User talk:Aichon

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Talk: Aichon
ˈīˌkän :Aichon
Please be aware of the following guidelines.

New conversations should be started at the bottom (yes, this is different than it used to be). Also, if a conversation starts here, I will keep it here. If I post to your talk page, I'd like to keep it there. If it ends up here though, I will reply here. Conversations are always better when you can see the context, so I don't want any back-and-forth between talk pages. I also reserve the right to format your edits for stylistic reasons, delete your comments for whatever reason, and generally do anything else within reason. This is my space, after all.


Thanks for fixing the link for us, much appreciated. I was wondering, would you be perhaps interested in joining SoC with your pro-survivor character? We would be more then willing to help him out if he is inexperienced.

Cheers, Cortonna (DarthRevan 02:41, 29 August 2009 (BST))

Most of the groups are sometimes very aggressive (read bitchy) about somebody else outside the group editing the page (it's considered bad etiquette). We however have nothing against edits from people outside the group so long as it is constructive and not detrimental to our cause. You fixed a link I overlooked in this case and I am thankful.
We would definitely like to have you in our crew. Just sign your name and profile on the wiki members section, register on the forum (do send me a pm on it so I can give you access) and you are in. Oh and don't forget to put Soldiers of Crossman in your group slot ;) Glad to have you with us my friend. Inside the forum I made a specific thread for new people in Malton, so you will find a lot of info and help there and if you have a specific question, don't hesitate to ask me.
Cortonna, DarthRevan 16:41, 29 August 2009 (BST)

Manure Edits

Okay, thanks for the advice. I actually didn't think that anything less than creating a new page counted as a major edit, I'll be more selective in the future. ~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 08:35, 21 September 2009 (BST)

Bug in QuickLinks

Hello Aichon. I'm using almost all your greasemonke's scripts (both original and modified releases)and they are really helpful. The reason I'm writing this is because QuickLinks' settings button is not working properly, instead of showing my settings a not found page appears. I just realized that if I changed the order of execution of the scripts and put UD Zero Out Buttons after QuickLinks it does function as it should. I wrote this anyway to let you know about the bug. Regards. telepibe 04:53, 15 October 2009 (BST)

Hey, thanks for the heads up. I didn't even realize other people were using my scripts. Anyway, this was actually one of those odd bugs I was aware of, but completely forgot to mention, since I just kinda assumed I was writing scripts for myself only. I'm actually working on a replacement for my modified version of QuickLinks that won't have this issue (it'll roll the Zero Out Buttons functionality into the same script, rather than using a different script), and I hope to have an early version of it out sometime "soon". But yeah, for now, doing what you did is the proper way to handle things; QuickLinks needs to be executed before Zero Out Buttons. Aichon 18:11, 15 October 2009 (BST)

Unpowered vs Uncaded

Just wanted to clarify the difference. Unpowered just means no generator, it doesn't refer to the barricades. So you can have an EHB building with no generator.
BTW thanks for coming up with the examples for the barricade template. It's been so helpful and I don't think we could have had the conversation without your visuals to refer to. Awesome show great job!

Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
Giles has given Aichon a cookie for his awesome barricade templates
--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 11:35, 23 October 2009 (BST)
Thanks for the cookie! I'll proudly display it on my user page. And I'm glad I could help. It gave me something fun to work on this week, instead of working on my thesis, the grading I need to do, and a class project due next week. >_>
As for the difference, I guess I understand that, but the way I think of it, the only time you would intentionally leave something unpowered is if it's also meant to be unbarricaded, otherwise, in ideal situations, you'd power it as well. Of course, I suppose wonky barricade plans could dictate things however they want, so my reasoning only goes so far. Aichon 11:43, 23 October 2009 (BST)


Good to know, I did a 306ap repair once, actually idled waiting to come out of it. Do you know about the Big Game Ruin Hunting page? Record your achievements! --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:39, 26 October 2009 (UTC)

