The Lanhdon Building

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The Lanhdon Building
VSB, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 00:10, 29 November 2024 (UTC)
the Lanhdon Building

Rolt Heights [83,16]

Goodson Towers Banfield Park Roles Way Railway Station
a factory the Lanhdon Building wasteland
Ayliffe Street Police Dept Club Cosenes Bromilow Library

Basic Info:

The Lanhdon Building.jpg


The Lanhdon Building is an old building located in the suburb of Rolt Heights close to Ayliffe Street PD. The building's original purpose has been long forgotten. Its doors are always bolted and barricaded shut; as survivors are expected to enter from the nearby rooftop gangplanks or bolt holes. oddly enough, the building is kept in an amazing state of cleanliness.

Curiously, there is a locked and bolted door located on the first floor, with a few survivors spotted entering and leaving through this door. Members of the Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol have stated that the door is nothing to be concerned about, but some survivors say the real purpose of this door is kept undisclosed to non-members.

Building Status

Barricades: None (--Horycat 09:09, 10 October 2010 (BST))

Generator: Generator is not Available

Scentoral Imaging Location

This block has been chosen as a location for scentoral imaging by harman conservationists who use it to maintain a full migratory map of zombie movements throughout Malton. damage-resistant, zombah-friendly keypads have been installed for the uploading of data.

Field agent=--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan 
Update Image

Current Events

April 9th, 2007 - The Dancing Banana, aka "The Fruit That Should Not Be", murdered the beloved leader of the Burchell Arms Regulars, Jim Phil inside the Lanhdon Building. Truly a sad day for beer drinkers across Malton.

Update: In retaliation for The Dancing Banana's crimes he/it was tracked down and executed 9 times by the BAR during the course of the Rolt Heights War. To quote veteran BAR member Mark Fredrick, "His very existence offends me. A banana that dances? How ridiculous! Bananas do not dance, they sit quietly in my corn flakes."

April 6th, 2007 - zombie4d1 broke into the Lanhdon Building and killed littlemannappyface and Black Mask. While some considered this to be nothing more than another zombie attack, those in the "know" realized these deaths were linked to the Rolt Heights War.

March 5th, 2007 - The Lanhdon Building is secured and Extremely Heavily barricaded. It is expected to remain this way due to increased zombie traffic in recent weeks. However, despite the conditions, the building is a relatively safe location to rest. It contains a small garrison of 5-10 survivors and members of the Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol.