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Timestamp: The Mad Axeman 13:34, 21 August 2006 (BST)
Type: Zombie hunter skill
Scope: High level survivors wishing to help low levels
Description: Generosity is a zombie hunter skill (So only available once you reach level 11+) that allows survivors to give away items to other people. The gifter recieves gets nothing in return, and its not possible to give away items that are currently useless within the game, such as newspapers, wirecutter and whatever else. Furthermore it isn't possible for characters on the same IP address to trade with each other.

If the item is a permanent one that doesn't vanish after use - such as a weapon, flak jacket, ect - then it costs 5 AP's to give it away. Ammo, first aid kits and the like cost 3 AP's to pass on.

When someone recieves a gift they also get a message telling them what they've just been given and who by. If they don't want it, they can drop the item for 0 AP's as usual.

I'm aware that trading suggestions come up on a regular basis and usually fail because of concerns over zerging or lack of utility. I will try an pacify such fear.

Antizerging measures include both the high level requirement and also the same ip address ban. If a zerger has maaged to set up multiple accounts with different ip address then they could use secondary characters with this skill to supply a primary... but its worth considering than that such an individual would not be suffering from zerging penalties within the game anyway, and copying this behavior would actually reduce their impact, because all those high level zergling are searching all the time rather than barricading or attacking. Can one 40th level character with loads of ammo do more damage than a group of 11th levels with typical equipment?

So, zerging aside, what use is this to anyone? There aren't a huge number of very useful items in the game. However if you've maxed out and you're part of a group you want to help, why not use this skill to give the low levels a helping hand? Got a whole load of ammo? Well you could use it yourself, gain a lots of experience when you've got nothing to send it on.. or you could give it to the 1st level cop and watch him get more powerful, which helps your group out as a whole, as well as making yourself a friend. Of course, if the suburb is under attack from a lot of zombies the high level will want to use his possesion to there best effect, which probably means keeping them, but during quieter periods, help your group grow stronger. If people are helping them out, it might encourage new players to stick with the game for longer, which is good for the urbandeads health in general.

It can also help with group communication by giving away mobile phones, spray cans and gps units.

The final reason I'm going to give for this skill is this:- A lot of people might just find it fun to use. Part of what makes playing a healer or reviver fun is that is helping other people. This skill will give them one more way of doing so.

This suggestion spent some time on the talk page, here [[1]]. Take a look if you like.


