User:Fox0ne/Intelligence Dossiers

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Classified Top Secret



The Intelligence Dossiers


Fox0ne maintains many files in his role as Supreme Air Commander of Rowcliffe Must Fall. Here are the classified documents relating to the actions of aggressor forces within Pegton as noted by Fox0ne and the RMF Air Command. There are more complete Intelligence Files maintained by the Master of Espionage elsewhere, but these are Fox0ne's.
Updated:--Fox0ne 00:04, 5 December 2007 (UTC)

Creedy Defense Force

It happened, after engaging in a variety of provocative actions against RMF forces and allied Ferals, CDF has declared war on Rowcliffe Must Fall. (Nov.16th,2007)
When informed of the news Supreme Air Commander Fox0ne's reaction was, "Tooth the bhonge," which is either really witty, or just confusing.

Dusty Hayes

Military Creedy Defense Force
Fox0ne and Dusty Hayes had an encounter in the streets close to Fort Creedy. After insulting the smiling Fox0ne, Hayes used a firearm to fill Fox0ne's body with hot lead, knocking him to the ground.(Oct.2007)
Update: Dusty Hayes came to the Rowcliffe Halloween After Party. After attacking RMF members, killing Robert Poole, he blocked the exit and took off running dragging Poole's body with him. That way he avoided facing the righteous anger of Fox0ne. (Nov.2007)

Empty Head

Civilian Creedy Defense Force
Part of the same Halloween party incident as Chopn, Empty Head participated in the beating of Fox0ne and other RMF members, hurling insults and derogatory comments in addition to hot lead. (Oct.2007)

The Transcript from the last encounter between Empty Head and Fox0ne. Fox0ne has entered the Rowcliffe building, a place sacred to his faith. What happened next is below with commentary.

#  Empty Head said "Foxxy, good to see you again, you festering pile of pus. 
I was starting to miss my favorite target." (8 minutes ago)
  • It's clear here that Empty Head has a lot of unresolved aggression issues probably stemming from his childhood. Likely a bedwetter.
# Empty Head shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. (7 minutes ago) 
(Scent lost.) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
GRARRAH AHN BARHAH-RAZ!" (7 minutes ago)
  • that's right Glory to Barhah and Glory to Barhah-Raz - it is heartening that even in the face of Harmanz aggression the zombies still cry out for their gods and homeland.
# Empty Head shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. (7 minutes ago) 
(Scent lost.) ...and again. ...and again. (6 minutes ago) ...and again. (
6 minutes ago) ...and again. (6 minutes ago)
# Empty Head hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage. (6 minutes ago) 
(Scent lost.) ...and again.
  • What is interesting to note here is the way Empty's rage consumes him, his assault escalating to using a fireaxe on fox0ne. However as is revealed below, Empty is capable of enough foresight to save a bullet for the final kill.
# You took a Headshot from Empty Head the Zombie Hunter! 
You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (6 minutes ago)
# Empty Head dumped your body out onto the street.
  • It's obvious from the above that Empty Head has more then the usual amount of antipathy toward Fox0ne. One can only assume it's because Fox0ne has the something the Empty wants. What could that be? The author of the file can only speculate that Empty envies Fox0ne for the strength of his faith and convictions, that secretly Empty wishes to be Fox0ne, live the faith Barhah, know the strength and peace that comes with the infection. Those who hurt zombies the most, are really trying to hurt the zombie within them.


Military Creedy Defense Force

Recently promoted to Security Rank within the CDF, this survivor now helps the AZTAU any way he can. His once emotionless face now shines with sweat from fear and the overuse of FAKs and Syringes. Based upon Iggy's actions Fox0ne can only conclude that he has undergone significant indoctrination by the CDF. With little expression of his own free will Iggy continues to harrass the friendly zombies inhabiting the Rowcliffe Building stating:

"You damn zeds don't get it, do you? We'll always be fighting to retake Rowcliffe! The CDF is already wearing you down. Your numbers aren't what they used to be. We will emerge victorious, because we have the will to fight for what is rightfully ours, not just mindlessly attacking humans."

What's interesting about his statement is both the criticism of the 'mindless attacking' of humans, and yet the apparent lack of realization that 'always fighting to retake Rowcliffe' is essentially the same thing. It is also of note that Iggy has revealed just how little CDF forces know about the RMF numbers.
Last seen wearing a set of dented and blood-smeared Fort Creedy dog-tags, a tattered and blood-soaked grey short-sleeved shirt, a blood-soaked black jacket, a torn and blood-soaked pair of blue jeans and a battered and blood-soaked pair of steel toe-capped boots.

Jim Callaway

Civilian Creedy Defense Force
Jim Callaway describes himself as an ex-cop turned full-time defender of Fort Creedy.

