External Links

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External Links

This page is for the listing of links to sites outside of Urban Dead and The Urban Dead Wiki deemed useful and/or relevant to Urban Dead players.

For links that will help players actually play the game, such as the map or firefox extensions, put them in In Game Resources. For links to sites about Urban Dead or to similar games, place them under Other.

In Game Resources


Zombie Speech Translators

Urban Dead Forums/IRC Channels


IRC Channels

Out of Game Links

Related games

Useful Urban Dead Links

Urban Dead Yahoo! Group

Note: These are now overcome with spam, and the wiki fills their role. They remain here for historical interest, especially for the conversations early on in UD's life.

Entries in Other Wikis

Firefox Tools

NOTICE: With the release of Firefox 3, most of these plug-ins will no longer work until the creators update them. For those who still want to use Firefox 3, there are ways to allow these extensions to install. However, doing so may pose security risks on your browser, and it is entirely the user's responsibility whether or not to proceed in installing these extensions in FF3.

If you wish to continue using an extension, there are several options:

Firefox Extensions

  • UDBrain Extension - Uses a MySQL database to track the barricade status of all buildings in Malton. Users will see the abbreviated barricade report of all buildings in the database printed on their map, and will automatically submit barricade reports of all buildings they visit to the database. This database can be viewed in its entirety at on the UDbrain website, making it very easy to figure out what buildings likely contain recently active survivors whose players use this extension. (Updated and working as of September 4, 2010. Uninstall the old version completely before updating.)
  • UD Automapper Automatically maps Urban Dead - made for the mapping of Monroeville - to install, allow ud.malton.info to install add ons - the map updates every five minutes from its data.
  • UDTool for Firefox 3 - Offers name highlighting, with factions to separate out groups; HP values are colorized; stacks inventory of same type; linking; and other features (Full list included in extension package).
  • z-udtool Modified version of UDTool that adds various, mostly zombie, features such as player list reorganization and quick attack buttons in addition to everything UDTool has. No longer updated. Only works on firefox 0.9 -> 1.16
  • Urban Dead Toolbar Want to get the most out of Urban Dead? Offers a graphical mini-map and inventory, quick menus for fast attacks, a DEM revive request tool, and a toolbar with many useful links for the game.
  • Urban Dead Homing Beacon Lets you know how far it is back to your home base, and calculates the AP you need to return.
  • Peeko Feature Rich and stable software for chatting to people on the same site as you.
  • Urban Dead Centered Map
  • udWidget [Install] adds a map displaying a wider view of your surrounding area to the game interface, allows "in window" creation of Iwitness records. Also has an amazingly useful profile detail and zombie name display features.

External Links
Unofficial UD ForumsUrban Dead IRC ChannelsFirefox Extensions
Zombie Speech TranslatorsRelated Games

Firefox Search Engines

  • Profiles.urbandead.net Search Engine for Firefox. Click on the Profiles.urbandead.net link (just after the green icon) to install. Accepts wildcards (*) as allowed by the profiles database and returns a list of any matching names.
  • iWitness Public Search Engine for Firefox. Click on the UD iWitness link (just after the iWitness icon) to install. Searches public iWitness records for your search terms, as long as the site is up.

Greasemonkey Scripts

Actions and Inventory

  • Dumwit Button This adds a Dumwit button in the Actions section for quick screenshots. screenshot
  • UDInventory A simple, no-frills inventory and search compactor. Combines weapons, ammo, FAKs, syringes, fuel cans, and mall search options. Screenshot
UrbanDead BiggerSpeechBox – Enlarges the Speech, Graffiti, and Broadcast input boxes to more useful sizes. Superseded by UD Speech Combiner, below.
  • UD Speech Combiner - Enlarges the speech input box and combines it with graffiti and broadcast boxes.
  • Urban Dead HUD Adds access keys for actions and inventory, adds a long-distance map, and tracks distances to the places you specify.
    • Doesn't seem to work on


