Talk:United Bar Alliance
The UBA leaves this page open for other groups to post messages to the UBA in general or individual members. Just think of it as the writing on the bathroom stall wall (without all the sexual references).
Post Us and We'll Get Back to Ya
Could I join?
Off the Stats Page?
I just noticed that the group is no longer on the statistics page. Are people no longer active?--Manapua 13:19, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
What an incredibly useful page this is!!
For those of us planning routes for a Player Killer's Pub Crawl, I honestly can't imagine a more useful site laid out before us.
Thanks to Von Bob for the ales today, and so sorry about the murder. I think you need another category of smiley face status designation for the Rayment Arms. Perhaps something with a smiling skull saying "Cleared by Player Killers." How does that sound?
Anyway, thanks for gathering all of this information. Until I see the next of you, kiss kiss--Sarah Silverman 03:03, 20 November 2007 (UTC)
Borrowed the radio in Gulsonside
Gad, I was a bitch when I first started playing this game (see below)... Anyway, to you barkeeps in Gulsonide... I want to thank you for use of the radio in your establishment. I meant to turn it back to your station, but I'm low on AP and had a few more things to add... And some barricades to shore up for us, too :) I want to convince West Grayside "River Tacticians" to come over to your neck of the woods and help out... But we'll see what happens... Anyway, I promise to switch the radio back when I get the chance. Cheers! --WanYao 19:03, 16 October 2007 (BST)
Random comments response
That was me. I had to super-abreviate it so that the spray was short enough. I basically wanted to make sure that no-one would object to me running that building, since it seemed abandon. -Ozfard
random comments
I saw some graffiti in Old Arkham, at the Chafy Towers, says, "Any1 live here? I wanna claim this 4 z UBA"... Questions of learning english grammar and spelling aide.... Why do you need to "claim" buildings? I don't understand why anyone "claims" buildings, as far as I'm concerned in this time of crisis no one has claim to "turf", Malton belongs to all its citizens. What are we a bunch of pretty warlords, or survivors trying to make the best of things, together? Okay, don't answer that... ;) I say simply use the buildings surroundign the pub, just follow the burb barricade policy and don't tick anyone off... That's how it ought to be...
Although it is true, as the Burchell Arms Regulars point out, that many bars have been run by established groups as HQs, or just places to meet and hang out, for a long time. If you come along and imply that you're running it now, you're stepping on the toes of people who've contributed for a long time and ignoring their long history and contributions. I think you should stress that your goal is simply to staff the bars, to keep drinks and conversation flowing. And to that end, you work with who's there, it's not about turf, it's about role playing and fun.
Also, your wiki needs some reorganisation. It's getting long, and if you continue to grow it'll only get worse. Need seperate pages for status and the newsletter, methinks. Though, it's not like I know how to that... =) --WanYao 17:06, 8 August 2007 (BST)
Join the revolution
I would like to extend a personal invite to join "Viva La Revolution" as a member group.--Darkmagic 01:18, 27 March 2007 (BST)
The Burchell Arms Regulars
Hello. This is Tommy Monahan, a mgr. of The Burchell Arms Regulars. You have listed The Knight Arms as being under your protection. The Knight has been under the BAR's protection since last Oct. That section of Santlerville is under the overall protection of the B.A.R. & The Dribbling Beavers (who the BAR have a formal alliance with). If you'd like to form some sort of alliance with us & the Beavers. Please post on our boards at & the Beavers board is at
Hello again. If I may offer some friendly advice. I respect what you guys are doing with an alliance of bars in the city. But, you just dont have the numbers at this point to look after such a large number of bars so spred out across the city. Its easier to keep to just a couple pubs in a suburb or 2, until you get youself as a group established. Also, check the pub's location in the suburb's WIKI to make sure that no one else has claim to the location. We are still open to an alliance.
Biertag - The "Day of Beer"
I wanted to inquire as to whether any members of your group had plans to join in the celebration on July 8th over at St. Arnold's Church in Roftwood. As the event is more than a month away it gives you plenty of time to plan for it. The goal here is just to have fun and drink beer (oh, and take plenty of screenshots so I can record the event for posterity). --Mobius187 May 28 2007, 10:49 PM (EST)
Thoughts on Monahan's suggestions
I'm just a lowly barkeep, but if I may I'd like to make some comments on the UBA and its structure and utility. I agree that starting small and focusing on one bar has its value in terms of gameplay and action. The UBA, as I understand it, is focused on a different thing entirely - more of the metagame and overall experience. When I was a new player, it struck me as odd how so few places were "claimed" or being "run" by players. When I first ran across a McZed's, I thought it was one of the more entertaining things in the game, especially their Wiki presence.
For many players, I suspect that the Wiki is as much a part of Urban Dead's experience as running missions and fighting battles. Playing the game can get really dry when you're just running through empty, non-descript buildings with dull Wiki entries. The value that the UBA brings to the game, in my opinion, is that players find pubs that are actually manned, that are involved in a wiki/metagame, and in which players can not only simply seek shelter, but chat and get information on the local area.
With only 1-3 UBA members based at any particular pub, our pubs might get attacked, but how often do Zombies occupy non-resource buildings? When they move on, we come back and re-establish our pubs and again provide a bit of diversion within the game. I think it's great that there are now several pubs in Malton in which players can actully overnight and engage in silly crap like ordering drinks or talking to a bartender and somebody will actually respond.--Manapua 15:32, 12 July 2007 (BST)
Response to Manapua
Thor and I were talking the other night, and we whole heartedly agree with your thoughts Manapua. As Thor is a founding member, he was saying how impressed he was at how quickly UBA membership grew. Apparently our philosophy appeals to many people. Also, I think our policy of defending a bar each member calls home and yet being willing to run to the aid of other bars makes for a very strong organization. I wish I had more time to wander to the other member bars, but defense of the Bagot and the healing of the sick keeps me very busy. I also wish I had am ammo reloader installed in the bar, but alas that's not yet an available item in Malton. - Llew 10:13, 14 July 2007
dude, i just owned some dudes in your cresley arms! btw, you can consider that place "in zombie hands".
RE: E.N.D. Alliance.
As per Thor Stinky Pants's post on our talk page,I think it's a good idea. Feel free to join our forums and discuss it more. I'll wait for XxCannon FodderxX to pass judgment, but it's got my vote. --Hawkeye Alda (Talk Contribs E.N.D.)04:09, 14 September 2007 (BST)
I would like to
Invite you to Viva la revolution please reply.--Darkmagic 22:28, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
--Jakezing 17:13, 6 December 2007 (UTC)asking again, wanna join VLR
The Great Suburb Group Massacre
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Group Active? Request. |
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days. |
Currently the suburb in question is Ruddlebank but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:48, 15 July 2008 (BST)
--Adavastor 11:13, 30 July 2008 (BST)