Suggestion talk:20080412 Join the Gun Club
Response to Axe's Dupe vote
Same idea, but different mechanics, different result, and different damage. And also additional stuff that happens afterwards btw, means it's not a dupe. Otherwise we'd be holding back progress of ideas because of MUCH earlier, much more badly written ideas --Tselita 17:18, 12 April 2008 (BST)
- is a partial dupe, at least. --Axe Hack Talk 17:19, 12 April 2008 (BST)
- Only as far as both of them have the same aspect of 'hit someone with a shotgun' But -everything- else is very different. It's like when you make an invention, and your invention is a notable improvement over an earlier invention, you can still get a patent on it because it's novel and different, even if the basic premise is not unique --Tselita 17:22, 12 April 2008 (BST)
=Response to Billy Club Thornton and Pgunn's identital comment about accidental use
I decided to put this on discussion in case more people said the same thing, since it's already in the suggestion itself. You can't 'accidentally' click on attack and break the gun. If you click on attack after the gun is out of ammo, it simply asks Are you sure? You may damage the shotgun. Then if you click on Attack again, it will let you do it. Just like Jumping out a window or purchasing brain rot. I hope this explains things --Tselita 17:26, 12 April 2008 (BST)
My kill vote
The game leaves a lot to the imagination of course, but I've always imagined the length of pipe to be long (maybe 6' or more) and having at least a little flexibility (so it can be jammed somewhere.) I can't imagine the shotgun serving this purpose as it would be shorter, heavier and less flexible, and with the weakness of a hinge in the middle. So it would be a lot harder to barricade with it than the pipe (which is supposed to be usable by someone with no skills after all.) --Explodey 23:49, 14 April 2008 (BST)
- I've always imagined the metal pipe to be around a shotgun's length, and not flexible at all so that you can use it to wedge it under the doorknob or whatever - if it was too flexible, then it wouldn't be a good item for barracading. A broken shotgun would be useable by someone with no skills at all as well, btw, because when the shotgun breaks, all you'd have left is basically the barrel... which is essentially just 2 long metal pipes welded together. ) Oh also, the hinge on the shotgun is generally at the base of the barrel (the 'pipe' part), where the barrel meets the forearm, exposing the breach:
--Tselita 23:56, 14 April 2008 (BST)
Original Talk:Suggestions text
Join the Gun Club, Club, Club Your Enemies!
Timestamp: | Tselita 01:26, 8 April 2008 (BST) |
Type: | Additional Weapon Use, etc. |
Scope: | Anyone and Everyone |
Description: | Okay I'm going to make another relatively short suggestion while I continue to work on my really big other shotgun suggestion. Here's the short suggestion - when your shotgun or pistol runs out of ammo, it shouldn't become useless.
The scenario - you're in a heavily barracaded building, all the resource areas around you are ruined, or maybe you're in a building and all the resource buildings are overcaded, and you run out of ammo! And gosh you don't have a melee weapon either! Whatever will you do against that zombie who's in the building with you somehow? You shot at him with all your ammo, and got them down to 4 health, dangit! You could punch him with your remaining 3 AP... but that just won't be enough, oh noes! Easy, desperate times - desperate answer. Swing the shotgun like a club or a bat. WHAP WHAP WHAPPETY WHAP! TAKE THAT ZAMBAH! Okay in plain english, what I'm suggesting is if you choose to attack someone with a shotgun, and you have no ammo in any of your shotguns, the game will let you use it like a metal pipe instead. There is, however, a 5% chance that using your shotgun in such an unorthodox way will result in breaking it, so that it can only be used as a metal pipe. But you'd have a button which asks if you're sure you want to use the shotgun in that way (to prevent finger slippage). The pistol can also be used in a similar manner, but that would be mostly for flavor, as the damage that using a pistol could do would only be 1 damage (no better than the aformentioned fist), as opposed to the shotgun club being 2 damage, though there's no chance of breaking a pistol by using it like that. They're sturdier cause they're smaller. Also it would be a funny way for a PKer to kill someone or just give a little injury *gun butt to the back of the head!* DISCUSS! |
Discussion (Join the Gun Club, Club, Club Your Enemies)
You didn't read what I said below? I admit the chance of damaging the weapon is new but 5%? big whoop. The guns in the game are NOT designed for that kind of abuse. Inventory management is VERY important. This would allow survivors to carry 3 additional FAK/clips/shotgun shells (presuming axe). The only way I can see this passing is if the chance of damage is significantly higher.--Pesatyel 03:34, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Instead of getting huffy, give me a suggestion of what the chance of damaging it should be, and I'll see what I can do to alter the suggestion. I figured 5% is low which is why I put it here first before going to Peer reviewing.... and to be honest half the time my eyes sorta glaze over when I'm reading your stuff :) --Tselita 03:59, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- 50%. Something SIGNIFICANT. If any lower, this is too much a boon to survivors.--Pesatyel 03:33, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- Hrm, I think 50% is too high. Shotguns are sturdier than that. But I do agree 5% is probably too low. What would you say to 25%? And for those who think it's a bad idea because no one wants to ruin their shotgun, it only works if the shotgun is unloaded, and before you do the option to swing it, it asks 'are you sure?' --Tselita 15:26, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- 50%. Something SIGNIFICANT. If any lower, this is too much a boon to survivors.--Pesatyel 03:33, 10 April 2008 (BST)
Very much a dupe. Well, not exactly in that form, but probably real close. Nothing wrong with it, IMO, but.. meh. Pipes suck, and empty shotguns aren't worth much. So you maybe trade a worthless weapon for another worthless weapon? Really, just carry a knife... Swiers 04:38, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Dupe from where? If it -is- a dupe that's a good reason for me not to bring it to peer reviewing. I didn't see any other examples of this suggestion though. And yes, a metal pipe is pretty useless (though if you have nothing else, it's better than a fist, hence the example scenario I gave). And then you could try to use it to loosely barracade the door :)--Tselita 05:01, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- I doubt I'd be able to find it. Likely a rejected suggestion with imbalanced stats. I remember some guy writing a whole bunch that used the shotgun skill to hit (IE, hit with possible 65%) for example. I fgured there would have to be a closer one, but I could be wrong. Still don't much see the point, Its 2% to carry a knife. If you don't budget for that, maybe you SHOULD have trouble sometimes.
