Talk:Knights Templar

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Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new 15:27, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

We are active indeed my friend. Thanks. -Roddy Winters 01:42, 28 January 2010 (UTC)

An Open Letter from MITS

Greetings Templars. We at March into the Sea will soon be moving into Kempsterbank to worship at the Temple of the Leviathan. We have already paid tribute to the Chilean Blob of 2003 and the Sirens. But the Leviathan wants his due and we are obliged to concur with his wishes. Any and all occupants who are inhabiting the temple when we arrive will be offered to the Leviathan in tribute. Afterwards, we cannot guarantee the safety of any and all of the local citizenry who choose to come to this Island while the Leviathan is holding court. If offerings are not sufficient to appease the beast, we may have no choice but to look for offerings in the surrounding structures. Any interference on the part of the Templars in getting between the Leviathan and his offerings will be frowned upon by said beast. Any attacks on our Priests and Missionaries will also be frowned upon. These actions could even result in the wrath of the Leviathan being brought down upon you and also innocent victims. Our work keeps those who lurk beneath the waves from rising up and claiming an even greater toll on Malton. Only through offerings and sacrifice can we hope to contain their hunger. We look forward to your cooperation in this matter. --Dr summeroff 18:14, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

Answer: MTS, you have attacked our memebrs unprovoked. We also recognize some of you from other, should we say, less than reputable groups like FOD. So, we didn't ask you here, we do not want you here, and would appreciate it if you would: 1) stop your Pker attacks on our members and the good citizens of our burb 2) leave Kempsterbank and the Knights Templar area of opperations Thanks!---Stan the Chopper 23 Febuary 2010

Hi Stan! Although March into the Sea does make an earnest effort to take actions that will be "appreciated" by the Knights Templar, we are simply unable to immediately comply your requests. Believe me, we're even more upset about this Leviathan situation than yourselves (we're the ones working to rectify it after all) but our work must be finished. This work, as Sumeroff has explained, must be performed in the vicinity of this monstrosity's Temple. Rest assured that the moment sufficient sacrifices have been made we will be out of your hair. In the meantime if you would be so kind as to make sacrifices on behalf of the Leviathan yourselves, he will be placated that much sooner.
We also kindly remind you that we are servants of Malton, not the Knights Templar: we do not need your permission to carry out our sacred duties. If however, any of your order have constructive ideas regarding a compromise on this matter, we will be more than happy to consider them. Thank you for your assistance. --Homeless prophet 05:04, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Thank you Homeless Prophet. Of course we did not expect you to honor our wishes to leave nor have our "permission" to be in K-bank. In fact we'd welcome you and your rather strange ways if you would just stop carrying out your sacred duties (IE:Pking) on our members & the innocent survivors within our area of opperations. Why can't you guys sacrifice a few beers, or smack people with a newspaper or something non-lethal? Stop the killing and be free from persecution by us. Hell, blah blah blah about Leviathan as much as you guys want on the radio too, though we would also appreciate you going to the West Grayside/Pole Mall Freq:26.19 MHz. That would at least show some sort of compromise. Again, thank you for the dialogue!---Stan the Chopper 26 Febuary 2010

You see? This continued disrespect for the Leviathan is what keeps us here. We'd be done and on our way by now if not for the KT disrespecting the sanctity....the sanctity of the temple. What is this "Blah Blah Blah about the Leviathan"??? He hears your blasphemies. The contempt heaped upon his missionaries and priests compels us onward with the Altars of Sacrifice. Even today, one of your Templars came by, called me a filthy name and told me I could Rot. So you see, we have no choice in the matter. So long as you stoke the fires of the Leviathan's rage, so shall you burn. --Dr summeroff 01:12, 4 March 2010 (UTC)

Look, we don't care if you want to worship a giant poo fish. But I do have a couple things to busrt your little bubble Doc; 1) fire & water doesn't mix! 2) Malton is completely land locked. That's right, no water at all! But fear not, because all drains lead to the ocean, right? So here, I'll do my part & make a sacrifice of my own, right on the toilet. "Uhnnn, uhnnn, plop!" Oh, that's a nice one! Here you go, big nasty poo fish! Eat it & enjoy-Flush. Now, why don't you guys go play with each other somewhere else. For a former Templar, I'm saddened & more than alittle disappointed in you Doc.---Stan the Chopper 4 March 2010

