User talk:Aichon

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ˈīˌkän :Talk

Announcement: I'm no longer active. My talk page is still your best bet to get in touch. Aichon 04:39, 15 December 2018 (UTC)

Please be aware of the following guidelines before posting here.

  • New conversations should be started at the bottom using a level two header (e.g. ==Header==). Or with the +
  • I like to keep conversations wherever they start, but if a conversation ends up here, I will keep it here.
  • I will format comments for stylistic reasons, delete comments for whatever reason, and generally do anything else within reason.

Thanks. Aichon


Archives: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | To do

Are we allowed to make categories specifically for pages in the User: namespace?

As it says on the tin. I know it's silly but I was thinking of placing the pages of a UD-style mini-game (like the ones using AHLG's templates) under a category. Wasn't sure if it's allowed or otherwise. It's just so I can have all those pages linked to one another without having to "play through" the entire story each time I need to fix something. Thank you in advance! --Si vis pacem, para bellum. (stalk · KT · FoD · UT) 07:38, 8 July 2014 (UTC)

Categories are fine, though it sounds like Special:PrefixIndex may also fit the bill, and it wouldn't involve having to add a load of categories to a load of pages. E.g. All of the pages in my userspace. Aichon 07:48, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
SpecialPrefix could be used for what you need, and using that method could theoretically be used for AHLG's game too. For example, prefixindexing "DanceDanceRevolution/sandpit" brings up only the sandpit pages with that prefix. Similarly, out of the billion pages in AHLG's namespace, you could bring up each "level" by adding the level as a suffix, for example, "A Helpful Little Gnome/Church" brings up the church section. There's no reason why you couldn't just use categories, but the advantage of this method, I'd imagine, is that it's automatic. The disadvantage would be that once you'd made the name you'd only be able to search using that name so you'd want to make sure it was all planned in advance. A ZOMBIE ANT 08:20, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
Thank you both for your answers! Each side of the mini-game had pages that had a common prefix, so I'm glad this kind of automation exists. I would have dreaded editing each of the pages manually just to add them into a category. Is it just like searching by prefix? --Si vis pacem, para bellum. (stalk · KT · FoD · UT) 12:26, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
Yup. If the page is named "User:X/AWESOME_NAME", you can search for "User:X/AWESOME" and get all of the results that match, including AWESOME_NAME. Aichon 14:16, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
Thanks again! :D --Si vis pacem, para bellum. (stalk · KT · FoD · UT) 22:05, 8 July 2014 (UTC)

Image Size

I reduced it to 27KB! Is that better? ^_^ --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 14:54, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

It is, but you also lost your transparency, it appears, which means it looks a bit odd on a purple background. ;) Aichon 14:55, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Fixed! Yeah, noticed that the last second. And I couldn't update the picture, kept giving that MIME thing that pissed me off. It's now a gif with 37KB, sorry! Could you delete ? --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 15:02, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Also, I put Hyper-Umbrella at the bottom because I thought Hyper- as being like "the book." You'd put "The Book" in B, right? --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 15:07, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
When it comes to lexicographical ordering, prefixes are not skipped. Generally only articles (e.g. a, an, the) are skipped. And sure, I've gone ahead and deleted the image. Aichon 15:32, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Coding Your Talk Page

Jeezes holy shiz you did a lot of work here. I just went to look how you did you header and it links to a dozen other templates holy ffff... Amazing work Aichon! --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 15:10, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Thanks. And yeah, there are quite a few template calls, for better or worse. Aichon 15:53, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Roleplay Notice Category?

