The Crimson Clan/News Archives

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Archived News

News posted on the main page are archived here.

Most recent news goes on top. September 20th, '08

  • Oddjob is now Commander of the Clan, and settling down nicely. He has served in the Clan for over a year and has worked as head of a marine squad for about 8 months. A truly dedicated Clannie. The only sort who could possibly be leader of a large and successful group such as ours. Ackland Mall is currently in survivor control though under a siege of sorts, with approximately 30 zombies standing outside. --Jsrbrunty 22:55, 20 September 2008 (BST)

August 25th, '08

  • As Cyadora prepares to stand down, having served for one golden 3-month term in the hotseat, issues in our home domain begin to look up too, as if in tribute to Cyadora's magical reign. Ackland Mall is in survivor hands once again, and much of the Inner Circle is also looking safer than it has been for a while. The Outer Circle is relatively safe, though the Clan's forces are focusing on locations slightly closer to our headquarters. The nomination period for Clan leader has started, and Commander hopefuls do their level best to make a last-minute impression on the troops. May the best man win! Or woman... --Jsrbrunty 22:57, 25 August 2008 (BST)

July 30th, '08

  • The Clan are currently facing hard times, with an ever-increasing horde (nearly 100 zombies so far) sieging Ackland, and not helped by PKers, Mostly Harmless, targeting us too. However, we are fighting back with a will and are far, far from being defeated! The Mall is still standing strong, with much assistance from AMS and other local groups and individuals. Crimson numbers are still rising gradually, the Stats page telling us we have about 65 active members. Even now, during a siege of our homeland, a steady stream of recruits are attracted our way. Whatever Fate brings our way, we shall fight back, learn and grow the same as ever, always coming out victorious in the end. --Jsrbrunty 20:21, 30 July 2008 (BST)

June 14th 08

  • Today St. Aden stands down as our leader and in his place rises Cyadora. May she lead us well and make this Clan greater than it already is. This is Alex1guy, Crimson News Athens.

May 17th, '08

  • Ackland is safe, along with all of our home territory - it is all either green or yellow. We are gaining recruits steadily so all is well! --Jsrbrunty 20:22, 17 May 2008 (BST)

May 3rd, '08

  • Ackland has fallen yet again, courtesy of The Dead, after a brief spell of relative safety. The Clan are currently touring around our domain and are trying to repair as much of it as possible. Except for the Mall, things are looking up. There have been minor celebrations today, as the survivor percentage is back where it should be: 50 / 50 again, at long last! A big WELL DONE! to all of our diligent Clan-members for all their hard work in helping us to repair and maintain our small corner of Malton, though the fight is not over yet! Not by any means! --Jsrbrunty 20:15, 3 May 2008 (BST)

April 4th, '08

  • Celebrations! Today is the Clan's birthday and we have now been serving the survivor cause for a whole year! A special edition of The Daily Crimson (comic) was issued today, which you can view here (the one titled INTERMETSO: HAPPY CRIMSON YEAR), and also our native 3D artist ErrorMaker, modeled a birthday cake for us all and made a video to show us! Jsrbrunty

March 18th, '08

  • Ackland has fallen once again, just as survivors were beginning to return, this time to The Dead, the biggest group in UD. Clan-members are retreating to Caiger Mall. --Jsrbrunty 13:42, 18 March 2008

March 13th, '08

  • Ackland is now safely (we hope) in survivor hands. All corners are barrciaded to EHB and are powered, and there are about 15 survivors in each corner and rising.--Jsrbrunty 19:55, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

March 11th, '08

  • With only a matter of about 10 zeds in Ackland, action is beginning to retake it. The NE corner is repaired and barricaded and we hope the other corners will soon follow suit. --Jsrbrunty 18:54, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Feb 29th, '08