I had heard of it at some point, but never saw the page itself. I'll mention it to the folks I know so that they can post their screenshots. I think it was in Gatcombeton a month or two back that the one I was thinking of was repaired.
Oh, and I'm a bit confused now. You had said previously that the highest recorded was 160 or so, but you mention having a 306 and the link you provided gives a 276. I'm missing some defining detail, but I'm not sure what it is. Aichon 20:59, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
Oh yeah, missed that 276. The 306 was in borehamwood, and I didn't want to give away my position what with it being a permadeath map.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:02, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
Actually, sorry, it was 291, not 276 (bad short-term memory), and that makes sense with not publicizing it. I was actually reading up on the The Borehamwood 100 last night, since I didn't start playing UD until relatively recently and was curious. Wish I had been around when those cities were still open. Aichon 21:05, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
Well, hopefully with the one year anniversary in 2 days Kevan might be nice and let people back in! --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:11, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
That'd certainly be interesting, but somehow I think it would spoil what you guys have there now. I wouldn't wish that on you guys, even if I wish that I had been there. Still, it's a nice thought. Aichon 21:44, 26 October 2009 (UTC)


Thanks for dealing with it in a sensible manner. I currently have an ALT in Roywood who's spoken to both groups very recently. Every building I go into it's "Want to join SOC?" Recruiting at the moment I see? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:24, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

Well, I didn't handle it as well as I could, since I was okay with compromising on editing the SoC mentions out of the comments, which does fall into impersonation. In general though, I try to maintain neutrality as best I can, but I was definitely glad when I saw that you stepped in to offer a neutral view that neither side could provide on their own. I really appreciate it; thanks for your help.
But yep, we're recruiting (as ever), and we have one very active member who loves to tag every building in every suburb that we go to. Most of the group has moved on past Roywood at this point, though there's a contingent that's staying behind. We're trying to work with the RCDF on managing things, but we've already had several miscommunications on both sides of the line which have made things more eventful than I would have expected. Aichon 21:35, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
Such is malton. Heading to Dakerstown, or Quarlesbank, or further south? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:45, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
Technically, I'm not supposed to confirm that your first guess is correct (*cough*), since we avoid discussing these sorts of things on the wiki until after we've made some progress. Aichon 21:50, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
Well then *cough* Extinction like meastshielding both PASK NT and the Southern of the two hospitals. Most survivor activity is near the northern hospital, so say hi to FAUCK whilst you're up there. Main RP is inside the Junkyard next to Pask *cough* I may even send Monty Orlando to say hi. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:54, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm actually still behind with the Roywood contingent (currently taking a nap on Hecks Street after getting a much-needed poke), but I'll pass that information along to the people who need to know. And I definitely recognize that name of yours. I can't remember if I FAKed you or if I just took note of you doing something like barricading, but I do remember seeing your name and getting a chuckle out of it. Aichon 21:58, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

