From The Urban Dead Wiki
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On March 14, 2025, Urban Dead (the game) was closed. This wiki, however, will remain active in read-only mode.
In order to continue providing maintenance, the sysop team will continue to have write access.
Requesting Changes
Reaching out for the Sysop Team
If you need to request a change to the Urban Dead Wiki:
- Check the list of active sysops here.
- There is a #support channel on the UD Wiki Discord. Place your request there.
- Check one of the Discord servers, and look for one of the active sysops there.
- If none of the above can be reached, please contact User:Kevan
Reasons to ask changes to the wiki
- private information
- copyright law
- vandalism, false / malicious information, spam
How to request changes
In order to request changes to the wiki,
- check the page you need to update
- click on `view source`
- copy the code, and make the changes you want to
- create a text file with the updated source code, using the below format:
https://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Example_page reason why you you believe this page needs to be changed <!-- BEGIN WIKI CODE --> This is an example source code. <!-- END WIKI CODE -->
- if the request requires us to supress revisions (in order to supress private information from history, for example), please let the sysop know when you make the request
- SYSOPS: This means that the page needs to be DELETED first, only to be recreated with the new code.
- the source code must contain the entire code of the page you need to change
- when you reach a sysop, please give them this text file
How to request image deletions
In order to request for an image to be deleted
- create a text file with a list of images you need to remove
https://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:Foobar.jpg Reason why Foobar.jpg needs to be removed https://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:Bar.jpg Reason why Bar.jpg needs to be removed https://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:Baz.jpg Reason why Baz.jpg needs to be removed
- when you reach a sysop, please give them this text file
- you may be asked to explain your reasoning further, which the sysop may reject.