User talk:Deathnut/deathnut
Well i might see you agian. Nice working with you. And techancally i wasnt really a memeber of the RAF either. Had z- skills for months (16/20 votes yes for historical status (4/5 woot) --Freelance Dromar 3 May 24, 2008 3:24 (EST)
Disbanded? Well i came back after my absence to find the RAF disbanded (oddly enough came back on the day we were put up for hisotric status. Im guessing its true but i want to hear it from you. You dumped your phone so i couldnt talk to you. I guess its for the best, havent seen a RAF member in ages. Nice killing with you and good luck --Freelance Dromar 3 May 22, 2008 (EST)
Contact from an Freind: I dont know if you continue to watch your profle on the wiki anymore but if not im sending a phone message within about 20 mins of this post. Due to your request i have returned to Roftwood and have dug myself in to the Greenhow Biulding (NT). Theres also one other survior in here with me, hes in need of a FAK. Also if you stop by bring some fuel, i got a genorator in my pack but dont have fuel for it. Contact me. Freelance Dromar 3 9:05 AM (EST) July 30, 2007
Sir, I was wondering if I could recieve my badges for exceling in levels like the head shot and other such awards? This isn't a top priority request but it would be nice I have been a high enough level for all of them and taking them doesn't seem right with out a go ahead from you, I was waiting on LTG Jack Well but he is moving out for awhile. Could you get back to me on this when you have time? PvtSWAT01 23:56, 15 June 2007 (BST)
Through the fog of death he returns into Roftwood
to see the archive of my talkpage before retirement click here.
Hello old friend. I've been out for a while, and I'm planning to do so for a while in the future as well. I'll be back later, but in the meanwhile I'd like you to take the lead once more. You've been around lately so much, that hopefully this isn't too much a trouble for you. See you later. -- J.Well 23:34, 15 June 2007 (BST)
Checking in on what my orders are, Im still out near Blomfield Grove PD with Corp. Canuhearmenow running hit and run tactics on the zeds inside the biulding and helping out the few who are still standing inside the biulding. Leave orders on my discussion page and i will get back to you ASAP. Private Dromar 3 4:16 PM (EST) 21 May 2007
Just checking in with you sir, as you know we lost the PD to the zombies, I got a couple of them but there wasn't much we could do, anyways I moved to the church and got revived. I am currently waiting for the squads location so I can get back into the fight with you guys, let me know where your at and I'll catch up. Thanks. Knight11 14 May 2007
- Hold on Knight. We got around 5 people inside the biulding as we speak that are holding on for dear life. But the situation is gone from bad to horrible. Me and canuhearmenow killed some zeds , dump bodies and barricaded back up. I told canuhearmenow to go to the hostpital and get healed, but by the time he gets back it could be to late. like i said its looking really bad. 2 zeds inside blomfield and looks like everyone has been infected. About all i can say is to hold on for a rough ride. " Dont let the zombies feast upon my suckulant nogin!!" Private Dromar 3 3:57 PM (EST) 14 May 2007
- Ok i guess i will hold on then.. In the 20 or so mins i wrote my last post, 4 zeds had brokin in and are feasting on me as we speak. I used my 1 AP to close the door before fainting. Well i suppose next time i log to see even more than 4 zeds and less surviviors. Private Dromar 3 4:25 PM (EST) 14 May 2007
Well as you may guess when you log on, the zombies got to you before i was able to get to Blomfield Grove PD]. I was able to kill the 2 zombies inside, dump them out , secure the biulding, and baricade it up to VSB before passing out. There's somewhere around 5 or 6 zeds outside but inside theres me plus 3 others . im fine but the other 3 all have some extent of injuries ranging from a scratch to critical wounds. Im hoping that knight heads over in our direction soon,( he was still snoozing in Moggridge last i knew). Well im heading off for now, see you later. And as always: DONT let the zombies feast apon my suckulant nogin
-- Private Dromar 3 2:44, 12 May 2007 (EST)
Good to see you're back. I noticed you at Turpin a while ago and gave some syringe, but since that you haven't been around Greenhow or Wadham. In any case, RAF is glad to have you back. I've been of quite a lot lately, moving around to mall for ammoes and FAK's, searching syringes from NT buildings, barricading and all has become a daily routine...actually life as a survivor has become almost just as brainles and grey as an undead life of zombie would probably be. But RAF keeps goind. Its most active members have stayed together withouth active leadership and done their best. A big part of todays situation in Roftwood - nice and quiet - is made possible by strong will of our men. Yeah. Good to have you back. -- J. Well 21:44, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
Something Random!
I will give you a rat if you vote for Murray Jay.--Lachryma☭ 00:07, 18 April 2007 (BST)
- Thank you!
