UDWiki:Administration/Sysop Archives/Spiderzed/2018-02-15 Demotion

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Administration » Sysop Archives » Spiderzed » 2018-02-15 Demotion

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I have always said that I wanted to fill my spot as long as the community wants me to hold the buttons, but frankly I am not sure that is much of a "community" left to evaluate my conduct, other than a few fellow forgotten sys-ops still walking the dusty halls and occasionally throwing a switch. I haven't played UD in a long while, I've got plenty of other things to do now, and it is probably best to let it go while there is still a greater fool staying around longer than I do.

As far as my wiki history goes, I think I have done well enough, but I will leave it to others to write my eulogy rather than to bathe myself in stinking self-praise on the way out.

As a final, special request, I want to be demoted on February 13th, the day of my 7th anniversary as a UD Wiki sys-op. -- Spiderzed 21:12, 1 January 2018 (UTC)

I'm sorry to hear you're opting for demotion, but I respect your decision and thank you for your service. I'll ask for confirmation in early February, so feel free to cancel your demotion anytime before Feb 13th. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 17:03, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
Take care, Spiderzed! --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 18:43, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
I will. -- Spiderzed 18:39, 5 January 2018 (UTC)
Keep Safe, don't be a total stranger. I'm sure Kevan will throw up a massive update soon. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 22:53, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
The Big Survey was in 2015, and nothing has happened since. I will revisit if anything ever comes from it, even if it is something small and ridiculous like a new melee weapon being just a re-skin of the cricket bat, but I am not holding my breath. -- Spiderzed 18:39, 5 January 2018 (UTC)
We're starting all of those groups back up again. The ones you loved playing in. All of them. Don't go. Aichon 23:15, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
I've seen some gay old times. Curbstomping Cornhoolio, curbstomping NWO, going full aikido on the The Original Cobra to curbstomp them, the Big Bashes, 404, Blackmore 404, rounding up Escape, just to name a few. But the last of these events (NWO) was in 2013, and I don't see the fun, acive times coming back anytime soon. Necroconnect brought a brief hope for a breath of fresh air, but yet everything has kept unravelling and falling apart. Who is John Galt? -- Spiderzed 18:39, 5 January 2018 (UTC)
i am the community and you must stay foreverrrrrrrrr -- Adward  18:56, 5 January 2018 (UTC)
Nice. Smooth sailing, and may the grass never grow under your feet! ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 09:12, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

As the date approaches — SZ, are you sure you want to go? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 03:50, 10 February 2018 (UTC)

Confirmed. -- Spiderzed 13:00, 10 February 2018 (UTC)
You've been demoted. Come on back anytime. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 14:01, 13 February 2018 (UTC)
Bismarcks Ruecktritt.jpg -- Spiderzed 20:29, 13 February 2018 (UTC)
Will you at least let us drag you back in when there's drama? If only to point and laugh? Aichon 23:12, 13 February 2018 (UTC)
It's been great to have you around Spiderzed. A ZOMBIE ANT 01:29, 12 March 2018 (UTC)