Malton College of Medicine/policies

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Malton College of Medicine
Malton College of Medicine
MCM Home * FAQ * Medic Runs * Library * Policies
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Karaoke Bar * Enquiries * Main Campus * Dean's Office

Mission and Focus

Malton College of Medicine's primary mission is to educate new survivors about how to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world. MCM serves the medical needs of the Greentown/Brooksville/North & South Blythville area, educates MCM students, and provides an atmosphere of support and encouragement, all with a healthy dose of humor.

What makes MCM unique is the focus on the new player. MCM is not about the well-known, high-level characters, or about defeating the opposition, or even about defending the campus itself. MCM is about the students.

Faculty spend a great deal of AP talking and teaching as students progress through levels, often putting aside their own needs and desires in the interest of helping the new survivor. We request that small injuries be left to the freshman students without Diagnosis and Free Running, whose ability to gain XP is severely restricted. Most freshmen will gain almost all of their experience inside the college walls. Once Diagnosis and Free Running are obtained, we encourage students to go on medic runs of the surrounding area, helping the community and gaining valuable experience, (and gaining it faster in the process!) Faculty and staff are available to guide students the entire way, answering questions, offering encouragement and reassurance, and even cracking jokes and lifting spirits. MCM is an interactive, noisy place, merging education and antics with healing and reassurance.

Malton College of Medicine is a neutral zone. We teach and heal all survivors, regardless of group affiliation, former zombie activity, brain rot, or even Rogue's Gallery status. PKing on college grounds is forbidden, as is bounty collecting. Our focus is on teaching our students, and PKing and bounty hunting both are disruptive to a supportive atmosphere of learning.


  • The faculty of Malton College of Medicine encourages asking questions!
  • MCM is a neutral zone. No PKing, please.
  • MCM is a neutral zone. No bounty collecting, please.
  • The faculty of MCM reserves the right to expel problem individuals given sufficient warning and just cause. We hope to never have to expel anyone, but we still reserve the right to do so in extreme cases. PKing on MCM grounds, and thus violating our neutrality, will result in immediate expulsion.
  • Nobody is a low priority. Unless in serious conflict, heal indiscriminately. We're all in this together; the level one you save today could be the one to headshot the zombie chewing on your arm a few months down the road.
  • If you don't need the XP, call out the names of the injured so that new medics can heal them.
  • If you have some AP to spare, try a medic run!
  • If you have Diagnosis and Free Running and zombie activity is low, please leave small injuries to the freshmen students to heal so that they can more easily gain experience.
  • MCM teaches Combat Revives. See C.R.A.P. for an explanation of the reasoning behind this policy. Attacking zombies be warned: you will likely be CRed. Zombies who come through our cades are considered volunteers for our Combat Revive class, and we thank you in advance for volunteering!
  • Only one alt can be a student, staff, or faculty member of MCM. If you wish to train a new alt at MCM, the old alt will have to graduate and move to a new suburb. No zerging is allowed. On the bright side, when you graduate, you get a nifty graduation template for use on your wiki user page as a diploma!
  • No person on the Ignore List shall be given safe haven on the MCM campus. Persons on the Ignore List will be shot on sight by MCM security. Persons condoning or sanctioning text rapists are not welcome at MCM, will have no safe shelter there, and will be placed on the Expelled list.

Neutral Zone Details

PKer policy

Our policy regarding PKers:

  • A neutral zone heals everyone equally, and that is our goal. PKers and former zombies alike are safe and welcome at MCM as long as they behave according to the same code we expect of everyone else. They will both be healed and treated in a civil manner.
  • If a PKer PK's a person on our grounds & remains as a threat to other students they will be expelled from the college, removed by security, and placed on the DNR list. The person will be given as little attention as possible to avoid reinforcing this behavior with additional drama. The appropriate report will be filed with the Rogue's Gallery.
  • If a PKer PK's a person on our grounds & leaves we do not retaliate. This person is placed on our DNR list and given as little attention as possible to avoid reinforcing this behavior with additional drama. The appropriate report will be filed with the Rogue's Gallery.
  • If we (the staff and/or students) run across known PKers off grounds we leave them alone. We do not need to bring a war to the MCM.
  • We do not have a "KOS" list.

DNR list

We have a Do Not Revive list; doing something that gets you on this list will also mean we do not heal you.

  • This list is reserved for people who are a threat to the College as PKers and for repeated griefers. You have to work to get yourself on this list. We reserve the right to add an entire group to this list should the behavior of the group warrant it.
  • MCM teaches combat revives. We do not teach blind revives or stupid revives. A problem PKer is usually better left dead; a problem zombie is usually better left alive. Both are out of their element that way.

Do Not Revive/Expelled

Persons who are expelled from the school are no longer under our protection. They have demonstrated that they do not respect the concept of a center of peace and education. Griefing and abuse are grounds for expulsion, as is condoning or sanctioning text rape. We are not asking people to kill those on the expelled list, but we no longer offer them sanctuary.

The following individuals should not be revived or healed:



Dhavid Grohl

Horny Horny Hippo

Horny Polar Bear

Officer Sam Jackson


Team Zombie Hardcore

For the duration of their 2008 School Shooting Tour, the Columbine Kids

MCM Home * FAQ * Medic Runs * Library * Policies * Enquiries * Karaoke Bar
Campus Directory * Don't Revive! * MCM templates * Dean's Office * Main Campus