Mockridge Heights/News Archive

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All news older than one month should be moved from the Mockridge Heights page to here


October 2008

October 16th

Zombies are crossing the North border of Galbraith Hills and Mockridge. A few buildings lay ruined with a few more under attack from a restless group of zombies who seem to be determined to cause as much destruction as possible (which they probably already do for a undead living). Upgrading suburb danger level to Moderate, could be updated to Dangerous very shortly.--Omega360 21:23, 16 October 2008 (BST)

September 2008

September 29th

At least 7 zombies on the streets. Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • 3 Police depts: 2 powered, 1 not.
  • 3 hospitals: 2 powered, 1 not.
  • 1 factory: powered.
  • 2 auto repairs: 1 powered, 1 not.

Appears Safe apart from minimal zombie activity. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 17:49, 29 September 2008 (BST)

September 26th

Moderate zombie activity appears to be focused along the northern border with Galbraith Hills specifically focused on TRPs located at the border. Wheaton and Lay Road PDs are operational at this time but present zombie numbers dictate the necessity for continued vigilance at these locations. Anne General is presently ruined at this time but efforts are underway to reclaim this location. Alphege General is operational and providing supplies to local survivors. The remaining areas of the suburb are in satisfactory condition. Roger atthill 15:12, 26 September 2008 (BST)

September 16th

Took a walk through town found Strutt Towers, St Galls, and Wheaton Ave PD ruined. Ran into random zed groups of 1-4 each through out the town. Looks like activity is picking up. --whoami 10:02pm, 16 September 2008 (CST)

September 4th

Serious numbers of zeds by the Abraham Museum and the surrounding area. Holed up at a nearby building. Hopefully they won't notice me. --Shotgunface McGee 10:45, 4 September 2008 (EST)

September 2nd

Degraded the barricade at Brockway Row Fire Station so that "entry" buildings are properly VSB'd. Moving east next. --Twinpeaks Fireman 18:50, 2 September 2008 (EST)

September 1st

Walked from Bowditch to Alphenge Hospital. Scattered ferals and scattered ruined buildings. Not the best 'burb but could be fixed up. Threw the last zed out of a VHB Alphenge; shelter here if anyone needs it. Will be moving to points west tomorrow. --Cgcoxn 23:23, 1 September 2008 (BST)


August 29th

NE of Mockridge Heights is terribly ruined. Only a few buildings at the Corner which meets Shackleville, Stanbury Village and Galbaraith Hills are not badly ruined. Need help in rebuilding those corners.--Natakaasd 11:38, 29 August 2008 (BST)

August 24th

St. Perpetua's Hospital [41, 69] barricades are down, about 7 Zed outside, couple low-levels (including myself) bailing for safe haven. Good luck fixing it: we'll help when we gain the ability to do so. 3d 0038, 24, August 2008 (GMT, I think)

August 21st

Some buildings are ruined, and a new, low-level group called the "Dead 13" is now haunting the Mockridge Heights. MikhailG 15:52, 21 August 2008

External Military: "... can see maybe fifty on the streets of Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ..." Laitaine 16:42, 21 August 2008 (BST)

August 5th

Conditions in Mockridge continue to improve due to low zombie numbers and efforts of local survivors to repair and maintain local structures. Roger atthill 18:22, 5 August 2008 (BST)

External Military: "... flying over Mockridge Heights, can see about forty on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ..." Laitaine 21:42, 5 August 2008 (BST)

August 1st

External Military: "... about forty in Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ..."


July 31st

After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again. --Adavastor 18:17, 31 July 2008 (BST)

July 30th

Department of Emergency Management personnel are making a concerted effort to reduce revive times at local RPs. Personnel are also working towards a general improvement of suburb conditions. -- roger atthill Fire Marshal SW-3 MFD 19:15 30 July 2008

July 12th

Leave South side of Mockridge Heights if you can. No point lingering around ruined buildings. Not survivor - Free Running Friendly at all.--Natakaasd 06:52, 12 July 2008 (BST)

July 11th

St. Perpetua's Hospital is ruined. A few nearby buildings are destroyed too. Advice survivors not to approach too closely to SW Side of Mockridge Heights. --Natakaasd 08:36, 11 July 2008 (BST)

July 10th

External Military: "... reporting from Mockridge Heights, I've got about forty active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ..." Laitaine 15:07, 10 July 2008 (BST)

July 8th

(Sorry for the unsigned comment. Promptly forgotten about it.) Centre of 'Mock is improving. Many buidling are caded, some are lit. Buildings near the East of Alphege Hospital is safe for hiding, though, Constant Vigilance is necessary. --Natakaasd 16:06, 8 July 2008 (BST)

