User:Karen Howard/Archive/April07

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April 30, 2007

Location: Servatius General Hospital (Danversbank)

I woke late in the morning to gunfire; the other man in the hospital wing, a member of the DRRP had met his death, but not at the hands of my allies. Shortly after that, the barricades fell and the zombies poured in through the lobby doors; it was myself, all alone against the undead. I tried ot flee but found my escape routes cut off and incurred several nasty gashes in the process. A man in a worn suit killed one of the zombies and treated my injuries the best he could with the hectic circumstances. I managed to elude the majority of them, heading for the fire escapes, only to turn a corner and run right into a wandering zombie; he was old and decayed, reeking to High Heaven...and he was persistent. I didn't have much ammunition on me so I knew it would be better to flee then to fight, but it seemed everywhere I turned, there that zombie was, clawing at me with it's bony fingers...

Dear God, I don't want to die again---

April 29, 2007

Location: Servatius General Hospital (Danversbank)

The barricades at Pitts finally fell not too long after I woke and I vacated the area, patrolling around for a new place to sleep for the night. I came across Servatius General Hospital, which had very secure looking barricades and it reminded me -- I'm low on medical supplies, I should get searching while I can. I spent most of the day searching the dimly lit hospital, jumping at the groans of the barricades as the wind picked up outside; when it grew too dark to safely search, I found a reasonably clean looking bed in one of the wards. But I wasn't alone; the emblem he wore marked him as a member of the DRRP...

April 28, 2007

Location: the Pitts Building (Danversbank)

I slept off and on during the night, waking to find the barricades had fluctuated and the sounds I had been hearing had been the zombies clawing on them. I moved around on my patrol, checking the revive points for those I know and reviving them when I find them...

April 27, 2007

Location: the Pitts Building (Danversbank)

In the early hours of the morning, well before the sun rose, I was awakened by the barricades falling. Once more battle between the undead and living broke out, only this time, the undead had the upper hand on the exhausted survivors. As things grew hopeless, we were forced to abandon the NecroTech to the zombies. I retreated to a heavily barricaded building to rest and after my nap, I prowled around, checking on the condition of the zombie population in the suburb; I found a pair of my allies in a state of undeath and remedied the situation promptly before returning indoors for the night...

April 26, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

A small horde of zombies burst into the NecroTech not long after breakfast with Nicholas. The ensuing battle was fierce and bloody, with the support personnel struggling to close the doors and barricade the building while the more combat-oriented among us provided cover fire and protected the generator. During the battle, many were lost, dragged out into the street...Nicholas among them. With the barricades secure, I slipped outside and revived him and one of my allies before returning indoors to rest...

April 25, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

It was just after dawn when I woke and I went out on a brisk patrol around the revive points after breakfast. While out and about I did the expected revive services for my allies and returned to the NercroTech. As I passed through Sleway, however, I saw Nicholas was leaning against a wall, wounded. I immediately tended to his injuries and retreated to the NecroTech to restock my syringe supply. As I was bedding down for the night, he set his pack down beside mine...

April 24, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

Once more I woke late to an overcast sky. The barricades showed signs of damage and wear, so I tended to them and patrolled the revive points, where I found an ally swaying. I revived him and returned to the NecroTech, reporting my finds of a pair of zombies inside the Severe Building to the residents to keep my cover intact...

April 23, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

Waking late today, I made a patrol around the revive points and inspected the barricades after breakfast as is my norm it seems. The sky remains overcast, with the scent of decay and death on the slight breeze. It's a sickening scent that drove me back indoors for the rest of the day until I was too tired to remain awake...

April 22, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I didn't feel like doing much today, so I stayed around the NecroTech; we did have the interesting spectacle of a zombie breaking through the barricades and apparently demand a revive...only to be shot by one of the people I suspect to be connected to the DRRP. I stayed out of sight, primarily searching for syringes or just napping in the shadowy corners of the building.

April 21, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke to the barricades being smashed down and the few zombies that wandered in were swiftly dealt with. The barricades were rebuilt and I did my now routine patrols around the revive points after a meager breakfast. I noticed a growing number of zombies seeming to gather around the police station by the NecroTech and grew concerned; I'll have to make certian to tell Nicholas to be careful...