Your User Area

I have to say, I am mightily impressed. The layout you've got going on is great! It makes me ever so envious. I even dappled in a bit of code stealing for my personal gain. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?) ----RahrahCome join the #party!23:50, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the compliments. I've been bored the last few weeks and haven't felt like working on the actual work I should be doing, so I've been intermittently keeping myself busy with stuff here. The current layout works well enough, though it's not as flexible or as nearly aesthetically pleasing as I'd like. But it's simple, easy to manage, and looks "good enough" to work, which is all that really matters. And I definitely have to agree with your statements regarding imitation. Don't tell him, but I borrowed it from Midianian originally. Feel free to borrow any parts you see fit. I have no issues with people borrowing stuff like that.
I'm actually eager to get to know you on account of the sysop nomination and the fact that I don't like staying uninformed for long. I was sincere in my abstention there, in that if I felt like I knew you better and felt you were capable, I'd be willing to put in a vouch, but I simply haven't taken the time to learn about you since our paths haven't crossed much as of yet (and this week has been brutally busy, so I have had no time to look through contribs and the like). As I mentioned there, I'm still a pretty new user around these parts, so there are lots of people who are having a positive impact on the wiki that I simply haven't had a chance to meet yet, but hopefully that number will dwindle over time. To say the least though, I'm glad to meet you. Aichon 00:10, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Imitation is only flattery if you don't blatantly copy anothers user page, character images and all and shit. :/ -- SA 00:18, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
I would certainly agree, though I feel like I'm missing the relevance. Aichon 00:25, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
You're not an old man here like I am. :) Long story short, this guy, under many different accounts blatantly copied my pages, wrecked a few of them, vandalised the wiki, did it again and tried to make everyone think it was me, and overall just sucked as people/a person. :/ -- SA 00:35, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Sheesh — gotta love those types. You run into them on the 'net every once in awhile, and they just drive you up a wall with how dense they can be. (as an aside, that last comment I made had the wrong tone...I meant for it to be more of a hint-hint to clue me in and not cold or condescending, but on a second reading, that's how it comes off to me) Aichon 00:57, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Drove me up a wall they did. And so did their many alts and confusing actions. T_T I did see it as more of a blunt clue me in statement too, nothing cold or condescending. Though I may just be too tired to see hostility. :D -- SA 01:02, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Nah, if you were reading hostility into it, I'd say you were tired, since there was none intended. But I really should make a point of being clearer. Smiley faces tend to clear these things up (though I've been a bit hesitant to use them frequently, since I know some communities frown on them). After all, nothing says "it's meant to be taken lightheartedly" like a good emoticon. :P Aichon 01:19, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Too true! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DDD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD::D:D:D:D:D:D::DD:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::)-- SA 01:23, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
And nothing says "I'm serious about lightheartedness" like typing up that many emoticons by hand, instead of c/ping them. Seriously though, that had me laughing, since I wasn't expecting that. Even more so once I saw the errors in there. :) Aichon 01:27, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
What? Errors? Well fuck. I didn't notice them until you said something. >< -- SA 09:39, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Aww, but see, that tells me you care about handcrafted smilies, as compared to mass-produced ones. Naturally, there are some errors in the process, but now I know that each one was made individually. Aichon 17:01, 30 October 2009 (UTC)

Barrista Feedback

Hello again. I tried Barrista but isn't working properly. I thought that the others scripts/extensions could be messing with it, so I disabled them all but with no luck. Here's a screencapture. I'm using Firefox 3.0.15 with latest Greasemonkey. Regards.--telepibe 03:50, 5 November 2009 (UTC)

How very odd, but you're completely does the same thing in my copy of Firefox. Thanks for letting me know. I hadn't yet tested it in Firefox, just because it and Safari usually render things similarly and I wasn't calling this a full release yet, but obviously they didn't render the same this time. Not quite sure what to make of that. I'll look into it when I get a chance, but I'm not sure what the issue is or how much work it'll take to fix. Thanks again for cluing me in. Hopefully I'll get that cleaned up so the Firefox folks can use it. Aichon 05:13, 5 November 2009 (UTC)

That 'thing'

Where did you come accross it? Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 18:23, 5 November 2009 (UTC)

Do you really want me to post details on how I found it? The long and short of it was that after it was mentioned, I was curious what 'it' was, so I just looked through the relevant contribs until I found what was being discussed, which didn't take too much time. Aichon 19:36, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
after it was mentioned being my key interest; where did you come accros it if you weren't stalking my talk page? Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 20:35, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
Oh, gotcha. Umm...I kinda was. Stalking, that is. I had started watching pages for interesting people I saw on the wiki, and you were one of them. Aichon 21:16, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
If you hop on the UDWiki IRC, I'm on there quite a bit. We can discuss it there, if you'd like. Aichon 02:52, 6 November 2009 (UTC)
I'm 'interesting'? Das so sweet... Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 20:31, 6 November 2009 (UTC)
Plus, I liked Code Geass, so that didn't hurt things either. Aichon 21:51, 6 November 2009 (UTC)


Hey thanks aich, couldn't have done it without ya, im new to this kinda stuff. If you ever need any help in the survivor world, give me a holler and ill see what i can do, ill leave my contact details here:

19:06, 8 November 2009 (EST)
Sure thing. Glad I could help (though, in the interest of full disclosure, I was the one that removed your ad as well when it was infringing). And again, if you need any help with the wiki, I'll be happy to help out a bit with the knowledge that I have (I'm a wiki rookie too, though my background gives me a leg up in learning it). As for in-game, my survivor tends to be up in the northwest, but if I ever find myself down in your area, I'll try to remember to look you up. :) Aichon 08:19, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

My Userscripts

Would you like to adopt them? You seem able to handle the code while I seem unable to drag myself back to UD :P. --Midianian 16:05, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