I thought I'd give it a category since it's used so much, and it would help people find other roleplay groups and players... but I don't think the code I used seemed to work... Template:RoleplayNotice --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 16:26, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Sometimes there's already a tool to do what you want and you don't need to do any coding at all. ;) Aichon 16:28, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
There goes my suggestion out the window! >:P --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 16:30, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
O-o... d-did I re-post a giant thing of text you had deleted? I ...I don't know what I did... I'm sorry :x [1] --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 16:37, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Edit conflicts. They happen. No worries. Aichon 16:38, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

The Wiki Past

Holy crap I stumbled into some dark times of the Wiki. Banning of Amazing, the PQN, that wiki coup, everything else, goodness! What have you sysop's suffered? I know this has nothing to do with anything but bringing up the past, but really, I can't have already seen it all, have I? And to think, I found it all through that weird trenchcoater.jpb file... Aichon how much have you had to deal with similar to that stuff? That shiz was crazy! I am never going back again! --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 16:12, 22 July 2014 (UTC)

I actually arrived after most of that stuff, since I first showed up in the autumn of '09. Things have, for the most part, been pretty positive since then. Amazing and Grim were both unbanned, as were several others, and the wiki has kinda settled down (or died off, depending on your perspective). Aichon 16:17, 22 July 2014 (UTC)
Amazing's Wikigate and Grim's coup were definitely the two biggest bombs in wiki history, but there have definitely been hundreds of mini events that give me a headache to remember. Most of them revolved around Iscariot. A ZOMBIE ANT 11:08, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
Was the coup about like, Grim removing sysop from everyone or something? What did Amazing do? --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 12:06, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
It's hard to explain without a fair amount of context. In a simple, opinionated form, Grim s was a sysop known for being very hard to deal with on the wiki. He became a bureaucrat and not long after he was accused of using his sysop status as a way to bully users and fellow sysops into constantly having his way. The final straw was when he debated that a Historical Group nomination wasn't applicable, and in the heat of the debate, he simply removed it completely, citing that it wasn't valid. Whether he was using his sysop status inappropriately is up to debate, but the overarching theme of the misconduct case seemed to be that the long-term interactions with Grim had caused many members of the community, including many sysops, to feel that he was a detriment to the team and to the wiki community.
Was it a witch hunt? Probably. Was it warranted? I don't think so, but when it became apparent Grim was going to be demoted, he seized control of the wiki and implemented his own new wiki constitution, so to speak. He didn't do it to stop himself being demoted, he had this new system planned for a while, but due to circumstances outside of his control, only had this moment to implement it. He did, sysops dobbed and Kevan demoted Grim personally and reinstated all the sysops. So after two weeks of the most intense drama the wiki has ever seen, Grim took control of the wiki, basically with crazy manifesto in hand, and was smite down. It was the greatest end to an amazing buildup. Like, no context can really explain how jaw-dropping that half-an-hour was when Grim had declared the wiki his. It was something I called up my IRL UD friends about to let them know what was happening because it was so insane. Then I got laughed at.
It changed the wiki forever (seriously). A ZOMBIE ANT 13:03, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
As for Amazing, that was before my time in the very early days of the wiki, but basically Arbitration was used a lot more back then to solve conflicts between users. Basically Amazing apparently put up an arbitration case against a score of users, and then it got split into like 20 individual cases, and just engulfed the wiki in madness for weeks on end. Then Amazing ended up getting banned for something. It was all very wild-west in those days of the Wiki by the looks of it. A ZOMBIE ANT 13:03, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
Grim was in no immediate danger of being de-'crated or de-sysoped, since I wasn't for it (or actually around for the event to form much of an opinion). Everything was in everyone's head. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 21:02, 23 July 2014 (UTC)


Is an Arbitrator like a sort of judge? --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 12:26, 23 July 2014 (UTC)

More like a mediator than a judge, though the roles are somewhat similar at times. Basically, two parties come to them with a problem, and it's the arbitrator's job to find out what the best solution is, which usually means a solution that neither side is happy about so that they're encouraged to solve the problems between themselves in the future.
Also, if you're poking around looking for things to do, I'll point you towards this guide. It's not exactly applicable to you at the moment, since you haven't expressed an interest in being a sysop, but some of the stuff in there would apply to someone interested in just helping about, particularly the stuff near the end. Aichon 12:29, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
Looking to be a sysop probably wouldn't end up well, right? On the side of wiki use, I haven't seemed to be very stable, and wiki function, I'm sharing my computer with my brother (Though he saves his sign-in info, I don't) --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 12:36, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
If you tried to sign up as a sysop right now, I seriously doubt it'd end well, but I can't speak towards how the landscape will look in a few months. Aichon 12:38, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
Is there a more private place I can talk to you about something? I suppose it can be done here, I just have a preference for something like this to be elsewhere. Forum PM or Email? --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 12:41, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
IRC work? Just click the link and give it a screen name, and it'll take you to the #udwiki channel (i.e. the chatroom for the wiki), which is relatively private, since only Revenant and myself are there at the moment. But I'm a bit tied up right now, since I'm under a deadline and at work for the day already, so I'll be answering in between that stuff. Aichon 12:44, 23 July 2014 (UTC)

