Developing Suggestions
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Developing Suggestions
This section is for general discussion of suggestions for the game Urban Dead.
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- Name - Give the suggestion a short but descriptive name.
- Type is the nature of the suggestion, such as a new class, skill change, balance change.
- Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
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Weakened Survivors
Timestamp: General Havok 17:46, 6 November 2010 (UTC) |
Description: Survivors that are injured have less ability to defend themselves. A Survivor that is WOUNDED has any Survivor or Zombie that attacks them get a +5% bonus to attack. A Survivor that is DYING has any Survivor or Zombie that attacks them get a +10% bonus to attack. |
Discussion (Weakened Survivors)
Kudos for using DS. However, this skill isn't needed at this point. Zombies can already kill quite well without any extra help. With this active, it makes zombies hit at a 70-80% rate when a survivor is dying. That's the same as a gun, and a gun has the down side of having to find and load ammo. This would effectively allow zombie players to hit almost non-stop without any draw-backs. As a zombie player, I love this. But the survivor part of me thinks this would knock things far too out of whack to be feasible. Shadok T Balance is power 22:23, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Brain damage
Timestamp: Zamins 17:54, 5 November 2010 (UTC) |
Type: Skill |
Scope: Survivors |
Description: Consider this, when someone in real life gets shot in the head, they either have brain damage or die. Mostly the latter. But zombies are different, their bodies regenerate. Zombies should have brain damage, but just untill their brain regenerates.
This skill would be in the skill tree of headshot, making it the second skill in the zombie hunter class. This skill could cause some of 5 different effects to happen. -Nulling the effect of ankle grab (paying the full price of dying) -Loss of motor skills (not able to move, etc) -Mental retardation (Messed up speech, sometimes doing the wrong thing) -Aggression (When trying to do something else, they could attack any breathing thing there. Zombie or survivor.) -Confabulations (Seeing things that aren't there, such as reading barricade levels wrong.) All of these effects would last for 5 ap, one after the other. Now before you think this is over powered, it is not 100% that any of these effects will happen. However, the zombie wouldn't know if it was effected or not. And would be given a choice to spend 10 AP to null all effects (excluding the ankle grab one) The chances that effects will happen: -1 effect happening = 95% -2 effects happening = 50% -3 effects happening = 25% -4 effects happening = 2% -5 effects happening = 1% |
Discussion (Brain damage)
I believe that this suggestion may be a little over powered with the nulling ankle grab one. Perhaps I should change it to adding on 5 ap to death. --Zamins 17:55, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
This goes against plenty in the Suggestions Dos and Do Nots. --Axe Hack Talk 18:08, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Such as? I kept those dos and do nots in mind when I made this suggestion. --Zamins 19:13, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
FUCK YEAR ZOMBIES R TOTES OVAPOWERD DUDE DEY SO NEED DA NERFIN. Fuck off. Adding anything to the already-punishing array of AP-sponging survivors can dish out to zombies is just spastic. Sorry this doesn't sound constructive, but that would be because it's not. 01:08, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Exactly. Despite how much of a parody that could be. --Zamins 01:41, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Oh, reading the small part of that I see brain damage is already in the game. It takes well over 20 AP to revive a survivor after death. For a zombie? 6 AP. So even WITH this, it would be 16 AP (excluding the ankle grab). Well, that's why I said in my first comment that this is a little overpowered. --Zamins 01:45, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
- Actually it takes 10 AP to revive a survivor, and the reviver gains experience for doing so. That same 10 AP revive is also a one-shot-kill versus zombies too, so there's no arguing that it's a niche item. Headshot is already a skill that hurts new players to a spastic degree, essentially saying "Oh hey, you're a new zombie player. That's great and all, but we're going to go ahead and only give you 7/10s of the play experience that new survivors get. Enjoy!" Enhancing the effects of headshot by increasing the stand-up cost, or anything else detrimental to normal, regular zombie play, hits the most fragile demographic in this game - a game which, might I add, is losing player numbers quickly. Of course this doesn't matter to you, you don't give a fuck about reaching new players or increasing player base or even allowing zombie players to enjoy the game, because I'm obviously in the wrong. You're not just making a stupid suggestion, you're making one that would impact the game decidedly negatively. Dick.
