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Coming Out Of The Woodwork!!!
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New zombie skill |
Scope: | Makes Feeding Drag easier to pull off if you have the building swarmed in zombies! |
Description: | Read carefully before you vote, this one may seem complicated... but it isn't!
Coming Out Of The Woodwork!!!
Your zombie has an easier time using feeding drag on survivors if the zombies outside this building outnumber the survivors inside this building by at least 3:1! Complex? Nope, it isn't. Won't even be hard on the server.. basic math calculations are a pretty minor thing because only when a zombie with this skill is inside a safehouse will the computer even need to "check" and compare the numbers. Game Mechanics: Currently: Feeding Drag: Zombie is able to drag dying survivors (those with 12HP or less) out into the street, provided there are no barricades. With this skill, all of the other feeding drag rules and limitations are in effect. But it becomes easier to drag wounded survivors outside if there are a lot of zombies outside this building. You still need to be able to do the feeding drag normally for this skill to be a "buff" in any sense.
Outnumbering the survivors in a building by 7:1 or more is the "limit" of this skill, things are bad enough for those inside. Large Buildings: The computer calculates for the section (or quadrant) of the building your zombie is in... so if you're in a mall with 50 survivors, there needs to be at least 150 zombies outside of this section just for your zombie to have an easier time dragging someone outside.. for lunch! So if your building is large, or small... survivors in groups are safer than ones, not in groups.. oooh scary stuff kiddies! How it works, what's the logic man? (Don't read if you don't want anything that isn't just the core game mechanics... this is just my analysis of this idea...) This skill is basically all those zombies outside are occasionally getting an arm or two in a window, moaning "Braaaaainzzz" and so on and so forth. This can be some frightening and confusing crap for the poor survivors inside. And they may even be distracted, trip and fall or held for a second or two by the hair by some zombie outside.. just long enough to be distracted and your zombie gets their "chance". This skill means that your zombie is very good at the "snatch and grab" method of zombie meat shopping.. basically like a good mugger they beat you up as fast as they can and drag you away to feed the zombie masses outside. So this is a very hands on zombie buff.. you have to earn it by still getting in there, and wearing someone down. X Ray Vision? Oh wait, nobody can see squat, the zombies outside don't know how many survivors are inside or vice versa... this skill only helps your zombie if that zombie can get in.. beat some ass.. and drag some poor survivor outside for the kill. Your zombie can already see this survivor is seriously hurt, but can do the feeding drag a little sooner with a helping hand (or 8) from outside. "Graaah, feed me Seymoure.. Raaaaghhh." That's all this skill does, actually it is a bit underpowered unless there are a lot and I mean a lot of zombies surrounding the same building. In which case your zombie is kind of like Santa, or the "provider" for the local zombie horde. This skill means survivor safehouses that have several survivors huddled together for protection will be actually safer from this skill. So if there's a bunch of you at your safehouse, set up your generator.. turn on your radio and roast some weenies, and ignore the noise outside. But, if you're in a decent resource building, that's surrounded by zombies (if you stepped outside to take a look just to be sure) "Uhh.. maybe I don't want to end my session in that building.." This will put survivors a little more on the defensive mentally, they have the heavier hitting weaponry.. so this is hardly a change, it just means they will have to use other tactics (like all of their communications and so forth) to watch out for one another. "Don't go there man... like 500 zombies outside.. people are getting dragged out and eaten man.. it's hell man..." The only real reason this is nessesary for zombies, well Feeding Drag man that's a hell of a fun way to kill a human survivor! Zombies haven't had a fun skill like that in a while.. this addition to it means more fun for you and other zombie players. And why the hell not? Doesn't hurt barricades, or waste AP for the survivors.. just means it's a bit easier to feed.. besides, that survivor may still be active (and armed to the teeth!) and still make it back inside! And newbie zombies may get a piece before the poor bastard is shredded. It also gives survivors a reason to make sure their HP totals are as close to max as possible.. or be the main course. |
Keep Votes
- Author Keep It was worth reading, methinks.. the game mechanics aren't all that rough.. 3:1 minimum to get a buff is pretty low.. but fair. Mob up boys, work for your supper! MrAushvitz