April 20, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I'm not sure what time it was when I woke -- they sky's overcast, but it doesn't look like rain. I spent most of my time after my meager breakfast with Nicholas searching for Syringes and prowling around the NecroTech and revive points. I'm still a bit jumpy but no one has any reason to suspect me of all people for being a servant to the ones they fear.

Nicholas hates it when I refer to myself as a servant but...I am. Unlike many women whom he's had interaction with, I'm not a very independent go-getter type. I prefer taking care of people, not being taken care of. So I don't mind if I revive them, tend their wounds, mend their clothing and keep their safehouses tidy and make them meals.

It feels normal in this very abnormal situation...

April 19, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke late and in light of the suspicion that there is a spy in their midst, I kept a low profile by patrolling around the revive points, where I revived a pair of my allies, and checking the barricades of nearby buildings. Not very glamorous per say, but work that needed to be done. I've also spent my time searching for provisions since mine are running low -- I nibbled on next to the last of the meals I have planned out.

I had little luck, but found enough to feed Nicholas and myself for a couple of days. I really miss the mansion -- it was far more homey then this NecroTech building and had far more comfortable sleeping areas...

April 18, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke, but I could hear angry murmurs; sitting up and leaning against the wall, I could see why -- the leader of my allies had executed one of the individuals on their kill on sight list. After he had departed, I sat quietly while listening to what could only be called a rant from a pair of survivors supporting the DPPR. Across the room from me I could see one of my fellow revivers and I think he rolled his eyes in annoyance; I had to fight back the urge to laugh hysterically and question the pair spouting their propaganda about the rumor of them allowing zombies to freely attack the Centers of Learning.

But I held my tongue; no need for them to learn where I heard that rumor, no need to draw attention to myself. Right now I'm anonymous, a non-threat to them. And for now, it's wise to stay that way.

Or they might kill me.

And I'm rather tired of dying.

Of course, at the moment I'm just tired...

April 17, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke late in the day and inventoried my supplies, finding I was low on syringes; a trip to the NecroTech building was in order. En route, I came across two of my allies in a state of undeath and used a pair of syringes from my rapidly dwindling supply to revive them. When I arrived at the NecroTech building, I made a nest for myself and nibbled on a small meal from my provisions before giving into the need to sleep...

April 16, 2007

Location: The Pitts Building (Danversbank)

My eyes opened and I saw thick clouds obliterating the sky; my body is cold, stiff, and aching, while my face is overly warm and my vision blurry. I'm back from the dead again, and with an infection too. Lovely. Moving only my eyes, I could see the bodies of a few of my allies on the cold ground, slumped over from where they've either been revived or shot; more of my allies stood swaying in a breeze that smelled heavily of rain and decomposing flesh.

On shaky limbs I rose to my feet, stumbling as my vision swam and spun. I fell against the leader of my allies; he didn't seem to notice and I fumbled in my medical kit for a syringe. With my vision blurry and my hand trembling, I used the syringe on him, my actions almost instinctive now; he went limp and together we fell to the cold earth.

I was shaking from the fever of the infection coursing through my veins and once more I fumbled with my medical bag,bringing out the much needed antibiotics to quell it. Resting for a moment, I staggered back to my feet, eyeing my swaying allies as I reached for another syringe; one was rather tall making me have to lean against him to reach the back of his neck to insert the syringe; once more I fell to the ground in a tumble.

Biting back a grumble of annoyance, I crawled to my feet, heading as swiftly for the closest building as I could; barely I could hear a faint groan behind me and a shifting sound. After entering the warehouse, I worked on the barricades the best I could in my weakened state. I looked up and saw my tall ally coming towards the warehouse and he entered the warehouse; he was mumbling under his breath and his movements suggested he was disorientated.

Immediately I went to work, treating his infection and remaining injuries the best I could in the dimly lit warehouse. When I paused to check on the barricades, he obviously felt well enough to leave. I followed his example, traveling by the fire escapes until I reached a well fortified building. I'm so tired and achy...I'm to nauseated to eat, so I think I'll just sleep....

April 14, 2007

Location: the Poulet Museum (Danversbank)

Once more I slept off and on during the day, felling so cold despite my old, thick blanket. Am I getting sick? It wouldn't surprise me, honestly...

