Gatcombeton Barricade Plan

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This is the Barricade Plan for the suburb of Gatcombeton.

This diagram shows what levels buildings should ideally be barricaded to in order to provide protection in the form of Extremely Heavily Barricaded buildings, whilst designating entry points in the form of Very Strongly Barricaded buildings. Please note this plan indicates the preferred levels of barricades, and not the current levels.

If you wish to discuss alterations to this plan, please use the talk page.

If you need to edit the barricade plan, go to Template:Gatcombeton Barricade Plan. If changes are made, please be sure to also edit the Barricade Policy section of the page for any buildings affected.

To include the barricade plan on a page use:

{{Gatcombeton Barricade Plan}} for a fullsize plan


{{Gatcombeton Barricade Plan|Small}} for a smaller version.

Ubpicon2.GIF UBP Non-Compliant Barricade Plan
This barricade plan is not compliant with the Uniform Barricading Policy. This plan was last reviewed on October 11, 2009.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
10 Lean Drive
Syms Road
Eyres Way
Huckman Alley
McEvoy Drive Railway Station
Calvert Mall
Calvert Mall
Club Wadman
Club Henley
Theodore General Hospital
11 a junkyard
Dunster Lane
Sawtell Walk Railway Station
St. Cyprian's Hospital
Fyfe Drive
the Challes Museum
Hains Street
Clinton Way
the Clack Monument
12 Eatwell Walk Fire Station
Hillard Walk
Luch Road
a carpark
Grenter Square
a carpark
a carpark
a junkyard
Hagger Way
the Gulledge Museum
13 wasteland
Israel Walk
Maundrill Grove
Scobell Crescent
Lamport Walk Police Department
Trebble Lane
Don Cinema
Woolacott Street
Tillard Street
St. Silverius's Church
14 a junkyard
Terrill Lane
Dolbridge Street
Dorman Way
Pinchin Plaza
a carpark
Flower Park
a warehouse
a junkyard
Boorman Way Police Department
15 Club Pears
Conybear Road
the Pounsett Building
Elin Way
Pulsford Road
a carpark
St. Godric's Hospital
Rankin Road
a junkyard
Club Hallson
16 Egleton Walk
Bignal Lane
Dover Way
a junkyard
St. Maximillian's Church
Monk Walk
Sly Way
Scard Grove
Smyth Boulevard
17 Crawshaw Road
Alder Cinema
a warehouse
Marriott Place School
Mahagan Square Railway Station
Gates Avenue
Lightfoot Alley
St. Matthew's Hospital
Blabey Park
Brocklesby Boulevard
18 Barstow Walk
Douglas Lane
Edgar Alley
Plummer Bank
the Simons Building
Smethurst Walk
Spirrell Auto Repair
Pedel Avenue Railway Station
Spekington Drive
Warrne Cinema
19 the Whish Building
Sayce Park
Chudleigh Library
the Allford Arms
Bates Park
Blanford Auto Repair
Glass Library
St. John's Church
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points


This Barricade Plan has been prepared by the group Organization XIII.