Swiers 05:06, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Well it's not a dupe then. Though I still don't see why a person shouldn't be able to swing their shotgun like a club. You have to admit, my suggestion isnt imbalanced stats. It would be treated like a metal pipe for hitting, and if it breaks, it's a metal pipe for all purposes (including loosely barracading). Lessee if Iscariot finds a dupe for it - he seems to have a talent for that. :) --Tselita 05:21, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Why not just carry a fireaxe? In these modern times with many an unpowered ruined mall or PD searching for ammo is a time consuming operation.--xoxo 07:16, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Cause all the truly bad mamma jammas do this instead. You wanna be cool, you want the girls to like you? Use the shotgun as a club. Then the girls will all swoon over you. Trust me. --Tselita 07:40, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Correct me if I am wrong (I frequently am), but a Dupe can still pass peer review. A dupe vote (though people like to throw them like hand grenades) is not a strong kill... --Airborne88
T|Z.Quiz|PSS 07:24, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- I wasn't aware of that, though the last idea I had which turned out to be a dupe got a lot of Keep votes, and a lot of dupe votes, and almost no kill votes, but it still got put into dupeworld. But I believe that it's not a dupe if it does things in a new or different way. Otherwise we would be limited from doing new ideas simply because someone from a year ago made a badly designed version of a similar idea. --Tselita 07:40, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Why not just carry a fireaxe? In these modern times with many an unpowered ruined mall or PD searching for ammo is a time consuming operation.--xoxo 07:16, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- Well it's not a dupe then. Though I still don't see why a person shouldn't be able to swing their shotgun like a club. You have to admit, my suggestion isnt imbalanced stats. It would be treated like a metal pipe for hitting, and if it breaks, it's a metal pipe for all purposes (including loosely barracading). Lessee if Iscariot finds a dupe for it - he seems to have a talent for that. :) --Tselita 05:21, 8 April 2008 (BST)
- I doubt I'd be able to find it. Likely a rejected suggestion with imbalanced stats. I remember some guy writing a whole bunch that used the shotgun skill to hit (IE, hit with possible 65%) for example. I fgured there would have to be a closer one, but I could be wrong. Still don't much see the point, Its 2% to carry a knife. If you don't budget for that, maybe you SHOULD have trouble sometimes.
my comment, is no comment. keep trying. -- Jack S13 T! PC 20:14, 8 April 2008 (BST)
Iscariot hasn't found a dupe for this in several days, and I haven't seen any real suggestions which would change it beyond 'why not use a fireaxe', so I'm bringing this to vote unless there are more comments by tonight.--Tselita 17:25, 9 April 2008 (BST)
- Do I really have to go and find the dupe link? --
. <== DDR Approved Editor 17:28, 9 April 2008 (BST)
- Yes, because that's your job! If you can't find a dupe, then no dupes exist. Some people are put on earth to be police officers, some to be lawyers, or doctors, or janitors, or lumberjacks. You're a dupe-finder. Stay strong, be pruod! --Tselita 15:17, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- Found this. I know there are more, but past suggestions are a pain the ass to search.--Pesatyel 04:17, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- That suggestion is significantly different than this one - not a dupe. --Tselita 15:17, 10 April 2008 (BST)
Why not use an axe? - Grant (talk) 04:29, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- Check my answer to J3D. Because you can't be a bad mamma jamma without swinging a shotgun like a club, like some deranged lunatic. Plus it makes all the women want you. Trust me. (Basically, because it adds flavor an option if you keep firing your shotgun after it runs out of shells. --Tselita 15:19, 10 April 2008 (BST)
Suggestion has been put in voting with minor change - 20% chance of breaking shotgun instead of 5% --Tselita 06:42, 12 April 2008 (BST)