July 5th

The NE Side facing Stanbury Village is still littered with RUINS. Any survivors interested to join in the Rebuilding of Mockridge Heights? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Natakaasd (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

Several small groups of zombies (4-6) in the NE corner. May succumb to infection soon.--Phyzikal

July 3rd

The Central Part of Mockridge Heights is scattered with small groups of zombies and the buildings are ruined. No news about the Northern Side. --Natakaasd 15:56, 3 July 2008 (BST)


June 29th

25.96 MHz: "... Mockridge Heights is still active, about sixty on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ..." Laitaine 17:39, 29 June 2008 (BST)

June 22nd

Buildings along the border with Galbraith Hills are under attack with survivors being dragged into the streets. Expect further attacks as mobs move S from nearby red zones.--Fausta Gummings 12:15, 22 June 2008 (BST)

June 21st

Zed levels are very low (almost 0) at the SW side. Buildings there are following the "Recommended" Barricade Plan supplied by Black Berets. St. Perpetua is at VSB, so Low-level characters can come in if necessary.--Natakaasd 12:48, 21 June 2008 (BST)

I was in Saturley just now, and it was more or less overrun, and Alphege General Hospital was the victim of a zombie attack. Just 9 humans left inside, and the barricades up at QSB with a zombie inside. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by PsychoGoose (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

June 16th

Safe mostly, shame that it's overbarricaded in most areas. The one entry point I did see not at EHB was mocking me by being at VHB. Break down those cades. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 18:25, 16 June 2008 (BST)


May 13th

St Perpetua's Hospital is still EHB. There are no other EPs in this area. I have healed two other wounded survivors, but we have been locked out. Your overcading will kill all three of us.--FLZombie 16:50, 26 May 2008 (BST)

May 13th

'Zeds are assualting St. Perpetua's Hospital- It looks Feral, but might be part of somethin bigger. Building is at LB. -theoutlander

May 1st

We have made a lot of repairs and have done a lot of 'cading. -CRRegan


April 30th

It's sorrounded with zeds.. -vooood

April 14th

<radio interferance>... for anyone listening. I'am runing from south Mockridge... Zombies are getting more and more ground here. Last safe place were I saw some other survivors was St.Perpetua's Hospital. It fell down this morning.... Some people are trying to get it back, but there is much zombies in body armors. Probably from some long dawn security company... poor bastards. Anyway its getting more dangerous here. I will get back with some suplies later. Any help needed to save this suburb. Constable Chris Madson off...<radio interferance>--Chris Madson 21:41, 14 April 2008 (BST)

April 5th

External Military: "... can see over a hundred on the streets of Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ..."--Scott Timewell 19:48, 5 April 2008 (BST)

April 4th

This suburb is now officially dangerous. Many resource buildings are open or ruined, and survivors are hiding out in large groups in small pockets throughout the suburb but are doing nothing to maintain barricade levels. Most of them hide in obvious locations such as the few remaining resource points and powered buildings instead of sleeping in non resource points. The few buildings that were previously barricaded have either had their barricade levels lowered or are now broken into. Zombie levels are still low, but one can consistently finds zombies on almost every block in the suburb. If the sheep in this suburb don't start spreading out and barricading other buildings, its going to get worse before it gets better. I'm off to Stanbury Village to help there. --BrainsTasty 19:44, 4 April 2008 (BST)

April 3rd

Many resource points in the south are barricaded and some are even powered, but I did see one ruined non resource point. Most buildings in the South half of the suburb are barricaded and zombies outside are standing around in groups of 1 or 2. However many building barricades are inconsistent with the barricade plan (i.e. some buildings are over barricaded, others are under barricaded) and almost all indoor and outdoor graffiti concerning barricades and entry points are wrong. Be careful when passing through this suburb so you do not get locked out, since there are still zombies who will find you if you get stuck sleeping outside. --BrainsTasty 21:38, 3 April 2008 (BST)


March 31st

Anyone who thinks that this status is accurate is a dirty liar. I was revived and infected and trying to make it to safety, but now I'm in the southern part of the suburb with about FIVE HEALTH and every resource building has been ruined, and I have yet to see another living soul.-Officer Kain

Update: Some parts of the South Western suburb are caded with even a powered building or two. There are few if any zombies there. Grandfield Row Police Dept was extremely heavily barricaded 1 day ago and presumably is still barricaded. In the South East, standing groups of zombies outside are scattered with zombies standing in about 1/3 of the blocks with no more than 3 or 4 zombies in one block. Many buildings in the South East are ruined with groups of 3-5 zeds standing indoors, especially as you go further east towards the next suburb, which is currently red. Brockway Row Fire Station is currently ruined. --BrainsTasty 16:46, 31 March 2008 (BST)

