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Zombie Killer
Timestamp: | Karloth Vois RR 13:31, 5 April 2007 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombie Hunters |
Description: | Skill costing 100XP, only available after level 10.
When shooting at a group of zombies, you automatically target the zombie with the lowest health. This does not give out any profile links or anything else further reducing zombie anonymity- you're still shooting at "a zombie". It does compromise zombie anonymity slightly, and it does have a terrible name. However, it's a simple and powerful skill for those stupid enough to attack a horde. |
Keep Votes
- Author Keep - It's useful for gaining XP and clearing out a safehouse- it won't grief single zombies because they get full health as soon as they stand up, hence targeting moves to another zombie. --Karloth Vois RR 14:50, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Keep - I can't believe it either, don't worry. Oh, and Gm0n3y, get your head out from under that rock. Like hell we don't need help right now.--Labine50 MH|ME|TNT'07 06:58, 6 April 2007 (BST)
- Narrow Keep Just barely... Not my favorite idea Mattiator 21:53, 8 April 2007 (BST)
Kill Votes
- Kill - Note that for each kill, you get the last amount of damage did in XP + 10 more XP. This would grief zombies, even though they are already way too powerful. --Abi79 AB 13:52, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill - Err.... Kill the weaklings! Or why not give the zeds a slightly easier time? And mostly, the one with the lowest health is at the top. --
TheDavibob T 14:06, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill -I doubt it would hurt zombies in specific as much as it would hurt newbies in general. I'm more worried about newbies on either side. New zombies still without bodybuilding would get targetted more by survivors with headshot. New survivors would miss out on the easy kills with extra XP they need more then the level 10+ zombie hunters.--Vista 15:06, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill - those three convinced me. --Funt Solo
15:52, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill - As you said, only useful for gaining XP, but by the time you're level 10, XP isn't really a big deal. Also, humans don't need buffs. --Gm0n3y 18:37, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill - Hurts the newbies significantly. --
T 21:32, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Change - Make it an elite skill only purchasable with a full skills tree and I'm in. The Hierophant. 07:38, 06 April 2007.
- Kill - Say ouch for newbies --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 03:09, 7 April 2007 (BST)
Spam/Dupe Votes
Experience Usage
Timestamp: | Sipex 9:34am, 5 April 2007 (EST) |
Type: | Game Mechanic/Skill Add |
Scope: | High level Players |
Description: | Alright, I've put a lot of thought into this after reading many extra experience use suggestions, ones that usually get shot down because they increase search rates or other percentage chances.
What I'm suggesting that once all of the Survivor or Zombie skills are purchased that a new menu of experience purchases opens up, specific for the player type (zombies have their own stuff and survivors have theirs). Each of these purchasables will not increase your survivor or zombie level but just give you what you request. All Survivor explicit purchases require all base survivor skills to be purchased while all Zombie explicit purchases require all base zombie skills before purchasing. Shared purchases require either tree to be completed. Note: All of the experience costs below are not a basis of voting, if this were to be implemented I'm sure Kevan would choose costs that he found appropriate and not what I have here. Survivor List: Extra Speech (200xp): Gives the survivor one message of 51-100 characters which will be used automatically when the survivor speaks a message which exceeds 50 characters. Once the survivor uses their extended speech this skill will become re-purchasable for the same amount. Killed survivors retain their stored extended speech but cannot use it as a zombie. Engrave Item (1000xp): Allows the survivor to choose an item to engrave with his/her name. Any engraved items will show an asterisk next to it in a user's inventory. When an engraved item is used a message is added to look much like the following "Sipex attacked you with an engraved fire axe for 3 damage." where the word 'engraved' will be a link to the user's profile. Any engraved item that is set up will show the word engraved as so "There is an engraved radio transmitter here." where the word engraved works as previously mentioned. Engraved items that are dropped or destroyed are lost forever. Any zombie using an engraved item will not show a link to his/her profile to protect Zombie Annoymity. Can be bought multiple times for the same amount as above. Zombie List: Wail (200xp): Allows the Zombie to wail which is audible to anyone within a 1 block radius. If the Zombie is inside than only those inside will hear the wail, this applies to extended buildings too, if a zombie were to wail inside a mall, as long as the mall blocks are adjacent to the zombie all the occupants inside those blocks would hear the wail. When a wail occurs the message "You hear a high pitched wail from 1 block (n/s/e/w) (and 1 block (n/s/e/w))." Once a wail is used it may be re-purchased for the same amount above and can only be used once. If a zombie is revived/killed with a stored wail the wail is retained but cannot be used while the zombie is a survivor. Scratch (1000xp): Allows the Zombie to scratch a spray-paintable surface, no message will be left but any spray-paint which is scratched will be left un-decipherable. Has one use before it must be re-purchased for the same amount above. Any scratched surface will show something like the following "The wall is scratched and scraped making any previous messages