Talk:Edgecombe Barricade Plan
Suggested changes
- I strongly recommend changing the BP towards a higher level of UBP-compliance, starting with a higher number of EHB buildings.
- Reasons:
- 1) EHB (decreasing the number of breakins in a given time) got more important with each of the last upgrades.
- 2) Non-freerunners do not need long-term support. They only need the chance to level fast in order to get freerunning.
- Therefore, you don't need 2/3 of the buildings VSB as non-freerunner safehouses.
- My concept is to have any Police Department, Firestation and Hospital at VSB in order to provide non-freerunners with the most important items that are required to level: FAKs, guns and fireaxes.
- Additional VSB buildings may be needed as entry points (EPs), or - in rare occasions - as VSB safehouses that are low-profile targets and as such give the opportunity for non-freerunners to sleep safely after using nearby VSB TRPs (which are usually higher-profile targets).
- Here is what I suggest:
- [72,50] Copless Grove Railway Station: VSB -> EHB (EP south)
- [75,50] Club Guilford: VSB -> EHB (EP 1SE)
- [77,50] a junkyard: VSB -> EHB (EPs north and south)
- [72,51] a junkyard: VSB -> EHB (EP south)
- [79,51] Mattravers Cinema: VSB -> EHB (EP 1SE once the new suggestion for the Pegton BP gets accepted)
- [71,52] Abot Towers: VSB -> EHB (EPs east and west)
- [74,52] the Prankerd Building: VSB -> EHB (EPs north and 1SE)
- [76,52] Vale Towers: VSB -> EHB (EPs 1NE, 1SE and 1SW...)
- [77,52] a factory: VSB -> EHB (factory = EHB, has EP north and south)
- [79,52] a junkyard: VSB -> EHB (EP east once the new suggestion for the Pegton BP gets accepted)
- [73,53] a warehouse: VSB -> EHB (EP 1NW)
- [75,53] Pavy Plaza Police Dept: EHB -> VSB (PDs should be VSB, also EP for RP at Digby Walk):
- [70,54] a junkyard: VSB -> EHB (EP west)
- [72,54] Gynn Bank: VSB -> EHB (EPs 1SE and west)
- [74,54] a warehouse: EHB -> VSB (safehouse for non-freerunners with direct access to 3 TRPs)
- [79,54] Vine Grove School: VSB -> EHB (EP 1SW)
- [75,56] Frye Auto Repair: VSB -> EHB (TRP=EHB, EP north)
- [78,56] Cape Avenue Police Dept: VSB -> EHB (2nd PD 1SE, EPs north, 1SE and 1SW)
- [74,57] the Champneys Building: VSB -> EHB (EP west)
- [74,58] the Mallack Museum: VSB -> EHB (EP 1SE)
- [77,58] Pellatt Auto Repair: VSB -> EHB (TRP=EHB, EPs north and 1SE)
- [74,59] a junkyard: VSB -> EHB (EP east)
- [79,59] Pollitt Street School: VSB -> EHB (EPs east, south and west)
- With all suggestions implemented, there would be 44 EHB and 21 VSB buildings, which was just enough EHB for UBP compliance (EHB:VSB should be between 3:1 and 2:1, is currently at 1,25:2 and would just become 2:1).
- With so many changes, a picture might help to present the result more clearly:
- Input welcome, will update the BP within 1 week if no complaints come up.--Paul Power 15:12, 8 July 2008 (BST)
- Changes according to current discussion:
- [74,54] a warehouse: stays EHB for containing the Mobile-Phone Mast
- [78,55] a junkyard: changed to indoor revive point
- [75,58] the Clatworthy Arms: changed to VSB, swichting with...
- ...[76,59] the Corp Building: changed to EHB and
- ...[75,59] St Deusdedit's Hospital: changed to EHB
- Did not implement VSB/EHB and VSB-EP yet. There seems to be no need?
- New EHB:VSB ratio: 46:19 = 2,4:1--Paul Power 18:18, 21 July 2008 (BST)
VZW Barricade Plan Revision Comments
I understand the following uses to be in development by several groups:
- (72,52) Cadbury Bank, indoor revive point, no barricades
- (78,55) Junkyard, indoor revive point, no barricades
- (78,59) Entry point servicing outside revive point, VSB+2
- (76,59) Entry point servicing hospital and cluster of buildings nearbye, VSB+2
I see no reason why more of the hospitals, PDs and FDs can't be upgraded to EHB, allowing maybe 50% (maximum) of each building type for non-free running players. Edgecombe has several older groups operating within it and can accommodate less VSB buildings. --Shazzelim 16:59, 8 July 2008 (BST)
- Thank you for your input.
