Skill New: Survivor: Civilian

  • Barricade Watch (Witness Cade Attacks)
  • Batting Practice (+10% Bat)
  • Cell Phone Whiz (aka picture phone)
  • Communication (Choose Who To Speak To)
  • Crushing Force (+5% blunt)
  • Gossip (Get Recent Conversation)
  • Law Enforcement (Witness Attacks)
  • Maintenance (Exact Fuel In Generator)
  • Nursing (Take Revived Bodies Indoors)
  • Office Experience (Paper Graffiti)
  • Orator (Speak To Over 50)
  • Preach (Persistant Speech)
  • Signaling v1 (Flare Angle Variety)
  • Signaling v2 (Flare Angle Variety)
  • Specific Search (Search Bonus)
  • Stamina (Extra AP)
  • Texting (Message Without Mast)
  • Untroubled Sleep (Extra AP)
  • Urbanite (Location Name of Distant Events)
  • Who's Packing / "Size Up" Skill
  • Zerg-Free Trading
Body Building
  • Fireman's Carry (Bring 12AP Survivor Indoors)
  • Sprinting (0AP to Enter Street)
Radio Operation
  • Smooth Operator (Voice Recognition)
  • Stockpile
  • Looting (Bonus for Risky Tactics)
  • Graffiti Artist (Link To Profile)
  • The "Looter" Skill

Skill New: Survivor: Military

  • Combat Report (Combat Summary)
  • Command Structure
  • Military Contact (Mobiles Contact Forts)
  • Military Rank (Enter Armoury Any Cades)
  • Expert Training (Adv. Weapon Skills++)
Axe Proficiency
  • Axe Sharpening (Boosted Axes)
Free Running
  • Advanced Flare Signaling (Coloured Flares)
  • Rooftop Access (See Outside)
Hand To Hand Combat
  • Advanced Blunt Weapon Training (+10%)
  • Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat (I)
  • Berserker (+15% blunt…)
  • Blunt Combat (+30% blunt)
  • Heavy Hitter (+1 dam. blunt)
Knife Combat
  • Anatomy (Knife Boost w. First Aid)
  • Close Quarters Combat
  • Dual Wield (Boosted Knives)
  • Knife Improvements
  • Knife Throw

Skill New: Survivor: Science

  • Medical Clearance (FAK Fort Search +)
  • Network Operation (Building Fiction)
  • Autopsy (Limited Diagnose Zombie)
  • Corpse Discernment (More Corpse Details)
  • Prognosis (See Infected)
  • Triage (Drop-Down Wounded)
First Aid
  • Hospital Residency (Heal Without FAK)
Lab Experience
  • Advanced Syringe Manufacture
  • Behavioral Research (Track Zombies)
  • Dissection (More Corpse Details)
  • NecroTech Veteran (Specific NT Search)
NecroNet Access
  • Revival Selection (Random Zombie In Stack)
  • Syringe Hack (Scanning before reviving - no extra 1AP)
NecroTech Employment
  • Necrotech Beacons (Recognise Flare Firer)

Skill New: Survivor: Zombie Hunter

  • Geratology Expert (ID Rotters & Infectors)
  • Signature Weapon
  • Aimed Shot (Kill Zed at 8HP, no Headshot)
  • Both Barrels (12/15 dam. for 1AP)
  • Lock and Load (Reorganise Ammo)

Skill New: Zombie

  • Advanced Zombie Skill Trees - Mutations
  • Bloodlust (Cade Busts Store Critical Hits)
  • Competing Grasp
  • Motion Sensitivity (Spot Distant Combat)
  • Sense Prey (Limited X-Ray)
  • Splatterfest (Combat Taunts)
  • Zomdar
  • Harman Hunter (+5 AP / Kill)
  • Lurking: Zombie Lair Skill
  • Obscene Strength (+10% Bonus vs. Cades if Empty)
  • Horrific Handling Mutation
  • Zombie Ability Swap Skill
Brain Rot Tree
  • Aberrant Form (Z-Flak & Z-Body Building)
  • Cellular Necrosis (Auto-Attack On Rev)
  • Dead Flesh (Zombie Flak)
  • Preserved Ligaments (Zombie Body Building)
Lurching Gait Tree
  • Ankle Bite (Surprise Attack: 2AP Movement)
  • Lunge (Enter Square Attack +)
  • Rest in Peace (55AP)

Skill New: Zombie: Digestion Tree

  • Advanced Digestion (+10HP Temporary)
  • Bile Attack (Power Bite Ammo)
  • Consumption (Store HP for Regeneration)
  • Devour Brain (Delays Revival)
  • Piercing Bite (Tangling Teeth)
Infectious Bite
  • Advanced Infection (Heal To Max. To Cure)
  • Disorientating Venom (2AP Movement)
  • Persistent Infection (2*FAK To Cure)
  • Plague Bite (Incurable)
  • Scalable Diseases (First Aid, Surgery To Cure)
  • Viral Contagion (Infection Double Damage)
  • Cannibal Feasting (Restoring HP from killed survivor's body)

