Bug Reports

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Please put new bug reports in this section, as something you perceive as a bug could be a problem with your browser, cache settings, cookie settings, etc. (This applies especially to login problem. If you are having login problems, try cleaning your cache, resetting cookies, etc. before filing the bug here.)

Bug reports should contain as much specific information as possible:-

  • Datestamp your reports. Reports of old bugs reappearing will likely be ignored as outdated reports of the old bug, if you don't give a timestamp.
  • If it's a bug that affects your character, you should specify your character's name.
  • If it's a bug that affects a building, specify as much information about it as you're happy to give without betraying any safehouse locations.
  • If it sounds like a display issue, specify the browser you're using, and any Firefox extensions you may have installed.
  • Use this template:
===A header name which best describes the bug in under ten words===
|bug_desc=Your detailed description of the bug you encountered.
Remember to include as much information as could be possible, including
your character name (and profile) and screenshots if you have any.
Comments here

Once bugs are confirmed by Kevan or enough others, move them to Known Bugs.

If Kevan fixes a bug, move it to Fixed Bugs.

  • Note: Please only add new bugs into the last section. Bugs within the sections are ordered from latest (at the top) to oldest (at the bottom) so that newer bugs are easier spotted by simply clicking the section headers, which can be very useful if you're trying to gather input from others on it, and it gets confirmed as an actual bug that way. Due to this, please try and keep that chronological order, and help maintain the chronological order if you see any out of line. Also, please at least try to skim the page to see if the bug has been reported before.
  • Note: Until the guide on commonly misinterpreted-as-bugs-features and browser quirks is written up, the old Misunderstandings and Features and Browser Issues sections can be found on Non-Bugs page. Also, bugs whose original report lacked a datestamp have been moved to this page. Grammatical errors in-game may be reported on page called Grammatical Errors in Urban Dead.

Archived reports can be found here, here and here. Last archived: 12:16, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

Bugs reported more than once

Please don't add any new bugs into this section unless you're moving them from Bugs reported once.

None at this time

Bugs on which further information is requested

Some bugs are reported in a manner that causes questions to crop up - responses in the form of 'Can you tell me more about X in that particular situation?'. This section is thus for bugs that have been acknowledged and are pending discussion, but still lack a bit of information to properly understand, or to properly identify as a bug (or not).

Digestion only worth 3 HP

Timestamp: 20:28, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: Unknown
Description: This happened in Monroeville, so I'm not sure if this is of any consequence to any of the other cities.

Another roving zombie tried to eat a corpse. And again. And again. And again. And once more.
They gained 3 HP each time instead of 4. They are wearing a tattered surgical mask which means their teeth still show. Is this a bug, a mask issue, or an update?

Personally, i think that is a mistake in Wiki. I see no reason, that good bite of warm meat and sip of salty blood would help you less, than cold rotting carrion. Perosnally, i'd even make HP income frmo corpse less than incom from biting the survivior. I guess if Kevan would care, he can clarify his point of few. I re-read wiki after your msg, and there realyl is claimed 4HP for corpse, i admit. But before it i never expected >3HP on this skill. BTW, is there (or was someday) soem skillset, so Z would bite for 4HP ? Perhaps someday bite corpse was calibrated to be equal to max-power bite on enemy, and later bite was made less dangerous, and corpse were forgotten to afjust accordingly ? Shambler for Shambala 19:35, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Infected without Being Bitten/Attacked at All

Timestamp: 20:31, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: Pretty nasty
Description: My character was in an unlit NT building with as many as 5 active zombies. They were not bitten yet became infected. If this was lag, notice of an infection, or successful bite attack, did not appear for the rest of my AP barricading.

Here is the moment just before I became "infected", the following AP, and the next message I received that I was attacked at all. This is not a 0-second bug as no message even popped up (0 seconds ago) indicating I was attacked at all. I left a message in game for the zombies to try and post evidence they succesfully attacked me here.

I see your HP dropped by 5 between iWitnesses; accounting for the 1 HP from infection, that means you took 4 damage, which the samage a bite does. Sometimes messages can be lost when lots of people are active (ask me about the time I survived ~90 HP damage in one night with no apparent healing), so I'm inclined to chalk it down to that.

