The Fortress/News

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The Fortress News
Fortress Team Anaconda Team Battlehawk Team Cold Cell Team Dark Watch Past Teams Fortress News


TFN: Your eyes and ears in the city!

Front Page:
Top News - Team Anaconda - Team Battlehawk
Page Two:

Team Cold Cell - Team Dark Watch - Around the Tavern - In the Line of Duty


Jay Gorman


TFN Engineer

-Private Mendoza


-Miss Elainious
-Tiago Ferreira
-Jay Gorman
-Victor Vandregas
-Anne Tardew
-Private Mendoza
-Perrin the Wolf

Mission:We focus mainly on the different news of the #1 survivor group, The Fortress, which contains news events from different areas visited by our teams. However we will usually also have important general news as well

Top News

Templarivs is made Commander of Team Battlehawk

The Fortress News sure is growing! We had to make a second page just to hold everything!

The Fortress-wide Chain kill is finished.

  • 139 kills (New Record).
  • Duration of 95 hours 48 minutes (New Record).
  • 49 challengers (New Record).

To sum it up, a New Record!

The Battle of Barhapolis ends

Current Stock Market estimations reveal that the value of Cheese is to rise from 1.3467 to 1.5083 Brains, documenting a 12% increase.



A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors



Funny Pictures


Official Fortress News

  • Assault Officer Azula Individa has been elected the new Director of Communications for the Fortress, taking over at the helm after the recent resignation of Steve the Decimator. We are certain she will follow on in Steve's footsteps, and be a great success.
  • On behalf of the TFN team, I would like to thank Clint Clintstone for his recent involvement in TFN co-editing. It was an honour to have a Fortress legend involved with our broadcasts.
  • The Fortress 3rd Year Anniversary Party is a great success. Much beer, wine and cheese was consumed. Stay tuned shortly for the full report!!
  • Clint Clintstone resigns as Commander of Team Battlehawk. His replacement is Templarivs, a long time member and fitting leadership choice.

Team Anaconda

Operation: Fort Peril

Date: May 8-June 8, 2008. Written by Miss Elainious on June 17, 2008

The Fortress received a distress call from our allies, BMC (British Military Corps) that Whtteniside and Fort Perryn were in imminent danger from an advancing combined horde of the RRF and DvEM. Further intelligence revealed that MoA and FU were also closing in on the fort. Anaconda restocked and set out from their recent mission in the NE to defend Fortress one and hopefully get some delicious BMC pies, alas before the team could get into place after its long journey, the Fort had fallen.

Undaunted, Anaconda instead decided to swing in behind the path of the horde and repair the considerable damage left in the wake of its south easterly advance with plans to retake Fort Perryn as a grand finale. The team worked through the suburbs of Scarletwood and Danversbank with allies such as Garnis Border Patrol. Buildings were cleared, repaired and caded, locals were healed and revived and our progress marked by steady status changes on the map. In the interim Anaconda kept a close eye on F1, waiting for the right time to liberating from the undead masses still occupying it. We moved forward into Whitteniside and with local allies such as BMC, soon had the suburb in good order except for the jewel in the crown, Fort Perryn.

With Whittenside rapidly coming back to life thanks to repair and revival efforts by Anaconda and our allies, we turned our attention to F1. Short forays into the Fort showed that although zed numbers had dropped there was still considerable resistance present. Anaconda called for reinforcements and Teams Cold Cell and Dark Watch rapidly responded, both eager to do battle and reclaim Fortress 1. The three teams gathered supplies in preparation for a long siege and planned their attack carefully with allies The Cannonball Crew (CBC), Fort Perryn Defence Force (FPDF), BMC and Creedy Defence Force(CDF).

June 1 proved to be an amazing day as all the hard work and planning came together for a successful joint RT strike with The Fortress (Teams Anaconda / Cold Cell / Dark Watch) and our respected allies CC , FPDF & CDF. The end result of the initial strike was 24 zeds killed with these bodies plus several others unceremoniously dumped outside the gates of the fort. Every building was repaired within the fort, 3 essential buildings powered and barricade levels for each building, as well as the gatehouse, at barricade plan levels. Over 30 people took part in the phenomenal RT strike, coordinating via chat room, others coming in later for backup assistance, evicting zeds, healing, maintaining cades. When the gates went to EHB at midnight GMT, 33 people were in the gatehouse holding the fort while other occupied various internal buildings and over 27 zeds had been evicted. This was an unprecedented event and the level of cooperation and goodwill shown during this strike should be an example to all survivor groups in Malton.