A poo fish? A Poo fish?? My heart breaks for you templars. I am curious though, were you there back when I was a Templar? Ah well, it will be over soon Stan. 50 offerings. No Less. Then hopefully we can move on. There are others that must be fed besides the Leviathan. Of course, each one of those 50 was completely avoidable. You have no one to blame but yourselves for our continued presence here. Anyway, if Finny McGhee wishes to discuss it further, he knows where to find me. I've approved his account on the MITS forum. I won't engage in any further mud slinging here. --Dr summeroff 20:10, 6 March 2010 (UTC)

No Doc, you were from the KT's prehistoric times. I did like the Brainstocke comments, but you did kind of hurt my feelings. I'm not a 2nd rate thug though; I'm more of the "I will shoot every MITS memeber I find" type of guy. So, are you threatening to kill 50 of us, or just 50 people, or 5 KT 10 times, or 10 KT 5 times? I didn't do well in "sea" math. As a favor to you, being ex-KT, might I suggest you guys just call it even & go somewhere else to whorship your big nasty poo fish & his blob (a fart? Poo? What the heck is it?). If you continue to attack us, it will not bode well for you. No threats or mud slinging. Just a promise sir. Thanks!---Stan the Chopper 8 march 2010

Stan, all things bode well for us. If we kill you, the Leviathan is honored. If we die attempting to honor him, well, he's honored by that too. We try to avoid the second scenario for obvious reasons, but this will ultimately have been a success if these dark days pass without a Leviathan attack.
In response to your confusion, 50 KT sacrifices are required. So it was dreamed, so it was relayed to the group, so shall it be done. It matters not whether we execute 50 KT 1 time, 1 KT 50 times, or anything in between. There will be fifty deaths. Have no fear, we're almost there. And please remember that this needn't have involved you to this extent- you not only failed to make sacrifices yourselves (unless you made some you forgot to tell us about) but your members began to kill any of our members on sight. It was only natural that the Leviathan's eye turned toward you; you really have only yourselves to blame.
Don't feel too bad though. The Knights' ham-handed approach to this situation won't prevent Mits from saving Kempsterbank.--Homeless prophet 15:43, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

I swear, you guys are getting so BORING.---Stan the Chopper 15 march 2010

Never fear Stan! We're at the end of this visit to your lovely home. Soon, you will be burdened no more by boring wars and sea monsters and may focus instead on the fun of patrolling a green suburb while lovingly crafting your clever poop jokes. --Homeless prophet 02:59, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

Offering Services

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not a prostitute, OK? There is no banging old ladies or dudes, all right? I will be providing a very important service, however, as what I would like to be called: a "Handsome Companion".

Not to dudes.

Only To old fancy rich ladies who want to do classy, exotic, fancy things with me.--Dennis Reynolds 21:44, 10 February 2010 (UTC)

Uh, thanks, but it's almost a total sausage fest here Dennis. I think we'll pass.--Stan the Chopper 23 Febuary 2010

Zerger among KT?

My zombie friends and I from Clubbed to Death have noticed a couple of similar-sounding KTs in Gulsonside - viz. silentraven159 and silentshade, levels 12 and 9 respectively, all breather skills - who look to us to be zerging. They're not on your members list but they claim KT group affiliation. Please let me know if they're part of your group and confirm whether or not they're individual players or a zerger as we know your clear policy on the latter. Thanks!

Now back to the Bananarama gangbang! Nam-nam harmann bra!nz, graaagh!--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 07:43, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

Answer: Hello Mallrat, honored enemy from CTD! We are enjoying our little training opperation at the mall & surrounding area! CTD is an awesome zed group, and we are honored to engage in combat with you! Both silentraven159 and silentshade are part of our group, but we are sure that the are not zerg alts; we do have an entrance check, & they have different ip addresses. The Knights Templar DO NOT tolerate zerging by our members, and we will take immediate action against members who do so. Thanks for your inquiry, and sorry it took me so long to answer!

Back to having Rotting Snoopy chew on me!--Stan the Chopper 23 February 2010

Thanks for the reassurance. I wouldn't joke about our zombie doggie mascot's chewing habit; Rotting Snoopy starts chewing from the genitals outwards. Do not let him sniff your crotch, especially when his bony remnant of a tail is wagging.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 17:08, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

LOL Mallrat! Again, thank you for the good times in Gulonside! We have finished our opperations in & around your home, but thoroughly enjoyed pitting ourselves against CTD, even for such a short time! As I said, you guys are awesome!!--Stan the Chopper 26 February 2010