  1. KEEP - My idea and this is my vote The Mad Axeman 13:34, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  2. Keep - Holy Shit. A good Item giving suggestion, but what about the possibility of someone giving to a level 1 more then 51 items?--Canuhearmenow 13:42, 21 August 2006 (BST)
    • Re - Drat, ment to add that. The gifter gets a message saying the the reciever can't carry anymore. The item stays where it is and the Ap's are wasted. The Mad Axeman 13:45, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  3. Keep - I have better things to do with my time than piss on perfectly good suggestions. Well done! (Besides, you can drop off all those empty pistols on someone! "Here ya go son...") --MrAushvitz 13:46, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  4. Kill - I don't feel that trading is needed. - Jedaz 13:54, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  5. Keep - Nice way to keep from zerging. --Gold Blade 14:08, 21 August 2006 (BST) As to MrAuschwitz's vote: Here's a pistol Master Chief. I don't keep it loaded, so... go take on the Covenant ammoless! --Gold Blade 14:09, 21 August 2006 (BST) Edit Does anyone who votes no bacause it could be cheated realize you could use the cheating for every single thing? --Gold Blade 19:43, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  6. Keep - My only concern is that we might get some annoying idiot who decides to collect items and unload them on people who dont want them. Otherwise I think this is great. - Whitehouse 14:13, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  7. Keep - I fail to see any problems with this suggestion, but still, it's a trade suggestion. Tentative Keep. --Xoid 14:20, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  8. Kill - There's really no reason to have item gifting in the game. Ammo/guns/etc aren't scarce by any means. Also, no matter what you do to prevent zerging, some asshole will come up with a way to cheat the system. --Mookiemookie 14:46, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  9. Spam - I can see this being abused very quickly. A group will need 2-5 characters to do nothing but hoarding weapons, FAKs, syringes and what not. They'd then pass it around the everyone else, getting rid of the need for them to search. The reason why guns are overpowered is because they have a limited amount of ammo in your inventory. You're supposed to use the AP to search for ammo to even out the weapons with the fire axe, bires, and claws. This would make guns way overpowered. Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS 14:56, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  10. Spam - as Sonny--GageASS 14:59, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  11. Kill - Sorry, this is a good trading suggestion, and I see your desire to help out the younguns as sensible, but trading still has potential to go awry. If this is implemented, people in existing teams may create alts, level them up, and then use them as search-cows for their group. It is possible to run an alt in a different suburb your group is active in, those avoiding the zerging flag yet helping your group. That would not be cheating, but the combined effect of running an alt for even half the number of people in a group would completely over-power firearms. --Burgan 15:05, 21 August 2006 (BST)
    • re - As it stands there is nothing to stop you from creating alts to join the same group - in fact I suspect some people do it to dump up the numbers in their pet group, sad as that may be. Quite rightly, this can be considered zerging. However, these are still high level zerglings that are doing nothing but searching, rather than attacking, barricading, healing or whatever. This sort of behavior can, and I'm sure already does, happen within the game. Again, is one 40th level with loads of ammo worse than a group of 11th level with typical equipment running all over the place killing zombies, fortifying building, reviving and anything else the might be doing rather than giving stuff away? The Mad Axeman 17:46, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  12. Kill - a very nice sentiment, but ultimately unhelpful. This game is very tough when you're low level, but that's life in a zombie apocalypse zone. Help should come in the form of stategic advice, setting up the new players for kills, and the like. And no one that I've seen has made a trading suggestion that wouldn't be a huge burden on the server. --otherlleft W! 15:14, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  13. Kill - First, it's totally pointless because any character could simply search for the items. Second, You could give a level one survivor a piece of necrotech equipement that he doesn't have the skill to use. Third, some way, some how, somebody's going to figure out how to cheat and he'll tell everyone, and that'll ruin the game. Fourth, this is a survivor apcolapyse, not Candy Land! Your trying to kill Zed's as fast as you can, not give your uncle a baseball bat! --Officer Johnieo 16;00, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  14. Keep -I like it, so what if there are zerging possibilities. If I want to give a newbie one of my extra pistols to help him out, then I should damn well be able to. --Grigori 20:23, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  15. Kill -I like the idea, but it does need some adjusting to solve the zerging issue. Since this is a skill to help out the young uns, why not restrict to such. So a lvl 11+ can give, but only a lvl 10- can receive. It's not realistically explanable, but it I can't see a zerger using his low level char in favour of his high level one. Even if they did, they likely wouldn't remain low level for long.–Ray Vern phz T
  16. Keep I like this one because it needs a lot of time and effort to reach level 11 (it doesn't happen overnight). This rules out multi-accounting because who wants to spend a week or two developing a lvl 11 character just to get a pistol or FAK? And who doesn't want to help our newbie friends?--Rhys Parker 23:23, 21 August 2006 (EST)
  17. Spam Balanced trading suggestion = no such thing. Rheingold 00:41, 22 August 2006 (BST)
  18. Kill - I'm very wary about trading suggestions, as every one else is apparently. Giving low level survivors everything they need right off, instead of forcing them to fend for themselves a little bit ight take a dimension of the fun out of it. Also, I really don't think high levels need to trade with each other, so I would consider more closely with Ray Vern's recommendation above being added. I'd still be hesitant, but might vote keep. --Rgon 00:50, 22 August 2006 (BST)
  19. Kill -Ray Vern's idea would help alot. But, as I said in discussion, there are a LOT of high levels with NOTHING to do. What would stop them from starting a character on another account then supplying them with whatever they need? Searching is an intrinsic part of Urban Dead and while trading would be...interesting, it really has no intrinsic value. In Nexus War, one can trade broken weapons, for example, for someone else to repair (and gain XP). Not to mention that certain actions can only be preformed at certain locations (unlike UD). UD currently does not have such amenities and, combined with the ease of searching, the major necessity for trade just isn't there.--Pesatyel 02:21, 22 August 2006 (BST)
  20. Keep -I probably wouldn't use this but I don't think zergers would bother to spend time to get a character to level 11 just to give a level 1 cop some ammo wehn at that level you really don't need to use multi accounts. Great idea, can still be improved a bit though but still earns my vote--Blackie Chan 02:21, 22 August 2006 (BST)
  21. Kill - Make it so the gifter loses some XP points to give items away (the best antizerg measure), and I'll vote keep. Most high leveled survivors have tons of useless XP stored anyway. --Doc GrouchoSR 12:42, 23 August 2006 (BST)
  22. Kill - Fear of griefing. "Here, have 20 newspapers, that you have to use your IP to get rid of, thus ruining the game." --Funt Solo 14:29, 31 August 2006 (BST)
    • Re - You can't give away useless items like newspapers. Even giving someone 20 gps units would cost 100 AP, so isn't likelt to happen often. The Mad Axeman 18:09, 31 August 2006 (BST)
  23. Kill - Kevan has said that if he impliments trading, it will not be for quite a while. Also, as sony and Funt. --Paradox244 W! TJ! 21:29, 3 September 2006 (BST)

Brain Bash

Spaminated with 8/10 Spam votes. 1 author keep, 1 kill. Moved to rejected. --Gold Blade Hunt! 20:54, 21 August 2006 (BST)