User talk:Haliman111

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No worries friend, there are no hard feelings here. Soory it took so long to reply. I was not aware that we had an altercation. C-ya around--Airborne88Zzz1.JPGT|Z.Quiz|PSS 03:01, 19 August 2008 (BST)

Zomcon and Umbrella, remember? I kinda got hostile, but the past is the past. Thank you, comrade. No worries about the reply time, i am sure you were very busy. So how is your IRL situation, if you don't mind me asking... --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 04:58, 20 August 2008 (BST)


LOL. The MethLab part on your page made me laugh so hard... You hear A random sissy say "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! They are going to kill us all!! We have to get the hell out of this place RIGHT NOW!!" in a girly way. <---That produced a flashback...

Hey Li! Man, you really gotta make one of those. And sign your edits. I had to check the history page, even though I had a feeling it was you. Haha, I couldn't resist not adding anything about meth, haha.--/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 06:43, 30 July 2008 (BST)
I did not sign?!!...I was on Crack ... LOL. Hmmm.. I did not stole it... It's my version of what really happened...Mwhahaha... (Me likes to stole you-You have good ideas.)--Lithedarkangel 16:03, 30 July 2008 (BST)
Well, it's fine man. I am just giving you a hard time. Haha. Well, yours is really good, but why do I overdose?! Haha. Comment back. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 17:43, 30 July 2008 (BST)
You are always giving me a hard time. About the overdose...You can not expect to be sane near Meth Man!! Also, the zombies were already dead, Cya was busy...practically, you were the only one left.--Lithedarkangel 18:56, 30 July 2008 (BST)

Why do I always have to be the lone survivor? Thats alot of pressure you know!--/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 18:59, 30 July 2008 (BST)
I'm bored of typing the dots...I just noticed the bottom of this page...I feel he is angry with you...bad luck. Just don't worry and stay cool. :) --Lithedarkangel 03:22, 31 July 2008 (BST)
Well, he can be angry all he wants. I for one, am gonna, sit back, relax, and have him entertain me. =D --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 17:48, 31 July 2008 (BST)
And then again the wiki drama attacks. Hmm... This is nonsense. Seriously, they are overreacting again... I know this is bad but my evil self is laughing...hehehe..."Chaos!...Glorious Chaos!!" --Lithedarkangel 22:56, 7 August 2008 (BST)
The best part is they are wasting so much time working on this when it will just be deleted in a few days anyways! Haha. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 01:22, 8 August 2008 (BST)


'Ello Haliman! Just thought I'd drop in and say hi. Like your page btw. --D.E.ATalk --13:33, 28 May 2008 (BST)

Ello Eddie....HOW DO YOU LIKE MY PAGE?????--Haliman111 T OP UC 12:48, 30 May 2008 (BST)

Because... instead of adding a background color, you chose to deck it out with templates and I think that looks cool lol!! =P
13:03, 30 May 2008 (BST)

Well, I do love my templates! haha --Haliman111 T OP UC 00:36, 31 May 2008 (BST)

Your Sig (Again)

I had to mess with it as it was totaly screwing up my Talk Page but I didn`t change anything just added a <noinclude></noinclude> to it. So the other content didn`t show up on my page all that appears is your Sig.

--VincenT | Third Echelon | Umbrella Corporation --19:16, 24 May 2008 (BST)

Its fine dude. --Haliman111 T OP UC 12:48, 30 May 2008 (BST)

Your Sig

I totally moved it to here: Go to preferences, under nickname add User:Haliman111/Sig, make sure the Raw Signatures box is checked. That will make it your sig.--– Nubis 00:44, 17 May 2008 (BST)

Thanks alot man. I was having trouble! --Haliman111 T OP UC 02:38, 24 May 2008 (BST)


Add your group forum to the group forum section of this page. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 22:33, 15 April 2008 (BST)

Done. Thanks for all the help. --Haliman111 T OP UC 12:50, 30 May 2008 (BST)


Are you guys still operating out of vinetown? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 16:21, 14 May 2008 (BST)

For now we are currently on Ridleybank --Haliman111 T OP UC 12:49, 30 May 2008 (BST)


Hey. Hows it been? I’m not up to much. I don’t think my homepage is better than anyone’s but thanks for the kudos. I am still learning how to do things here on the Wiki. I would not even have a layout like that is Vincent didn’t give me the code of it. So I got to thank him a lot. So what’s going on? You still with Umbrella? I have not been fallowing the trial that much; I got to focus on the zombies so we don’t get our wieners bitten off. ---CodY >©< Mac