01:56, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
I play both a zombie character and a human one, and I can say that on the zombie account, there is no repelling us. There are only people spending 40+ AP getting us to waste 6 ap. --Zamins 01:47, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Are you counting the AP to stand up, go to a RP, another survivor to go to a NT building, find a syringe, and then go to the RP? And about the one shot kill, get brain rot. 6 ap is not a spastic degree. I agree on the experience thing though. Oh and, stop being a jackass, mmkay? --Zamins 01:59, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
- No, I'm not counting that. Because that's fucking stupid. I shouldn't factor in another player's AP expenditure as my own. And the only jackass here is the fucking retard trying to make this game more one-sided and significantly more difficult to pick up for the first time. Suggestions need to be applied to everyone, and that includes Paddy-New-Guy with no skills purchased and no gaming experience who will just ragequit UD entirely the first time your suggestion causes him to lose 40% of his gaming time to some retard idea. Also I don't think you understand for a second that there are players who don't have certain skills because they are fucking new. Brain Rot is not an option for someone who's just started, who already faces a 15 AP standing cost (which is a lot more than 6, in case you need it pointed out for you). Stop being a fucking idiot thinking only of established players and actually empathise with the little guy who this would fucking cripple.
02:05, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Stop with the swears, mmkay? Aren't you like, a wikimod or something? It just makes you look aggravated , which you probably are. Which is silly to get over the internet. You must have a poor temper. It is not stupid to count another person's AP. It's still AP from the survivor side. How will it make it one sided? Trying to have zombies do something other then camp out in a tent outside a building? If they get revived, then they do what a survivor has to do, get back to the right side. And the new zombies would just have to cooperate with older ones to get in and chow down. May I ask how you think zombies are not over powered? They will eventually ALWAYS break into a building. I'll try it on my zombie account right now. Stand outside of a popular building for a couple days, eventually I will break in. Oh wow, alot of fun for both sides. One side knows they're getting broken into, and the other has no challange. No need for cooperation. --Zamins 02:13, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
- Why are zombies not overpowered? They rely entirely on teamwork to achieve anything. One zombie can do almost fucking nothing alone - and as I keep trying to fucking convey to you, new players are the crux of this problem. They most often play alone, having not gotten into the game fully yet. They will drift from one building to another, maybe following groans if they're clever enough, finding scraps sometimes, and generally struggling to use their vastly-reduced AP total to achieve anything. Please tell me why, in no uncertain terms, you have this serious hard-on for ass-fucking new players. You have at no point addressed the fact that this is only going to hurt them, and it's obvious to anyone that they're both the most vulnerable and the most vital resource we have in this game. Why do you want to hurt new players? Why do you want to drive people away from starting this game? Why can't you comprehend the order of letters and punctuation on your screen and actually address a point being hammered home multiple times?
02:21, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Please don't reproduce, I don't want you beating your kids. That's the point, they can't do anything on their own. Zombies need other zombies. And this idea reinforces that. I realize they start off alone, and that's why I posted it here. To find flaws in it and fix it. And for what I hope to be the last time, please, please, stop with the swears? It just makes me think you're throwing a temper tantrum and I can't take you seriously. I'm trying to have a relaxed, cooled off, debate. And you going "RAGERAGEQQQQ!@!@!@@" every five seconds... --Zamins 02:29, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
- I might maybe curse less if you would learn to fucking indent. And I feel no reason to beat anyone unless they're your level of stupid. Can you seriously not fathom that new players without any connections in-game or any desire to/experience with metagaming are basically boned under this idea? You can't just enforce rigid play styles that are incredibly unrealistic to adhere to just because you're stupid. No one signs up to UD for the first time and instantly joins an organised horde to be fed. So stop fucking saying that's how they "should" play and own up to the fact that you just don't give a shit about new players. Seriously. You're a selfish fuck who is entirely unconcerned with anyone else's enjoyment of this game if you can't admit that making the game more difficult for new players is a bad thing.