March 29th

I'm in Mockridge Heights now, plenty of zombies in the suburb, however, the Wheaton Avenue Police Department is at VSB and is powered, so it's not completely a ghost town.--Bldude

Update: I'm also in Mockridge Heights, after spending several days here, its apparent that there are plenty of active survivors in the area. A good number of buildings are baricaded, a lit/caded Hospital and a lit/caded Police Department. The suburb is still far from being completely in survivor hands though, plenty of zeds but they're spread out, no large groups. Mockridge is definitely not a ghost town, updated to moderate. --Sabranth 20:56, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

March 23rd

Couldn't find a single caded building or survivor and the biggest group of zombies was 5 at a cemetary, updated to Ghost Town. --Fausta Gummings 10:49, 23 March 2008 (UTC)

March 4th

HEADLINE: Grandfield Row PD falls to Zombie Mob

After a valiant effort on the part of 12 survivors, Grandview Row Police Department, in the suburb of Mockridge Heights, has fallen. Officer Johnny Skrull, one of the front liners in the battle, had this to say:

"We gave it our best. We 'caded as fast as we could. We stood and blew their dead brains out when they crashed through, and rebuilt. But in the end, it wasn't enough. I hope those who got out are safe."

The building is now a smoking ruin, with thirteen zombies hanging around outside, and six word yet if any of those undead inside are actually the reanimated survivors... -- Johnny Skrull


January 18th

Castellan Garviel Loken, Adeptus Astartes--

The Grandfield Row Police Department is under attack by a group of mutants of indeterminate size with increasing ferocity, thus far the number of survivors appears to be steadily whittled down by the mutant horde. Other mutants have been sighted in other locations in Mockridge Heights including Alphege General Hospital and nearby buildings. The Vox-Caster at Strutt Towers is also under siege. This suburb can no longer be classified as moderate but as dangerous due to the increasing number of mutants.

The Emperor Protects

January 13th

SITREP -- This is Cap. Marcus Wolff of the Military unit Wolff Pack. There are still a large number of Undead in Mockridge Hieghts, both outside and in some buildings. several buildings have been ransacked/ruined. These appear to be the main sites where the Undead are inside. I am making an attempt to resecure this subburb to make it "safer" for it's citizens. I am starting with Strutt Towers with the goal of re-establishing communications in this area. I am asking for help from the local population to assist in this and future endeavors. ETA until Strutt Towers can be secures is 24-48 hours. At that point it will be necessary to find and install a generator, radio transmitter, as well as a permenet security force to maintain the building. Stay safe people, I will report more when able.



December 27th

External Military: ... crossing Mockridge Heights now, can see a couple of dozen down there ... a few outside Brockway Row Fire Station ... several buildings with power ... infrastructure looks intact ..." --LH779 08:36, 27 December 2007 (UTC)

December 25th

External Military report: "... crossing Mockridge Heights now, can see thirty or so down there ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... infrastructure looks intact ..." -- boxy talki 10:49 25 December 2007 (BST)

Another one? External Military: "... crossing Mockridge Heights now, can see a couple of dozen down there ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... infrastructure looks intact ..." Merry Christmas! --LH779 14:24, 25 December 2007 (UTC)

December 15th

External Military report: "... maybe fifty in Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ..." --PdeqTalk* 01:31, 15 December 2007 (UTC) (28 minutes ago)


November 29th

Survivor report: "...Found myself in Mockridge Heights tonight, the south of Mockridge is ransacked no survivors anywhere ... Zombies everywhere ... didn't know where to go ... Had to bed down in a museum ... didn't have time to erect a baricade" *Shudders* --APzombie 23.25, 29 November 2007 (GMT)

November 16th

Another External Military report: "... leaving Mockridge Heights, counted about forty outside ... a few outside the My..." *static* "... Building ... a few buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ..." --WanYao 04:55, 17 November 2007 (UTC)

November 15th

External Military report: "... crossing Mockridge Heights now, can see about forty down there ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ..." --WanYao 07:14, 15 November 2007 (UTC)

November 14th

External Military report: "... maybe fifty in Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... infrastructure looks intact ..." --WanYao 11:41, 14 November 2007 (UTC)

November 7th

External Military report: "... maybe fifty in Mockridge Heights ... mostly just small groups ... can't see any signs of life ... heavy structural damage ..." --WanYao 01:09, 8 November 2007 (UTC)