  • The Militant Order of Barhah are still attacking, and have at last broken in big time. The NW corner has no cades & 91 zombies inside, along with about 30 survivors, and about 200 more zombies outside. No other corners have any zeds in at all and many more harmans, but there are no generators either. We have held the Mall for a week against ~300 zeds, so we haven't done very badly. More details can be found at the War of the North West Frontier page. All Clan members have been ordered to retreat from Ackland. Jsrbrunty

Feb 22nd, '08

Jan 14th, '08

  • Well, things are looking pretty good in and around the Mall. All zones are quite safe, though some need tags repainting. There are very few zombies around Havercroft but a few more in some of the surrounding area. Jsrbrunty 17:10, 14 Jan 08

Jan 1st, '08

  • Happy new year to everyone! I've just broadcasted the official release of the taccon, and I hope it will help us rebuilding the Clan domain. Much of the area is already back in a good shape, but there's still much work to do.
Kris Eikehaug Talk | The Clan 16:26, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

Dec 30th, '07

  • Most of the RRF are gone from the Clan domain, though there are some still causing a few problems - occasional break-ins in the Mall, and the surrounding areas. Jsrbrunty 15:18, 30 December 2007 (UTC)

Dec 6th, '07

  • The RRF has come full bore into Havercroft now, members from all of their subgroups can be seen throughout the Clan domain. The AMS, The Hard Corps, and the 82nd Airborne Division are all present in the Ackland Mall, and we hope this increase in survivor strength will speed the killing of the RRF. We also hope this boost in support will allow the Clan more time and space to assist local survivors with the rebuilding of the surrounding suburbs. We have a serious player killer problem on our hands and many survivors are disregarding the sacred ground policy - killing any-and-all zombies at the local revive points. We are doing all that we can to warn people NOT to attack non-criminal zombies at RP's, and also trying very hard to get the locals to quit reviving the RRF at the same time. Ultimately, it is the survivors that are loosing this fight for us, by reviving the RRF, they allow them to PK us in our own safe-houses and over-barricade the mall entrances. (St Aden) 07:08, 7 December 2007 (UTC)

Nov 29th, '07

  • New intel suggests that the RRF's Gore Corps are leaving but their Wreckingball Crew are coming to Havercroft to attack a specific few targets, but not the mall. We'll have to see what becomes of this! (St Aden) 14:56, 29 November 2007 (UTC)

Nov 28th, '07

  • I have just heard that RRF are going to be leaving our domain. Apparently our mission was so effective that it bored the RRF into leaving. We are going to call this a victory even though Zone E was devastated. We did not give up and Zone E is almost completely rebuilt already, just hours after their departure. A small group was found hiding out in a warehouse in Zone N, perhaps resting before moving on. They were all zeds and unfortunately won't be resting inside today. We try to keep the zeds on the outside of our Zone buildings. RRF, you were a very challenging fight and we would not miss you if you stayed gone for quite a long time. (St Aden) 18:43, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Nov 27th, '07

  • We have just learned that we are no-longer facing just the Gore Corps, but possibly the entire RRF has come to the aid of their special strike force. It's good to know that the Clan has garnered so much attention but lengthy battles such as these grow tiresome relatively fast. (St Aden) 22:34, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

Nov 25th, '07

  • Now all four Clan Zones have a Sergeant in-charge. Home Guard members will be sorted into their respective Platoons just as soon as our current mission is complete. (St Aden) 14:16, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
  • We have created a two-group Marine system. One for the internal Clan member's who raise through the ranks, and one for the groups that join the Clan but wish to remain independent from the Clan as-a-whole. These two Marine groups are called M-XW & M-TU. They are both very powerful in their own rights but equally different in their methods. (St Aden) 14:57, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
  • We are battling the RRF's Gore Corps and they are proving to be a fiesty bunch! They get revived quicker than we do, it's truly amazing that survivors are that lazy, that they will not even scan before administering revives and if they do, they don't look at the player's group tag. Maybe they do and they just don't care? The Clan is having a rough week and fighting multiple fronts but we are resilient. With this mission plan, we should prevail. (St Aden) 14:16, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

