North Blythville Barricade Plan: Difference between revisions

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(changing whyt plaza schools to eh)
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'''NOTE''' - The map below is only a plan: some buildings actual barricade strengths ''may'' differ. For contrast only the basic legend colors have been used. Mouse-over individual blocks for name and type. See 'Discussion' tab for up to date status of the burb's cading levels.
{{BarricadePlanInfo|North Blythville}}
{{BarricadePlan|x=2|y=6|suburb=North Blythville
| type00=Street | text00=Hoy Square | content00=
| type10=EH | text10=Worthington Library | content10=
| type20=EH | text20=the Gaze Building | content20=
| type30=Street | text30=Nicks Square | content30=
| type40=Street | text40=the Kiddell Monument | content40=
| type50=EH | text50=a factory | content50=
| type60=EH | text60=Bugby Bank | content60=
| type70=EH | text70=the Kelland Motel | content70=
| type80=VSB | text80=Langman Lane Fire Station | content80=FS
| type90=EH | text90=Gilling Road Railway Station | content90=

| type01=VSB | text01=Brittan Row School | content01=S
| type11=Street | text11=Somerfield Drive | content11=
| type21=VSB | text21=Judge Road Police Dept | content21=PD
| type31=Street | text31=wasteland | content31=
| type41=VSB | text41=the Bewley Building | content41=
| type51=Street | text51=Masey Drive | content51=
| type61=EH | text61=Puckard Cinema | content61=
| type71=EH | text71=the Boulting Building | content71=
| type81=Street | text81=wasteland | content81=
| type91=Street | text91=Luttrell Plaza | content91=

| type02=Street | text02=Bromwich Park | content02=
{{North Blythville Barricade Plan}}
| type12=EH | text12=the Boddy Motel | content12=
| type22=Street | text22=wasteland | content22=
| type32=EH | text32=Club Burney | content32=
| type42=Street | text42=Letham Avenue | content42=
| type52=EH | text52=the Backer Building | content52=
| type62=VSB | text62=Pullin Avenue School | content62=S
| type72=EH | text72=St Barnabas's Church | content72=
| type82=VSB | text82=Herbert Road Police Dept | content82=PD
| type92=Street | text92=Checketts Walk | content92=
| type03=Street | text03=Leonard Street | content03=
| type13=VSB | text13=Bently Auto Repair | content13=AR
| type23=EH | text23=the Fear Building | content23=
| type33=EH | text33=the Ogborn Building | content33=
| type43=EH | text43=the Pilgrim Hotel | content43=
| type53=EH | text53=a warehouse | content53=
| type63=VSB | text63=the Travers Building | content63=
| type73=Cemetery | text73=a cemetery | content73=
| type83=Street | text83=Bullimore Road | content83=
| type93=EH | text93=the Patterson Hotel | content93=
| type04=EH | text04=a junkyard | content04=
| type14=Street | text14=Hannam Crescent | content14=
| type24=RP | text24=Male Boulevard | content24=O.M RP
| type34=EH | text34=Gatford Towers | content34=
| type44=EH | text44=Julie General Hospital | content44=H
| type54=RP | text54=a carpark | content54=O.M RP
| type64=EH | text64=Dear Street Police Dept | content64=PD
| type74=Street | text74=Seage Boulevard | content74=
| type84=VSB | text84=Dawbin Lane School | content84=S
| type94=Street | text94=Kennington Crescent | content94=
| type05=VSB | text05=Neot General Hospital | content05=H
| type15=EH | text15=the Saul Arms | content15=
| type25=Street | text25=the Neary Monument | content25=
| type35=VSB | text35=Corbin Alley Railway Station | content35=
| type45=EH | text45=the Hebditch Building | content45=NT
| type55=EH | text55=a factory | content55=
| type65=Street | text65=Empson Park | content65=
| type75=Street | text75=a carpark | content75=
| type85=EH | text85=Shipp Way School | content85=S
| type95=EH | text95=the Geldeard Building | content95=
| type06=VSB | text06=Horner Avenue School | content06=S
| type16=Street | text16=a carpark | content16=
| type26=Street | text26=Matraves Alley | content26=
| type36=EH | text36=Krinks Auto Repair | content36=AR
| type46=EH | text46=the Snelgrove Motel | content46=
| type56=RP | text56=Shallet Crescent | content56=RP
| type66=EH | text66=a warehouse | content66=
| type76=VSB | text76=Knowles Cinema | content76=
| type86=EH | text86=Blesley Library | content86=
| type96=EH | text96=the Dooley Building | content96=
| type07=EH | text07=Chubb Auto Repair | content07=AR
| type17=EH | text17=Hayce Auto Repair | content17=AR
| type27=VSB | text27=the Anglin Arms | content27=
| type37=Street | text37=Smythies Walk | content37=
| type47=EH | text47=a junkyard | content47=
| type57=Street | text57=a carpark | content57=
| type67=Street | text67=Horditch Road | content67=
| type77=Street | text77=a carpark | content77=
| type87=Street | text87=a carpark | content87=
| type97=EH | text97=the Butson Arms | content97=
| type08=Street | text08=Harold Crescent | content08=
| type18=Street | text18=Chorley Way | content18=
| type28=EH | text28=the Way Arms | content28=
| type38=Street | text38=Kennard Drive | content38=
| type48=EH | text48=the Rugg Building | content48=
| type58=EH | text58=the Mardon Hotel | content58=
| type68=EH | text68=Rollason Towers | content68=
| type78=Street | text78=Coghlan Avenue | content78=
| type88=Street | text88=Donagan Park | content88=
| type98=Street | text98=Woodroffe Crescent | content98=
| type09=Street | text09=Wigglesworth Boulevard | content09=
| type19=VSB | text19=St Bruno's Hospital | content19=H
| type29=EH | text29=Club Wricht | content29=
| type39=VSB | text39=St Joseph's Hospital | content39=H
| type49=EH | text49=the Lovel Museum | content49=
| type59=EH | text59=Whyt Plaza School | content59=s
| type69=EH | text69=a junkyard | content69=
| type79=Street | text79=Mor Street | content79=
| type89=VSB | text89=the Claxton Museum | content89=
| type99=Street | text99=Glass Avenue | content99=
[[Category:Barricade plans]]