Unfortunately, I am not apart of Umbrella as of right now, but I am working on it! The page is really good man. Mine is just a bunch of templates =(. So how are you IRL? --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 05:44, 27 July 2008 (BST)


Heya Hal! Not much, been messing about with my wiki page lately, adding stuff and moving stuff about. Sounds fun doesn't it lol! How's your trial coming along??
D.E.ATalk 10:30, 28 July 2008 (BST)

Well they decided that the trial idea wouldn't be used, and cut me out behind closed doors. OH NOES! I had been chatting to William about Umbrella and how you guys are, and you came up! He had absolutely nothing bad to say, and praised you many times! Very nice, Eddie! There has always been something I wanted to tell you.... your first avatar in Umbrella, you know, the old guy with the white hair? He scared the crap outta me! Haha. How are you IRL as well? Best wishes, and good health to you! Comment back. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 01:42, 29 July 2008 (BST)

An opportunity to give your side of the story and they decide to scrap it... thats politics for ya. First avatar.. first avatar.. oh yeah, the mad scientist looking guy. That was a good avatar. Now my avatar is the scene in the first Resi Evil movie at the bridge where Umbrella starts letting people leave the city before they realise the virus reached the gate. Now let me ask you something... that thing in your signature on the forum, the one that looks like a red bar and says Umbrella Corporation at one end and the Umbrella logo at the other. Where did you get that from? I'm good IRL, got a nice tan going here.. a first by Scottish weather.. its so unpredictable these days, one minute sunshine, the next rain Haha. And how are you IRL... hope everything's going well. -- D.E.ATalk 10:27, 29 July 2008 (BST)
Well, I kinda saw it coming =(. To be honest, I am surprised you haven't lashed out in anger towards me... Thanks. My IRL situation is not going well. I had a panic attack 2 weeks ago and went into shock. I have had chest pain ever since then. As for my sig and userbar, I had them custom made for me. You like it? I could give you the link to the site... but away from all of these prying eyes... I never knew you were Scottish! I am a Scotsman myself as well! I have never been to Scotland yet, but I plan on going soon. Now apparently it is usually cold. YAY!!!!! I love cold. Chicago is a little to diverse with weather. Comment back. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 06:44, 30 July 2008 (BST)
Ouch! A panic attack.. that sucks. Do you know why? Yep! I iz Scottish Haha. And you'd be right, it is usually cold here... sometimes we'll get the odd day of sunshine but more times than nought... its chucking it down with rain =). Nah! no need.. cos I think I may have found it anyway. I did a google search for "custom userbars". Quick question btw... do you have a signature page? Just wondering since you seem to be using your full coding rather than using {{User:Haliman111/sig}}. Its much easier using that rather than typing in the full code each time. --D.E.ATalk 11:20, 30 July 2008 (BST)
Too much stress I suppose. I iz a Scotty too! I will be out there, probably next summer. Google deceives people... Well, if you can find a secure way for us to chat, I can give you my secrets on sigs and users, and avas. I am not literally typing my sig out, I am using the sig button on the wiki toolbar. Second last button. Comment back!--/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC 17:58, 30 July 2008 (BST)
Yeah! The signature with timestamp button. Alright, I was just wondering since it looked like you were typing out your signature code each time your made a post lol! =) --D.E.ATalk 19:06, 30 July 2008 (BST)
I am not THAT crazy! Lol. That would really take forever. =(. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 19:11, 30 July 2008 (BST)


Ugg! Haliman you infuriate me!!!!!!!!!!! You were banned behind closed doors yes because we had sensitive information that the mere sight of the evidence would reveal our allies who have effectively been keeping a close eye on you and your activities! Haliman you are a manipulative, fiending, dirtbag, who deserves to be booted out of U.D.! We're narrowing down who the rest of the rats and skeeve are. Your just lucky that restoring Shearbank priority comes before hunting your ass and killing over and over again. ACK you irritate me soo much Haliman! Stop commenting on our comments stop any activities you are trying to assert and associate with Umbrella you cowering swine! I WORN EVERYONE THAT IS EVER TO READ THIS PAGE THAT HALIMAN IS A MANIPULATIVE TWIT!--Jackson 21:05, 30 July 2008 (BST)