Anaconda and the other Fortress teams remained at Fort Perryn for another week, wanting to see the fort and our allies through the first VSB day following Perryn’s rebuilding and into the next. The week was a test of vigilance for all, with frequent break-ins and barricade attacks the norm. Wednesday proved to be a challenge as the horde numbers outside the gates swelled before the barricades were lowered to VSB. However this was no match for vigilant Fortress members and allies, all attempts by the zeds to reclaim Perryn were effectively repelled. When the gates were locked at EHB that night we all breathed a sigh of relief, we had withstood the first test and now even more survivors had swelled the ranks of fort defenders. Unfortunately the barricade lowering had also added griefers, breathing zeds and Pkers to the occupants within the walls of F1. Despite these minor annoyances and the occasional pathetic and uncoordinated zed attempt to infiltrate Perryn, Anaconda held strong with team-mates, friends and allies for the week, leaving as planned when the cades returned to VSB on June 8 to prepare for the 2008 mass chainkill event.

Special thanks and congratulations to our friends in Cold Cell, Dark Watch and allies CBC, FPDF, BMC & CDF. A final thank you to Mad Dog Murro, an officer and a gentleman, it was a pleasure working with you.

Operation: Northern Lights

Operation Date: April 16 – May 6, 2008. Written by Miss Elainious on June 17, 2008

Northern Malton had been flattened by the hordes, specifically The Dead whose soul objective was to destroy all life in Malton. The northern half of Malton had become one giant red zone and The Dead had turned their hungry eyes to the south. Their southern hordes have not been as successful and they have begun to move some of their numbers south to reinforce the southern hordes. As they sent numbers south and the RRF returned to their home in Ridleybank, Anaconda bypassed them and moved northward and into the northeast to restore life and light.

It was a long trip, requiring that the team stop at a couple of locations along the journey, the first stop was Roachtown. Anaconda had intended only to stay the night, but we found unexpected hospitality in the form of a very friendly survivor group, the Roach Klips. To repay their kind hospitality Anaconda stayed a few days, repairing local resource buildings, establishing a free-running lane to Stickling Mall, and recovering the mall. Unfortunately the Eastonwood Ferals began a siege in the mall just as Anaconda was preparing to move on, but repairing and lighting the mall even for a short time gave some opportunity for locals to restock on supplies and a new alliance was forged for The Fortress.

Anaconda proceeded to Santlerville where the team intended only to spend the night en route to the final destination of Dulston, they had been warned to watch for a known zerger in the area by the Dribbling Beavers. All was quiet initially, but in the dead of night a suspicious character slipped into the building. The drowsing Conda’s were suspicious and those suspicions were well founded when the team found themselves under attack by the very zerger the Beavers had warned of. Seven Condas were felled by morning. Anaconda organized efficiently and all members were revived and healed in short order. We appreciated the hospitality and intelligence provided by our new friends the Dribbling Beaver and reciprocated by sharing all information they gathered during the zerg attack with the Beavers. Anaconda also thanks PrepH for facilitating this communication. A new alliance was formed with the Beavers after this episode and the team is pleased to see that Dark Watch’s PrepH has taken on the role of Ambassador with our new friends.

In the final leg of our journey we reached our last destination, Dulston. Here we met the Dultson Alliance, a multi group alliance who’s member’s have a vested interest in the far northeast of Malton. We worked with the alliance to repair buildings and revive fallen survivors in Dulston and surrounding area. Dark Watch joined Anaconda to assist in retaking the mall and surrounding resource buildings. A highlight of this was a 15 person RT with members of both teams and led by Officer Duncan in Anaconda’s new program encouraging all team members to develop and run mini-ops. This OP was a huge success with a whopping 8 buildings cleared repaired and/or barricaded.

Anaconda received news that a horde was coming our way. We had worked too hard and our allies were depending on us, so we bid farewell to our friends in Dark Watch as they moved out to start their mission, and we bunkered down and prepared to take a stand. Analyzing the available data we surmised that Whitlock NT would be the likely first target. Staying vigilant the team was the first to note the cades begin to drop, sounding the alarm and trying to rebuild the cades, Miss Elainious was PKed for her trouble. A swift revive by Tommy Crowbar put her back in the NT within minutes to terminate the PKer who had turned his guns on Tommy, as Miss E fought with the PKer Dedun fought of the attempts of a second spy to take out the NT’s genny and other team members kept the cades up with the other survivors , many of whom were our allies from the Dultson Alliance. By the end of the night The Dead had been beaten and slunk off with their tails between their legs after receiving an unexpected spanking by a hearty group of brave survivors. Anaconda left Dulston fully restored with new friends and a new alliance for The Fortress, the Dulston Alliance.

Some Stats: Zeds Killed = 45 Buildings Repaired = 45 Buildings barricaded = 124 Survivors healed = 84 Generators installed = 12 Generators refuelled = 10 Survivors revived = 31 Casualties = 13 New Alliances = 3

Team Battlehawk

Operation Eagles Nest

Written by Jay Gorman, Templarivs, Pvt. Mendoza and Zombiedodger.

Several zombie hordes, highly organized to almost human levels of coordination took the northwest of the city for them, many survivor lives were lost. Now we're moving into their nest. The Fortress Brigadier, Tommy Crowbar gave us our next orders. We had to regroup and restock in Bale Mall, and join the Combat Team Anaconda before moving to the dangerous Northwest.

