Talk:Special Tactics and Rescue Service

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This is a page where people can leave the group messages without visiting the forum. Please, when leaving a message, put it under a header and put it under the previous message. Also, sign your posts, or we WILL NOT guarantee a reply! Thank you - --The Cop 20:40, 13 December 2008 (UTC)


If it isn't my old page ... Wow its been a while. Dan, where did you relocate STARS too? --The Cop 02:39, 18 August 2011 (BST)

Help me!!!

Hello, this is Jonathan Hutchins. I am unable to log on into the board. Seriously it doesn't work. I even got a new password and everything. Is it because I use firefox? i'd appreciate help. --Kasei 16:01, 25 May 2009 (BST)

The Great Radio Group Massacre

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This frequency was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

I know this is a random request, but it's for all groups regardless of size.

Linkthewindow  Talk  01:34, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, the group uses this radio --The Cop 19:09, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

I suck cocks

Suzumiya Haruhi.jpg Ally of the SOS Brigade
S.T.A.R.S is an ally of the SOS Brigade and supports the harassing of cute girls around Malton :3.

Add it. Really. DO IT.--ScouterTX 14:25, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre '09.

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.
Thanks.--Rddr 22:03, 13 February 2009 (GMT)

Aye, ya can't keep STARS down :) --The Cop 22:17, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Thanks! --Lois talk 10MFH 22:00, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Really Guys?


Is this what I need to expect from a prosurvivor group such as yourselves? Shooting a pro-life zombie at a revive point? And Hard Knock Life are allies of YOUR allies. This does not bode well for such a group. --YoHohoTalk 03:32, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Replied to this via your PM. Also, can we clarify something ... He is a member of Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. We are the Special Tactics and Rescue Service. We've also alwasy been under constant attacks by fake-members as part of smear campaigns. --The Cop 14:56, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
I got some sort of SQL injection vulnerability error message when I sent you the PM, so I thought it hadn't gone through. The Wiki was the next best way of contacting you.
According to the Wiki, your Service used to be Squad. Under that light you can see how your argument is less defensible in the eyes of a Targeted group... That plus the reputation you're getting for Mrh? Cow tipping makes me slightly jumpy at the situation. Sorry for the tone, anyway. --YoHohoTalk 15:54, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
I suppose i can see your argument there. But i've been with STARS for nearly 3 years, and i've pretty much got to know all my members off by heart. But anyways, the incident is behind us, here's wishing you all the best in a hellholed life :) --The Cop 13:39, 18 February 2009 (UTC)--The Cop 13:39, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

You Better Beware

Because I'm back.


Oohhh, Dave's back, I'm scared.--ScouterTX 06:48, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
  • Sexy Steyr, what have you done?

You made a fool of everyooone!

You made a fool of everyoooooooone!

Sexy Steyr, ooh what have you done?

Sexy Steyr, you broke the rules!

You layed it down for all to seeee

You layed it down for all to seeeeeeeee

Sexy Steyr, oooh you broke the rules

One sunny day the world was waiting for a lover

He came along to turn on everyoooone

Sexy Steyr, the greatest, of them all.

Sexy Steyr how did you know?

The world was waiting just for yooou

The world was waiting just for yoooooooou!

Sexy Steyr, oooh how did you know?

Sexy Steyr, you'll get yours yet!

However big you think you arrrrrre

However big you think you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

Sexy Steyr oooh you'll get yours yet

We gave him everything we owned just to sit at his table!

Just a smile would lighten everything

Sexy Steyr he's the latest and the greatest, of them all


He made a fool of everyoooone

Sexy Steyr

However big you think you arrrrrrre

Sexy Stey TheLeader 19:46, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

I think I speak for everyone when I say "what the fuck, TheLedaer?". -- Steyr
No, you just speak for your own punitive mind ... now GTFO Steyr, nobody wants you around --The Cop 00:06, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

Our forum is sucking...

