The Fortress/News

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The Fortress News
Fortress Team Anaconda Team Battlehawk Team Cold Cell Team Dark Watch Past Teams Fortress News


TFN: Your eyes and ears in the city!

Front Page:
Top News - Team Anaconda - Team Battlehawk
Page Two:
Team Cold Cell - Team Dark Watch - Around the Tavern - In the Line of Duty
Page Three:

Boot Camp News


Jay Gorman


TFN Engineer

-Private Mendoza


-Miss Elainious
-Tiago Ferreira
-Jay Gorman
-Victor Vandregas
-Anne Tardew
-Private Mendoza
-Perrin the Wolf

Mission:We focus mainly on the different news of the #1 survivor group, The Fortress, which contains news events from different areas visited by our teams. However we will usually also have important general news as well

Top News

  • Fortress Combat Units have started 2009 in good spirits. The Malton survivor population is strong, and this is in no small part down to the Fortress' hard work, and the work of their vigilant allies.

  • The Fortress 3rd Year Anniversary Party is a great success. Much beer, wine and cheese was consumed.

  • Clint Clintstone resigns as Commander of Team Battlehawk. His replacement is Templarivs, a long time member and fitting leadership choice.

Team Excalibur has been disbanded as a combat team. Team Excalibur is where they will continue to work together as a writing team.

Templarivs is made Commander of Team Battlehawk

The Fortress News sure is growing! We had to make a second page just to hold everything!

The Fortress-wide Chain kill is finished.

  • 139 kills (New Record).
  • Duration of 95 hours 48 minutes (New Record).
  • 49 challengers (New Record).

To sum it up, a New Record!

The Battle of Barhapolis ends

Current Stock Market estimations reveal that the value of 100g of Cheese is to rise from 1.3467 to 1.5083 Brains, documenting a 12% increase.



A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors


Mczlogo3sv.jpg File:FunnyAd.JPG

Funny Pictures


Official Fortress News

  • Loyal Combat Veterans Avatorious and Rob Kirkman have announced their retirement from the Fortress. We are hopeful, however, that the sheep will not stray too far from the flock.
  • We have a new Director of Communications in The Fortress. We would like to congratulate PrepH for assuming the role at the helm of Communication.
  • On behalf of the TFN team, I would like to thank Clint Clintstone for his recent involvement in TFN co-editing. It was an honour to have a Fortress legend involved with our broadcasts.

In the Line of Duty


Caution: Construction Zone; Beware of falling undergarments

If I only had a Brain?

Written by Perrin the Wolf, September 2, 2008

Wolf Morrison reporting once more for the TFN. After a long awaited return and a far too long leave from the TFN I came to understand what it truly meant to be called a "friendly passerby". As I relaxed in Nichols mall gawking at the beautiful Goolina and sipping at my very stale coffee I noticed something that most would forget, something that only happened a few days before when Nichols was in a shambles once more thanks to the RRF.

Walking in during a recent operation with The Fortress's Team Anaconda I noticed only one zombie in a corner of the room. I shrugged and looked at my needle I had labeled 'the hand of god' for obvious reasons. Slamming it into the lifeless corpse I did something that most newbie killers do, combat revived.

Days later I revisited the site when a member of the RRF spoke to me. "Honestly, Perrin the Wolf, don't combat revive. Look at my group tag. Do i seriously look survivor friendly?" His name was Earl Boris. Of course I didn't have his ID on record, one of the very few RRF recruits I have ever missed. After he continued to rant as well as destroy the generator and kill himself, the friendly new kilt store worker Goolina started to revisit her former days as an RRF member. She gestured to the now zombified Earl Bori and had some odd conversation about reviving him.

"Hi there Earl Boris. You know, if you wanted a kilt, you just had to ask. I speak fluent rattle, and could have assisted you without your resorting to parachuting. Once you're undead and all bitey, it's difficult to get a proper fit."