Skill New: Zombie: Memories Of Life Tree

Death Rattle
  • Death-Rattle Expansion (Add Letters D & V)
  • Memories of Malton (Locations Not Garbled)
  • Practiced Speech (Talks Normally)
Feeding Groan
  • Call Of The Dead (+1 Groan Range)
  • Call of the Horde (Groans Link To Profiles)
  • Frustrated Groan (Empty Building Groan)
  • Grisly Demise (Screams Heard Outside)
  • Inhuman Hearing (Groans Heard Indoors)
  • Moans Of the Damned (Silent To Survivors)
  • Trail Scent (Mutual Contacts Tracking)
  • Beckoning Groan (Advanced Zombie Communication)
Flailing Gesture
  • Pounding Hands (Cade Breaks Heard)
Memories Of Life
  • Blood Marks (Zombie Graffiti)
  • Blood Smearing (Zombie Graffiti)
  • Defile (Zombie Graffiti)
  • Hold the Door
  • Memories of Home (Bonus vs. Cades)
  • Well-Preserved (Survivor Disguise)
  • Memories Of Hatred (See NecroTech)
  • Rampage (+5% Bonus vs. Cades if Empty)

Skill New: Zombie: Scent Fear Tree

Scent Blood
  • Enhanced Scent (Limited X-Ray Vision)
  • Scent Infection
Scent Death
  • Scent Known Zombies (Detect Contacts)
Scent Fear
  • Scent Exhaustion (Mark Survivor <10HP)
  • Scent Life (Limited X-Ray Vision)
Scent Trail
  • Scent Prey (Track Victim)
  • Improved Scent Trail (Contact Not Required)

Skill New: Zombie: Vigour Mortis Tree

Feeding Drag
  • Feeding Frenzy
Rend Flesh
  • Disembowel (Zombie FAKs)
  • Gut Buster (Critical Hit...)
  • Ravenous Disembowelment (Critical Hit)
Tangling Grasp
  • Horde Feeding (Multiple Tangles)
  • Improved Crush (Extra Dam. On Tangle)
Vigour Mortis
  • Ravenous Hands (Victim Bleeds)
  • Slam Barricades (+5% Cade Attack)
  • Uncontainable (*2 vs. Indoor Cades)
  • Wound (Reduce Target HP Max.)
  • Zombie Smash! (Group Cade Bonus)
  • Gruesome Finish

User Interface

UI: Main Screen

  • Actions Do not Reset Attack
  • Add note to when you cannot barricade
  • Add Map Link
  • Border flavor text
  • Class Prefixes
  • Clock
  • Colorize Contacts Dropdown List
  • Display AP cost for dropping items
  • Display contacts outside "list names" link
  • Drop-Down Menu Improvement
  • Familiar Zeds vs. Non Familiar Zeds ("a zombie" target doesn't include those you recognised)
  • IP Limit Tracker
  • Map Links to Wiki Locations
  • Refresh Button
  • Statistics Page Link
  • Text Color Change
  • Time Till Next AP
  • Autodrop Useless Double Item
  • Drop the Gun, Keep the Ammo
  • Drop Items Free (No IP)
  • Drop Items: Streamlining
  • Dropping Similar Items
  • Inventory Organizer
  • Item Stacking
  • Multiple Item Drop
  • Remaining Inventory
  • Remove Things From Menus
  • Separate Items/Weapons
  • Show %Encumbrance in Drop Menu
Report: Events
  • Attack Report Includes Weapon Used - Implemented
  • Chance of Actions Not Seen
  • Color Text For Message Types
  • Flavor Text for More Actions
  • Flavour Text For Cade Smashing
  • Ignore Certain Types Of Message
  • Killed With A (Blank)
  • More "Since Your Last Turn" Events
  • Report Barricade Attacks - Implemented
  • Report Ransack - Implemented
  • Screams of the Dying
  • Sickening Thump: Suicide Report
  • Translate ID #'s to Name Links
  • Who Threw Me Out? - Implemented
Report: Location
  • Last Seen Before Lights Out
  • Mark Zombies/Bodies In Your Group
  • Record Last Action (What People Did)
  • Remove "HP" From Display
  • Shadows (Limited X-Ray Vision)
  • Show Current/Max HP
  • See Body Building mark with Diagnosis
  • Winter Season

