Weaver Mall (Monroeville)

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Weaver Mall
Last update in 2008.
AndyMatthews (talk) 21:29, 22 October 2024 (UTC)

Weaver Mall


  306 307 308 309  
91 Pickering Towers the Clymer Building McKeeman Street a carpark 91
92 Nifer Street Weaver Mall Weaver Mall Lazenby Library 92
93 Bunch Park Weaver Mall Weaver Mall Tobias Road 93
94 Casey Lane Newforth Street Railway Station Kemper Square Boram Avenue 94
  306 307 308 309  

Basic Info:

  • Malls are an excellent place to find a wide range of items; the only major items that cannot be found here are fuel cans. As such, Malls are frequently used as safehouses and fortresses by survivors. Zombies often check inside (when they can get in), and organized zombie groups sometimes lay siege to them. They are listed as a Tactical Resource Point.


Weaver Mall

Weaver Mall is the only Mall situated in the Newtown region. Its 2x2 shape make it identical to many of the Malls found in Malton


Weaver Mall had only just been completed when the undead began returning to life. Before this, many people had questioned the need for a large Mall in the quiet suburb of Monroeville, which seemed onlly useful for attracting teenages in large group. Now it is probably the most important building in the area, and held out all zombie attacks until at least the middle of June.

Most notable are the scawlings: "FRODO BAGGINS DIED HERE" inside of a stall in the women's restrooms near the center of the mall.

Barricade Policy

Current policy is to maintain every corner at EHB, except one at VSB++. As of June 25, 2008, The survivors inside the mall have instead barricaded every corner to EHB, effectively closing the mall to survivors without the Free Running skill.

Recent Events

Please keep this article a neutral point of view; representing significant views fairly, proportionately and without bias. Events that are not NPOV will be moved the the POV News Page.

August 2008

August 14th: Not many zeds left. I counted 4 spread over three of the corners. At least the NE and SW corners are ransacked. Likely the other two squares are as well.

June 2008

June 30th: Survivers running, hopefully we can rebuild it when the Zeds move on.--Mc haggis 12:01, 30 June 2008 (BST)

June 29th: The mall has been invaded by the Monroeville Resistance Front, the Cornfed Undead and one or more members of the Monroeville Many. Zeds in 3 of 4 corners, 2 gennys taken out, no ransacks as yet. Will another mall fall so easily; will the survivors run, fight, or die?

--Not Invented Here 21:04, 29 June 2008 (BST)

April 2008

April 20th: Apparantly the Cornfed Undead are coming here soon. Up at EHB and lots of hit/healers. There are only 13 people active in North East corner, but almost all have headshot skill, and plenty of ammo. Steyr fun.