Latest revision as of 01:28, 14 January 2012

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This is the Barricade Plan for the suburb of North Blythville.

This diagram shows what levels buildings should ideally be barricaded to in order to provide protection in the form of Extremely Heavily Barricaded buildings, whilst designating entry points in the form of Very Strongly Barricaded buildings. Please note this plan indicates the preferred levels of barricades, and not the current levels.

If you wish to discuss alterations to this plan, please use the talk page.

If you need to edit the barricade plan, go to Template:North Blythville Barricade Plan. If changes are made, please be sure to also edit the Barricade Policy section of the page for any buildings affected.

To include the barricade plan on a page use:

{{North Blythville Barricade Plan}} for a fullsize plan


{{North Blythville Barricade Plan|Small}} for a smaller version.

Ubpicon1.gif UBP Unreviewed Barricade Plan
This barricade plan is under review for compliance with the Uniform Barricading Policy. Comments on this plan may be left here.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
60 Hoy Square
Worthington Library
the Gaze Building
Nicks Square
the Kiddell Monument
a factory
Bugby Bank
the Kelland Motel
Langman Lane Fire Station
Gilling Road Railway Station
61 Brittan Row School
Somerfield Drive
Judge Road Police Department
the Bewley Building
Masey Drive
Puckard Cinema
the Boulting Building
Luttrell Plaza
62 Bromwich Park
the Boddy Motel
Club Burney
Letham Avenue
the Backer Building
Pullin Avenue School
St. Barnabas's Church
Indoor RP
Herbert Road Police Department
Checketts Walk
63 Leonard Street
Bently Auto Repair
the Fear Building
the Ogborn Building
the Pilgrim Hotel
a warehouse
the Travers Building
a cemetery
Bullimore Road
the Patterson Hotel
64 a junkyard
Hannam Crescent
Male Boulevard
Gatford Towers
Julie General Hospital
a carpark
Dear Street Police Department
Seage Boulevard
Dawbin Lane School
Kennington Crescent
65 Neot General Hospital
the Saul Arms
the Neary Monument
Corbin Alley Railway Station
the Hebditch Building
a factory
Empson Park
a carpark
Shipp Way School
the Geldeard Building
66 Horner Avenue School
a carpark
Matraves Alley
Krinks Auto Repair
the Snelgrove Motel
Shallet Crescent
a warehouse
Knowles Cinema
Blesley Library
the Dooley Building
67 Chubb Auto Repair
Hayce Auto Repair
the Anglin Arms
Smythies Walk
a junkyard
a carpark
Horditch Road
a carpark
a carpark
the Butson Arms
68 Harold Crescent
Chorley Way
the Way Arms
Kennard Drive
the Rugg Building
the Mardon Hotel
Rollason Towers
Coghlan Avenue
Donagan Park
Woodroffe Crescent
69 Wigglesworth Boulevard
St. Bruno's Hospital
Club Wricht
St. Joseph's Hospital
the Lovel Museum
Whyt Plaza School
a junkyard
Mor Street
the Claxton Museum
Glass Avenue
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points