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Timestamp: 02:44, 24 July 2006 (BST)
Type: Larger Buildings Can Be Tagged More Than Once
Scope: Adds More To Tagging Flavour
Description: Multi_Tag

The concept is disturbingly simple... larger buildings should be able to be tagged more than once, basically hold more than 1 spray painted message. The larger surface area or "paintable" surface will allow for multiple messages.

Why bother?

Well, for one thing it gives Malton more of a "feel" as to the various human factions at work in that particular area. It also adds an element of time and message degredation to things in that area. For example if the local hospital used to have 4 messages on it a few days ago but today only 1 remains (hospital and this area got TOOK!) This adds a sense of death, decay and destruction to Malton of sorts.. how quickly an area can become overrun with undead and the messages start to become lost. There are also times when 2 different human factions may have different ideas of what to do in this area, and both of them have skilled punk scouts running about tagging their buildings!

This may also make the tagging skill and even the can of spraypaint more fun in game.

Game Mechanics

  • #1 - Whenever a new message is tagged onto a building, the oldest message gets replaced 1st. This is done so that less important messages, or the oldest news is lost 1st. It also prevents "zombie-spies" and the like from let's say tagging specific messages too easily (ex. revives etc.) It also prevents certain kinds of abuse (I hate this guy and I'm getting rid of every message he puts up every time I see it...) etc. Cuts down on spam because it takes a lot of effort to keep old news up.
  • #2 - Hidden from view, the IP address of the user who tagged the message is recorded within the UD game (with the posting), once per each location. This is to keep track of who posted what message. Then whenever you tag a building that you have already tagged (have a message on) you instead replace your own message with the new one. This prevents other kinds of abuses (for example, 4 "streets" messages on the same building, dear god, no!) This means in short you can only ever tag a location ONCE per IP adress, (no you may not tag this hospital 4 times...)

Building Maximum Taggings

  • All buildings no matter what type and size can only be tagged once on their "indoors" portion.
  • All of these increased taggings apply to their "outdoors" portion of these buildings (more visible.) All NT buildings count as the same building they were origionally for size when it comes to outdoor tagging. Some of the "large" buildings have less tagging room, but when you consider they have 4 corners they have a lot of room for graffitti, the observer has to walk a ways to see it all! Taller buildings are also excellent for tagging (if you get out on a ledge, and use a lot of paint.. big letters now!)

Only 1 Tagging:

  • Open land (not much for signs, garbage cans or benches to paint on)

2 Taggings: (the 'fence' buildings, and/or not too tall or much for visible walls..)

  • The City Zoo, Junkyard, Arms, Club, Mansion

3 Taggings:

  • Mall, Armoury, Bank, Church, Fire Station, Police Department, Hotel, Library, Museum, School

4 Taggings:

  • Stadium, Power Station, Cathedral, Forts, Building, Cinema, Hospital, Factory, Railway Station, Tower, Warehouse


