User:Mr Watt

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Who is Mr Watt?

  • Leader of PHOBIA
  • Bringer of Death
  • Scourge of all that is good
  • Stealer of candy
  • Arsonist
  • Good cook
WikiPHOBIAusers.png Danger! Warning!
This Killer is a member of the group PHOBIA! .

Transcript of an interview with Mr Watt

Interviewer: Ivanna Threesum of the Malton Channel 5 News team
Interviewee: Mr Watt Leader of the Psychopathic group PHOBIA
IT:So Mr Watt, thank you for this opportunity to pick your brain.
MW: Truely Ivanna, it is my pleasure. Perhaps we can make the opportunity reciprical.
IT: *laughs nervously* Yes, well lets begin. When did you arrive in malton?
MW: Oh Ivanna, I've been here since the quarantine was put into effect. Though I must say that I have no recollection of anything before one oh four AM of January 26th in 2008. Strange isnt it? I mean how do you suppose that is? That I can just......Lose a whole period of my consious life like that?
It: I don't know, there are no memories at all?
MW: Of course you don't know Ivanna. How could your simple little mind grasp it if I myself can't? Let us continue with the interview. Time is fleeting and I dont wish to waste much more with this chat we're having.
IT: Of course, then lets move on to something more interesting. Why have you decided to People Kill when you could be helping survivors cope with the zombie threat?
MW: *He laughs, though his face stays eirily expressionless* We live in a world that most people dont seem to grasp the true implications of. We are nearer to gods than those puny sons of bitches that have sealed us in this city. You see, we cant die. Not really. If we get shot, or stabbed, machetted and strangled to the point that our hearts stop and our brains dont function and we seem to be in our antiquated perceptions to be dead. But, Ivanna, what happens then?
  • Looks for a moment into Ivannas face
Why, we stand up. Dead? No, just on a different plain of existance, and we stay on this plain that is now called a zombie until someone comes along and sticks a needle in us and we fall back to the ground to rise again as living persons with all of the memories and faculties that we started with.
IT: Yes, I see. But that doesnt answer the question.
MW: Thats because, you dumb bitch, you were most rude in interupting me.
IT: *Shifts uncomfortably* I appologize. Please continue.
MW: As I was saying, we cannot really die anymore. But what we can do is embrace the true gift that we have been given. You see, before the outbreak if I was shot in the chest a few times I would die very soon and the most powerful experience of my life would be the last experience of my life. Not now. Now the experience can be felt over and over again. The beautiful pain and blood and screams can be recycled endlessly. do you see it?
IT: Hmm, yes. I understand what you mean, but why not help others to experience the joyful side of life? Why must it be about pain and suffering?
MW: Joy is overrated. It is a figment of the imagination. Something our subconsious has dreamed up to release a few chemicals in our heads. No, joy has no real hold over us when we see past the self induced ruse of it. Physical and psychological torment are so much more real. think about it. If you know that a very attractive man was going to fuck you tonight and fulfill you completely sexually, but then he was going to split your stomach open with a serrated kitchen knife, which act are you going to spend more time in anticipation of?
IT: Yes I see. So you get a kind of pleasure from people killing.
MW: No. You dont see it. Your so concerned with pleasure and joy that you refuse to comprehend that I do not require those particular emotions. What I get from a kill is not joy. Maybe a kind of.........satisfaction. Consider the farmer that finishes digging the irrigation ditch through a rocky stretch of ground; is he filled with joy? Or satisfied that he has done his work?
IT: But isnt his satisfaction from bringing life nurishing water rather than death?
MW: Like Arthur Schopenhauer said, "There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annhilation of his being." And isn't that more true now than ever before? I do not extinguish the flame of existance, I merely dim it temporarily in order to add to its brilliance. Let me demonstrate.
  • Mr Watt lunges from his chair and plunges a very large bowie knife into Ivanna Threesums throat. Her eyes widen and bulge in panic, shock, and fear as air gurgles out the crude gash. After a few moments of involuntary thrashing she lurches forward from her chair. The instinctive urge for flight taking her a few steps before her exposed, shapely knees buckle under her and she crashes down onto the cold surface of the floor. The sickening gurgling noises coming from her neck and mouth taper off to silence.

Mr Watt works in front of the camera, resituating the now bloody mess that had been a beautiful young woman. After a few minutes Ivanna comes to slowly, still sitting in her chair with Mr Watt standing over her, a syringe in his steady hand. As she shifts she becomes aware that she is bound to the chair.

MW: Do you see now? The magnificence of the gift we have been given. The experience that I just shared with you can not have happened before the outbreak. You were able to briefly see what you should only have had the priveledge to experience once. But now, oh now, you can have it over and over. And you will.

Mr Watt casually walks out of the frame of the camera recording the ill-fated interview and apparently shuts off the power.

  • It should be noted that the Audio/video record copied to make this transcript was found several months after the disappearance of Ivanna Threesum. Though no other trace of her has been found since she went missing it is widely believed that Mr Watt, the last person she is known to have been with, still has her held captive somewhere in the city of Malton where he continues to slaughter and revive her. Over and Over again.

Persons Killed by Mr Watt as of 5-25-2009

Is there anyone Mr Watt won't kill?

Yes, There is. First, he follows the Honor among Thieves policy, so PKers that don't attack him or other members of PHOBIA are safe. Also, in his travels around the dilapidated city of Malton he has encountered individuals and groups that have proven to be individualist enough that the normal overwhelming urge to stave in their skulls has dwindeled enough for him to relax for a night or two. These groups are not allies to PHOBIA or Mr Watt, but just people that don't get slaughtered without reason by him. Some of these include:

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The ROACH Klips smoked out Mr Watt 2010

There are also people that he would kill that may suprise you. Apparently, Mr Watt was spending time on the roof of a dilapidated Factory in Roachtown a few nights before Christmas 2010 when he caught sight of old Saint Nick himself while the big guy was test flying a new sleigh. A few well placed shots into the sides of Dancer and Prancer brought the whole ride straight down. It is terrible remembering the sadism shown that night as Mr Watt hung the barely living Santa by his feet from a light post and lured in a pack of Zeds. Of course he ended the night off himself and took a picture to pin up later: Wikisantakilled.jpg

Malton City wide kill spree

As of February 1st 2012, Mr Watt will be recording a kill for each suburb in Malton and using this space to record his kills.

Miltown Kill

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