02:21, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep I actually like this. It does seemed balanced and would give an incentive to get the F*** out of dodge while the getting is good. --Fullemtaled 02:53, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Adds some more fun to large sieges and makes a giant horde even more dangerous. Cool. But the name really sucks (are zombies termites now?). I just hope that a bunch of pro-survivors/trenchcoaters don't show up to kill this idea.--Lachryma 03:09, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - It's a pretty good skill. A bit useless, but every skill helps. Only problem is it doesn't benefit newbs at all. --Peterblue 03:26, 28 December 2006 (UTC) 03:19, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - The ratios should be 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, etc... to be mathematically correct, but we all understand what you're trying to say. Why is it survivors inside outnumbered by zombies outside instead of zombies inside? --Wikidead 03:24, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Quickest way to answer that is if the # of zombies inside a building is like 25% of the # of survivors inside.. those survivors are starting to die.. by the time the zombies are 1:1 to survivors indoors, they're going to all be dead soon. MrAushvitz
19:36, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re: Ok, I see now; this is a skill specifically designed for active sieges. --Wikidead 06:24, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Quickest way to answer that is if the # of zombies inside a building is like 25% of the # of survivors inside.. those survivors are starting to die.. by the time the zombies are 1:1 to survivors indoors, they're going to all be dead soon. MrAushvitz
- Keep - It's a small buff, but every little bit counts. --The Surgeon General DHPD 03:49, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Nice.--J Muller 08:20, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - But maybe add a little thing to say 'You claw at X for 3 damage, taking them to 16. They look weak enough to be dragged outside now. --Preasure 09:53, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep Overpowered? You say this is overpowered? OVERPOWERED, MY FOOT! Zombies need help, especially low-level zombies. This gives them more of a chance to get some munchies. --Sgt. John TaggartUNIT 11/5 WCDZ TJ! 14:32, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - It's a bit underpowered, but it couldn't hurt. Lord knows if the survivors are that outnumbered that they're in trouble already...--Reaper with no name TJ! 19:37, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
Kill Votes
- kill Don't get me wrong i like what you are trying to do but... I don't know it just doesn't quite work for me??? May look again 2moro when not so drunk/tired.--Honestmistake 02:37, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Been there, late night, math.. ugh... feels like I've been headshot.. nnn MrAushvitz
02:42, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Been there, late night, math.. ugh... feels like I've been headshot.. nnn MrAushvitz
- Kill I think the current effective survivor maximum health of 48 is low enough. And generally I like suggestions that encourage people not to clump into one building. Additionally if zombies outnumber the people in the building 3 to 1 they don't need the extra help. --Jon Pyre 04:01, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill - It's not really a bad idea to bring the countless hands and starving mouths outside into the games mechanics when it comes to drag a person outside. But the part that I don't like is the complex (in Urban Dead standards) way to do it: progressively better drags as there are more and more zombies outside. It's just an eyesore, and I like UD to have that simplicity that makes you think you can calculate in what situation will you be after you finish your next 50 AP. Resubmit with a more plain, simple system and I'll vote keep. --Matthew Fahrenheit YRC☺T☺+1 05:47, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Firstly, if your suggestion isn't complicated, write it up in an uncomplicated way. If you can't, then you're wrong about it not being complicated. Secondly, I don't care about the server's mathematical capabilities. When my zombie brings a survivor down to 15 HP, I don't want to have to work out how far away from the normal feeding drag amount that is, add that to the basic ratio, look at how many survivors are in the building, guess or remember how many zombies were outside the building, then work out whether the feeding drag is going to succeed. In that time the barricades could have gone back up, or survivors could have left, or someone else could have hit them (quite likely, actually, if this is a zombie outnumber situation where the 'cades aren't going back up). I'd save time just hitting them again so that regular feeding drag takes effect. Nice try, but too complicated for real use! --ExplodingFerret 08:45, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill Besides the obvious making feeding drag more potent when there's even more chance that they'll be eaten, I don't like tying bonuses to the actual number of characters in a place. --Burgan 09:33, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill I'd rather not see useless skills thrown to zombies and then have folks act like "things are now fair". This skill basically allows a zombie to do more damage (kill more humans) when the zombies outnumber humans. That's a meaningless boost; zombies already kill ALL the humans in those cases. The weakness of "feeding drag" is that it can't be used when the doors are closed or any barricade goes up. How about changing this so that if Z>S, the door doesn't have to be open. If Z>2S, a loose barricade is no obstacle to feeding drag. If Z>3S, a light barricade is no obstacle... etc. That would be (very slightly) more useful. Also, there should be an indication (to the owner of