Bulletin Board
What's new
- Community Portal - Did You Know has begun! The first ever set of facts, figures and quips is up, come along and suggest more! Featured Articles criteria are close to finalisation. The possibity of also having "Good Articles" is being discussed. There still needs to be a name decided for the "Articles needing work" section. Suggestions for the Community Portal (this page) are still desired, suggest any changes on the talk page. - 21:21, 21 April 2009 (BST)
- General Discussion - The general discussion page is a page for discussions that don't have a place in other areas of the wiki. - 02:09, 22 March 2009
- Guide Page Cleanup - An organized cleanup of the guides page to consolidate and preserve useful information.
- NecroWatch - Aims to collect NecroNet information and update it on the wiki.
- A Tale of Undead Cities- An organization effort to clean up, improve and revamp the three city pages about Malton, Monroeville and Borehamwood. Help discuss ideas and add your own suggestions for improvements.
- See also General Discussion
Featured Article
The Battle of SantLUEville was a week-long battle in late July and early August 2007 between the zombie horde LUE and the survivors situated in and around the suburb of Santlerville. While Dowdney Mall fell almost immediately, once the fight moved to the surrounding suburb, it took on an entirely new dimension and organized revives held survivor numbers steady even as dozens were killed each night. (more...)
Articles Needing Work