Dunell Hills

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Suburb of Dunell Hills
Border Peddlesden Village Chudleyton
Border Dunell Hills West Becktown
Border Owsleybank Molebank
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Dunell Hills's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Dunell Hills

Latest EMR:
z: 10-i: ---
p: FJuly 31

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{{User:DangerReport/Ostrehan Towers [2,36]|template=SuburbMastStatus}}

[[User:DangerReport/Ostrehan Towers [2,36]|Update Mast]]

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in Dunell Hills:

NecroTech Buildings: 1


Police Departments: 3
Hospitals: 6
Fire Stations: 2
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Schools 2, Monuments 3, Museums 2
Suburb Number: 31
Scales.png Please remember to keep this article neutral.

Dunell Hills is a suburb of Malton built by wealthy Malton business leaders between 1880 and 1920, located in the west of the city. The district is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. It is also listed in the Undead Public Records of Commerce and Business. Copies can be found in the back of the Dury Building.

Resting on the very outskirts of Malton, the Hills was a small community that had generally kept to itself. The suburb supported several clinics and research hospitals and as such had a brisk medical trade in the area.

The suburb contains only one NecroTech facility: the Dury Building. It does, however, boast an impressive 6 hospitals, as well as 3 police stations, 3 factories and an Auto Shop. Dunell Hills is also home to historical site Club Meade -- one of the more famous RP bars in Malton -- when the suburb is not in zombie hands.

Hometown to the DHPD the "Hills" are also infamous as the birthplace of mega horde The Dead and site of bitter rivalry between the two that has destroyed much of the town's infrastructure and former reputation as a safezone for survivors.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


  • none

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Revive Requests

At least one survivor group advertises a revive request queue for this suburb.

DHPD Queue - Status: Dangerous (By Request Only)

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

A Brief History of Dunell Hills After the Outbreak

Since the Fall of Caiger Mall, Dunell Hills has often been a very dangerous , if not all-dead, suburb. This was caused, initially, when many of the zombies drawn to Caiger Mall chose to remain in the region.

The Dunell Hills Police Department established this suburb as the heart of the Dunell Military Zone, a 6 borough region which they have pledged to patrol and defend. Local survivors, however, have been under almost constant siege for some time -- including fierce battles with Extinction in 2007 and the arrival en masse of The Dead in 2008, the latter having vowed never to permit survivors to reside in Dunell Hills again.

The Dead, in fact, succeeded in making Dunell Hills a wasteland from November 2007 to September 2008. Although there were several concerted attempts by different survivor groups to retake the suburb during this time, none of these incursions met with more than transitory and limited success, at best. At the end of this period, repair costs averaged around 50 AP, with some buildings in the high 90s. However, the latter half of September 2008 saw the DHPD, the Crimson Clan, the Malton Rangers and other survivors move back into the 'Hills, establishing a stable survivor "beachhead" for the first time in over a year. The Dead returned in mid-October and the two sides engaged in a bloody battle which resulted in the DHPD being pushed out of the suburb by November 2008; the area was subsequently placed into a state of complete ruin once again.The Dead, in fact, succeeded in making Dunell Hills a wasteland from November 2007 to September 2008. Although there were several concerted attempts by different survivor groups to retake the suburb during this time, none of these incursions met with more than transitory and limited success, at best. At the end of this period, repair costs averaged around 50 AP, with some buildings in the high 90s. However, the latter half of September 2008 saw the DHPD, the Crimson Clan, the Malton Rangers and other survivors move back into the 'Hills, establishing a stable survivor "beachhead" for the first time in over a year. The Dead responded to this incursion with renewed efforts to keep the suburb and since early October 2008 it has been in a state of complete and utter ruination.

The current state of Dunell Hills is in flux, and may always be -- with victories large and small for both sides, and the major local groups continuing to making Dunell Hills a constant battleground.

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

October 2008

October 10th

External Military 25.96 MHz: "... can see about forty on the streets of Dunell Hills ... they're just wandering around ... no lights on down there ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Dury Building has fallen - repeat, the Dury Building has fallen ..." --xoxo 13:50, 10 October 2008 (BST)

October 1st

At least 21 zombies on the streets, with a further 26 estimated indoors holding ruined Tactical Resource Points. All 13 of the suburbs TRPs are in ruins, as is nearly the entire suburb. As the largest sighted single gathering of zombies was 6, this apparently now qualifies as a Ghost Town, unless evidence of further hidden zombies comes to light. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 17:59, 1 October 2008 (BST)

September 2008

September 26th

Of Dunell Hill's six hospitals[1] [2], only one is un-ruined (St. Justin's, EHB with no power[3]). The Drury NT [4], Billett Auto Repair[5][ and both Cotty Street[6] and Broadbelt PDs are also ruined. The indoor revive point at St. Lorenzo's Church is being serviced -- though slowly. Given the suburb's TRP status, as well as recent External Military reports, a modification of the danger level to Very Dangerous is in order. --WanYao 06:07, 26 September 2008 (BST)

At least 58 zombies on the streets. Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • 1 NecroTech: ruined.
  • 3 Police depts: ruined.
  • 6 hospitals: 5 ruined, 1 without power.
  • 3 factories: ruined.
  • 1 auto repair: ruined.

Very Dangerous. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 17:07, 26 September 2008 (BST)

September 25th

External Military report (25.96 MHz): "... can see nearly a hundred on the streets of Dunell Hills ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... only one building with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Dury Building is out of action ..." (yesterday) --WanYao 05:39, 26 September 2008 (BST)

September 18th

External Military: 25.96 MHz: "... can see a hundred or so on the streets of Dunell Hills ... a horde of a couple of dozen outside the Dury Building ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ..." (15 minutes ago) --Zeug 09:37, 18 September 2008 (BST)

September 6th

For a brief moment, Dury NT was repaired. It was long enough for some one to spray paint "Back in Buisness..." [sic]. Which sums up the situation nicely. All buildings ruined again. No survivors.--The Malton Globetrotters #99 DCC SNACK STRONG 21:47, 6 September 2008 (BST)

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Dunell Hills
Tharratt Road Squires Crescent Catherine General Hospital Side Alley Studley Towers Hakens Way Dalwood Lane the Pettman Museum Salt Towers wasteland
the Moon Building Club Swain St. Justin's Hospital Woodgate Avenue the Roger Hotel Clarry Towers Main Walk Club Illing Henderson Boulevard Prinn Drive
St. Luke's Church Raynols Boulevard the Puckle Monument Bigg Boulevard Stephen General Hospital Polley Grove Brimson Alley Railway Station Powlet Grove Yea Drive Police Department Lolley Library
the Jacomb Arms Cotty Street Police Department a factory the Neate Monument Parsley Road Craigie Alley St. Marcus's Church Hilborn Walk Eckersley Cinema Bendle Drive
Gould Walk the Heal Museum Combe Lane Inclesdon Drive a junkyard North Lane Hartry Crescent the Fortune Building Blight Park the Golling Building
Coffins Drive
Heming Way Dewfall Plaza Railway Station Swonnell Walk Anderson Row School Shilling Walk Billet Auto Repair Broadbelt Grove Police Department wasteland Ainslie Road Fire Station
Newten Cinema Wakley Boulevard Ostrehan Towers Godsland Street School the McGarth Building the Dury Building Zephyrinus General Hospital Club Meade Coorte Square Standen Row
the Stone Motel Neyens Avenue Newbury Library Arbuthnot Park a factory Molesworth Road St. Lorenzo's Church
Comer Avenue St. Mary's Church Glass Park
the Hatson Building the Mashman Building a carpark Horn Walk Brendan General Hospital Penny Crescent Fullaway Crescent the Tibbs Monument a cemetery a factory
Bowley Lane Summers Row Basher Street wasteland Ritchie Boulevard Lucius General Hospital wasteland Leader Drive Bush Crescent Fire Station a carpark

Barricade Plan

The barricade plan for Dunell Hills may be found here.