  • File:ScentMapNumbers.png
    scent death map w/ numbers
    ScentMapNumbers Shows decimal values for the color codes displayed in the new Scent Death map table. For example, a bright yellow block's cell would have the text "g.r|255.255" in it. This script is intended to facilitate reverse-engineering what the color code values mean, but may also be useful to individuals who are color blind or have trouble seeing the colors due to display issues. A picture of the modified scent death map is shown on the right here.
  • Show nav redesign (Redesign of the original script changing only the looks to fit the style of the game). Show navigation in the game. This shows a small map of your suburb and of the world, with important buildings coloured. See screenshot. No XPI available. I did not make this script - if the author of the above script opposes to this being uploaded, please remove this! (I couldn't manage to contact the original author.)
      • I am the author, I have started working on this again, please contact me, torbjorn.lindahl at g mail dot com
    • Will not work with Show Misses GM script.
    • Crashes Firefox when used with z-udtool (Which is a shame, cos its a nice script)
    • Still suffers from the bug from above script, showing you as in another building near map edges
  • UD Revive Radar shows distance to nearest 3 (or more) publicly-noted revivification points (more info) (Note: revive point list in the script is out of date)

Profiles and Characters

  • ActOnProfile puts a set of links at the top of profile pages that allow you to perform actions related to that profile. Actions include various (but not all) attacks, with the URL constructed in such a way that you can use the f5 button to make another attack of the same kind. You can also open links to Iwitness records showing that profile and to the Rouges Gallery record for that profile (if any).
  • chud Grabs all survivors on the current map cell that need healing and compiles them into a list. Clicking on names in this list will attempt to use a first-aid kit on the specified player. Requires Diagnosis. (Now updated to work after the July 09 UD update, including additional enhancements) Screenshot.
  • MassContacts - adds several powerful features to you contacts page to allow bulk handling of contacts, including "pasting in" lists of contacts to add them all at once, rather than one at a time, similarly changing colors / dropping contacts, and creating lists of contacts use this way or to share.
  • UD Lister - This script produces text listings of contacts with profile URI's in a separate window sorted by color key used. It is useful for listing groups of players in forums, emails and wikis.
  • UD Profile Expander Shows you the group name, level, experience, and pertinent skills (Free Running, Body Building, Lab Experience, Scent Trail, Brain Rot, Ransack) of everyone in your current cell at the click of a button.

Situational Information


  • Aichon's Collection
    • A-GPS - Displays your current GPS coordinates next to the suburb name. Screenshot
    • Barrista - Adds a menu bar to the top of your screen that replaces the text and buttons which normally show up under your minimap. Shows a colorized barricade level indicator, gives you HP and AP bars, and provides a few other useful links. Screenshot
    • Better HP Colorizer - Colorizes the HP values of characters in your building. Screenshot
    • Better Name Colorer (modified) - Changes the colors used for characters in your Contacts list, as well as for all of the other links on the page. Screenshot
    • chud (modified) - A heavily modified version of haliphax's chud, it shows the injured survivors at your location and gives you quick buttons to heal or hurt them. Screenshot
    • Same Character Highlighter - Underlines all of the links to a character whenever you mouseover any of them.
    • Survivor Aggregator - Makes survivors at your block show up on the minimap the same way as zombies. E.g. "10 survivors" instead of listing the first five names.
    • UDMap (modified) - Puts two minimaps under your map, with the first showing your suburb with all of the TRPs colored, and the second showing you a city-wide map that you can click on to view any other suburb. Screenshot
    • Midianian's Scripts - Updated versions of almost all of Midianian's scripts, with his permission, since some were beginning to break.
  • Ray3K Scripts - A collection of scripts originally created for The Malton Zookeepers. This includes custom map graphics, an internal scrolling map with search functions, gps location, inventory compression, and an automatic travel script. Currently the iWitness companion does not function due to changes to iWitness.


  • DSS Satellite Phone - an in-game mobile phone that doesn't take AP to use and works for zombies. download for Firefox or download for Google Chrome, then visit the phone number registry (required for activation). Full documentation.
  • MarchingOrders provides the capability to use "wind up" movement, walking you 5 blocks in any diagonal direction one block at a time. Full code features exist for long range travel to any arbitrary location inside Malton, but they are currently only supported via manual URL entry. This user script also provides a link to the Scent Intel Map that is centered on your location, and a link to the wiki page for the suburb you are in. GPS a go-go!
  • Tidy UDTool - Cleans UDTool configuration cruft from the UD game screen.
  • Urban Dead Dice displays the d100 "roll" when your attack misses (as does Show Misses – downloadable from Yahoo Mailing List, with registration).


Plugins for other sites

  • udmaltongg Google Gadget - An interactive map of Malton, which can be inserted into any web page.
  • Google Docs Malton Map - A Malton map in the form of a Google Docs spreadsheet template. By creating their own spreadsheets from the template, various groups can then use their private spreadsheets to share scouting information with group members.