the skill) as to when it would be effective, and this seems hard to fix. In the above description, the user is left to "guess and try" in order to figure out when they can use feeding darg and when they can not. With my revision, you could simply have a description saying "hungry zombies are pressed at the door / barricades" when the appropriate new "out of the woodwork" conditions applied- IE, whenever there were enoguh zombies present to allow feeding drag plus "out of the woodwork" to allow a survivor to be dragged through a closed door / out past a barricade. --Swiers 16:53, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Hey, now that is simpler.. that way all those zombies help you bypass barricades if they aren't too high yet (we can assume your zombie brings the bugger to the window and the other zombies help drag him through it.) "Noo.. noooooo... aaaaaahh!" Excellent. MrAushvitz
19:41, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Hey, now that is simpler.. that way all those zombies help you bypass barricades if they aren't too high yet (we can assume your zombie brings the bugger to the window and the other zombies help drag him through it.) "Noo.. noooooo... aaaaaahh!" Excellent. MrAushvitz
- Kill - Giving the advantage to the side that's currently winning in the battle for a particular building isn't the way to keep the battle interesting. Sudden, unexpected turns of event are. --Nosimplehiway 19:05, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- kill If you want to do something interesting with zed:human ratios, you should instead give humans the capability to radio in helicopter air raids if the ratio gets too high. Or, the ability of axe/knife work by survivors should increase if more zed arms are reaching through windows. Asheets 19:45, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill - Feeding drag is already a damn powerful tool in the zombie arsenal, and having a suggestion that will only encourage survivors to look for buildings with high numbers in them goes against what I think needs promoting, decentralisation -- boxy T L PA DA 00:16, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill - I think it really doesn't seem necessary to have this skill due to the effectiveness of feeding drag. It is also overpowered but not eligible to be spam. The math is simple though. --Zombie slay3r 02:38, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
- KIll - I think Swiers has a good idea, but still, as boxy said, we need survivors to spread out, like butter, instead of getting all packed together, like sardines. Still, there is that wonderful sensation off peeling off the lid of a safehouse and finding a bunch of juicy, salty harmans inside... mmm, braaaaahhhhnz. -Cutlet 11:21, 31 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill - Good idea and all, but like my fellow killers have been saying, if the zombies outnumber the survivors 7:1, do you really think they need the help? -- Goron40 11:52, 10 January 2006 (EST)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- Spam. More overpowered crap from MrA. --Joe O'Wood TALKCONTRIBSUD 03:53, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re More incessant bitching from spam voters, excellent, I'll add that to my collection... MrAushvitz
20:02, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re More incessant bitching from spam voters, excellent, I'll add that to my collection... MrAushvitz
- Spam - spurious logic - more zombies outside will have no effect on survivors inside (unless it's the opposite of what you posit: they'll stay away from the windows). --Funt Solo
10:18, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Spam - Because retarded is retarded, no matter which way you look at it. --Grim s-Mod U! 11:10, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re "Grim! Buddy..." (Hands him a beer, pats him on the back and walks him to the trophy room) "It's been so long.. how ya been? Lost some weight, sweet, looks good on ya.. hey seen my page lately? Look here under my suggestion contributions: Pimpology 101. Here we go, my credentials: 1 suggestion Implimented by Kevan himself. 13 (lucky 13) in Peer Reviewed .. and hell even 18 made it to Undecided.. still 50% or better votes, not too shabby. Oh you have to go? Oh yeah, we're all busy.. er.. cold out, did you say.. er "cold day in hell?" Oh, okay, well stop by anytime.. great to see you. We miss you on the Wiki.. k, don't be a stranger.." (door slams, Grim is seen grumbling a lot.. he does finish his beer however and tosses it in the bushes.) MrAushvitz
20:02, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re "Grim! Buddy..." (Hands him a beer, pats him on the back and walks him to the trophy room) "It's been so long.. how ya been? Lost some weight, sweet, looks good on ya.. hey seen my page lately? Look here under my suggestion contributions: Pimpology 101. Here we go, my credentials: 1 suggestion Implimented by Kevan himself. 13 (lucky 13) in Peer Reviewed .. and hell even 18 made it to Undecided.. still 50% or better votes, not too shabby. Oh you have to go? Oh yeah, we're all busy.. er.. cold out, did you say.. er "cold day in hell?" Oh, okay, well stop by anytime.. great to see you. We miss you on the Wiki.. k, don't be a stranger.." (door slams, Grim is seen grumbling a lot.. he does finish his beer however and tosses it in the bushes.) MrAushvitz