02:34, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
What Mis says. Headshot is already bad enough as it is, especially for babahs without Ankle Grab. It would rather need to be nerfed than to be even more empowered. As for "always breaking in", try to tackle an EHB building as a feral. You won't have even the APs to bring it down to Lightly on your own 8 out of 10 days - just look at the math. By the time you have regenerated, the trenchie inside has rebuild the cades for a quarter of your costs to bring them down and has still the spare APs to go outside and go all "BOOM HAEDSHOT LOL" on you. -- Spiderzed▋ 02:35, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Misanthropy is correct in his claim that headshot does not require a boost. He is incorrect in his claim that Zamins is some asshole here to destroy the game. But getting a little bit more on topic, there is some quality ideas here that can be salvaged. First off: No boost to headshot. That said, I love the idea of a random debilitation. What if, perhaps, every time a survivor sees another survivor die, they have a small (~1%) chance of temporary insanity. There would be a variety of types (5-10), and mostly serve as an unexpected distraction, nothing like automatic suicide. All are curable by death. Here's some ideas, mostly taken from Call of Cthulhu:
- Character has a screaming fit. Basically, everyone outside has a scent trail style thing, but spanning two blocks rather than six. If you log on, and someone with a screaming fit is within two blocks, You hear screaming coming from <direction>. Screaming fit lasts until 60AP is spent / the server resets. Not sure which.
- Character believes themselves to be a zombie. Can only speak in death rattle, and cannot use firearms. Lasts until 20AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character gripped by intense necrophobia, and any action taken while a zombie is in sight is replaced with running in the general away direction. Lasts until 30AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character becomes homicidal. When other survivors are present, all actions are preceded by punching a random survivor (for 0AP), much like, when infected, actions are preceded by damage. Lasts until 40AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character gripped with echopraxia. Whenever character hears something via speech, radio, etc., they character automatically repeat it (for no AP). They are informed in the Since your last turn. Lasts until 100AP is spent.
- Character gripped with strange eating desire. Gains the ability to feed on corpses. Lasts until death.
- Character has necrophilia. That one was a joke.
- Deafness. Cannot hear speech, radio, groan, etc. Lasts until 60AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character has uncontrollable tics or tremors. All attack accuracies are halved. Lasts until 40AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character loses ability to communicate. Lasts until 40AP is spent / the server resets.
- Character temporarily loses a random 20% of their skills. They cannot buy them, but get them back for free afterwords. On their profile, the skills show up as present. Lasts until 40AP is spent / the server resets.
- Alcohol abuse. Basically, every action costs 2AP. Drinking beer or wine cures this.
Pretty raw idea(s), but worth discussing. So... discuss. --VVV RPMBG 05:02, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
Hunting Rifle
Timestamp: Toshiro Aki 5 November 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: New Weapon, Game Mechanic | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scope: Humans, Civilians, Malls, Skills | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Every-mans gun, do all civilians need to be in the military to know how to shoot? no, we hunt!
( in military as is no change )
(notice instead of 25,10 --- we did a 15,10,10 so a civillian requires more EXP to fight effectivly
Discussion (Hunting rifle)Auto-dupe/Auto-spam on my watch. Please view the Frequently Suggested page. --Axe Hack Talk 15:42, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Discussion (Lighthouse)Question: Where would this lighthouse be?--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature3 11:44, 5 November 2010 (UTC) I love it! Malton basing it is a problem. But its still a fantastic idea. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 12:07, 5 November 2010 (UTC) I like it a lot as well. You could do something similar with stadiums and stadium lights to make the general concept a little more Malton-friendly. Lighted stadiums are easy to see from a distance. -MHSstaff 16:47, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Gun noise
Discussion (Gun noise)For one, I'm a supporter of the idea. Specially nowadays, since the server is a lot emptier than it used to be and there are many ghost towns around, I like ideas that draw players to action (like this, if it could be hear by zombies too) ~m T! 02:54, 4 November 2010 (UTC) Rejected! --Axe Hack Talk 03:12, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
ShoutDiscussion (Shout)Another variation of Shout would be more similar to feeding groan and is available only when faced with a horde of zombies. I looked through suggestion portal and didn't find this one but pardon if it is a dupe. I think this would help with some of the survivor disorganization issues. It's a non-meta way of getting specific information to other survivors and unlike firing flares, shout leaves no guessing as to what's going on in the surrounding area. Flares can be used in ANY situation and does not deliver specific (or even valuable IMO) information ~
Fireman's Carry
Discussion (Fireman's Carry)Feeding Drag is one of the skills that should never, under any circumstances, be neutured. Its greatest use is for feeding babahz, and that's a difficult task to accomplish. Hurting it only hurts new players. Peer Reviewed already. --Axe Hack Talk 00:19, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
IMO, the peer reviewed (and this) version both have a huge flaw in terms of flavor; the guy who got dragged out can't simply be carried back in, because zombies would be swarming all over him. This is true in EVERY zombie movie. I'd say each zombie outside has a 50% chance of blocking the use of fireman's carry; two zombies would thus block for a net 75%, three for 87.5%, four for 93.75%, 5 for 96.875%, etc. Basically, any sizable swarm would make such rescue very unlikely (or at least very effort intensive) due to its costing an unpredictable but large number of AP to do so. Remember, zombies can NOT just drag survivors outside for 1 AP; first they have to bring down the barricades and than take that survivor below 12 HP.