I am apart of the wiki patrol... I didn't need to see a flame war started. That is not very nice to say, Jackson. A manipulative twit? Who banned who behind closed doors? You, Jackson. You are a manipulative PERSON. You are not yet the level of twit. To prove I am the bigger man here, I am currently at Ackland Mall helping rebuild. Cowering swine? The only reason I didn't hunt YOUR ass down was because I have a cool head, unlike someone here. Cheers! :D --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 21:16, 30 July 2008 (BST)
P.S.: I am not manipulative. Manipulative would be editing, or deleting someone else's comments. So, nice try. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 21:21, 30 July 2008 (BST)

You manipulate everyone you have contact with by lying to them including me and everyone at Umbrella. We know the truth Haliman, and frankly I get hot headed and everyone in Umbrella Corporation knows this so it shouldn't be a surprise since you were in the group long enough to probably hear one of my outbursts! The fact the you continued in attempts to deceive members and plead for sympathy through outrageous stories just makes you even more of a well how would one put it, there is role playing and then there is taking it too far. Why don't you be that kid who shoots himself when his character died in DND? Get a life Haliman! You failed at your little game to take over Umbrella and as soon as we find the other rat your failure will be complete. Closed doors? Only because we wouldn't be so stupid as to reveal our informants to a possible rat! We should have banned you the moment we had even gotten wiff of your betrayal for it only prolonged a useless trial that made us weak in the process. Never again. Good day and consider this the last time I exchange communication with you.--Jackson 11:56, 31 July 2008 (BST)

Thats your choice, and I saw one of the posts, and I will remember the good times as well. It was a pleasure working with you. Cheers. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 17:47, 31 July 2008 (BST)

Aparently saying "Cheers" like a moron believing your English or Australian makes you sound smarter? Anyway here is Haliman is a Fraud, I hope this keeps you "entertained" Haliman!--Jackson 15:04, 4 August 2008 (BST)

Stop meddling with Umbrella's affairs. If you wanna help the urbandead wiki, that's fine, though if the Umbrella Corp is involved in wiki moderating then buzz off. I will simply delete your posts. Let some else handle the Umbrella Corp when it comes to wiki work. As an ex-Umbrella member who was banned, your too involved to ever work with Umbrella again even if its on this wiki. And that is exactly what I will say to any sysops you may pull in when you complain about me deleting some of your posts. If you are really as mature as you think you are, then listen to me and stay away from Umbrella.--MisterGame 19:58, 2 August 2008 (BST)

What the hell? I took ALL of Roachtown. You go ahead and look, EVERYONE in Roachtown. To be fair, technically you answered the call, and therefor you will not get deleted. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 23:11, 2 August 2008 (BST)
Ugh. I'm glad I'm not a ambassdor of the Fortress for Umbrella Corp anymore. Haliman, you get a lot of flak damn. Jackson, stop acting so immature man. if Haliman did something to get banned then oh well. Its in the past. Umbrella corp and other gripers, BACK OFF! (I say this for me, I no longer represent the Fortress in Ambassador matters or to the Umbrella Corp, this is my own personal opinion. -Firetwig W!

Not He did something wrong, oh well. The guy cant be trusted, and I myself figured out the hard way. I know about its just a game but its sucks to be betrayed time after time. Halimann, brought alot of shit when he betrayed us.He cost's alot of time and effort, and it seems its costing us allies aswell! Its been, what, 6 weeks since this came out? And we are still busy with it! We are going to leave him alone, only he has the tendency to pop up on our wiki pages. And since you did not have to dealt with this, and dont know all the details, you should not judge any of us Firetwig. And so Jackson acts pissed off, does not means he is immature. After haliman's behaviour he has the right. Give Jackson a break, do you even know him that well? The guy is currently sitting with his laptop in a militairy base in Iraq! Its so easy to judge people, especially on the internet. I mean no personal offense towards you Firetwig. I want to close the chapter haliman for a very long time now. Hope that can be done.--MisterGame 23:54, 4 August 2008 (BST)

Than tell Jackson to delete the page, because someone reported him to vandal banning. NOT ME. Even though I agree. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 16:28, 6 August 2008 (BST)

Well, I am not sure, but the page might be violating wiki rules. In which case the page will be deleted and put on somewhere else by us.-MisterGame 17:04, 5 August 2008 (BST)

Because you are a bunch of no good vandals? --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 16:28, 6 August 2008 (BST)

Because I dont want any more (wiki) drama because of this.--MisterGame 23:34, 6 August 2008 (BST)

If you don't want anymore drama than don't post the page. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 01:10, 7 August 2008 (BST)