I tried to read messages, and it says "Currently under maintainence" ("Ecpt its spelled right, my spell checker aint helping me out) I cant even complain on the forum! Fix this! Please?!? Elven2006 21:25, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Its back on dude, take some chill pills.--ScouterTX 05:30, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

-- Ya, its fixed now. I got bored...Elven2006 22:15, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

Wray Heights

Hi guys, we need to know a few things, concerning your recent declaration of war.

  • Has your group been in Wray Heights for at least 2 months (patrols, bases, ect)?
  • Is the sole purpose of your prescence to destroy, or do you plan to rebuild infrastructure to the extent that it outweighs any damage done to the suburb. (are you going to do more "bad Stuff" than "good stuff").

See, we've got a contract on wray heights to defend the suburb against "Foreign Invasion" and if the answers to the first question is no, and the answer to the second question is yes, then we're obligated to oppose your efforts as long as our contract is in effect. This isn't a threat, just a few questions to determine whether or not you qualify as a "Foreign Invader". --Captain Rickety 19:32, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

These questions are quite easy to answer. Yes and No. STARS has been opperating low-key missions in Wray Heights since the end of the PH War. The declaration of war is to once again remove them as they are a Zerging PKer Group who have no worries about who they kill or maim. --The Cop 19:40, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
That's good to hear. Good luck..

--Captain Rickety 20:38, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

Take your contract and shove it up your ass, you useless worm. You have no right getting in the way of our business. --Kewabara1 22:34, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
First of all, we can do whatever we'd like and you can't really do anything to stop us, can you Kewabara? Right now, we have an obligation to protect the people of the suburb which is why we Politely Inquired as to the details. Since you had already been in the suburb, you don't qualify as a "Foreign Invader". However, if you want a war we'll give you such a shitstorm that'll make all our previous "fun" look like nothing compaired to what will come. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you jumped to conclusions. Keep in mind that we're not some tiny group of nationalists anymore, and we've got a battle-hardened leader who's no pushover. Like I said, I'm going to assume that this was simply a misunderstanding. However if you keep up with your attitude we're going to take offense.

--Captain Rickety 03:22, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Darkerstown AND Wray Heights? You've been a busy boy, 13:30, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
Actually, it's more like Molebank, Fort Creedy, Kinch Heights, Lumber Mall, Shore Hills, Kempsterbank, Grigg Heights, East Grayside and Dakerstown & Wray Heights- in the past few weeks. So we've been pretty busy since things calmed down from where they were previously.

--Captain Rickety 18:42, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

No, you're not in EG--ScouterTX 10:23, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Actually, we are. Due to the Sonzaki Family, we're going to be moving reinforcements into the suburb as soon as we finish our business in Dakerstown. We wouldn't want to let what looks like a Zerging operation go without investigation.--Captain Rickety 00:49, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
If you say so. What about them Sonozakis? Just some random-ass PKers if you ask me.--ScouterTX 14:29, 12 March 2009 (UTC)







17:22, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Attack on Our Members


We're very interested in knowing whether this is an act ordered by the leadership of S.T.A.R.S. or simply rogue elements of S.T.A.R.S. acting on their own. --Captain Rickety 02:53, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

Iwitness screenshot or it never happened. Besides, even though your Photoshop Mastery has now reached level 3, I am 2nd in Command of S.T.A.R.S., so even if I did kill you, it wouldn't be rogue, it'd be fine. Your point is moot. --Kewabara1 17:08, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
So, this was in your screenshot; Considering the newest member there is Ferrum Leo, and your most recent post time there along with the timestamp here, I think it's safe to say you're the same person after all. OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ZERG ROFL ECKS DEE!!!1one --Kewabara1 17:25, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
I can explain that one. Leo's got college related issues. So Yoshida's been taking his place, if you ask FUACK about his IP history they'll tell you he has had two distinct different IP addresses in the past two weeks. They went to high school together or something like that. Also, see we've got reinforcements en route to the area (No surprise there, we announced that a while back). Keep in mind, Kewabara1 you're only 2nd in command. Thus we wanted to know if this was on John Killah/The Cop's orders, basically this was either an act by rogue elements of STARS or an unprovoked act of war? --Captain Rickety 18:13, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
IPs don't mean shit. Proxies anyone? Just saying. And no, I'm not getting involved in this kind of shit again, this is between YOU and STARS.--ScouterTX 19:31, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
DYNAMIC IP ADDRESSES DERP DERP DICKS. Also, here's how that screenshot went down. I gave my entire squad, which consists of me, an order to kill all of your group's members on sight. I wallran down from where I was to Waterlow for ammo and found Mr Yoshida, so, I followed orders given to me by me, I don't want to disobey my orders, because I get angry when I don't do what I tell myself to do. And when I get angry I hit the meth pipe to numb the pain. ANYWAYS, I couldn't finish you off because of the AP lost when moving there, so I IM'd Rena on MSN and told her to finish you off, which she did. But then me beat me up because I didn't kill you myself like I told me to do. --Kewabara1 20:36, 17 March 2009 (UTC)


