Malton Telephone

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Malton Telephone
Abbreviation: MALTEL
Group Numbers: 21
Leadership: Bro'ken (missing, presumed Zed.)
Goals: Keeping the cellular network up and running in the city of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Always Hiring
Contact: Just broadcast on frequency 27.10 and a roaming technician will contact you. Or visit the forums
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.10 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Malton Telephone phone mast buildings

Our Mandate

Rugged good looks, unwavering bravery and unyielding dedication to keeping your mobile phone working. This is what it means to be a Roaming Technician for Malton Telephone. We are the people that keep the towers blinking in the night, we are the people that keep Malton talking, we are the people that give all the Zed's head cancer.

Customer Support

If the mobile tower in your neighborhood has been damaged, please contact us. Due to technical difficulties, our regular support number is currently unavailable, but we have set up an emergency radio receiver. Simply send your request on frequency 27.10 and one of our heroic roaming techs will attend to your mast. Please be sure to give the name of your suburb in your message.

MalTel Technical Guide

The MalTel Technician Handbook remains the definitive procedural guide for all MalTel employees. Every field tech is required to read it, memorise it and to keep a copy next to their heart. For your convenience, some of the more important guidelines are repeated here.

  1. Remember our mandate!
    Your primary task is to keep the network running. Let neither Zed nor marauding PKer nor even death prevent you from your duty!
  2. Check in regularly!
    All employees are expected to report on the status of the network on a regular basis. The
    Network Status Report Interface
    is there for our benefit, use it!
  3. Protect MalTel Assets!
    Our expensive equipment makes a tempting target for vandals and thieves. Keep all buildings with a mobile mast Extremely Heavily Barricaded at all times!
  4. Educate The Public!
    Always clearly label the inside of a mobile mast building as such. The use of the following tag is recommended:
    a MalTel leaflet:
  5. Friendly Smile!
    As a roaming technician, you are the public face of MalTel, Always wear your name tag and act in a courteous and professional manner when driving back the ungodly hordes of undead. Put "Malton Telephone" as your group in your profile.

The Friendly Face Of MalTel

MalTel is a people company. We're here to make the zombie apocalypse a little more enjoyable by ensuring that communities can come together. Technology is not what makes this happen, it's the people. Take a moment to meet the men, women and non-determinates that keep the towers blinking in the sky.

Active Roaming Technicians

If you love action, adventure and the open road? this is the job for you. We need RT's to supply fuel, generators and clear zombies when required. If you think you've got what it takes, grab the nearest generator and head for the nearest downed tower, we'd love to have you!

Northwestern Districts

  • NW-3: Position available
  • NW-4: Position available
  • NW-5: Position available

Northeastern Districts

  • NE-1: Position available
  • NE-2: Position available
  • NE-3: kabejota
  • NE-4: Position available
  • NE-5: Position available

Southwestern Districts

Southeastern Districts


Now Hiring!

MalTel Outreach Program

Live in a suburb that has a special place in your heart? We need managers to ensure that the cell in their neighbourhood is kept up and running and report when it's down, needs fuel or some fire-power. Some suburbs have private management or contractors which can be listed on the Mobile Phone Mast page.

Retired Technicians

MalTel Regional HQ

The Summer Building in Roftwood is MalTel's Malton branch HQ (for now). This location serves as a dispatcher and a home base for roaming technicians, and provides all the necessary amenities for tired techs returning from a long tour of duty, including a cafeteria, entertainment center, private clinic, and revive point. The HQ is operated by our dedicated Corporate Office staff members, whose names are listed below.

Company Store

Visit our store for MalTel branded goods at cost for employees! Mugs, Pins, Magnets and more to come!

MalTel 001 0.jpg

MalTel Company Store

Remember, MalTel makes no profit on these goods.

Hiring Policy

Communication is what will keep Malton from collapsing, if you're ready to dedicate yourself to keeping these lines of communication open, keep your employee ID card in your group affiliation, "Malton Telephone", quickly read through the MalTel Technician Handbook and consider yourself hired.

Books.jpg Things Best Forgotten
This page has an archive.