Just Looking For An Opinion

And if it was good, I guess it could be considered my first Wiki work. The Acourt Arms was really messy with all those dates as headers, so I cleaned it up, reformatted, and even made an Archive... was that good in your opinion? Not 'good enough,' I mean, should I not have done it? --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 16:42, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

My honest opinion to a change like that is "indifference". What you did is fine and there's no problems with what you did, from what I can see, but I'm not sure what the goal was. If the headers being confusing were the issue, you could have switched them from being == to being ==== headers, that way they fell under the Current Status heading, rather than standing out from it, which would also allow you to keep all of that information on the main page. If the issue was that there was simply too much information on the page, then archiving it was the right thing to do.
I dunno. Any lurkers reading this want to chime in? I'm rather apathetic towards building location pages, since I tend to let the people who actually care about the location do what they want with it, so pretty much anything reasonable is fine by me. Aichon 16:58, 25 July 2014 (UTC)
I fixed it from looking like this, where every single date had it's own header [2] To this The_Acourt_Arms/Archive --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 17:04, 25 July 2014 (UTC)
I've made changes, so that the dated status reports become sub-headings, instead of a higher level heading, otherwise, it's all good. No real need for long out of date status reports to be on the main page. Some people put them on the talk page, rather than an archive, but as long as there's a link, it's all good -- boxy 15:47, 26 July 2014 (BST)
But why'd you make another link to the Archive? --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 10:05, 27 July 2014 (UTC)
Because I didn't notice the one you put in, until after the page saved Wink Feel free to remove one of them -- boxy 12:40, 29 July 2014 (BST)

Bye Aichon

The game is 75% dead, or better yet, The Dead. Earletown is now Ghost Town, so revives take an eternity to get. And to make it all worse, the Unholy Trinity have made me their sworn enemies because my Operatives decided not to revive them, so they literally are camping my H.Q. and killing me every time I revive. Thanks for helping me out, but I'm done. Tell DDR I'm sorry for the nasty things I said, I do appreciate what he tried to do that long ago. Bye --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 18:14, 31 July 2014 (UTC)

I'm sorry to hear that. Have you considered simply moving elsewhere in Malton? There are plenty of places that could use an eager and capable person. Aichon 19:41, 31 July 2014 (UTC)
They follow me and my friends. --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 20:43, 31 July 2014 (UTC)
Don't advertise where you are. ;) Aichon 20:48, 31 July 2014 (UTC)
It isn't really advertising, but I guess metagaming is what the game is about anyway. Also, I don't broadcast it, I pm my friends on my own forum. But it's cool. --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 04:50, 1 August 2014 (UTC)


I thought I noticed a bug, but it just turns out I was confused by the icon colours. Are factories supposed to have the same colours as warehouses on the minimap? A ZOMBIE ANT 11:59, 7 August 2014 (UTC)

Warehouses aren't supposed to be colored at all unless you turned on the visibility for them yourself by modifying the code. Is a specific warehouse being colored in? It's possible it's miscategorized as a factory. Aichon 15:34, 7 August 2014 (UTC)

"Current Status"

Most building pages in the wiki have a section called "Current Status," whose last update is usually from 2008 or 2011. Given that the Danger Report at the top of the page makes such a section 100% redundant anyway, would it be OK if I started going through and deleting the "Current Status" section from building subpages? -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 08:08, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

I'd suggest an Open Discussion on the topic. I'm fine with you archiving the old ones, but I never really cared about them at all, and I'm not in a place of authority where I can answer that for everyone. Aichon 14:40, 15 August 2014 (UTC)