Characters: Armpit Odor, noneofyourbuisness
Dual Nature
This User or Group supports the Dual Nature Policy & believes that the citizens of Malton should embrace their two-fold nature.
Big Bash 4!
This user or group was with Big Bash 4. They're heading home after the party. Please have your brains ready for next time.
Visited Bale Mall
This user has visited Bale Mall.
Visited Pole Mall
This user has visited Pole Mall.
Visited Tynte Mall
This user has visited Tynte Mall.
This user is a Kevanist. They believe that the universe was created approximately 20 years ago by an intelligent designer.
Cookie Thief
This user is not safe around unguarded cookies.
Mmmm, cheese…
Armpit Odor really, really likes cheese.
Fire is Pretty
Armpit Odor thinks that fire is pretty.
This usar or gruop suport teh use of propper gramer and speling on the Wiki.
u herd rite...
dis user leiks mudkips
It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
Ugly Templates
This user supports the use of ugly templates on the wiki.
I'm a pancake?
This user or group isn't sure if they're a pancake in disguise.
Blood Sucking Lawyers
This user thinks all lawyers should all just drop dead.
Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
Dead On Arrival
This user started out in the Zombie Class as a Corpse.
Mr Fluffles
This user loves to huggle a cute, fluffy, darling, lovable bunny every single day!
The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
Reminding Malton survivors of the most reassuring words they're likely to hear all day: Don't Panic
Wii Owner
This user owns a Wii, and recognizes the significance of Nintendo!
This user or group supports the use of Kitties for extreme cuteness and lovability.
Big Bash 3!
This user or group was with Big Bash 3. They were last seen heading home after the party. Please have your brains ready for later.
Horse-Drawn Zeppelins FTW!
This user believes that horse-drawn zeppelins are awesome and wants to see them fill the skies of Malton.
Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.