Suggestion:20090423 Disembowel
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20090423 Disembowel
A Big F'ing Dog 15:26, 23 April 2009 (BST)
Suggestion type
Suggestion scope
Suggestion description
This suggests a zombie skill that make it harder to heal grievously wounded survivors. It would allow the zombie to create a severe stomach injury that must be attended to before Hit Points can be restored.
Tangling grasp would be a prerequisite skill. When a zombie has a survivor in their grasp with less than 20HP, a new button would appear: [Disembowel SURVIVORNAME]
This move would cost 1AP, and give the survivor a new "disemboweled" condition. A small wound has been ripped into their stomach, small but deep enough that it must be treated first. The next first-aid kit used on them will remove the disemboweled condition but restore no HP. In a nutshell, this skill blocks the first first-aid kit used on the survivor.
Infections will still be cured by the "blocked" first-aid kit, just no hitpoints will be added. The one exception to this would be in powered hospitals with the surgery skill: using surgery would remove the disemboweled condition and still restore 10HP (rather than the usual 15).
Disemboweling isn't a normal attack move, and has 100% accuracy (after all, you've already succeeded in establishing a tangling grasp). However if a survivor is wearing a flak jacket they would have a 30% chance of resisting disemboweling attempts. The zombie would then be free to try again.
Now here's the major final point. Dying removes the disemboweled condition. It doesn't carry over to when they're revived. So why would a zombie use this on a suvivor they were about to kill? They wouldn't. It's use would be on survivors you just barely can't kill with the AP you have, to prevent them from being healed. Even though disemboweling doesn't bring the victim closer to dying in the sense of removing more HP, it's equivalent to the survivor's HP being reduced by 10 if someone tries to heal them. Very useful for attacks on buildings frequently checked by healers, such as malls, necrotechs, buildings adjacent to hospitals, or anywhere with a large crowd.
Voting Section
Voting Rules |
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user. |
The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote. |
Keep Votes
- Keep 'Disembowel' might not be the most accurate name for this. "Gut wound" is closer to the truth, but doesn't sound as nice. The current name is pretty much just a placeholder. --A Big F'ing Dog 15:28, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Keep/Change Maybe buff the flak jacket resist % (it is a flak jacket after all, not a knit sweater) and make it otherwise like a normal hand attack, damage and hit % (it does hurt to get a hole poked in you, and the flak jacket resist % could apply to both status change and damage), but I like the general idea. And just add it to the attack dropdown menu when applicable, eliminating the need for another button. And "Gut wound" isn't a bad name... better than "Disembowel".--Necrofeelinya 15:54, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Keep/Change I highly approve of more/diffrent attack methods for zombies, but lower the hit percentage (to 35%?), and do make it block infection removeall, keeps it intresting and more or less balanced. (and yeah go with "Gut wound") --WarlockVI 12:51, 27 April 2009 (BST)
- Keep/Change Lower the % to hit from a hundred, thats just... no. I do like the general idea though. agian change the name and every thing listed above, but lower % to like 75 at leats. --User:Ben A Martin
- Keep/Change I think you're on the right track in terms of adding realism to survivor injuries (on a side note, I never understood a person could be shot 4 times with a shotgun and healed fully with 4 FAKs), however alot of re-thinking needs to be done in terms of how this would work. You're on the right track though. --YoEleven 10:44, 6 May 2009 (BST)
Kill Votes
- Kill/Change - Should be 40% success on no flak, 20% chance on flak/flesh rotted or something of the sort. Game shouldn't have 100% accuracy status inflictions (mind you bite is 30% success). Also, you make no mention of how this would interact with infection. --Johnny Bass 15:40, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Re It would not interact with infection. I don't want to give it a low percentage of success because then it's no longer competitive with hand attacks. It should be much easier to pull off than hand attacks because otherwise why not just deal the damage the normal way? 10hp of real damage is better than 10 resistance to healing. In a sense it already does have an hit/miss accuracy - the accuracy of establishing a tangling grasp. The flak jacket chance of blocking just goes on top of that. --A Big F'ing Dog 16:28, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Re I would imagine using it instead of a hand attack as a last AP or early attack just in case I ran out of AP. The tangling grasp likelihood of working is actually quite high, so 100% success would just be overpowered IMO. --Johnny Bass 16:44, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Re But with a flak it comes down to 60%, the same has hand attack accuracy with tangling grasp. So the zombie's choice for their last AP is between a 60% attack for 3 actual damage, or a 60% chance of 10 phantom damage. --A Big F'ing Dog 17:13, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Re I would imagine using it instead of a hand attack as a last AP or early attack just in case I ran out of AP. The tangling grasp likelihood of working is actually quite high, so 100% success would just be overpowered IMO. --Johnny Bass 16:44, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Re It would not interact with infection. I don't want to give it a low percentage of success because then it's no longer competitive with hand attacks. It should be much easier to pull off than hand attacks because otherwise why not just deal the damage the normal way? 10hp of real damage is better than 10 resistance to healing. In a sense it already does have an hit/miss accuracy - the accuracy of establishing a tangling grasp. The flak jacket chance of blocking just goes on top of that. --A Big F'ing Dog 16:28, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill - This is in essence a 100% chance to cause 5 HP (maybe 10) to a survivor once tangling grasp is achieved. 5(10) actual hit points is no different from 5(10) HP resistance to heal in terms of AP expenditure if the survivor lives. There is no point if you have the AP to kill; if you don't the only point is to cause survivors to expend addtional AP and this is a free chance. Rocky Ford 21:17, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill/Change - 100% accuracy? No, thanks. Even if it's 60% with a flak jacket, it's still too much imo. --Janus talk 21:29, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Change - 20% acurracy or GTFO! --OrangeGaf Talk! 23:07, 23 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill - Just don't like the concept. --LaosOman 16:38, 24 April 2009 (BST)
- Change - I like this idea, however I think the numbers do need some extra tweaking before it would be keepable. And the name is a bit of a misnomer. -- Cheese 18:50, 24 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill - Unnecessary -- Rogueboy 22:31, 24 April 2009 (BST)
- Change - 100% accuracy? Are you mad? Lower the accuracy rate, and then we'll talk. I think it's an interesting idea, and it doesn't seem overpowered, but I don't think there should be 100% accuracy for ANYTHING in this game except heals and revives. Change that and it would get a keep from me. --Fujiko Mine 15:55, 25 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill Among other things, serious wounds should should carry over after you're revived. Yeah, I'm nuts... but I think they should. However, that's really a different idea than this, and this is bleh. --WanYao 23:21, 25 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill/Change - Make it 40%, 30% with flak jacket, and you have yourself a suggestion. --Haliman - Talk 00:05, 26 April 2009 (BST)
- Change - So let me get this straight... if a human is disemboweled (i.e. his stomach ripped open) and then he dies, when he rises as a zombie the wound is miraculously healed? I understand that you are trying to balance it, and its' a good idea, but a better balance technique is required. ChainReaction01 02:07, 28 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill/Change - The sheer accuracy of this is far too overpowered, and it makes no sense that your miraculously healed once your a zombie. If you'd lower the accuracy, increase flak jacket ability, and make an effect on zombies risen like this, then it'd be fine. Untill then im going to have to vote Kill.--Obamacain 22:52, 30 April 2009 (BST)
- Kill it. With FIRE. --LarzAluphe 05:06, 1 May 2009 (BST)
- Kill - As above. --Pestolence(talk) 21:14, 3 May 2009 (BST)
Spam/Dupe Votes