November 2nd

External Military report: "... maybe seventy in Mockridge Heights ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... only one building with lights on ... serious collateral damage ..." WanYao 02:02, 3 November 2007 (UTC)


October 27th

Checked the whole suburb, and this is what I noticed: the southern buildings are all barricaded (not fueled) and there are not many zombies around here. The northern part of Mockridge Heights is different. Alot building have fallen, and there are alot of zombies seen over here. --VVigo 17:10, 27 October 2007 (GMT+2)

October 24th

The Film Festival is here -- survivors come on in and enjoy the movies! Check the link here for a listing of movies being shown: First VZW Malton Film Festival.Zombies have not been forgotten, and are invited to help themselves to the cart outside filled with Dr Mugwump's Patented Brain Serum jello brains!--Shazzelim 23:55, 25 October 2007 (BST)

Please sign your posts next time. --VkkhamulT! A! FU! U 23:44, 25 October 2007 (BST)

October 23rd

The First VZW Malton Film Festival is coming to Mockridge Heights! Check out the link, all survivors are welcome! --Shazzelim 17:53, 23 October 2007 (BST)

P.S. Any Zombies wishing to participate, we will have plenty of Dr Mugwump's Patented Brain Serum on hand which will be poured into brain-shaped jello moulds and handed out to undead patrons who wish to listen or watch from outside. (We are an equal opportunity film festival tour after all)--Shazzelim 23:55, 25 October 2007 (BST)


September 14th

External Military Report: ... leaving Mockridge Heights, counted maybe fifty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... can't see any signs of life ... serious collateral damage ...--  Savant  Chit-Chat  16:00, 14 September 2007 (BST)


August 19th

Almost all buildings are ransacked or ruined. There is a small portion of survivors hiding in derelict builings. Zombie levels are quite high still. This is getting boring. --  Savant  Chit-Chat  11:54, 19 August 2007 (BST)

August 14th

With no news in two weeks, this area's danger level has been downgraded to dangerous, please advise in news posts if this is inappropriate, or if a further reduction is warranted.


July 31st

Hope is on the horizon! I just heard this:

  • Keep the destruction vivid in your mind folks. Remember the carnage you have been inflicted by these hordes of undead, who come from nowhere and eat your friends. There is hope on the horizon, we need only to band together and strike at the heart of the horde. We cannot do this alone, we need all of Malton's residents to win this one! I am begging you to take up arms and march with me! Do it for your fallen comrades, do it for your families, do it for yourselves! The living need to bury the undead once again! Free Malton from the hordes! (St Aden) 15:06, 31 July 2007 (BST)

July 22nd

St. Perpetua's is HB, the others are wide open. Ponda Baba 23:24, 22 July 2007 (BST)

July 20th

Wheaton avenue Police Department has falled. 3 survivors indoor have been killed (including me). However, some of the survivors are strugling to take it back! Let's show those zombies some resistance! --Savant 18:06, 20 July 2007 (BST)

July 19th

Today at 6:00 PM (EST), I headed to Wheaton P.D., inside there were NO zombies. The building has been repaired and the doors closed. I advise any survivors in the local area to head to Wheaton P.D. if they are in need of ammunition. However, be careful, it's been reported that 3 zombies are still outside of the P.D., the Wheaton P.D. might not last too long.--Balthazar Valley 8:16, 19 July 2007 (EST)

July 17th

Mockridge Heights is overrun. Almost all resource points are ransacked, or under zombie claws - survivors are very low, there are very low number survivors that revive other fallen humans. People are running, and there are dead bodies everywhere. For everyone that still lives. Find a safeplace, barricade, and pray.--Savant 10:00, 17 July 2007 (BST)

July 15th

All of the south western resource buildings have now fallen to zombie hordes. The neighborhood should be considered unsafe but with the help of more survivors it could be retaken. Much of a well laid out infrastructure has been destroyed as well with zeds destroying generators and such. --lpvezzetti 22:22, 15 July 2007 (BST)

July 12th

Most of the northern resource buildings and safehouses have fallen and been ransacked by zombies screaming AHGZAN!H ZAN, HAMMAR AH BARHAH! Survivors are encouraged to seek shelter within their bathtubs, basting themselves in various delicious flavors to add to the zombie's dining experience.--DonTickles 19:42, 12 July 2007 (BST)

July 11th

Zeds have broken into Anne General Hospital several times now (I'm getting out of there!) and despite survivor attempts to defend it, they keep coming! Looks like zeds are having their way with the area right now. -Kestra15

July 10th

There is trouble in Mockridge Heights. There are 6 zeds at Wheaton PD, and I think more zeds in other parts of the city. Organizied human resistance is needed! --Onamod 02:22, 11 July 2007 (BST)

Update: Members of the Malton Mob raided both Grandfield Row and Wheaton PD during which they killed just over half a dozen survivors. Those were the first strikes in their tour of Malton.