Well, I can sling a little code around here and there, but not nearly as well as you can, from what I've seen. ;)
Regardless, I think I'd be up for taking on the ones that I use, since I certainly have a vested interest in seeing them continue to work. Of the ones on your userscripts page, I'm currently using everything except UDPL and UDRB. For those two...I suppose you could route people to me for support on them, but I probably won't be proactive in handling bugs, since I wouldn't catch them myself. I doubt either will have issues anyway, since they're pretty straightforward.
So, sure. Perhaps we can just refer to it as "keeping them warm for you," rather than calling it an adoption though? After all, I'm kinda just hacking my way through these things, since I'm picking up Javascript as I go, and if people thought I had your blessing, they might think I was as talented as you are. If anything, I'm worried that mistakes on my part might reflect poorly on you if people attribute the errors incorrectly. Plus, this gives you the option to wash your hands of me if you come back later, see that I've made a mess of your work, and want to fix things up yourself. :P Aichon 23:43, 8 November 2009 (UTC)
"Do you not know, my son, with what little understanding code is written?" ;) I didn't know JavaScript, XPath or DOM at all back when I started writing these, and I honestly haven't been doing these that much. I think you'll do just fine. --Midianian 11:01, 9 November 2009 (UTC)
See, now you're just showing off. :P
Anyway, if I'm going to be taking them on, I'll add an additional section on my userscripts page for your scripts, that way it's clearer what's going on, and if I'm going to be maintaining them, I suppose I should actually start properly documenting the modifications I make...*grumble grumble* Aichon 15:17, 9 November 2009 (UTC)


The rules are quite confusing, I admit. I am trying to write a guide to the lexicon here. If you have more questions or still have no idea, tell me. :) --RahrahCome join the #party!17:02, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

So, let me just double-check that I understand things, since it's mostly the citing and back-citing that has me confused. The formatting and first round are easy enough to understand.
  • If I were to enter now, I should write an article for the present round by filling in one of the phantoms for the round.
    • What if there are no phantoms for the round, as is the case with JKL right now? Do players just write an article (like what happened in the first round), and expect it to be cited by a later article in the game?
      • Is that what a back-cite is?
    • If I were to enter now, would I also have to write articles that are missing for the player that I'm replacing? E.g. if they didn't write a Round 2 or 3 article, but we're on Round 4, I'd have to have to actually write three articles to start off, and make all relevant citations, etc.
  • Once the writing phase is complete, I should then insert a citation into someone else's article, creating a phantom for some future round.
    • Do I insert one or three citations? The page you linked seems to contradict itself on this subject, though I'm unclear, so it might not be contradicting itself.
    • Do the citations I insert only get inserted into the current round's articles, or can they be placed in articles of the previous rounds?
    • Does the citation have to be for a future round (i.e create a phantom), or can it be for the current round or earlier rounds?
  • Repeat the above steps until the game is over.
    • When we get closer to the end, do we have to start making a point of mentioning past articles that are currently not cited? Should there even be any past articles that have not yet been cited?
    • Regarding which you can and can't cite, I can't write articles for citations I created (e.g. if I inserted a citation into user B's article, I couldn't then write that article), nor can I write articles for citations that other players inserted into my articles, correct?
      • How is this maintained? It seems possible that you could get situations where users have no choice but to write those articles, especially as the game gets closer to the end.
I guess you could say that I get the general idea, but I'm still really hazy on some of the specifics (especially back-cites, which I haven't seen a good explanation for yet), and coming from a CompSci background, I inductively haven't seen how this game can come to a guaranteed correct end, with everyone being able to avoid citing/writing in reference to their past work. It might, but I just haven't grasped how yet, so it bothers me at a logical level. Aichon 17:32, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
You do not have to write a phantom if there are still spaces in the round. If there are 11 other articles and a phantom, however, you must write the phantom.
A "back-cite" is a citation of an article from a previous round. (This needs to be put in the help page.)
You would, however, have to write the missing articles of the person you are replacing. For example, Prof. Latirus had to write the missing round two article that Matthewbluewars didn't write before completeing the current round. Once you had finished the writing stage, you would then cite another's article. You would cite this article once. Three is the total number of citations allowed in an article. (Meaning it can have one citation from the citation stage and two "back cites".) You can only cite articles in the current round, unless you need to cite a past rounds articles because your successor didn't complete that task. If you are writing your article, you are allowed to back-cite twice at the most.
The citation has to be for a future round, until you get to the last round. You are also correct on wether or not you can create an article. If it comes from you, either the name of the article or the context, then you cannot write it. If it is a citation from an article that came from your article, then you are allowed to write it. You are allowed to back-cite your own work or any work directly associated.
--RahrahCome join the #party!17:47, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
Ok, makes sense, I think. That answers my questions. I'll add myself to the reserve players list, just in case you need me. Aichon 17:55, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

Monsieur Engel

I suggest you skip X-2 altogether, unless you REALLY like watching tits bouncing around, and just read it's wikipedia synopsis. Also, drop everything and play Zone of the Enders and Dragon Warrior Monsters now. DO IT!-- SA 03:24, 20 November 2009 (UTC)

Whoa, topic jump, much? Sounds like you must've stopped by my Backloggery page and taken a good look through it. You should set up an account over there since it's a great community.
Anyway, yeah...X-2 was a game I picked up for dirt cheap, so I figured if I got really bored one day, I might actually play it. I haven't felt any inclination to do so yet though. ZOE is close to the top of my to-do list and kinda keeps bounding back and forth between getting started "soon" and getting started "very soon" (where "soon" and "very soon" are virtually meaningless, given my random schedule). I started a game of ZOE2 years ago, but never got far before getting distracted. I enjoyed it, but just forgot about it. DWMonsters...kinda fell of my radar since I've never actually met anyone who's played it. What is it anyway? It was a random hand-me-down I received from someone who never even played it, so I have no idea if it's supposed to be decent or not.
I bought a late-model Gameboy Advance SP with a backlight a few months back, so playing those old GB/C games is actually tolerable (my DS had spoiled me), but I just haven't found any time for handheld gaming recently. I used to play while taking the bus to or from my university, but I'm off the bus routes this semester and have to drive myself now, so no time for those, and whenever I do have that infrequent minute or two here and there, my iPhone has honestly filled that niche for me. Aichon 04:26, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
I figure if you care about the headers you'll move it to one you like yourself. :)
Anyway, dirt cheap or not, it's basically one giant fan-service. That's pretty much all X-2 is, breasts with a plot. Like a high-class porno. :)
ZoE is a fun game, thats all I can say about it. Couldn't ever find number 2 though. :/
DWM is like the Dragon warrior's answer to pokemon. I found it funner overall. The final boss was a bitch if I remember correctly.
My girlfriend gave me her old GBA so I bought a flash cart and have been playing my games like that. I need to put some lights in the GBA though. The non-lit screen is killing me. :S Good luck killing that back log, I' have a huge one too.-- SA 04:40, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
I don't care too much about headers themselves, though I do appreciate sensible organization so I can find things later. The non-sequitur just caught me off guard. :P
Regarding X-2, yeah, I had heard that, though one or two people I talked to said it had some interesting gameplay. I honestly bought it more out of a morbid curiosity than anything else, and wouldn't be surprised if I never played it.
Once I get around to playing my ZOE2, I'd be happy to loan it to you. Or, heck, I could loan it to you now, I suppose, since I don't plan to play it before ZOE, and ZOE2 is supposed to be short anyway. If you don't want to though, you can generally pick up copies on eBay for around $25-30, I think, which is how I got mine. There's also Goozex, which is pretty nice, from what I hear.
As for the GBA, you can grab the late-model SP for about $40-$50 on eBay, though places like Gamestop will often sell them for $30 since they don't differentiate between the late-model ones that had the backlight and the earlier ones that lacked them. One of my roommates picked his up for cheap that way. If you're interested in doing that, and can't find which colors correspond to which models, I could just ask one of my roommates, since they have that sort of stuff memorized (two of them used to work in a used video game store).
EDIT: Found you? Aichon 04:54, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
Sowwy. I'll just make my own header and use that from now on. :)
I'd happily take it if I was positive my roomie wouldn't snag it and never give it back. He's a massive ZoE fan and I'd never see it again because he doesn't have it either. I'll buy it off ebay sometime. Can't ever seem to stay away from the damn place though. :/
I'm fine with my GBA, I'll just install some backlights from spare parts I have left over from working at my old pc store. 40 bucks cheeper! :D
And no, it's not me, there vidya game line up isn't very good in my opinion. But if I make one, which I think I will soon, I'll send it to you.
Play TF2?-- SA 05:09, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
No worries about the header. Like you said, I'll just move it if I feel like it. ;)
Ah, yeah, that would be a problem since I'd like to get it back at some point. It's a game I'd really like to play one of these days. And the GBA idea is a good one. You're a braver man than I, though. I stick to software for a reason. Hardware scares me kinda. And I'm kinda glad to hear that's not you over there, though I was glad they liked SotC, since that game is one of my favorites. And please do link me. I'd be happy to add you as a friend on there and then berate you, along with others over there, regarding your failures to play various games.
As for TF2, afraid not, though I want to. I'm about four years behind the curve on PC gaming, since I'm using an ancient PowerPC Mac (i.e. the type that can't dual boot Windows) as my primary machine still. I picked it up because I wanted to be able to play some of my old games for a few years longer, but I'll need to get a new workhorse computer at some point in the next year, I think, since this one is just getting further and further behind. Whenever I do pick up that new computer, the Orange Box is on my list of things to grab. Aichon 05:18, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, plus I'd just want to keep it myself too much. D:
Thanks for the encouragement on the GBA idea. I actually know how to do a lot of things when it comes to hardware shit, more so than I know about software. But I'm catching up on the software part since I don't have a large income to finance my electronics hobby anymore. ;-;
Actually, SotC is going to go into my backlog when I have more time to add to the thing. It seems like such a great game, and my other freind has been telling me to play it for awhile now. :/
That's right, you're a mac user. Tee hee. Using such a horrible machi-oh who am I kidding. I'd use a mac if it was better in the hardware aspects than my desktop. :D You definitely must pick the oj box. I need more people to kill at TF2. >:)
Also, Hamachi+StarCraft is a good combination...-- SA 05:38, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
I have nothing but respect for people that can fool around with hardware like that. I could never do it. I could probably slap a machine together if I felt so inclined, but monkeying around with things that are already together just scares me to think about it in most cases.
And you haven't played SotC? You really must. I have two copies of it, but my Greatest Hits version stopped working for some reason (seems like a case of one of those incredibly miniscule scratches that just so happens to be in the exact wrong place, so now whenever you fight the 5th colossus and go over a certain part of the terrain, the game freezes), so I went out and bought a black-label to replace it. And if you like SotC, you should try to find a copy of ICO as well. They're very different games, but they share a similar atmosphere, which it looks like The Last Guardian will continue once it comes out.
And yep, very. :D Plus, I found you before you posted, so :P
Yeah...Mac user. I could write a rant about why I use them, but the rant got boring to type up after the 20th or 30th time. Long story short, I'm sticking with 'em, since my computer is for productivity first and play later. You're welcome to kill me whenever I do pick up a new computer. Should be delightfully simple to do, and TF2 is an awesome enough game that I'm sure I'll be laughing the whole time I'm getting killed.
And I really haven't played SC in years. I'd pick it up again for fun now, but I don't want to get hooked on it so soon before SC2 comes out, since that'd potentially cause me to make an impulse purchase on new hardware, which I don't want to do right now. I'm trying to hold off until next semester (hopefully my last semester before I graduate again), at which point if I still have a TA position, I'll be in a good place financially to drop some serious money. Plus, Apple is due to update the Mac Pros around that time as well. Aichon 05:51, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
I came, I saw Mac, I commented. Macs are great, SA. If mine can play EVE, which has its notoriously bad (though much improved) Mac client, well, yeah. 30FPS!!! (used to be <10 by the way)--  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 06:00, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
I used to use an even more ancient Mac when I still played WoW (it didn't come close to meeting the minimum requirements for vanilla WoW, even). With those 40-man raids and AoE spells having to animate for every single target that they hit, there were places where I was lucky to get a half-frame a second, I kid you not, though I averaged more like 1-3fps in boss fights. And yet, disturbingly, I did decently well at healing, beating out some of the more experienced and geared players. Frightening, if you ask me, since, in retrospect, I had no business being there. And yes, Macs are great. Beyond great, even. Been using them for as long as I can remember. Aichon 06:06, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
It's not too hard to put together a rig when you think about it. Just a few parts to slap together. ;)
OH GOD I HATE THOSE SCRATCHES. I had JUST bought Fallout 3 finally, dropped it, and it wouldn't go past the birthday party. I ended up just pirating another copy and justifying it as I already had it. And I plan to buy SotC. Probably as a christmas present for myself. :) Ico, I'm going to ask around to see if I can just borrow it.
Yeah yeah. Stalker. >:| :)
No rant needed, it's not a big deal. As long as you're not one of those :smug: Mac users I don't care. Though I will make jokes about how you're one of "those" people occasionally. :P
I still play SC every couple of months. It's just without human opponents it's not so much fun after ten years. is filled with porn games, and none of my friend like to play because I'm too good. I'm not boasting here either. It sucks. I miss playing it against people. I can't wait for SC2, I just hate the decision to split the campaign into three parts. I suppose it's necessary, it's just depressing, you know? I hope the release the hardware reqs soon, because I'd LOVE to know if I'm going to be forced to upgrade sometime. My gfx card is barely holding up nowadays. Not complaining though, I got a Visiontek x1650 256mb off of ebay for 15 dollars! I might upgrade sooner thna I wanted though because Shattered Horizion looks very fun. Don't know if I'd have the cash for it though. Going from something like 18 an hour to a little less than 10 is still kind of jarring.
EDIT: I know what macs are like. I used them for a year or so. It was just cheeper to upgrade to a pc instead. Especially when I got a pretty high end Alienware rig for half price. :) Truth be told though, Linux is still the best. :)-- SA 06:15, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, rigs aren't too difficult, hence why I think I could manage that. Beyond that...meh. I'd rather just hit up a friend for help. And yeah, I do tend to do stalker-esque things. See Exhibit A. Plus, you mentioned your usual screen name, and I just checked to see who the most recent person to sign up was (it's listed on the front page).
As for Macs and smugness...err...I kinda can be. I tend not to parade it around, but when things are going horribly wrong for one of my friends, it's hard not to (and I expect the same in return when my machine gives me trouble, since it's all meant in good humor). And I do agree that Linux is nice, but it's still too needy for me. I just want something that works and gets out of my way so that I can work. Besides, when it's possible to fine-tune something to your tastes, I do, hence my userscripts, the WoW custom add-ons, shell scripts rigged to display on my desktop right now, etc.
And I have no issues with other people using Linux or Windows, so long as they have a reason for choosing that and didn't just lemming their way into that route. A lot of people have perfectly good reasons why those systems are better for them, and I advocate using whichever one meets their needs the best, regardless of which it is.
With SC, you wouldn't find me a challenge at all. I mostly play custom maps on those things (not the porn maps or DOTA *eyeroll*), so I really have no experience in playing them as they were meant to be played. I can hold my own at a lot of TD maps though. :) Aichon 09:13, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
It's okay, we're ALL stalkers here.
As long as you aren't seriously being a smug prick about your mac, I don't care. Linux can be needy, but it's still fun to use. I can't seem to use it now, because my hardware doesn't really want to run well with it, and I can't do any serious work trying to figure out the problem because it doesn't work well. ;_;
I play the custom maps too. I really like the zombie defence themed ones, and always will. I just enjoy an actual game occasionally. :) -- SA 01:29, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Nah, I'm not serious about it. Like I said, I like Macs, and I think a lot of people pass them over for bad reasons, but I do believe in getting the computer that's right for you. I can't fault people for making informed decisions that differ from mine.
And zombie defense maps...are we talking things like SWAT Aftermath?
Oh, and as an aside, I noticed some of the (since-removed) discussion on Iscariot's talk page about edit links. I was looking into it a bit, and I did figure out how to make custom-colored edit links, but I couldn't quite get the placement right, nor could I figure out a way to get them to automatically determine which section they were in (I think we're missing a necessary "magic word" on UDwiki). Since his page has new comments inserted at the top, the links would edit the wrong section as soon as someone added a new section to the top, so my idea is not too useful. Aichon 04:44, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