![]() |
Here, have a rat! |
Lachryma has given Deathnut a rat for voting, dammit! Woo! |
--Lachryma☭ 00:18, 18 April 2007 (BST)
I really do hope you enjoy your death when you log on. Consider it as a warning for broadcasting bounties for me on the radio. I did plan to leave after PKing Canuhearmenow about 5 times...but these broadcasts are making me add another kill to Canu, so if you want it to end and me to leave, you can stop the broadcasts and let me get it over with. And just let me say this now...if any RAF member besides Canuhearmenow kills me, I'll be adding 2 more kills to give him. --Axe Hack Talk 14:08, 18 April 2007 (BST)
- Yes. I know about that KOS list on the RAF page. It was Canu who told me about me getting on it. And kill me, you say? Just bring it! --Axe Hack Talk 02:02, 19 April 2007 (BST)
Do leave a message to eagle vision in Blackmore for me. He killed me while I'll was making my farewell statement on the radio. I do plan to move west out of the area, I'm not moving until I kill him. --Axe Hack Talk 14:13, 4 May 2007 (BST)
Say...I was looking at the RAF page and notices it says I was executed twice by the RAF, when I only remembered I was executed once, before I went idle. Trying to make the RAF look good, are we? --Axe Hack Talk 15:50, 5 August 2007 (BST)
Suburb Report
You forgot to delete the old suburb report for Roftwood when you placed your new one, don't worry I've got it for you. And on a lesser note, you should only say it's a minor edit if it doesn't really change anything on the page (typo, adding sig you forgot, formatting change, etc). Adding a new report with new info would never be considering a minor edit. But that's just getting picky now! 'arm. 05:04, 4 July 2007 (BST)
Roftwood Coordination Center
Being leader of the RAF, I would really appreciate you signing up with the RCC[1]. It's a year old project that never really got to it's feet. Given Roftwood's current situation, I feel that now would be a great time to get it started. Much thanks. --N dG 17:31, 6 July 2007 (EST)
- Hello deathnut! It has been a minute since we last talked! My old toon was N dG but I am back under this name and have rebooted the old Roftwood Coordination Center. I see from my contacts list that you are still active and I would like to welcome you back to Roftwood. We could really use a seasoned veteran like yourself helping us keep the suburb secure. Please consider my offer and feel free to contact me anytime on my UD wiki user page or stop on in the RCC discord at Thanks much! --ZombGG (talk) 11:04, 1 February 2018 (UTC)
I am currently getting back into the game and I am just posting here briefly to ask as to what your current location is so I can regroup with RAF Members. I'm sorry for my absence but Im back now and that's what matters here. - Nighthunter
Hi Deathnut! I'm now District Manager of McZeds, and I understand that you created the McZedsLogo™. Now, part of my new regime, after the rusting caused by Atari Techno, will be a new logo. Could you do some photoshopping for me? If not, I'll get someone else. If so, great!--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third MBE OBE 14:44, 22 August 2007 (BST)
- Well I got hagnat creating a new logo (hopefully) so if you could work off that once it's done, it'd be a great help. Also, I don't suppose the RAF is in need of a McZeds store, per chance? Only, as you've noticed, we're a bit low on stores, and you seem like the right type to open a store.--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third
MBE OBE 22:32, 22 August 2007 (BST)
- Also, as one final favour, could you make a new thumbnail, please? the current one's barely distinguisable.--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third
MBE OBE 23:01, 25 August 2007 (BST)
- Wow, I like.--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third
MBE OBE 17:17, 27 August 2007 (BST)
- Wow, I like.--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third
- Also, as one final favour, could you make a new thumbnail, please? the current one's barely distinguisable.--The-Not-So-Late Stuartbman The Third
RE: Ouch
What did you do? Absolutely nothing. You just so happen to be the only RAF member I recognized and I killed you, seeing that I'm an "Enemy of the RAF". I would have killed Canuhearmenow, but he's been idled for I don't know how long. --Axe Hack Talk 22:13, 1 October 2007 (BST) Although...if you see poopman9 in Roftwood and tell me his location, I would stop PKing you. --Axe Hack Talk 22:16, 1 October 2007 (BST)
A proposition
I'm willing to propose a trade. You, or any other RAFers revive me, and stating it was by accident, and I'll never hunt any of you again. --Axe Hack Talk 01:07, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
Roftwood Tactical Coordination
Hello, Deathnut. I am Blessed Guard of the Army Control Corps, and I have come here to the Wiki's of a couple of groups to garner information about the Pimbank/Roftwood areas. The ACC values the ability to work with others, and we hope to continue this method in our next area of Operations. The details of such are a bit specific, so is there any possible way to contact you via a more secure means? Thanks in advance for the help and the response. - Blessed Guard 01:06, 4 February 2008 (UTC)