Iwitness/revive request
How to use Iwitness as a Revive Tool
As of 26 August 2007, the DEM revive request tool is off-line for an indefiante (hopefully less than 1 week) period.
In the meantime, I'd like to encourage people to make revive requests using Iwitness. Iwitness allows all the same basic functions as the Revive Request tool. In some ways, it is simpler in faster to use, and provides more information to revivers. However, revivers also need to be more careful- Iwitness will NOT tell you if the subject is in the Rouge's Gallery, and WILL accept requests form people with brain rot. (The second at least is very easy to check- Iwitness provides a link to the witness's profile, as well as any profiles they can see!) Iwitness also does not limit people to 1 request a day or whatever, although you can easily see if / when somebody has made multiple requests.
Revive Requests via Iwitness
To use Iwitness to make revive requests, simply go to http://iwitness.urbandead.info/ and read the instructions for using Iwitness. You will need to boomark a link or two, but that is ALL YOU NEED to use Iwitness. To make a revive request, you then make a PUBLIC record with the comment "REVIVE REQUEST".
To search Iwitness for such revive requests (IE, if you want to revive somebody), go to http://iwitness.urbandead.info/ and do a search for "REVIVE REQUEST", entering your present co-ordiantes and the desired range (much as with DEMS's RR search tool- we copied this excellent idea.)
Revivers- to publicize this revive request method, use the following tinyurl to link to this page - http://tinyurl.com/2wymot. Suitable (less than 50 character) tags would be:
- Iwitness Revive Req - http://tinyurl.com/2wymot
- DEM Revive Alternate - http://tinyurl.com/2wymot
Revivification Points
Similalry, if you know of a revivification point, simply go ot the revivification point (dead or alive) and make an Iwitness report with the comment "REVIVE POINT". Seeing as using Iwitness consumes no AP's and there is no limit on how many records you can make, it makes totl sense to file a revive request AND, if you are at a revive point, report that revive point as being currently active.
Map of Iwitness Revive Requests and commented Revive Points
This map provides links that automatically take you to the Iwitness search results for "REVIVE REQUEST" or "REVIVE POINT" for a given section of Malton. It is hoped that revivers will find it handy both for finding people who need revives, and to maintain the List of Revivification Points.