Is he a member of your group? - ScorpicDisease

PH War We recive a direct atack in our HQ... All cooperation is welcome...we want to destroy those scum !--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 21:25, 30 May 2009 (BST)


Why should i join this RE themed group over the others? --Hyzentlay 21:02, 23 June 2009 (BST)

Because we Rock! ... No, in all serious, I can't say you should join this one just because you asked, that's a choice for you alone. All this group offers is a chance to work in a team who are very fun loving, yet dedicated to makins sure our priorities are completed. A team who love a good joke, as well as the oppertunity for you to work alongside other groups. That's all I can really say --The Cop 21:56, 23 June 2009 (BST)

Fort Perryn

Hello STARS members, im Rogue Medic, and I would like to inform you that me and a couple of other groups are planing an attack on fort perryn to take it away from the FU. If you accept this mission, please tell me or my friends Belisarius17 or Poodle of Doom. let me know if you accept.-- Rogue Medic 21:04, 20 November 2009

Support request

I am Zachary Knight of STARS and I am requesting a STARS sweeper squad to help overwhelming amount zeds at the GHQ. Oh by the way it's been overrun...again. Zacahry K.

PH attack on GHQ

I am Zachary Knight of STARS and GHQ has been taken by a surprise PH attack they have killed a number of members, requesting immediate support!

Hazmat Recruitment of Volunteers

Hazmat has non-exist morale and it has caused all my members to leave. STARS, I need your help, Hazmat is going to be disbanded if I can't get enough people here as a group is not a group without people. This is very sad for me! Please, PLEASE help!

On a similar note, PH is getting on my fucking nerves. If Hazmat gets the muscle power that it needs, we will help you with PH in any way we can. From my sources, they have momentarily occupied Sixtus and I have gotten pissed about that! Those bastards have it coming!

Grayside BoG

Hello! We are the Grayside Board of Groups, a peaceful organization created to help unite both East and West Grayside! You can join us by visiting our page!


Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Nothing to be done! 15:08, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

they'r active. --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141

Is your Radio frequency still in use?

Stop hand.png 2010 Group Radio Activity Query
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Radio pages when they are no longer active.

Is this group still actively using the frequency specified on the Radio page as theirs? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not, it's frequency will be removed from Radio pages in 14 days.

I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or it seems relatively stupid when put into context of your group, but it is our interest to treat all groups on the same level when doing these purges. A reply within 2 weeks will be greatly appreciated. -- LEMON #1 12:47, 25 August 2010 (BST)

No response has been made in 2 weeks, and as such, your group will be removed from the list. If you come back at a later date and would like to reserve this frequency again, just place it back onto the available frequency of your choice. Thank you. -- LEMON #1 13:04, 8 September 2010 (BST)

Rekindling the Group

This is probably idiotic, but I've been considering creating a STARS Delta Team to replace the Special Tactics and Rescue Service group, operating with basically the same goals as the old group, and retaining the same basic title. Is this an inconvenience to anyone? Or would anyone like to join up?--Kasei 20:38, 28 November 2010 (UTC)

Special Tactics and Rescue Squad

I have restarted the group back in East Grayside. Are you still an active group? If not any who are still in this group are welcome to join up with us. More info @