Nov 21st, '07

  • The RRF's Gore Corps has decided to come to Zone E and make war with the Clan for unknown reasons. We have our theories but none have been confimed. They are PK'ing Clan members when ever they get a chance and we are finding that the local citizens are reviving them at an alarming rate. We have decided to search out these people and warn them, then if that doesn't convince them of their wrong-doing, kill them and add them to our DNR list. Helping PK'ers is like being a PK'er as far as we are concerned. At least doing it in our domain, that is!(St Aden) 21:43, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

Nov 13th, '07

  • The player killer problem that has been apparent the past few weeks has subsided. Waak has been made Acting Sergeant of Zone N and has taken half of the ZE HG with him to get that zone back up to Clan standards. (St Aden) 19:48, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

Oct 28th, '07

  • Due to the influx of spies, the Clan has made a few changes in its recruitment policies. We no-longer allow folks to move directly into either the Home Guard or the Marines. You now have to qualify for these positions. Someone who desires to be in the Marines now has to become an HG member along with a few other requirements before being allowed to apply to the Marines. All new recruits should read our updated information found on the wiki FAQ page. (St Aden) 17:21, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

Oct 25th, '07

  • Zone E is continuously getting hit by a conglomerated mass of zombies that works quite well together but the real threat is the constant targeting that is going on. We are being specifically attacked by zombies and player killers alike. We must remain wary of such attacks and add all the characters on our DNR list to our contacts so we can kill the wolves-in-sheep's-clothing (that PKers are) before they can do us harm. Zombie PKers are less trouble than survivor ones are. (St Aden) 16:27, 25 October 2007 (BST)

Oct 13th, '07

  • The HMDS merged with the Crimson Clan to become Platoon W, headed by their former leader scoutin nigga. We know him as Sgt Blood, or BloodClotT on the forum. Welcome to the Clan you guys! (St Aden) 16:30, 25 October 2007 (BST)

Oct 10th, '07

  • Zone E is once again under Clan control. Many new groups have moved into Barrville to help fight the BB2 horde. Zone S and Havercroft are now the primary target of the BB2 and we believe the mall will be hit in force with in the next few days.

Sept 27th, '07

  • More Ex-AMS members have applied for membership into the Clan! AMS Co-Leader, Nuerotoxic and operative Saria, have been accepted as Clan Militia Members. We welcome you both and hope you find the Clan to be enjoyable to work for!

Sept 26th, '07

  • Word has spread that the HMDS (Havercroft Mobile Defense Squad) may desire a merger with The Crimson Clan! This is excellent news, even being only a rumor at the moment. They have expressed concern over autonomy within the Clan and I am sure Kris will figure something out as he did with the DoL many months ago. Let us hope this union takes place because both groups will benefit greatly by it.
  • Ex-AMS member, Tarumigan Gistarai, has joined the Crimson Clan! He has been welcomed with open arms and we hope that he will enjoy his stay and eventually rise through the ranks and someday take a position as either a Captain or Sergeant in our forces. Welcome to the Clan Taru!

Sept 24th, '07

  • The Crimson Clan has formed a Non-Aggression Pact with the AR/M-BEK members, signed by both Kris of the Crimsons & Richard Leaper, representing AR. The Clan has been taken a neutral stance on the war between Leaper's AR/M-BEK & the AMS (Ackland Mall Security). This war is over the recent unfair treatment of Tarumigan Gistarai within the AMS and ultimate banishment placed upon him by the AMS leadership.

Sept 20th, '07

  • Zone E is safe. The Marines will be moving out soon to assist one of our Allies. The HG will continue to protect Zone E and is also set to make the Eastern side of Barrville safe as well.

Prior to Sept 20th, '07

  • Our Repair & Barricade mission was a fantastic success! We now have Zone E safe and under control. Revives are being handled with speed and help is everywhere. Barrville is enjoyable to live in once again. Great work, Clan!