Of course, as any man who is fascinated with the undead life knows, Goolina is a sweet person as a human and can never pass up a sale. They conducted business and when all was said and done he started to take his leave without harming anyone in the mall...but of course, due to profiling, some random passerby ended up killing the human version of this RRF member by the name of Wasabeee. His only words were, "The purple rabbit has been taken care of."

It was some day I had but after a hard days work in this hellish world not even a passerby is safe nowadays. With Wasabeee hopefully being placed in the Rogue gallery all I can say is Earl wherever you are I hope that you enjoy your new kilt regardless of your blood stains on it.

From your friendly reporter for the TFN take care, and until the next great catch is found.....

Team Anaconda


Operation: Fort Peril

Date: May 8-June 8, 2008. Written by Miss Elainious on June 17, 2008

The Fortress received a distress call from our allies, BMC (British Military Corps) that Whtteniside and Fort Perryn were in imminent danger from an advancing combined horde of the RRF and DvEM. Further intelligence revealed that MoA and FU were also closing in on the fort. Anaconda restocked and set out from their recent mission in the NE to defend Fortress one and hopefully get some delicious BMC pies, alas before the team could get into place after its long journey, the Fort had fallen.

Undaunted, Anaconda instead decided to swing in behind the path of the horde and repair the considerable damage left in the wake of its south easterly advance with plans to retake Fort Perryn as a grand finale. The team worked through the suburbs of Scarletwood and Danversbank with allies such as Garnis Border Patrol. Buildings were cleared, repaired and caded, locals were healed and revived and our progress marked by steady status changes on the map. In the interim Anaconda kept a close eye on F1, waiting for the right time to liberating from the undead masses still occupying it. We moved forward into Whitteniside and with local allies such as BMC, soon had the suburb in good order except for the jewel in the crown, Fort Perryn.

With Whittenside rapidly coming back to life thanks to repair and revival efforts by Anaconda and our allies, we turned our attention to F1. Short forays into the Fort showed that although zed numbers had dropped there was still considerable resistance present. Anaconda called for reinforcements and Teams Cold Cell and Dark Watch rapidly responded, both eager to do battle and reclaim Fortress 1. The three teams gathered supplies in preparation for a long siege and planned their attack carefully with allies The Cannonball Crew (CBC), Fort Perryn Defence Force (FPDF), BMC and Creedy Defence Force(CDF).

June 1 proved to be an amazing day as all the hard work and planning came together for a successful joint RT strike with The Fortress (Teams Anaconda / Cold Cell / Dark Watch) and our respected allies CC , FPDF & CDF. The end result of the initial strike was 24 zeds killed with these bodies plus several others unceremoniously dumped outside the gates of the fort. Every building was repaired within the fort, 3 essential buildings powered and barricade levels for each building, as well as the gatehouse, at barricade plan levels. Over 30 people took part in the phenomenal RT strike, coordinating via chat room, others coming in later for backup assistance, evicting zeds, healing, maintaining cades. When the gates went to EHB at midnight GMT, 33 people were in the gatehouse holding the fort while other occupied various internal buildings and over 27 zeds had been evicted. This was an unprecedented event and the level of cooperation and goodwill shown during this strike should be an example to all survivor groups in Malton.

Anaconda and the other Fortress teams remained at Fort Perryn for another week, wanting to see the fort and our allies through the first VSB day following Perryn’s rebuilding and into the next. The week was a test of vigilance for all, with frequent break-ins and barricade attacks the norm. Wednesday proved to be a challenge as the horde numbers outside the gates swelled before the barricades were lowered to VSB. However this was no match for vigilant Fortress members and allies, all attempts by the zeds to reclaim Perryn were effectively repelled. When the gates were locked at EHB that night we all breathed a sigh of relief, we had withstood the first test and now even more survivors had swelled the ranks of fort defenders. Unfortunately the barricade lowering had also added griefers, breathing zeds and Pkers to the occupants within the walls of F1. Despite these minor annoyances and the occasional pathetic and uncoordinated zed attempt to infiltrate Perryn, Anaconda held strong with team-mates, friends and allies for the week, leaving as planned when the cades returned to VSB on June 8 to prepare for the 2008 mass chainkill event.

