Talk:Tactical Area Rescue/Archive
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AZS Alliance
Hello, I'm the co-leader of the AZS (Anti-Zombie Squad) and I would like to offer the Tactical Area Rescue an alliance. We have our HQ in West Grayside and operate mainly in South Malton, but we'll help wherever we're needed. You can contact us on our Talk Page, on our Forum. Thanks! --Janus Abernathy 18:11, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
What do I have to do to become your enemy?
Seriously guys, I've been Pking the fuck out of at least two of you *smiles at Sharlene* and I don't even make it onto your enemies list? Looks like you'll be seeing a lot more of that bastard Corporal in the coming weeks - just remember to kill him, rather than waste AP on empty threats next time k? ;) --Keith Drudgely 12:48, 19 August 2008 (BST)
Oh I needed a good laugh. do you honestly think we care if you're pk'ing us? you're nothing more then a small thorn in our side. personally I find it funny that you don't have the guts to use your Keith account. so what. you pk us we go to a revive point and more often or not were back up within 24 hours back doing what we do. besides we're on vacation, I couldn't care less if you killed me or one of my teammates three times a day. seriously you're not going to make that list anytime son.--Sharline Jade 19:36, 19 August 2008 (BST)
- Haha jokes! Keith is no longer a PKer, sorry to disappoint. Seriously though, you do need to tell your team that if they find a Brain-Rotted PKer hiding in a building, it's better to shoot first and spout self-important warnings later. Know what I mean?
- Ah, never mind, it's all fun. I'm sure you've bigger fish to fry, seeing as how you're lying MOBbed to death on an NT floor. I'm sure you'll have no problem getting revived and going back to hanging around in a boring suburb doing next to nothing. *high fives!* --Keith Drudgely 13:37, 23 August 2008 (BST)
An Introduction and Offer of Alliance from the Hei-bei Heroes ~ Wu-shu Warriors
Our group/squad is in the area and would like to offer assistance in the protection of Wyke Hills.... We support Pole Mall in West Greyside and recently extended our protectorate to Buckley.... We're all about the help, and eradicating zeds... even when we are one! Our motto:
Alive or Dead, WE FIGHT Zed!!!
You can pm me: Tai Tao Ren, at the Stav group forum:
First VZW Zedapalooza Concert Tour
On March 1st, 2008 the VZW is sponsoring the ninth leg of the First VZW Zedapalooza Concert Tour at Club Morris. Part of the concert tour is to visit Clubs throughout Malton and add to the building description to enhance the flavor of our great city. We would like to invite your group to join us in a celebration of music and comraderie. Concert goers will be treated to Captain Clatter's Rum drinks compliments of the Upstairs Brewing Company from the Clatworthy Arms and Lowther Leaf Cigars straight from the Lowther Building. Everyone attending is entitled to grab a Zedapalooza 2008 VIP Pass from the official Wiki site too! Hope to see you there! --Shazzelim 15:07, 2 March 2008 (UTC)
The Polecats
wish to say hello! Though we are usually found in Pole Mall, some of us have patrols that lead to Wyke Hills. Especially yours truly, who has found St. Celestine's Church as sort of a second home. As such, we would like to negotiate an alliance with you.
P.S. Those recent broadcasts on 26.82 ain't mine. Someone's imitating me. P02 Samuel Talk to me! Stop that asshole!PoleCats
12:22, 10 November 2007 (UTC)
To Jimmy Hans, don't attack at RPs
Noob on your team, Jimmy Hans, attacked me while I was awaiting revive at a revive point. Please remind him of revive point protocol. --ZaqWer 22:33, 15 September 2007 (BST)
- This is Jimmy.... I'm personally sorry that i had kiled you.I was aware of only one revive point in the area and that was knight square maintained by my beloved TAR. If you would please post here all revive points you/your group maintains i will add it to an article im working on about wyke hills. again im sorry
- Well, on a positive note, you did not kill me, just a bit of damage. It happened on the wasteland in Buttonville. Revive points in Buttonville are all listed on its wiki. --ZaqWer 04:15, 16 September 2007 (BST)
Revive Request
Sorry, I did make an account on your forums but it still won't let me post a request there (maybe the administrator hasn't validated my account yet?). Anyway, I'm desperate for a revive and nothing's been happening over at Craddock Road. Here's my profile link. Thanks in advance.--Nick 13:51, 13 September 2007 (BST)
On Constance Absolution
Let me clarify this. You want his head on a silver platter? I assure you when I see him I'll kill him. One thing's certain. He's never welcome in St. Celestines. Incidentally, don't you guys maintain that church? -- P02 Samuel Talk to me! Stop that asshole!PoleCats
13:04, 17 August 2007 (BST)
Actually we haven't maintained that church since GeneralMeurow. we we maintain the barricades still but thats about it.--Sharline Jade 17:38, 17 August 2007 (BST)
- Alright. I see GeneralMeurow aint a part anymore. Mmm. Maybe I'll take over as pastor, with your permission. I'm in the area. Kind of a promotion for me from deacon.