There's a lot of maps to name that were zombie defense themed. Some of the Resident Evil maps were absolutely amazing in the way they played, the problem was getting enough people to play and stay. I remember this one where there was one person who played the overall zombie hordes, one who played as Nemesis, someone who played as Jill, Carlos, Chris (I think), the RCPD, etc. It was amazing fun. I haven't played SWAT Aftermath though. Actually,I should amend what I said earlier. I like Zombie defense maps, but overall, ANY high quality defense map is good for me.
If we can get him to have new posts at the bottom, the problem is essentially solved. :) But he won't. I'm goign to ask a wiki guru friend I have about it whenever he gets on IM, but no guarantees. It'd be cool though.-- SA 05:04, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, a couple of my friends and I were really keen on playing hero defense maps (though we were not any good at them). The SWAT map basically dumps you with whoever else is playing on a map with zombies that keep spawning and keep coming towards you. It's basically all about running and staying ahead of the horde as it keeps snowballing and following you. If you linger at a place too long, the horde catches up and overwhelms you eventually. Then, occasionally, a boss gets dropped on the map that completely disrupts things. It's possible to solo, but it's a lot more fun to work at it with a group, since it involves a lot of tactics, team work, and picking items and skills that complement each other well. Plus, you can save and load your characters, which is fun.
And I can't really blame him for doing what he did. I had the same problem on this page, actually, since I had originally themed it like the rest of my pages and had comments at the top. I eventually just decided to compromise, put the comments on the bottom, and changed the background color to something more neutral. It works, but it's not ideal. Aichon 05:15, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Link plox?
You guys wouldn't have to deal with it if you stopped caring about aesthetics so much. Hell, I can't see a lot of colors anymore. :) -- SA 05:33, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Here's a link for SWAT, if that's what you were asking for. I actually haven't played it for a long time, since it takes about 5 minutes for the map to load on my computer (it's a MASSIVE map), and the only people willing to wait that long are real-life friends who I don't see frequently any more.
And yeah, if I sacrificed on aesthetics more than I already have, I suppose it'd work fine. In the end, I'd rather have something that's hassle free than pretty, so making it more practical for others to use was just the sensible thing to do for me. Aichon 09:11, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Yes, the link is what I wanted. I'll try it out later, hopefully I can get my cockish friends to get on hamachi and play too. Although I though it was a Starcraft map, being that it was the subject of discussion, but WC3 is actually a better choice. One guy's card won't render 2d game slike SC well. :/ -- SA 18:09, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Ah, yeah, I mentioned DOTA at some point and got distracted. I was a bigger fan of SC's core RTS component, but WC3's engine works much better for custom maps, if you ask me. Aichon 22:02, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
It does and it doesn't. SC seems to me to be better overall when it comes to customs, but WC3 can specialize with things more than SC can. Like the hero concept. All those RPG maps in SC would have been so much better if done in the WC3 engine. Also, SWAT is fun solo. But can be hard, even on normal. I made it to level 36 as a Maverick with the flamethrower. That damn dead dog penalty got me killed though. :/ -- SA 22:43, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I recall seeing a guy solo with a Sniper almost all the way through on the hardest difficulty level after all of his teammates died. He revived them once he got the chance, but they probably had to wait a good 30-45 minutes before he could get back around to them. Fun stuff. Aichon 03:57, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
Fuckin Love Dota. --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 04:52, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
Then snag League of Legends which is free, and play the new DotA with me!-- SA 05:03, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
Eh...can't say I ever really played it. I definitely respect what it is and how some people can enjoy it. I think I could enjoy it too, but I'm not willing to give it a chance for some reason. My younger sibling managed to get into the Battles for Newearth (or whatever it's called) private beta and seemed to enjoy that, though he eventually went back to the original DOTA. Aichon 07:58, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

Just fucking date already wtf--CyberRead240 23:01, 21 November 2009 (UTC)

I'm just not into men. Sorry read.-- SA 23:18, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
You're Read, right? Nice to meet you too. :) Aichon 03:57, 22 November 2009 (UTC)