
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 15:13, 28 January 2010 by Freakazoit (talk | contribs)
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Freakazoit 1.jpg
Joined: 2007
Character class: ex-Zombie
Favorite equipment: Radio Transmitter
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Almost alive
Character group: No group
Character stats: Nobody cares
Journal: No journal for Freakazoit

Freakazoit ex-USSR radio operator

Some bla bla bla

File:Ghoul freakazoit ud.gif
Freakazoit in zombie stance

After April and May operations in Dulston with USSR, I'm mentally tired, so I left group for a while to play as zombie and relax.
She is usually wearing a gas mask, ripped tartan kilt from Nichols Mall changed to jeans, leather studded collar to protect neck from vampyres, Nichols Mall staff shirt and steel-toe capped boots. Also, it can be in part uniform of USSR sometimes, from dead survivalist, which was taken in 2007-2008 when many USSR members died and disappeared by some reason. Her hair is blue. Aaaaaaaaaaarghghghghg. Habbah hangrah Brahhrhrhrhrh harmazh hramharzz bhr bhrbhbr bhrbhrbr rhabrb arhb ahbrh hbr ahhb rhabbr bh barbbr Mah Barhah brangz zah zambahz zaa zah bazaar hbahbr hbabrharbhab habrharbh zabrzhb zabrhz bharhzb brbrbrb Zambahz grab granba nah gramma! aaaaaaaaaa!!! Awwww. Yes, yes. Also, she is Pagans of Malton founder.
What she usually do:
Rebuilding buildings and give them light
To make more easy to find and fight
Keeping phone masts working
To provide your phone SMS and talking
Providing radio's installed
And then destroy and burn it!
Bite, shoot, kick and dump
Brains smash, bones crumb
Chatting with humies
Friendly with zombies
Feel no remorse and no pain
When dying - never complain


Imgad.gif Dead On Arrival
This user started out in the Zombie Class as a Corpse.

Anarchytemp.jpg Anarchism
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Anarchism, and will fight against all kind of oppression and groups that want to establish the old capitalistic order.

She was born approximately in 80's. Authorities don't have any records. Nobody knows name. Freakazoit also can't remember anything before 2007. Rumors say that she was in some rebel group, which is trying to prevent zombie apocalypse just before it happen. But it is one of the stupid heroic Malton stories. It says "They entered to NecroTech science facilities and started to prepeare explosives to blow equipment, but they were caught by guards". Some rumors say "they succesfully damaged equipment and that became main reason of zombie apocalypse". What happen then? Probably she became one of the first zombies in Malton, maybe NT staff became her food. But it is all just idiotic stories for kids.
First seen in Malton near nobody remember that place as zombie in fall 2007. Short after that she was near Nichols Mall in Stanbury Village wearing uniform with USSR logo on it. They say it was taken from dead USSR member. Nobody knows what she did She did eating survivors, bite them with infected bite and painful balls bite. Some say she contacted with some USSR, Malton Slavic Community and Kilt Store Owner survivors and defended Mall. Authorities say she was member of The Headbangers of Malton group at that time. Some people saw her participating in Nichols Mall siege on both sides. Some sources say she was member of The Fortress for a short time in April 2009. After that, by mistake or not, she joined USSR and participated in Operation: At World's End


  • 2007 Participating in Nichols Mall siege as zombie
  • 2008 Defending Nichols Mall from zombies
  • 2009 April - June Acting as survivor with USSR group in Dulston and nearby. Working as radio operator.
  • 12 May 2009 - Pagans fellowship of Malton was created in Dulston by Freakazoit
  • June 2009 - Today With other pagans destoryed Nichols Mall, wiped out survivor capitalists and cursed Kilt Store
  • January 2010. Trying to rebuild Dulston, punish zombies and spot Pkers safehouse's. "Hello" from kafka-poopoo.

KILL! HEAL! RADIO! on 26.08 MHz 26.17 Mhz

What you can hear on KILL HEAL radio:

  1. A songs and poetry
  2. Some useful information about game
  3. Help requests, kill reports and bad words
  4. Some inspiration or demoralising speaking
  5. Promising to kill and rape Imperium
  6. Some speaks about zombies, pagans and Malls
  7. Location status reports
  8. Many other useless things

!!! Radio closed on vacation

  • I am not so disciplined to follow RTCP fully, but I use local channels.
  • Transmittors located usually near Malls but usually not inside it.
  • Also, 26.17 frequency in use by SSZ

UPD: Frequency is changed to local --Freakazoitt 19:56, 7 May 2009 (BST)

know what you are talking about
Short-wave Radio Info
This user or group can be reached on the following radio frequency.