UI: Sub Pages

  • Change Password
  • Deleting Characters
  • Event Log
  • Graphical FAQ
  • Hall of Fame
  • Tips about encumbrance
  • Tips for the Newly Revived
  • Zombie Class On Top
  • Zombie Tips
  • Colour Groups
  • Contact Categories
  • Contact Comments
  • Contact List Improvements
  • Double Contacts Limit: Donators
  • Last Seen Column
  • Mark Inactive Contacts - Implemented
  • Mutual Contact - Partly Implemented
  • Show Idle Characters
  • Zombie Contact Tweak
  • Stay Sorted
  • Default Description
  • Desc. Limit Increase For Donators
  • Edit Profile
  • Factions
  • Flag If Inactive
  • Group Links To UD Wiki
  • Hide Unused Skills
  • No. Of Kills/Revives
  • People Killed Stat
  • Previous Occupation, Hobbies etc.
  • Profile Change: Survivor Group/Zombie Group
  • Streamline Profile Text
Stats Page
  • Building Condition Stats
  • Daily Demolitions
  • Daily Suicides
  • Group Members Status
  • Kills/Revives Last Hour
  • Length of Survival Ranking
  • Mobile Calls Completed Data
  • Radio Freqeuncy Usage
  • Radio Freqeuncy Usage: Most Popular
  • Zombie / Human Kills Last 24hrs
  • Zombies With Brainrot


Weapon: New Firearm
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Flamethrower
  • MP5 Submachinegun
  • Pipe Guns
  • Submachinegun
Weapon: New Melee / Thrown
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Bricks
  • Chainsaws
  • Machete (Axe Clone)
  • Molotov Cocktails
Weapon: Interface
  • Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe
  • Reload all Weapons
  • Reloaded Weapon Selection Lock
  • Redistribute Ammunition
  • Remove Shells/Clips
  • Set Default Weapon
  • Use Emptiest Firearm First
  • Weapon Selection Lock

Implemented Suggestions

The following Suggestions, or iterations of them, have been implemented in the system.