Without further knowledge I wouldn't say it's a 0-second bug, but they may be related. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 05:33, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Shafted on XP

{{bug |bug_time=15:24, 27 March 2008 (UTC) |bug_author=Jack S13 T! PC |bug_status=new |bug_severity=unassigned |bug_desc=My Character in Monroeville Marshsal Eastwood had just leveled yesterday, with 7 remaining XP after buying Hand to Hand Combat. I took a stroll looking for a zed to gain some XP on. A few blocks from my safehouse, I found one outside a hospital and began attacking with my knife for 2 damage. I brought the Zed from 50 HP to 18, before turning around to find shelter again. That's a total 32 Damage, plus the 7 XP I started with today. Upon returning to my safehouse I notice my profile said i only had 25 XP... |bug_talk= The math just doesn't add up. Even if the zed had 40 starting HP, i would have 29 XP, but i should have 39 xp. I'm not expecting a mulligan, it's just very frustrating. I'll get the 14 XP im missing down the road.

Maybe someone else was attacking the zombie at the same time you were there and didn't notice it? --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs 14:21, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

Very possible Axe hack, and something i didn't think of. I was taking a fair amount of time inbetween turns. so who knows?

Also something interesting is that you had what you thought was 7 xp, if this was somehow -7 xp then viola, instant 25 xp. Good Soldier

These might be related. One of my zombies didn't get any XP from certain attacks. Could it be a zero-second issue? Bystander 20:21, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
I've had this too on my zombie when attacking rapidly. Even missed kill XP a few times. I've slowed it down since. :( ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 07:04, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

AP Constantly Dropping to -1 Regardless of Current AP

Timestamp: Constantly through September 19, 2008
reported by
--02:20, 20 September 2008 (BST)~~ (Ragriav)
Current Status: new
Severity: medium
Description: My character, Ragriav, is a zombie and one time I revived and had -1 AP after reviving. Now, for today, I have been trying to act by moving about whenever 1 AP appeared. However, the AP seems to be recharging slower than 30 minutes, since after checking back after an hour and a half I had just recovered one AP. What is even more disturbing is the fact that every time I took an action it dropped me back down to -1 AP! I do not understand how this can happen if one is supposed to lose 1 AP point, and not two. The problem with the slowly recharging AP also needs looking into. I urgently request help on the issue at hand. Thank you for your time and patience.

New Zombies take 2AP to walk each step. The Lurching Gait Skill will reduce this cost to 1AP --DDRJake 18:56, 26 September 2008 (BST)

Edit: Got this problem today (12 Februar 2009) on my character "Deathmarine". Got to the cemetery as zed with 2AP left. A few minutes later i refreshed the map with the link ( http://urbandead.com/map.cgi , not that you think i did something). Now my AP was 0, so i refreshed again. Then they dropped to -1AP. I had this already yesterday and lost 3AP on it. --Deathmarine 13:36, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

not that you think i did something) - that depends how refresh made in the browser. Paste URL into address bar and Opera would open last version from cache, and Mozilla would refetch new page from server, not remember MSIE way. Press refresh button/gesture and browser most probably woud repeat last action, even if it has no more sense like second syringe into the same z. Carefully track what actions you do and what AP-cost they have. As of now it seems DDRJake is right and you just try actions that cost several AP. For example revivification, beeing single action takes 10AP and you can fall to -9AP easily. Shambler for Shambala 19:48, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

I can't see their HP when both of us are outside

Timestamp: 18:52, 13 November 2009 (UTC)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: low
Description: From this iWitness account and this screenshot, both players were outside a Club and my character could not see their HP with my Diagnosis skill. Was this because we were in front of a club?

My char frequently acts like that when i 1st open page after AP regenerated. Or perhaps after rising up. When z i frequently only begin to see HP-values after 1st step to some another location.Shambler for Shambala 19:52, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Not quite sure what the other commenter was saying, but I can confirm having bumped into this problem. I was outside of a dark cinema and wasn't able to see the HP of characters that were also outside, as I would normally be able to. Aichon 23:06, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

I spotted this a while back and reported it directly to kevan, guess he still hasn't fixed it then.--DI Sweeny 11:36, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

Bugs Reported Once

This section is where pretty much all new bugs should go. Newest bugs at the top. Check back later for responses on the bug.

Password Request System Flood

Timestamp: 15:52, 24 March 2010 (UTC)
reported by
To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor
Current Status: new
Severity: Possible and annoying
Description: I come home today to find 93 emails from the system reminding me of the password to one of my characters. The emails said the request came from, which WHOIS says is Woodstock in the US. Now, this is either a bug with the system, either by sending it in the first place or sending so many from one request or alternately someone's been requesting my password 93 times in an attempt to try and get into my character through stupidity. Who do we know on that IP address?

