UDWiki:Administration/Sysop Archives/Hagnat/2006-04-04 Promotion

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Administration » Sysop Archives » Hagnat » 2006-04-04 Promotion

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This page is an archive of Hagnat's Promotions candidacy. If you wish to speak with this candidate, please use their Talk page. If you believe that the candidate has abused the abilities and privileges granted them by this promotion, please report them for misconduct.


I have been around here for 5 months, i think, and i cant count how man edits i have made it so far, but there is plenty of them. I lurk around this whole wiki, looking for how things could be inproved so we all have a better outside game experience. I would like to become a moderator to help in any way possible. --hagnat talk 04:23, 4 April 2006 (BST)

  • Full-hearted, complete and utter, absolute yes. Please? --Lucero Capell 04:24, 4 April 2006 (BST)
  • I am not prepared to vouch for Hagnat, but I am not opposed to him being a moderator.--The General 08:24, 4 April 2006 (BST)
  • Good guy, knows his stuff. We need mods and he'd make a good one. --Zaruthustra-Mod 03:32, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • Vouching.--Denzel Washington 21:55, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • Capital fellow. Quite good at hunting quail, I might add.--Jorm 21:58, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • Vouching FTW.--Irishmen 21:59, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • I'm game. --Mia Kristos 22:02, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • He's a decent guy, knows his away around the wiki. --TheTeeHeeMonster 22:20, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • Has done more work with and for the wiki in the past few days than most should have to for life! --Karlsbad 01:08, 6 April 2006 (BST)
  • Am putting this before the questionnaire because I felt it should probably be separated from the vouchings. I'm all for hagnat. In my experience he's a decent guy who's active, and I'd expect him to be fair. --McArrowni 02:03, 6 April 2006 (BST)
  • I've known Hagnat for quite some time on this wiki now and I was surprised to see his name here. He is a very decent guy, nice bloke, good sense of humor. He always steered clear of drama and I believe him to be completetly thrustworthy. I do think he might need to toughen up a bit more, as sometimes he can be a bit to nice. he has shown a long and continues involvement with the wiki.--Vista W! 23:49, 6 April 2006 (BST)
  • Just a standard questionnaire... -- Odd Starter talkModW! 01:15, 6 April 2006 (BST)
    • What Moderator duties do you see yourself focusing on, as a rule?
    i see myself focusing on the arbitration, the vandal report and the deletions page. I started working with the Previous Days Suggestions page, tallying all previous suggestions in order to easily move them to peer review.
    • How do you react to criticism online?
    i am not perfect, no one is. If people complain about mu work i tend to see what could be worked out for the best.
    • What is your current attitude to the moderators, as a group?
    i know some of the mods, and i miss some of them.
    • Have you had any previous position of responsibility in any other online communities, and if so, elaborate?
    i used to be a channel operator in a brazilian anime channel (Animeblade). Lots of teenagers, lots of AOLspeakers, lots of people asking where they could get the latest Naruto episode (and i *hate* naruto). Things worked fine until they discovered Ragnarok Online and the channel went almost dead.
  • I object to this nomination. Hagnat has not even made 250 edits and should not have been moved to the discussion section. --RedKnight 04:30, 7 April 2006 (BST)
    • plese tell me you are not using the 'user contributions' page for that! Since this wiki erase most of its page histories and leaves only the most recents edits from time to time (the latest wipe was early in march, i believe), most of my edits wont show up in any way. --hagnat talkwcdz 20:53, 7 April 2006 (BST)
      • Yeah, I was using the user contributions log for that. After I looked at that I looked at my own contributions and noticed that the list wasn't complete. I would like to know in what sort of ways you've demonstrated leadership on this wiki. --RedKnight 15:40, 9 April 2006 (BST)
        • My work as arbitatror in here and here shows that i wish to help endind edit wars. I am active in the urbandead irc channel, and available to help people in there. I proposed a new suggestion system this morning that could help peer reviewing suggestions. Ack! There is so many things i did for this wiki that i cant point them all :( --hagnat tw 16:15, 9 April 2006 (BST)
          • I'm assumeing you know this but IRC != Wiki. I'm hesitant to support anyone who brings up IRC when asked specifically about this wiki. --RedKnight 00:01, 16 April 2006 (BST)
            • While you're right about IRC != Wiki, The questionair DOES ask if he's held "any previous position of responsibility". I think an admin of a chatroom applies. --Mia K (sotss) 01:00, 16 April 2006 (BST)
            • Yes, i *do* know that wiki and irc are completly different things. But, you see, being active in the irc means that i can help and listen to people in real time, whitout having to edit dozens of wiki pages until i get the right feedback on what should be changed and when a vandal is attacking this wiki. And, just like Mia said, being a channel operator isnt that easy, especially in channels with thousands of users screaming that they want your help with something you hate (in my previous case, helping them find Naruto), and you having to sweel your pride and help them, because it is the image of the channel that is at risk. --hagnat tw 03:23, 16 April 2006 (BST)
  • I do not support this user's bid for Modship. Stated he was thinking about retracting his Mod bid because he didn't want to have to deal with drama (specifically mine) so he's biased off the bat, and clearly thinks the duties of a Moderator might be too overwhelming for him. If he's on the "job" when some SERIOUS shit goes down, and a ton of people are arguing back and forth - It seems he'd just log off. Plus, he offered to take care of a problem for me if I supported his bid for Modship. The latter was, of course, most likely a joke, but it doesn't make for good appearances. Not exactly the right man for the Arbitration/Vandal Page job he specifically mentioned. -- Amazing 04:42, 7 April 2006 (BST)
    • hello amazing. You see, things are said sometimes that shouldnt. When i said that i was really pissed off at you, because i was trying to be reply to you on the arbitration page, only to fall in a edit conflict with one of yours. And my resolution in that same case was the same advice i told you two days earlier! Now, i didnt and i wont withdraw my bid for modship. And if i ever get to be a mod, i will do my work in the best way possible. Quality work above all else. --hagnat talkwcdz 20:53, 7 April 2006 (BST)
      • I'll keep my vote since I'm sure other people will probably make you mad as well in the future. -- Amazing 06:22, 8 April 2006 (BST)
  • Hagnat has set us up the bomb (HAHAHAHA!!!) no, really, he'd do a good job and there are too few mods already. -Banana Bear4 22:53, 15 April 2006 (BST)
  • I was a bit dubious, from observation of the kinds of people he supports (notice I'm NOT mentioning names :P), but I've realised hagnat's not a bad person after all. That's a "Yes" from me. --Cyberbob240CDF 15:44, 18 April 2006 (BST)