  1. Keep - Author Vote. Can be a very useful game feature allowing both major and minor players in an area some degree of "news" and "propoganda" which will add to the game. Can add to humour greatly when others tag replies to existing tags at same location: "Our team all the way!", "Bollocks!" Graveyards need a little more graffitti. -- MrAushvitz <02:44, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  2. Keep - Dare I vote keep? The numbers might need tweeking, but I think the idea is sound. Believe it or not, I am voting keep. --Paradox244 03:04, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  3. Keep - You have earned it. Maybe fixing the times a building can be tagged, otherwise, fine.--Thari 03:13, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  4. Spam - hardly any survivors look at the outside tags as it is. This only allows one tag indoors, so I find this useless. I also have qualms about the horrendous amount of IP addresses that will be recorded if implemented. This suggestion is also a MrAushvitz suggestion. Need I say more?--Gage 03:36, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  5. Keep - This WOULD be quite useful and is a pretty well thought out idea. --Mnbvcx 04:03, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  6. Kill The idea is disturbingly simple yet your draft is disturbingly long. Rewrite and simplify to something that wouldn't be a PITA to implement. Rheingold 04:29, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  7. Keep - Fuck me out. I'm voting "keep" on a Mr Aushvitz suggestion. Maybe I should start stocking the bomb shelter for the coming apocolypse. --Mookiemookie 04:32, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  8. Kill - Great idea but is make pratically useless by the fact it can't be used indoors, and in it's current state would only be used to insult zombies outside of a mall. Shorter, add it to the indoors, and I'd vote keep -- BeefSteak 04:33, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  9. Keep - Over-completeness? Maybe, but a great, fully developed idea. --Rgon 05:08, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  10. Spam - No more ways for survivors to communicate! Sonny Corleone WTF 05:18, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  11. Keep -Add to indoors as well, but otherwise good. --Grigori 05:27, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  12. Kill - As Mr. Corleone said. Youronlyfriend 06:13, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  13. Kill -This is already part of the game. Move in to square 1 and tag. Move into square 2 and tag, move into square 3 and tag.... The "larger surface area" is defined by the multiple squares of each building. Why would a building that fills 4 squares have more surface area per square than a building that only fills 1 square?--Pesatyel 06:47, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  14. Spam - For blatant ignorance of common sense. A Bulding on four blocks would have two walls on each block. A smaller building would have four walls, and thus twice the surface area per block. Ignorance of common sense makes my head hurt. Basically every building would have to get 4 or 2 to make sense, which isnt your suggestion. Also, Spamtacular, four times as much STREETS IS WATCHIN' --Grim s-Mod U! 08:58, 24 July 2006 (BST)
    Note - it states up there that you can't spraypaint from the same IP address. So not as likely to be over-spammed by Streetz. Youronlyfriend 11:22, 24 July 2006 (BST) Illegal use of Note. It is a moderator-only thing. --A Bothan Spy Mod WTF U! 11:27, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  15. Kill - The IP part lost it for me. - Jedaz 09:11, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  16. Keep - Big problems with the IP thing, the random "large buildings," and the inside only thing. Multiple layers of text, however, is a really, really good idea and should be uniform. There's lots of flavor there and that's good enough to overcome the easily fixable problems. --Ron Burgundy 12:29, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  17. Kill - One message per building is fine as it is. This would cause more spam on the walls and a lot more data to hold. --Nob666 12:42, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  18. Spam - Aushvitz Suggestion. – Nubis 14:40, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  19. Keep - First off, it's realistic. I know, I know, don't argue realism in a zombie apocalypse - but you wouldn't believe how many tags I've seen on various buildings - but I'll say this much: it's a hell of a lot more than four per building! Second, Kevan already tracks IP addresses - IP hit cap, remember? Easy to adapt so that one person can't spray STREETS IS WATCHIN' four time per building. Third, it adds flavor to the game (and the game could certainly use it). Fourth, it's a well-thought-out flavor idea, so it gets my vote. --John Taggart 15:36, 24 July 2006 (BST) Vote altered as per moderator request. --John Taggart 16:54, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  20. Kill - Crappy idea. –Bob Hammero ModTP! 16:40, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  21. Keep - The one-tag-per-player restriction makes this a winner in my eyes. --Ember MBR 16:50, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  22. Keep Not sure of the actual mechanics suggested, but multiple message are good. Add indoors and maybe tweak implementation, but otherwise very good. Oh and a NOTE for certain users: SPAM is not strong kill, SPAM is for ideas that are unfixable, SPAM is not to be used as an insult or because you hate the user. You are the reason there is a policy discusion regarding SPAM votes, please grow up or f*$k off!--Honestmistake 18:25, 24 July 2006 (BST)
    • Note - Do not troll and insult other users. –Bob Hammero ModTP! 03:16, 25 July 2006 (BST)
      • ??? how exactly is it trolling to ask people to vote properly and why is what i think less valid than your own "Crappy idea" comment. I was merely expressing a strong desire that people grow up or leave. I mention no names; merely allude to certain users. Infact some of the SPAM votes at least have reasons attatched and i am merely trying to draw attention to the votes that actually could be construed as 'trolling'--Honestmistake 18:47, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  23. Keep - sounds good --Kiltric 18:26, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  24. Kill - Sorry, if I want a big message - I'd spray it on 4 buildings and not just one! --Rubix41
  25. Kill - I also don't like the IP thing. Sounds like increased wall spam. --Daidy 23:51, 24 July 2006 (BST)
  26. Keep -Oh darn... I can't seem to find a spot to spray paint on this 4 block multi-story building...I guess I'll just have to spraypaint over this other message that only takes up 1/200 of the wall. (That doesn't make much sense, does it?)--Labine50 MHG|MalTel 02:48, 25 July 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 13 Keep, 9 Kill, 4 Spam, 26 total --Gage 02:55, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  27. Kill-So let me get this straight. Someone spraypaints "Streets is Watching." With the orignal system, if I hate that slogan, I can just spraypaint over it. Volia. Slogan gone. BUT...with this idea, it will take up to 4 SPRAYPAINTING to actually push the Spam off the building! It isn't realistic that if you hate a slogan, you can't get rid of it, and instead, have to spraypaint a message just above the origianl message, hoping somebody else comes in to finish the job. Plus, you make spraypainting last a long time...when they aren't supposed to be. Spraypainting is spraypainting. You write a quick message, and expect it to disapper quickly.--ShadowScope 05:28, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  28. Kill - Can't spray over the specific message which you want to be rid. --Max Grivas JG,T,P! 21:47, 26 July 2006 (BST)
  29. Kill - Streets is Aushvitz! Waste of good coding time. David Malfisto 18:17, 29 July 2006 (BST)
  30. Keep -Ah why is every one so desposed to MR A? this is just shit. all these spams because he churned out a lot of suggestions that some would have been spammed, where as most would have only been killed if he was someone else. Its not a valid vote if you say spamm a race option because you dont want black people in the game? no it racisim a form of discrimination. WHY can't the mods step in here? Ok well its been good seeing you back Mr A and i have liked most of your recient suggestions. this One I have thorght bout myself. as replying to the graff on the walls would be rather handy. Mods why don't you say anything to the people spamming for no actual reason? One Rather Disgruntled Nazreg 10:48, 2 August 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 14 Keep, 12 Kill, 4 Spam, 30 Total --Paradox244 W! TJ! 17:22, 5 August 2006 (BST)