- (72,52) is declared indoor RP on the official map, I didn't change it, so that's a perfect match.
- (78,55) would be a new indoor RP, but as it's current main function is to be an EP, that's no problem either.
- (78,59) is declared VSB on the current plan, but so are the buildings north and south-east of it. 2 EPs on should do, don't you think (there is a 3rd EP north-east of the RP)?
- If (76,59) could get an established EP, I would be happy. Thought of suggesting the change myself, but wiki research indicated it had a long history of EHB and many groups supporting this status. If you know the local habits from first hand experience, I'd gladly agree on VSB here.
- The need for VSB buildings is always there, as newbies don't stop spawning in and passing through suburbs with experienced players.
- I see the general need for EHB protected TRPs for experienced survivors though. However, they are of less importance in close proximity of a Mall (due to better search rates there). I didn't think of it that way first, but if you look at the PDs distance to the Mall, you'll see that all central PDs are close enough to make a walk pay off. Cape Avenue PD could still serve as an alternative to the Mall for customers from middle and eastern parts, in case all central VSB PDs should get ruined.
- Please keep in mind that VSB buildings are still 2 steps from being ruined and that EPs are needed anyway.
- Concerning Hospitals, St. Deusdedit's Hospital could be made EHB in exchange for the Clatworthy Arms. I'd hate to further reduce the number of VSB hospitals, as they are the perfect newbie XP station, but in case you want to make St. Laurence's Hospital EHB too, the junkyard north of it would be a perfect replacement EP imho.--Paul Power 18:11, 8 July 2008 (BST)
Regarding St D's Hospital, I have noticed that the Edgecombe Families group usually keeps it at VSB when things are safe, then upgrades it to EHB when things start to get hot. It is typically the first place that gets hit in that cluster of buildings. I wonder if there is a designation that would let people know that it would not always be a reliable EP, but worth a look when the zone is green? --Shazzelim 12:53, 9 July 2008 (BST)
- Yes, I thought of something similar before. I understand BPs as plans for everyday-life, standards that are tried to be met as long as possible. There is however no system for situations when the suburb comes under heavy attack. Under these sicumstances, random "EPs" usually occur in the course of zed attacks. Maybe that's why no one ever tried to make a secondary barricade plan for siege-like situations. It would however help to know what EPs are reliable.
- How about marking all reliable EPs with "-EP" on the map, while those VSB buildings without the additional tag are allowed to be overcaded when the need arises? 2 problems need to be thought off when doing this:
- 1)The original plan relies on it's EPs. When some of them tend to be overcaded, there might be too few EPs left. This could be countered by planing more EPs right from the start (which would most likely lead to too many VSB buildings) or by publishing a second plan (or alternative barricade levels) for a siege-like situation.
- 2)Survivors need to be able to know when what plan is in place. A plan with a lot of "maybe" in it is as good as - or even worse than - no plan. It should always be visible - and updated fast - which plan the currently used is. It would have to be clear who is in charge of updating the BP status and what the criteria for a change is. I'd suggest an open system similar to the suburb danger level, which could even give the criteria for a change: green, yellow = plan A; orange, red = plan B. This isn't accurate, by comprehensible.
- Plan B) might include EHB on all TRPs, despite their usefulness to newbies.--Paul Power 16:31, 9 July 2008 (BST)
- I agree with your thoughts, I think your idea of showing a building as VSB-EP would indicate it remains an entry point at all times, even heavy seige conditions. VSB/EHB might indicate the typical level as VSB and emergency seige level is EHB. On a side note, the VZW will begin to tag buildings with our Group Logo and include BP info as well. --Shazzelim 17:13, 9 July 2008 (BST)
The warehouse at [74,54] should be at EHB. The reason is that it is the location of the suburb's mobile tower. This combined with the fact that it'll often be powered to keep it running may make it a target for zombies. Kevyn Wu 02:15, 18 July 2008 (BST)
Looking at the graphic at the top of the page, recommend that Clatworthy Arms be changed to EHB -- several groups share this as a gathering place and maintain it at EHB. The Corp Building has been a VSB entry point for access to the Hospital for several years now and should remain as such. Otherwise, the plan looks solid. --Shazzelim 12:38, 28 July 2008 (BST)
I will be adjusting a few locations on the official map per some of the items discussed here. I think it might help reflect the true situation in Edge and make it easier for people to navigate the Suburb. --Dr Emilio Lizardo 14:03, 4 August 2008 (BST)