Last seen wearing: a pair of mirrored sunglasses, a black bandanna, a black long-sleeved shirt, a black jacket, a black coat, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of black boots. Jim made an appearance at the Rowcliffe Building, here is some of the transcript from that encounter.

   * Jim Callaway said "bye robert. wasn't nice knowing ya." 
   * Jim Callaway killed a zombie. 
   * Jim Callaway said "your puniness makes me laugh." 
   * Jim Callaway killed a zombie. 
   * Jim Callaway shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. 
   * Jim Callaway shot you with a shotgun for 10 damage. 
   * Jim Callaway shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. 
   * Jim Callaway said "dammit fox. i could have had you."

Once again Fox0ne resisted the CDF Aggression successfully. Robert Poole stood up later having suffered no long term effects from Mr. Callaways sudden assault.

Kyle Wilson

Scientist Creedy Defense Force
Kyle Wilson has managed to sneak up on the smiling Fox0ne and stab him with needles, several times. Fox0ne still hasn't understood why, but just like with his cancer treatment anything Kyle Wilson has done has only made him feel worse.


Military Creedy Defense Force
Shadowshnipe was a former Malton University star cornerback, Brennon Bryant. His father was a military man and taught him how to shoot a gun. He can be found lurking near Fort Creedy or harrassing innocent members of RMF at the Rowcliffe Building in Pegton.

Recent contact: Shadowshnipe seems like a good kid for a Harman. As aggressive as he is, for the most part he is ineffectual at hindering the RMF operations in Pegton. Fox0ne has offered the gift of Barhah, the infection, to Shadowshnipe, numerous times. It's is only a matter of time before he realizes the glory that comes with death and resurrection. Despite his cries against Erados, Fox0ne feels he doth protest too much against the zombie life. Shadowshnipe has initiated dialogue several times which lends weight to the theory that soon he will come to see the joy of Barhah. Otherwise why would he keep come back to be bitten?
Description: Last seen wearing a tattered and blood-soaked black balaclava, a torn and blood-soaked black beret, a set of scratched and blood-smeared Fort Creedy dog-tags, a blood-soaked Giddings Mall staff shirt, a tattered and blood-soaked camouflage jacket, a torn and blood-soaked tan coat, a torn and blood-soaked pair of camouflage trousers and a scraped and bloodstained pair of black leather shoes


Ama Zed

Civilian No Group registered
No Notes currently


Civilian Riot Control
No Notes currently


Scientist No Group registered
No Notes currently


Civilian MoX
C0NCR3T3 has attacked Fox0ne many times, most recently with a pistol during the Rowcliffe Halloween After Party. After failing to kill Fox0ne he ran away when confronted by other members of RMF (Nov.2007)


Civilian No Group registered
Chopn broke up Fox0ne's Halloween party with a shotgun. After pushing the barrels into Fox0ne's smiling face and pulling the triggers he dragged his victom out of the Rowcliffe building. Fox0ne now would like Chopn to replace the gold crown that was lost in the gunblast. Quote from Fox0ne "mry ssshhiny toof!!".(Oct.2007)
Chopn came to the Rowcliffe Halloween After Party, perhaps to appologize to Fox0ne, though he said nothing. After moving furniture around, in what Fox0ne believes was a sincere attempt to find the missing gold tooth, Chopn left in disgrace when RMF members pointed out to him that his search efforts were blocking the doorway. (Nov.2007)
Update: Fox0ne and other members of the RMF horde stormed into the Rowcliffe Building after it had been barricaded and lit in clear violation of the Non-Barricading Policy subscribed to by RMF. Once inside Chopn and several members of the CDF were present. Fox0ne took the opportunity to repay Chopn for the Tooth Incident by grabbing and squeezing him until he lay as dead. (Nov.14,2007)

Evan Walker

Civilian No Group registered
One of the cruelest of the survivors encountered by Fox0ne. With no explanation Walker has several times used his, likely unregistered and stolen, collection of weaponry to fill Fox0ne's smiling face with hot lead, knocking him to the ground. (Oct.2007)


Zombie No Group registered
Fyonah earned Fox0ne's anger when she began killing the zombies besieging the Rowcliffe building. RMF forces moved to knock her to the ground until she stopped. Fox0ne has hopes for her redemption and is watching her now to see if she continues killing zombies or if she has learnt her lesson and come to embrace the change. Sadly she killed another Zombie during the RMF Halloween party.(Oct.2007)


Military Torchwood
No Notes currently


Military Torchwood
No Notes currently

Kay Ray

Civilian Klaatu Barada Nikto
No Notes currently


Civilian Malton Rangers
No Notes currently


Civilian The Scarlet Lantern
No Notes currently


Zombie No Group registered
No Notes currently