P02 Samuel Talk to me! Stop that asshole!PoleCats
11:56, 18 August 2007 (BST)
Constance Absolution and Club Golding
I know of your ongoing feud with Constance Absolution, so I wanted to pass along a critical piece of intelligence. In near all instances when Constance is not either hiding in fear trying to obtain a FAK or filling the queue at the cemetery, you can find him at Club Golding. Additionally, Constance has another PK alt who has made his way into the area named Gremassen Strass (user profile: Both have obtained the coveted KOS rating from the Rogues Gallery. My scouting the last few days has revealed both chatting it up with the patrons complaining on numerous occasions about being hunted, and how it's triggered his continued griefing (his words exactly). I'd seriously consider classifying all full-time patrons of Club Golding allies of Constance and individuals who regularly provide healing and resurrection support. Just a little FYI.--UKGrable 09:46, 19 July, 2007 (CDT)
- You mentioned Gresmassen Strass. I just saw him at Buckley Mall.
P02 Samuel Talk to me! Stop that asshole!PoleCats
13:47, 1 September 2007 (BST)
Wyke Hills Emergency Network
WHEN would like to say hello! We would like to assist in any way keeping Wyke Hills, or should I say getting Wyke Hills zombie free. The current beatdown at Screech Lane PD and the mall is disheartening but we are here and ready to go to town. Ghoustra 20:43EST , 18 July, 2007
- I'm the other half of W.H.E.N. and we could really use your help. Ghoustra and I are still fairly new so our skills are still pretty limited but we're working as fast as we can to get XP. Wyke Hills needs to be cleaned up. Wyke Hills is a one horse town and the Militant Order of Barhah has rode in on a necrotic horse of their own.--Finnius Riley 04:13, 19 July 2007 (BST)
- In response to the post on our group's talk page: Yes, we would like to form an alliance. As WHEN is a small group at this point we can best serve Wyke Hills by serving other groups. If our membership grows we may begin to work more independently down the road. Please bear with us as we devote much of our time to leveling up right now. What is your safe house? If you would prefer not to broadcast it you can either send me a private message through the WHEN forum or send me a text message via the in-game cell phone. You are welcome to add Ghoustra and I as contacts if you'd like (he also has a cell) Happy hunting!--Finnius Riley 01:48, 20 July 2007 (BST)
Constance Absolution Dead In Wyke hills
Im not sure who killed him but he is dead in the cemetary(51,99) in the South West section of Wyke Hills right next to Buckley Mall. You guys may wanna ensure he stay dead, as I like many others wrongfully accused T.A.R. due to sick people like this. BenderWaW 09:55, 18 June 2007 (BST)
Just today Constance Absolution tried standing up to be revived, I was out of ammo, but my axe put him down just fine. He is currently at this time dead on the ground at the cemetary in the above mentioned location. BenderWaW 04:41, 19 June 2007 (BST)
it's nice to see some people are willing to seek the truth. I don't think he'll be getting a revive any time soon--Sharline Jade 05:02, 19 June 2007 (BST)
I never knew that you all loved me so much. Heh.-Constance Absolution 10.44 6.24.07
He appeared again in the Buckley Mall and was judiciously killed (not by myself sadly), he may have been revived again randomly a mere 15 minutes later.-Fool2046 22:23 25 June 2007 (GMT)
Constance Absolution in Danversbank
I was PKed last night by one Constance Absolution, impersonating a member of the TAR (not for the first time, it seems). The Danversbank Relief and Reconstruction Project has been alerted, and the suburb's finest are keeping an eye out and a shotgun loaded in case he pops up again. - Quinn Finney, 6/15/07
Constance Absolution Sighting in Hollomstown
Please be aware that notorious PKer and TAR enemy, Constance Absolution is currently residing in Hollomstown at the Pink Museum. Constance is injured and possibly seeking medical attention at the nearby Theophan General Hospital.
The Independent Malton Militia, a dedicated group of survivors who I belong to who protect Hollomstown have been alerted regarding Constance's presence in the suburb.
If you require any additional information or assistance please contact me here.
I will be glad to offer my services.
- Tarkenton 9th June, 2230 hours GMT
Constance Absolution
Constance absolution killed me just a bit ago actually it seems he was a bit mad after i lectured him before placing the last bullet. as for 1 other incident though i would like to make an apology as i may have judged one of your members for killing a pker but i had no reference of view at the time. they killed psycho vet on the pretense of killing there cat. oh and now i know that constance is not with you its open season again.