  • Date Implemented / Date Suggested / Suggestion / Author
  • 18 Dec 2005 : 17 Nov 2005 Add Note to Barricade Weight by Squashua
  • 21 Dec 2005 : 29 Nov 2005 Show Only Number of Survivors upon Entering by Blutarski
  • 22 Dec 2005 : 02 Dec 2005 Howl by Jon Pyre
  • 19 Jan 2006 : 09 Nov 2005 NecroNet by Zaruthustra
  • 02 Feb 2006 : 27 Nov 2005 Zombie Hand Attack Accuracy Revision by KingRaptor
  • 03 Feb 2006 : 14 Nov 2005 Awareness by Jon Pyre
  • 03 Feb 2006 : 14 Jan 2006 Self-Defense by Jon Pyre
  • 28 Mar 2006 : 05 Dec 2005 Syringe Notifications by Grim s
  • 31 Mar 2006 : 13 Nov 2005 DNA extraction gives information on previously scanned zombies by Jon Pyre
  • 31 Mar 2006 : 30 Mar 2006 DNA Extraction always gives info by Rozozag
  • 29 Apr 2006 : 21 Nov 2005 Increase Search % in Powered Buildings by SCOS OJ
  • 09 May 2006 : 17 Nov 2005 Affiliation in Contacts by unknown
  • 01 Jun 2006 : 20 Nov 2005 Building Radio Communication by unknown
  • 01 Jun 2006 : 11 Jan 2006 Radios For Group Communication (Revised) by Jon Pyre
  • 03 Jun 2006 : 03 Jun 2006 Make Broadcasting Require a Skill by Jon Pyre
  • 06 Jun 2006 : 06 Jun 2006 View Radio Operator by Boxy
  • 10 Jun 2006 : 07 Jun 2006 Barricade Message Change by John Z. Delorean
  • 16 Jun 2006 : 15 Mar 2006 Yet Another Drag Bodies Idea by Hagnat
  • 16 Jun 2006 : 08 Jun 2006 Rearrange Scent Skill Tree by Grim s
  • 22 Jul 2006 : 10 Nov 2005 Extractor Knowledge by Slicer
  • 22 Jul 2006 : 24 Nov 2005 Identifying zombies allows you to select them individually by Jon Pyre
  • 22 Jul 2006 : 08 Jul 2006 Change to NecroTech Employment by Darth Sensitive
  • 23 Jul 2006 : 23 Jul 2006 Hey Kevan, I think you forgot to update Ransack's description by Krazy Monkey
  • 30 Jul 2006 : 29 Jul 2006 Rotate URL by Gage
  • 28 Aug 2006 : 29 Nov 2005 Beckon by Graaaaaaagh
  • 28 Aug 2006 : 15 Jan 2006 Binoculars (from TALL buildings.) by Amazing
  • 28 Aug 2006 : 25 Aug 2006 Turn the Knife Into a Newbie Weapon by Jon Pyre
  • 10 Sep 2006 : 12 Feb 2006 A "Hey, Being Dead Isn't Losing" Message For First Time Zombies by Jon Pyre
  • 10 Sep 2006 : 05 Jan 2006 Scanner Fix by Quasispace
  • 31 Oct 2006 : 02 Dec 2005 Lit Buildings Visible From Distance by unknown
  • 31 Oct 2006 : 15 Dec 2005 Billboards, Redux by Zaruthustra
  • 31 Oct 2006 : 12 May 2006 I've seen the light! by Dan
  • 31 Oct 2006 : 17 Jun 2006 Dump Bodies Balance Change by M-Type
  • 31 Oct 2006 : 07 Sep 2006 Just A Knife by MrAushvitz
  • 04 Nov 2006 : 16 Jan 2006 Check Availiabilty by unknown
  • 20 Nov 2006 : 14 Nov 2005 Fort Fortifications by Brasswatchman
  • 20 Nov 2006 : 15 Nov 2005 Armory - Access only from Fort by Argus Blood
  • 20 Nov 2006 : 28 Nov 2005 Fort Building Additions by KingRaptor
  • 23 Nov 2006 : 12 Jan 2006 Colored contacts display by The Fifth Horseman
  • 18 Dec 2006 : 15 Dec 2006 Christmas Tree by Canuhearmenow
  • 09 Jan 2007 : 24 Aug 2006 NT Building: DNA Scan by ERNesbitt
  • 19 Jan 2007 : 05 Feb 2006 Scent Blood Also Detects Infection by Lxndr
  • 19 Jan 2007 : 31 Jul 2006 Scent Horde (Detect Group) by BobHammero
  • 19 Jan 2007 : 12 Jul 2006 Revive Notification by Gene Splicer
  • 19 Jan 2007 : 16 Sep 2006 Drops Dead Of Infection by MrAushvitz
  • 19 Jan 2007 : 22 Dec 2006 Newspapers Provide Newbie Hints by Reaper with no name
  • 02 Feb 2007 : 09 Dec 2005 XP For Barricade Attack by Ruzkin
  • 27 Mar 2007 : 12 Mar 2007 Encumbrance Warning by Preasure
  • 20 Apr 2007 : 08 Mar 2007 Allow Survivors to Choose what they want to keep when they search by Sipex
  • 25 Apr 2007 : 31 Mar 2007 Consumer Class Starts With Random Weapon by Jon Pyre
  • 20 Apr 2007 : 16 Feb 2007 Display AP cost for dropping items by Matt Scott
  • 31 May 2007 : 27 Nov 2005 Report Barricade Attacks (barricades part) by Unknown
  • 31 May 2007 : 01 Mar 2007 Report Ransack by Swiers
  • 14 Aug 2007 : 05 Feb 2007 Power Status and Binoculars by PsychoLychee
  • 14 Aug 2007 : 23 Nov 2006 Fort Body Clearance by Funt Solo
  • 14 Aug 2007 : 23 Apr 2007 Toolkit Revision 1 by Seventythree
  • 14 Aug 2007 : 05 Nov 2006 See Zombie-Held Buildings on Map by Jon Pyre
  • 24 Aug 2007 : 03 Apr 2007 Secure Doors with Lead Pipe by John_Verdana
  • 24 Aug 2007 : 13 Apr 2006 Mark Inactive Contacts by (unknown)
  • 24 Aug 2007 : 20 Aug 2007 No Free Running into Ruined Buildings by Swiers
  • 03 Dec 2007 : 06 Feb 2007 Who threw me out? by TheDavibob
  • 23 Jan 2008 : 05 Dec 2007 Constant Pest by Swiers

Implemented Queue (To be added to the main list):

  • Consolidate drop menu
  • Diagnosis Shows Resulting HP
  • Disable Barricading until Ransacking is Repaired
  • Ransack
  • 0AP To Open Phone
  • Contacts Mobile Ownership Flag



  • AP Timer
  • Attack Name
  • Brain Rot on Stats Page
  • Broken Grasp
  • Contacts Present
  • Dual Groups
  • First Aid Kit Interface Change
  • Game Functionality: Contact Lists Sort
  • How Powers Plants Could Work
  • Inventory Management
  • Update Your Details

No Longer Relevant Due To Game Changes:

  • Advanced Knife Training
  • Contacts ... highlighted
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Make DNA Extraction Give The Player's Description
  • Mutation - Ghouls
  • Revamped Headshot XP Calculation
  • Undying
  • Clothes
  • Radios Only Heard Via Receivers
  • Repair Man