Zombies get small XP bonus for witness survivor slayings
Discussion (Zombies get small XP bonus for witness survivor slayings)I like 2 and 3. 2 because it would stop peeping toms just going around and watching deaths to level up. (e.g. Major seige - 100 survivors die, 5 skill levels gained by standing there). 3 I like less, for the reason mentioned above, but it makes more sense with flavour.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature3 08:51, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Reduce the gain of nr 1 or drop it entirely, don't give stuff away for free. Reduce nr 2 to the last survivor the zombie hit, current version encourages attacking multiple targets instead of focusing on a single target. Reduce the gain of nr 3. - User:Whitehouse 12:38, 1 November 2010 (UTC) #2 undermines another skill (Tangling Grasp), by encouraging people to break other's grasps. Plus, it'd make for some new tactics that I find to be a bad idea (zombies getting resurrected and healing each other repeatedly for the sole purpose of feeding as baby zeds as possible). #3 is overpowered, I'd say. #1 doesn't seem too bad, but I still can't get past the fact that it makes strike teams even further and away the best source for XP for a newbie zed. Newbie zeds should have new feral options to level, not new horde options, since the horde options are already strong enough. And, as others have pointed out, the idea of gaining an entire level by doing nothing but standing indoors during a mall siege is not a good thing. —Aichon— 13:02, 1 November 2010 (UTC) I'd perhaps give it a limit to when it stops taking effect - perhaps Memories of Life becomes the "off switch" that stops zombies gaining this XP. That stops it being an endless source of XP so you can keep the payout decent. I think a simpler solution would be to allow zombies who do not have digestion to gain XP by feeding on dead bodies. 1 XP per feeding would work. If you witness a survivor being killed... well, there's a fresh body to eat, right? But this is better, since you don't have to actually be there.
Interior Description Mod
Discussion (Interior Description Mod)Welcome back Necro. Decay levels in building change based on time. Its more vague than the outside, but it exists. How would you change the messages. Im pretty sure survivors can't see repair coast until dark buildings are repaired. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 12:12, 30 October 2010 (BST)
Y'know, I remember a time when you were pretty much guaranteed a rapid if not at all satisfactory response on this page... Geez... Fine, I'll do it myself... Buff! Nerf! Buff! Nerf! Buff! Nerf! Buff! Nerf! Buff! Nerf! Stagger to your feet and start cooking something but then pass out and wake up to the sound of the fire alarm as the room fills with smoke, take it off the heat, chuck it in the sink and open the windows and pass out, wake up late the next day to the sound of your obnoxious neighbors chatting loudly about their various illegal behaviors just outside your apartment door! Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary!--Necrofeelinya 12:19, 30 October 2010 (BST)
The way I see it, this suggestion buffs the zombies all to hell when what they really need is a nerf. Except in those areas they need buffs, because they need to be buffed, buffed, buffed right up if you ask me in lots of ways. But mainly they need nerfs. Survivors needs nerfs too...NERF GUNS! But that'd be a zombie buff if all of the survivors had to use nerf guns, but it'd also nerf the trenchiness of some trenchies, so that'd buff intelligent players, which is always a good thing. Who woulda thought you could buff players by literally nerfing them? —Aichon— 17:50, 30 October 2010 (BST) I have one question about this suggestion: How much nerf could a buff nerf buff if a nerf buff nerf got buff?--E Gadus 22:35, 30 October 2010 (BST)
Suggestions up for votingXP for FeedingMoved to Suggestion talk:20101105 All Zombies Feed on Corpses; Feeding Grants 1 XP --Axe Hack Talk 18:15, 5 November 2010 (UTC) |