Frequency: (NE Malton) 26.08 MHz

Please check discussion section

Know what you are talking about.
Malton Citizens Broadcast
This user or group is not nearly sober enough to follow the
Radio Transmission Conduct Protocol

Links for me

Malton unofficial Map
Radio_Map#Map_of_Districts_and_their_Radio_Frequencies Radio Map
Dulston barricades status
Pescodside barricades status USSR forum


Enjoy this Great Russian Poetry:

Грязные стены; пар из подвала;
Сотни окурков, десятки шприцов;
Старенький лифт весь в кровище;
Вонь от гниющих в углу мертвецов;

Генератор и радио, все обгоревшие;
Дохлая крыса у кучи говна;
Чей-то рюкзак на перила подвешен;
Усталые сурвы лежат у окна.

It was written by one guy from St.Petersburg and converted by Freakazoit
First radiotranlation of it was in 5 or 6 May of 2009 on 26.17 MHz

Now enjoy zombie singing ABBA:
Gammah Gammah Gammah man-hamz abbar mannagh...
Gan zamran hab mah zgar zah zahn arah?
Gammah Gammah Gammah man-hamz abbar mannagh...
Brang mah bram zah zahn ahngah zah naagh.

hamster dance (from 26.06 radio)
Alright everybody now here we go
It's a brand new version of the dosido
Just stomp your feet and clap your hands
Come on everybody its the hamster dance
Bounce in time to the beat
Hey You don't even have to move your feet
Just shake your thang; let me see you move
Now spin it around and feel the groove

bedtime prayer on 26.17
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the barricades will keep
If I should die where zombies ate
I pray they'll get a bellyache

Various quotes from radio

26.17 MHz: "You find your brain, and discardd it as uselless" and many other "You find ..."
26.17 MHz: "QUACK?" - they communicated using just this word once
26.17 MHz: "Screw the homes! Defend the BOOZE!!!"
26.36 MHz: "AHHHHHH!!! There are zombies outside!!! WTF!!!!!!"
26.08 MHz: "Zombies eating my balls!" During zeds taking Treweeke Mall in Dulston


WinMall.jpg Check Out! (50pts)
This User helped defend a mall in Malton.
Nichols Mall was my home for long time
Soldguard.jpg Vigilance
This user or group is trying to defend Dulston!
Participated in succesfull Treweeke Mall
raid liberating, defended Parrott Towers.
TroubridgeCinema2.jpg NOW PLAYING!
This user has been to TroubridgeCinema, and liked what was playing.

Zeds rushed inside during watching
"Night of Living Dead", how awful
I will retun there one day and watch.

Fist.JPG Punch Out!
This user has punched a zed to DEATH. Or, you know, reDeath.
These various types of killing was happen
during The Went Building defending
Tool-Time.jpg Tool Time (10pts)
This User successfully killed a Zombie with a Toolbox.
I love you and my toolbox so hard
Fuel can.jpg Flammable Fighter (5pts)
This User successfully killed a Zombie with a Fuel Can.


Freakazoit Gear
Clothing Code Building
Gas Mask Fire Station
Studded Leather Collar Nichols Mall
Ripped Black Robes Museum
Black skull T-shirt Ackland Mall
Ripped Black Tartan Kilt Nichols Mall
Steel Toe Capped Boots Factory
This user wears a gas mask for protection against the bad zombie smell.
Three eyes or two and a mouth

Gaping, black
A snout-like nose
Diluting the poisons to the vessel within
That face of fear
That skeletal mask
Shields the bearer
From the very air
That he once breathed.

Another info


Freakazoit UD profile
Freakazoit Youtube Channel
DeviantArt Gallery
The Zombie Survival Guide book, pdf, 8,06 Mb

Moar info
Logosmall.png Urban Stalkers of Soviet Russia
This user or group is an ally of the USSR. Urban stalkers of the world, unite!
Pagan.gif Pagans follower
Freakazoit is pagan follower.
450px-Flag of Russia.png Russian
This user is Russian.
Radiotransmission.gif Broadcaster
This user is a broadcaster
Squad.jpg Firing Squad
This user thinks we should just shoot Emperor and get it over with.
What.jpeg What?
This user is m... err, fe... oh, whatever.