- Spam - Just not needed. Keep game mechanics simple! --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 12:28, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Spam This is useless, and anything that would make it useful would make it overpowerd. --AlexanderRM 1:10 PM, 26 December 2006 (EST)
Cycling Signs
Timestamp: | Jon Pyre 02:52, 28 December 2006 (UTC) |
Type: | Improvement/Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | Many places have electronic signs that steadily change their message. Sometimes it's an LED billboard, a projector and screen, or just a flat screen television used for advertising. I suggest adding these to the game where appropriate; good candidates are inside stadiums, malls, railway stations, hotels, hospitals, cinemas, and perhaps some parts of the zoo. When the building is powered those with a new currently untitled civilian skill (that allows them to operate the computer controlling the sign) may add messages to the sign's cycle. The sign would remember many messages (as many as possible without taking up excessive memory, hopefully in the 10-20 range but the higher the better) and would only forget the oldest one as a new one was added.
If the building is powered one (and only one) stored message would be displayed at random. For instance one at a stadium might look like this: "A giant LED sign above the field displays 'Revive Point At Nancy Street'". The message would randomly switch each second so if someone spent multiple AP in the building they'd likely see a new message after each click. If the power was cut the sign would go blank but the saved messages would not be deleted. To prevent spam and stop people from hogging up the signs if someone tries to add more than one message to a sign they'll end up replacing the one they themselves put in. This gives these signs a different purpose than spray cans. The spray can has the advantage of being highly visible. Everyone in the room is guaranteed to see it. However if someone else wants to advertise they have to delete your message. These signs let several people share the same space, your message will only be visible once in a while but it'll take longer to get deleted. Sprayed messages also do not require power to be visible. This would prove useful in crowded places where a painted message is likely to get deleted within a few nanoseconds and generators are frequently replaced. It'd also be fun and flavorful, what's a stadium without its big screen or a mall missing advertisements? |
Keep Votes
- Keep Useful, fun, flavorful, and gives a reason to set up a generator in a few places with no items worth searching for. --Jon Pyre 02:53, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- keep hey i like this, make it change far less frequently, say 1% each action performed at that location OR every hour and this has real merit. I mean its not like those locations are heavily travelled but still! NOT the mall though...--Honestmistake 02:57, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Honestmistake, no way! It should cycle through about every 5 seconds. Have you ever seen one of these things? There's tons in Toronto. Very good idea, but it should be pretty rare, and ON TOP of buildings, not inside them. Why would a mall have a GIANT billboard inside it. But for a stadium it would be cool if there was 2 sides, and a different message on each. --Peterblue 03:23, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Only stadiums would have giant ones. Malls and other locations would have normal sized screens. Most shopping centers now do have screens with specials and sale announcements. And yes, the time for the message to change could definitely be tweaked. It should be measured in seconds though, since many players spend all their AP in a few minutes if it cycled hourly you'd probably only see one message rather than several. I personally like 1 second because the room description would change a bit each time you do something. --Jon Pyre 03:39, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Reluctantly ok... What will prevent people from zerging to hoard all of the sign space (granted, a waste of IP hits to do so, so unlikely)? --Wikidead 03:32, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re Well nothing. But nothing prevents someone from zerging to spray the same message on every building in five suburbs either. But anti-zerging measures (however effective they are) combined with people just not wanting to waste their whole day managing fifteen accounts and taking the trouble to use a different IP for each prevents that. --Jon Pyre 03:37, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - I like this idea. --The Surgeon General DHPD 03:48, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Quite excellent. And is there such thing as an Abstain on the suggestions page?--J Muller 08:21, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - This actually isn't too bad an idea really... --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 12:30, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Me likey. --Sgt. John TaggartUNIT 11/5 WCDZ TJ! 14:33, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Sounds like a good idea. --Zombie slay3r 16:01, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- keep another good one from Jon. Asheets 16:44, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Don't really see why not. --Reaper with no name TJ! 19:40, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Looks good. - BzAli 22:20, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - A decent idea, dunno if it's worth the effort to implement though... oh and Funt, mate!, how is "not my cup of tea" a reason for Spamming? eh? Use Kill once in a while man! Sheesh -- boxy T L PA DA 00:10, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - Doesnt seem like that bad of an idea. --GhostStalker 03:34, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
