any Newfies? --Le bourreau 11:39, 19 August 2008 (BST)
Hey, I have two characters, how can I join? --JodoYodo 8:25 ET, December 14th, 2006
Email and make a request. --Epicurus 5:14 ET, December 18th, 2006
Got something to tell us?
hey, seen that cyscout has found shelter with Potty, they will probably be there for a while...well im looking at revamping the beer drinking zombie busters - same goals and objectives, just reorganizing the group - i have recruited one, and should get one more soon, trying to convince a buddy to get into malton as well...once the new bdzb are up i will let u know and perhaps a working alliance will start! I am also thinking of starting a new group, a Canadian Military Unit that could work under C-i-M, once the group page is done i will notify and let me know what you guys think! (jay) --Steamwhistle 00:34, 9 October 2006 (BST)
Sounds Great to me..Us canadians need to stick together.A Canadian military Unit sounds good to me.we will discuss details as it gets closer to that the meantime contact us if you need anything.--Cyvilian 01:14, 9 October 2006 (BST)
You kids should become friends of the WCFALPEUDTWAAL, a sort of group made up mostly of a Canadian guy and Welsh guy. There arent really any benifits (seeing as how it's not even a real group), but it makes us look good. Just add yourselfs if you wanna.
Phone service in Vinetown
Hey guys,
I just checked up on the phone service in Vinetown, and I was wondering: Are you still servicing the mobile phone mast in Bubcar Towers?
If you are, consider registering yourself on the Malton Telephone page as a suburb manager. Be sure to include a timestamp!
If you're not, update your Wiki page: It still says you guys ARE servicing it... :-)
SkullnBones, 18:35, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
(Update: I also noticed your group name on the Mobile Phone Mast page. If you're not servicing the mast any more, please also remove that entry. Thanks!)
- Guys? It's been two months, do you still maintain the mast? We've almost got a 100% coverage in South East Malton, and could use all help available to keep it that way.
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HS revive priority | |
HS revive priority: | 3.4 (out of 5) | |
Reason for judgment: | human revives | |
Comments | at HS talk page or HS forum | |
Authorized by | Noc 00:49, 8 March 2007 (UTC) |
HS invites you to show off your score on your main page so other can see how you have done. It is a measurement of your ability to deal with zombies and will be useful to those looking for a group. the ranking is based on the idea that AP is the measure of all things and effective strategy uses as few human AP to achieve a goal which takes many zombie AP to undo. Also you are invited to send a diplomat to our forum. Noc 00:49, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Malton Hospitals Group
Hello! I noticed you on the wiki a while ago, and I didn't think of asking this until I went through Vinetown on my way to the Top Secret HQ of MHG Radio. To the point- Do you have anyone in Gelasius General Hospital? If so, please register with us. It's easy, all we ask is you add your group to the list, change two numbers, and either add a category or template to your page. Thanks, and have a nice day.--Labine50 MH|ME|'07 03:10, 17 March 2007 (UTC)
Si il y a des francophones interresés par notre groupe, qu'ils nous contactent! --Zyll GIFD 11:51, 16 August 2007 (BST)