The prospect of getting one over on the pure evil that is Lord Pitman made the Hawks salivate. as he had it coming to him for so long. We used Coate Boulevard School as the safehouse, as per Cuthberts scout report, and aimed at securing the perimeter. Commander Crowbar brought it to our attentino that the mob we were up against were no other than EXtinction, who were renowned for their superb use of tactical information for RL strikes. So what was our plan of defense?

CO Miss E. of the condas devised a plan to partner up two members of the CTs to spread out across the area and adopt a heavy barricading policy for the relative buildings. We arrived at our respective locations and proceeded to scout and cade the buildings. We retook the central location for restocking, Calvert Mall, and put it back in survivor hands. Both CTs were vigilantly keeping a close eye on the cading situation in each respective enclosure.

With the teams spread out in their own areas real progress was felt across the suburb. Calvert Mall settled into survivor hands and the hospitals were also held. As Jay and Zeffrin set off on their medical rounds, Mendoza was being viciously attacked by an undead whilst trying to restore an old auto repair shop. Ready for it though, he quickly despatched the zed and secured the building without even breaking a sweat. Meanwhile the CO's were busily planning a co-ordinated strike to retake Milner NT and the legendary Pitman Mansion.....

For the brilliant scheme to work, a route, or pathway, if you prefer, was needed. Azula Invidia and Private Mendoza vigilantly set off to create a suitable free-running pathway towards the Pitman Mansion, affectionately tagged with further directions on the "Pitman Pathway". Just in time it seemed too, as soon after dozens of break ins started to occur at the mall everyone else was in. With some help from Zombiedodger, the trio was able to reclaim the NT along the path, and later received some reinforcements in the form of Jay Gorman who joined Private Mendoza in holding the barricades up.

That night the teams swept into the Pitman Mansion to find it relatively empty. Led into battle by their CO's the last few zeds inside were quickly despatched and all four corners of the mansion secured and barricaded. It was kind of spooky being camped out in a place with so much history, you could almost hear the echos of Lord Pitman and his terrible experiments.

Warmed though by the company of their team mates and the few bottles of whisky they'd found in the study, The Hawks and Condas put their feet up for a well earned rest. It had been a battle to get here, but a good one, and the suburb was once again safe...well as safe as a Malton suburb can be these days. Some say the Hawk's sleep with one eye open, always on the look-out for the zombie menace, but after a good night's sleep the teams awoke (with slight hangovers) to find new orders had arrived. With great glee they discovered that Battlehawk and Ananconda would be working side by side again and they set off together for their next adventure.

Operation Summer Lovin'


Written by Zombiedodger

With the sweet smell of summer in the air the Hawks felt the need to spread some Fortress love. Where better to do that they mused, than the embattled suburb of Roftwood where many of the local residents were starting to give up hope and certainly hadn't felt any love for an age. Operation Summer Lovin was born.

First into the burb were Zombiedodger and Mendoza who found Hildebrand Mall and Nichols Mall (in nearby Pimbank), in tatters and surrounded by shuffling zeds. They were quickly joined by the rest of team and acting CO Tommy Crowbar but no sooner had everyone arrived than the safehouse was under attack.

The first few days and nights were a battle for dominance with a break in at the safehouse and the fall of several Hawks. Steve (DoC) was PK'd by a Gore Corps almost as soon as he'd arrived and even Jensonson who was sleeping in the area was dragged outside by hungry brain eaters.

With most of the buildings in ruins and a rising number of zeds The Hawks re-grouped a little further south and bumped into their old friends from Anaconda. Whilst Steve was organising help from our allies, Tommy and Nazdreg decided to play poker with the Gore Corps and after winning the pants of their opponents (we don't know quite why they wanted their pants?) made a hasty exit when the party was crashed by The Dead.

With the strength of both Battlehawk and Anaconda combined (bolstered by the arrival of new Hawk JohnC8X) and help on it's way from their allies, the CO's called for an RTS on Hildebrand Mall. Upon arriving at Hildebrand though, they found their heroic allies had already taken it so they moved out to re-take Nichols, and once that was done and just for good measure, they took Milner NT as well. Not bad for a night's work!

Unfortunately the hordes were quick to sense 'breathers' in their midst and both malls fell again a few days later. For several days and nights the battle continued to rage with ground repeatedly being lost and then re-taken. The medics worked furiously and the groups' vigilance was tested but their courage never failed. With a good number of survivors in the area and the zeds confined to one or two places the burb began to stabilise and the operation was coming to an end.

Suddenly Tommy and Miss Elainious struck up into song...

"Summer lovin' had me a blast Summer lovin', happened so fast I met a girl crazy for me I met a boy, cute as can be"

Love really was being spread around by The Fortress and the operation was topped off by an invitation from Terk, for a Fortress Wedding - that of Tommy and Miss E.