June 23rd

Mockridge Heights is now the safest suburb in the area. Zed levels quite low, and with the concentrated barricading and reviving actions of the Malton Defense Corporation, it's a nice spot for the lower-level characters. A notable entry point is the Shuttle Building. Good times in Mockridge! -- Kell Tainer Sarkin, Malton Defense Corporation 11:42, 23 June, 2007 (EST)


May 21st

Cautious optimism is returning to Mockridge Heights as a small band of survivors are attempting to regain control, though it is still necessary to be careful in the suburb.--Cjack 17:03, 21 May 2007 (BST)


April 25th

Gone, the city is all gone. If there's any building that's not cracked wide open I couldn't find it. Even the squirrels have left this 'burb. --Tontoman.

April 19th

The Drama Club staged a performance of "Apocalypse Now" in Alphege General Hospital as part of their Outward Spiral Tour of Malton (the original venue of The Mycock Building had no audience). The group plans to travel in a counter-clockwise outward spiral from the center of the town to the outer edges with one show in each suburb. Today they performed for the 3 survivors there as part of this tour. See their group page for performing groups and schedules.

April 9th

The map has been updated to reflect that the suburb is Very Dangerous. Anyone who wants to consider trying to gut the suburb will have the gratitude of several of the groups in the nearby more safe areas. (Cjack)


March 22nd

This burb should be red on the map (I looked but no idea how to update it) as entering it without lots of AP means you're dead. All buildings are wide open, survivor pop seems to be nil and enough zombies around so you can't sleep in a partially barracaded buildings. Probably best if you're almost empty to leave it totally open and hope a zombie doesn't check. Oldpainless 17:23 (UTC)

March 18th

The barricade policy is completely obsolete. I almost died in the southeast area of the suburb as there are no barricades, yet the policy states there are many barricades. We all understand if it's difficult to keep order in a suburb but perhaps the barricade policy page should be updated. (cjack)


January 2nd

Mockridge Heights is overbarricaded. In particular, all the police stations are currently at EHB. Since the burb has no malls, this makes Mock extremely tough for beginning cops and privates as there is no source of ammunition to be had. Xadism 11:39, 2 January 2007 (UTC)



May 28th

Survivors in Mockridge Heights are still on the run, although more and more buildings are being cleared of the zombies that had taken up residence inside, and the barricades are holding, most nights. --Boxy 15:31, 27 May 2006 (BST)


April 4th

Any one in Mockridge Heights who is a survivor, please feel free to drop into Tapton and find a B.L.A.D.E. member and chill at there HQ, for the night, they are constantly looking for new recruits and also may aid you in your endeavors. --DicktheTech 17:31


March 16th

Caution and expedience are advised to all survivors passing through Mockridge Heights: the suburb is virtually deserted and most buildings have little or no barricading. Many buildings have a zombie a piece inside, as well. The phone mast is currently down, as could be expected. A group of organized survivors willing to take this suburb on will find it challenging, at best.

March 7th

Still alot of zombies around in this area, largest hoarde I've seen is 8 in Hendrich Park (S), but they are inside the buildings too (Brockway Row Fire Station I think). Quite alot of lone survivors hiding, but would advise caution in this area. Not seen an organised survivor group yet.


January 13th

The entire suburb seems to be under the control of zombies and no organised survivior group seems to be making any kind of attempt at reclaiming it. Travlers be warned, though there is not an overly large zombie presence in any one location there are many groups spread around the suburb ranging in size from individual zombies to groups of 12 or 15. As there seems to be no organised survivor groups in the area the possiblity of safehouses is unlikley.

January 5th

In the Southern area of Mockridge Heights, St. Ninian's Church has around seven zombies - the Blabey Museum has about four, and the surrounding areas have sporatic amount of zombies surrounding the area. Travlers be advised.



November 6th

As of November 6th, lower Mockridge Heights is still heavily populated with the undead, extreme caution advised.

November 3rd

The Mrh?Brnhr.Graaaagh! aka the All Zombie Team have been playing alot of tournaments, cups, and league's in Mockridge Heights between Sep 26 and Oct 31 2005 , over 200 casualties were counted in 27 games.


October 26th

There are many crowds of zombies here. At one point, 40 zombies were seen inside a factory. --Stresshog 21:16, 26 Oct 2005 (BST)