While I'm here, can I finally get that donation flag removed on that character that someone donated for without my knowledge? You know the one that has already had emails sent about it, over a year ago?

Comments here

34hp damage, 5hp healing and full health

Timestamp: 19:18, 5 March 2010 (UTC)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: My character was at full health (60HP) and then attacked for what appears to be 34 HP worth of damage. Then I was healed for 5HP and am now back at full health. Maybe there are other heals that just didn't show up?


This is likely to be a reporting issue rather than a super first aid kit. I've experienced this as well and think it's just a fault with the healing notifications. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 21:18, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

Revived and can't select target for FAK

Timestamp: 18:12, 12 February 2010 (UTC)
reported by
Shambler for Shambala
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I just raised from dead to find that i am infected. So i think to chose between going to nearest hospital and save FAK to get XPs later, or to just heal myself. I usually am thinking about it, but now i just cannot select target for FAK - there is no that listbox! See http://s002.radikal.ru/i197/1002/a5/a0775a9aef92.png

Likely to be a page loading issue. Are you running any add-ons, plug-ins and GM scripts? If so disable them and attempt to recreate the problem. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 21:20, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure that normally happens when you are the only person in the square. Clicking it will most likley heal you. I'll grab screenies later to back this up. --Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 21:36, 5 March 2010 (UTC)
Actually, he's entirely right. Case closed, not a bug. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 22:20, 5 March 2010 (UTC)
Personally i think the FAK button then could have "upon yourself" label or tooltip, it would be less confusing.

Human skills for buy by Zmobies

Timestamp: 13:20, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
reported by
Shambler for Shambala
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: Recently revived some newcoming zed and got into -9AP. When refreshed i already was dead. Nothing strange, surely. But by reviving i got exactly 100xp, so before standing up i wanted to get some new skill, and see for yourself: i am dead and would rise as zombie, yet my skills menu are suviviors' one! Ok, i got Bodybuilding, it is good zombie's skill, if you would not want to rot you marbles. Yet that is strange thing to happen, purchasing human skills while aready beeing zombie. Proofscreens:

Had you stood up before buying the skill? As far as I remember, when you're lying down, the skills available are based on what you were before lying down - so if you were killed, you can still buy survivor skills before you stand up as a zombie, and if revived, you can buy zombie skills before standing up as a survivor. I think. Don't quote me on it. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 15:17, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Sure i had not yet. I told it right up in description. Shambler for Shambala 19:38, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, that's how it works. Not a bug, really. --Bob Boberton TF / DW Littlemudkipsig.gif 18:42, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
Not a bug ? Then what's the point of this mechanics ? am i lying or standing - i am already Z from now on! Mechanics that ignores sense is hardly how it should be.Shambler for Shambala 19:29, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
Well, technically if you're not standing up yet, you're not a zombie yet. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 19:24, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
Okay, let it be part of game design. But it seems to be quite counter-intuitive and non-comfort part of it :-( I can see no benefits for player with such a strange design. Shambler for Shambala 19:28, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
As was said, until you actually rise from the dead, you're just a dead body on the ground. Besides, the only two choices here are either to do it as it was done, or else to mark the change as soon as the person dies. Since most people stand up immediately, and it makes better in-genre sense to have them not be considered a zombie until they rise, I think it's fine. Aichon 23:12, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
We have a name for dead bodies that don't stand up. They're called corpses. Want to learn zombie skills? You've got to stand before you can understand.--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 04:59, 3 January 2010 (UTC)
Sounds to me like we need some corpse skills, like Lie There Stinkless, so you don't smell funny--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 13:37, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Tangling Grasp Not Working

Timestamp: 02:42, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
reported by
Cookies and Cream
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I was attacking some random survivor, I believe it was one called GopherWithAGun, as a Zombie, and I claws him, right, and I get my grasp on him. I go to attack again with my claws, and I miss. I'm like, 'kay....and I attack again. This time I get the Grasp message again. Weird, I thinks, so I attack again. Successful attack, right after the previous Grasp, I get the Grasp message again! [profile].

See this page sections 1.2 and 1.4. Also see Known bugs This is yesterday's snow news.