Special thanks and congratulations to our friends in Cold Cell, Dark Watch and allies CBC, FPDF, BMC & CDF. A final thank you to Mad Dog Murro, an officer and a gentleman, it was a pleasure working with you.

Team Battlehawk


Operation Spearhead

Written by Templarivs

The RRF control almost all of the Ridleybank suburb, their “homeland”, and because of this the ruined buildings become more difficult to repair every day. In a couple of months those ruins would become almost impossible to repair, so I decided to bring the team on a repair mission. After talking with Commander Clintstone about this idea he gave permission for me to command the Operation

Before attacking the RRF we recovered Tynte Mall, in order to have a restocking point where we could reload our guns, regroup and start our incursion on enemy territory from the north. While we were fighting a loosely organized horde at Tynte, good news arrived. Combat Team Cold Cell and some of our allies were active inside Ridleybank. On receiving the news we moved early to the Operation zone, but we had different missions and the operation wasn’t a joint one. Yet it was a great relief not be alone over there!

A small junkyard to the west of Tynte Mall, to the East border of Ridleybank, provided a perfect cover. Cold, dirty and wet Maltonian weather welcomed up to our resting point, but it was still a perfect place to hide, surrounded by tall wire mesh fences and lots of scrap metal. The first targets for repair were the resource buildings, police departments and hospitals, to ensurethe zeds remained interested on those locations and away from our safehouse.

The repairs were proving very difficult, several teammates collapsed, exhausted from repairing destroyed buildings. It was a tiresome and difficult job, several Hawks had to rest almost unconscious for more than a day. Clint, Kathryn, Steve, Dodger … almost everyone on the team were volunteering for those missions, even with the small chance of survival. These Hawks were defenseless in the middle of the Ridleybank zombie nest! Team Battlehawk proved once more it was moulded from the bravest survivors of Malton. Their sacrifice was the backbone of the Operation and it was a complete success.

For a month we ran a shadow operation inside Ridleybank, hidden in the darkness, killing and disappearing onto the empty streets. The zombies in the area were moving frantically from place to place trying to find us, destroying our work, breaching empty buildings, but finding nothing inside. We could then easily repair and barricade those breached buildings a couple of hours after their attacks; just close the doors, gather some furniture and leave from the rooftops. We recovered all the resource buildings in Ridleybank using this tactic.

But we had no idea of the real success of our mission until we found a cheap paper, barely a flyer, with this cryptic message.

QUOTE (RRF Newspaper) "Lost. Brains, quantity unknown, suspected 25+. Last seen entering mouths of zambahz. Decorational only, but much sentimental value. Contact Fortress if found."

This paper was a “newspaper” printed by a delusional group of human 'Zombie sympathisers' inside Ridleybank. Yes, we also had psychotic killers and undead enemies trying to locate us!

Combat Team Cold Cell moved to another operation 2 weeks after our arrival, and since then we were acting alone. Unfortunately several other crises kept our allies away from our location. The Battlehawks, a group of 11 survivors, defeated one of the biggest and most dangerous hordes of Malton. We kept the suburb for a month, and with only a minimal casualty count, we accomplished our mission.

We were almost out of supplies, and so we had to regroup at Tynte Mall again, but before that we were met with a very pleasant surprise.

A beautiful and elegant brunette found our safehouse. In a ruined city where almost all of the survivors were covered head-to-toe with blood and wearing nothing but torn-up rags, a woman wearing expensive designer clothes is indeed an unusual encounter. But not only that, this woman was no ordinary woman, she was a Fortress legend, and more importantly to us, a Hawk legend.

Zuton, had returned to team Battlehawk……….

[end of Operation Spearhead, the first of the 3 Ridleybank Operations]