What's the Deal?
What's the deal with declaring martial law in Wykes Hills?
- I'm curious as to what you mean by this, we have in no way declared martial law in Wyke hills. our operations have been what they have always been.rebuild the barricade's according to the barricade plan, providing a revive service at knight square. if you are referring to our little war between a small group of pk'ers namely Constance Absolutation, Bill Montana and Pyscho Vet we are simply tired of fighting them and want them to leave. as you may or may not know they are marked as KOS by us and the DEM we have no problem with anyone else unless they give us one. if you have seen or feel that we have declared Martial Law please tell us how you became under that impression because as far as I know we've been doing the same thing we've been doing for almost a year now--Sharline Jade 15:06, 4 June 2007 (BST)
Ah now Sharline,why did you run?I was just about to deal the killer blow when you ran. I woke to you trying to kill me,not so nice when some-one wakes when you're trying to kill them is it Sharline? Oh and some friendly advise,get a flak jacket--cobra007 18:08 11 June 2007 (BST)
ah now you almost know what it feels like to wake up dead constantly. it's not so nice so why don't you leave and stop bothering us.--Sharline Jade 18:14, 11 June 2007 (BST)
Someone named Turkmenbashi -- announced over the radio yesterday that Tactical Area Rescue declared Martial Law in Wykes Hills and anyone who isn't in the group would be deemed an enemy and KOS. I wasn't sure if he was acting on his own.
- I can assure you to no end he is not part of our group. we would never allow martial law to be declared by anyone in Wyke. he is acting on his own and happens to be impersonating as one of us. thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Your Impersonator
Just thought you might want to know your impersonator is back, broadcasting from Lockettside by all accounts:
- 26.11 MHz: "Tactical Area Rescue has declared martial law in Wyke Hills" (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
- 26.11 MHz: "Non-members must leave the suburb or be considered hostile." (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
He's been repeating this message a number of times over the last 24 hours PFC Jonze 12:33, 5 June 2007 (BST)
- now that we have a location and profile we can hopefully put a stop to this. your help in this matter has been greatly appreciated in this matter. hopefully we can put a stop to this.--Sharline Jade 16:44, 5 June 2007 (BST)
It's all getting Weird
Another death in your name? It's all getting weird. Here's is the profile: -- Nottobrite
- I can assure you that this is not our doing in anyway. it seems we have become the target of a series of pk'ers. they are not of our group I can assure you that. a General statement was written up by one of my members which will be posted on our main page as soon as I finish writing this. I hope this does not affect our standing on Wykes appearance at all we would never do something like this
This seems suspicious
Either you're lying, which seems unlikely, or there's at least one or two other pkers acting in your name. One of them killed an alt of mine recently. --Tolthalan 17:45, 13 June 2007 (BST)
I can assure you we're not lying. do you have a profile link or screenshot I can see? I'll be able to tell you if they're with us or not. (thought if they PK'ed you I'd assume they're not one of ours but you never know)
I later discovered that they were certainly impersonators. I'm very sorry to accuse you like that. --Tolthalan 22:10, 18 June 2007 (BST)
thats fine. we're pretty used to people accusing us of that whole pk'ing business. good to know that people are finnaly finding out the truth though--Sharline Jade 22:15, 18 June 2007 (BST)
Just Saying Hello
I'm a member of the Maltel phone company and just wanted to let you know that I would be in your area and may be paying occasional visits to your tower. I also took some time and improved your HQ wiki page a bit with a photo and some editing, but all of your information is still there. You may want to take the time to update it with any other further information you might have for it. Anyway it is nice to make your aqquaintance and I hope we can have a amicable working relationship. Your friendly neighbourhood Maltel Tech. Nurelco20:47, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
The Great Suburb Group Massacre
![]() |
Group Confirmed. |
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply. |
Currently the suburb in question is Wyke Hills but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:05, 14 July 2008 (BST)
We are active though many of our members are on vacation at the moment. We do still have people Active and operating in Wyke Hills though so yes we are active.
- Thank you very muchly. Please leave this post in place so I don't trouble you again. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:13, 14 July 2008 (BST)
Unprovoked PK
Is this one of yours? Because if so, he walked into our house, and capped one of our members without provocation. Section 13 would appreciate a statment, or appology. here's hoping for a peacefull resolution. --Jack S13 T! PC 01:21, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
He's not one of ours, if you look on our main page he's a listed KOS pk'er and greifer. if you see him feel free to cap him back or report his location to us and we'll do it.--Maria Fontain 07:52, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
Hi, I'm John Killah of The Special Tactics and Rescue Service based in East Grayside. I was wondering if your group is still active and if so, would you be interested in forming an alliance? --The Cop 22:53, 31 January 2009 (UTC)