Red Resistance
For the protection and safety of Tapton.
Red ResistanceHistoryThere's is not much history to really tell about us. The Red Resistance is a paramilitary guerilla group created out of the ashes of the fall of Fort Creedy. We'll have to make more history as we continue our lives in post-apocalyptic Malton. RanksGeneral of the Red Resistance - Rogue Medic Second-in-Command General of the Resistance - Daveko StrongholdsI am proud to say that the Red Resistance have finally made our first Stronghold in Tapton. Our main stronghold, Reach, is comprised of The Haag Plaza Police Department, the Morrhall Drive Fire Station, the Douglass Park, the Byfield Museum, the St. Luke's Hospital, the Kentisber Plaza, the Whittaker Boulevard Fire Station, and the Wagner Building. Since it's our first HQ, we still need to establish ground and tactical control in area. As our group numbers begin to expand, we will create more HQs for our battalions. Current StrongholdsBelow is a list of current Red Resistance Strongholds: 1. Reach 2. Rayne 3. Dawn ContactsThe list below are current ways to contact us:
Radio Frequencies
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