undecipherable". Revived/Killed zombies retain their stored scratch but cannot use it as a survivor. Shared List: Add Prefix Title (1000xp): Gives the user a list of prefixes to choose from which will be added to the beginning of his/her name when seen by others and in the user's profile. This can be turned on/off for free once purchased. Must be purchased for 100xp (a lesser amount) if user wishes to change title. When a zombie the user's prefix will only be visible in his/her profile when scanned. Some examples of prefix choices are: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Sgt, Pvt, Sir, and Lady. Add Postfix Title (1000xp): Gives the user a list of postfixes to choose from which will be added to the end of his/her name in the user's profile and at times when the 'zombie hunter' postfix would appear (much like Zombie Hunter, but will allow you to choose). Can be turned on/off for free once purchased. Must be purchased for 100xp (a lesser amount) if user wishes to change title. When a zombie the user's postfix will only be visible in his/her profile when scanned. Some examples of postfix choices are: Zombie Hunter, Surgeon, Quick, Crafty, Benevolent, Strong, Resourceful, Horrid, Ragged, and Fierce. Buy 10 IP hits (1000xp): Adds 10 IP hits to the user's current IP for the day, useful if you get have alts and get that 'You only have X moves left on this address message' but you have something you'd like to complete (or you'd like to get to safety). Can be purchased once per day per IP address, extra IP hits do not transfer over to the next day. |
Keep Votes
For Votes here
- Keep - Most of these are flavor changes, and those that aren't are minor. I was a little worried about buying IP hits, since I thought zergers might abuse it. But then I looked again and noticed that it can only be used once per IP address per day. So the only way a zerger would be able to get enough XP to use this would be if they could already get around the IP limit in the first place (and therefore would have no need of it). --Reaper with no name TJ! 15:55, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Keep - Good suggestion! Love it! Prefixes may be sort-of useless, though. --Peterblue 00:28, 6 April 2007 (BST)
- Keep - Only if you add "Lord" to the Prefix, oh and decrease the cost of scratching out grafitti too, and remove the "Buy 10 IP hits" too --Lord Evans 07:27, 6 April 2007 (BST)
Kill Votes
Against Votes here.
- Kill - I liked the "spend extra rotting exp" ideas, but this isn't quite what I was looking for. Also, some zombies probably would not like the fact that they have to get brain rot to get the bonus. --Storyteller 16:25, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Re - Sorry, I did actually mean to specify that brain rot wouldn't be mandatory but got caught up in thinking up purchasables. I'll add it in if this gets good enough reception for at least a tweak & re-submit.--Sipex 11:53am, 5 April 2007 (EST)
- Kill -Problem with giving benefits for XP is that it can be too overpowered, too underpowered or is better as just a normal skill. Part of your suggestion falls under both underpowered and better as a normal skill. This is very difficult to get right.--Vista 16:35, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill Some of these don't seem to have a purpose. What exactly would a zombie wail for? --Jon Pyre 18:00, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Kill - Some of these are good, but others aren't that interesting. I think the suggestion would benefit greatly from being re-worked on the talk page. --
T 21:40, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Underpowered? Extra speech just seems pointless and spammable (even for 200 XP). Engrave Item would work by itself (hell, I'll just suggest it). And why do you need TWO links to your profile? Wail is utterly pointless and just creates spam (even at 200 XP). Scratch is hella-expensive. 1000 XP for a PREFIX/SUFFIX? That's even more hella-expensive. At least Scratch DOES something. The 10 IP hits is a spammable offense (zerge buddies), but I think the basic idea, spending extra XP, isn't a bad one. Just that none of these really work.--Pesatyel 05:29, 6 April 2007 (BST)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- spam - No. Pointless. 1000XP? Overpriced does not equal balanced. I mean - scratching off graffiti - why's that 1000XP a go? That's just stupid. How about that skill for 100XP, but a % chance of failure and no XP gain? Buy IP hits? Again, no - it's just a waste of all that stored XP. All the other skills are useless. Gah! Why waste all the XP at 1000XP a go for useless skills? --Funt Solo
15:57, 5 April 2007 (BST)
- Re - 1000XP is just a figure used to indicate 'this skill can't simply be bought every single day' to avoid abuse. All the listed items are also meant to be re-buyable, so you don't run out of things purchase with xp. Additionally many people are iffy about letting zombies scratch off graffiti at will, thus I added the high cost so Zombie players have to think wisely about what they scratch off instead of going all about and scratching everything. --Sipex 11:45am, 4 April 2007 (EST)
- Spam - What Funt wrote plus this all could/should be in separate suggestions. for example: engraving items - firt, something like that already was suggested, second - technically... if survivors uses item to attack - his profile is already shown in the beginning of sentence, zombies cannot use objects, so it limits only to engraved gens/transmitters. everyone notices without it that you installed them, so wasting 1000XP only to show passing by people that you installed it... doesn't worth it. the same about all other parts of suggestion --Duke Garland 20:40, 6 April 2007 (BST)
- Spam - These seem like a bunch of half-assed suggestions on how to spend your piggy bank of xp. Not very good suggestions, either. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 03:11, 7 April 2007 (BST)
- Spam No. Mattiator 21:53, 8 April 2007 (BST)