- Keep - I like it --Gene Splicer 00:03, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
Kill Votes
Kill - This isn't complete. Where would these signs go? How much AP would it cost to put up a message? --Joe O'Wood TALKCONTRIBSUD 03:55, 28 December 2006 (UTC)Re I gave a list of places in the first paragraph of the suggestion. And it'd cost 1AP to add a message, like all other communication in the game. --Jon Pyre 03:57, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Well excuse me for speed reading. Abstain then. --Joe O'Wood TALKCONTRIBSUD 04:08, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Kill - I like the idea, but disagree with someone automaticallly overwriting their own message. If a player wants to spend all 50 AP making that LED board their personal diary, more power to 'em. Plus, the unnamed skill thing just smacks of laziness in an author who usuallly has really good ideas well presented. If you are going to post a suggestion, take the time to fully write it.--Nosimplehiway 19:10, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re I normally like to be complete but I didn't want people killing this because I invented a stupid name like "Computer Operation." I don't know, maybe "Advertising"? --Jon Pyre 23:58, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re I normally like to be complete but I didn't want people killing this because I invented a stupid name like "Computer Operation." I don't know, maybe "Advertising"? --Jon Pyre 23:58, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- Spam - not my cup of tea. --Funt Solo
10:22, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Spam - Light up computerized display marquees are part of a LIVING city, nor a zombie disaster zone. One good shotgun blast from a disgruntled survivor, one smash on the controller form a rampaging zombie, one big gush of leaking water into any of the wiring, and the sign would never work again. All the other area descriptions indicate such things have occurred to the respective buildings, so the signs would go against the game setting in a big way. --Swiers 17:03, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re If you're going by that route buildings should no longer have intact furniture to use for barricades because they keep getting destroyed by zombies, stores should be out of items because people keep finding and using them, every door should be shattered to bits, and a significant numbers of survivors should be dying from generator exhaust in poorly ventilated buildings never intended for them. Being completely logical isn't logical. Also part of the fun of a zombie movie is contrasting the old world with the new. I find the idea of ad displays still blinking while zombies feast on people outside hilarious. The same way they still have a working ice skating rink in Dawn of the Dead, or set up a fake tropical backyard to hang out in Day of Dead. --Jon Pyre 17:10, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re I'm cool with illogical flavor items, but this isn't a bit of flavor- its a functional tool for communication that is very hard for any survivor to disable, and impossible for zombies to even affect at all. BTW, I made a proposal a LONG time ago called "community message board" that would have had a pretty similar effect (but with low tech flavor) and it got shot down BIG TIME for that very reason. People have changed heart now, I suppose, but all the old complaints still apply here. --Swiers 17:31, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Actually Zombies could destroy the generator and/or ransack the building to turn off the signs. --Jon Pyre 17:48, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re I'm cool with illogical flavor items, but this isn't a bit of flavor- its a functional tool for communication that is very hard for any survivor to disable, and impossible for zombies to even affect at all. BTW, I made a proposal a LONG time ago called "community message board" that would have had a pretty similar effect (but with low tech flavor) and it got shot down BIG TIME for that very reason. People have changed heart now, I suppose, but all the old complaints still apply here. --Swiers 17:31, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- Re If you're going by that route buildings should no longer have intact furniture to use for barricades because they keep getting destroyed by zombies, stores should be out of items because people keep finding and using them, every door should be shattered to bits, and a significant numbers of survivors should be dying from generator exhaust in poorly ventilated buildings never intended for them. Being completely logical isn't logical. Also part of the fun of a zombie movie is contrasting the old world with the new. I find the idea of ad displays still blinking while zombies feast on people outside hilarious. The same way they still have a working ice skating rink in Dawn of the Dead, or set up a fake tropical backyard to hang out in Day of Dead. --Jon Pyre 17:10, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
Spaminated with 9/13 Spam votes. Voters had a hard time understanding what the author was trying to say, and mentioned several times that it was overpowered.--Gage 08:41, 29 December 2006 (UTC)