I was woken from my napping by banging on the barricades; my body acted automatically, folding up my blanket and securing it to my pack as I stood. Slipping my pack onto my back, I then slung the long strap of my medical bag over my shoulder. I was almost to the fire escape when I was ambushed by the zombies; one of the other survivors was drug out into the street as I frantically tried to fight the zombies off so I could escape.

I'm so tired, still weakened and I don't want to---

April 13, 2007

Location: the Poulet Museum (Danversbank)

I slept late, constantly drifting in and out of consciousness; when I woke fully, I saw Nicholas was gone and that the barricades were fluctuating, so I left for a safer refuge. I found a nice museum, with an exhibit of African glassware covered in a thick layer of dust. Claiming an old bench as my own, I slept, waking on and off, mostly long enough to nibble on food from my provisions. I was able to manage a short patrol, checking on the barricades of the museum and nearby buildings before bunking down for the night...

April 12, 2007

Location: Twill Alley School (Danversbank)

I came to consciousness slowly to find Nicholas and Doctor Deat tending to my wounds; after that, I drifted off again, before waking just after noon; I headed to the other hospital, which was thankfully very occupied and had a running generator. I only stayed long enough to restock my dwindling medical supplies before returning to Twill Alley School for a lengthy nap under Nicholas's watchful eye.

When I awoke a third time, I found that night had fallen and Nicholas was taking a nap himself, so I made a quick patrol around the revive point where I saw an ally swaying in a state of undeath. A quick application of a syringe and he was back in the land of the living. I'd have liked to have been able to take my comrade back with me to the School but I'm not quite strong enough for such a task. My body aching and tired, I returned to the school to curl up beside Nicholas for the night...

April 11, 2007

Location: Twill Alley School (Danversbank)

I was awakened by one of my allies treating my wounds; Nicholas took over for him and finished patching me up. I was still stiff, mostly from the cold floor I had been resting on, but moving around certainly helped loosen up my aching muscles. I did a quick patrol of the revive point before heading for a nearby Hospital, Martha General to look for much needed medical supplies.

After a quick inspection of the barricades, I found them sound enough for me to begin my search; there was no running generator, so I was stuck searching in the dark. With my searching bringing up no results, I decided to head back to the School, search again when there was better lighting.

That was my plan, at least.

As I was heading for the fire escape to make my way out of the hospital, I was ambushed...but not by a zombie.

A punch across my jaw had me seeing stars and sent my flying into the wall. Staggering to my feet, I lifted a hand to my jaw, feeling the tenderness of a rapidly developing bruise. Turning, I saw my attacker; a man in dark, ratty clothing; his matted, dark hair black in the dim hallway. In his hand was a shotgun.

My heart racing, I ran for the fire escape a second before I heard the familiar boom of the man's weapon; the impact of being stuck by the buckshot against my flak jacket sent me stumbling. I heard the familiar sound of the second shell being chamber and the shot gun boomed again, sending me flying against the wall beside the window leading to the fire escape. As he was reloading, I clambered out onto the fire escape and didn't stop until I returned to the school, the adrenaline numbing my pain until I collapsed in Nicholas's arms, gasping out a warning about the attacker in the hospital...

April 10, 2007

Location: Twill Alley School (Danversbank)

I was cold and stiff when I came to, lying on my side in a park. I found myself staring at the body beside mine, an ally of mine whom is a very powerful member of their organization; he's highly intelligent and very charming...and very dangerous. A movement caught my attention from my peripheral vision and I saw one of the newest members of my allies, a fellow reviver checking the revive point. Under his watchful eye, I rose shakily to my feet. Looking down, I saw slumped over not too far from me another ally. Lifting my head, I caught a glimpse of the man that had helped me with the zombies before, leaving the revive point.

I felt feverish and hurting all over; I was infected and needed medical treatment so it wouldn't hamper me in my search for a safe haven. Immediately I handled the infection while under the watchful eye of my ally before looking around.

Moving as swiftly as my aching body would let me, I headed for a nearby warehouse, entering through the opened doors and began to build a barricade behind me. When the barricaded looked very strong, I continued on my way until I found a school to rest in.

April 9, 2007

Location: Servatius General Hospital (Danversbank)

The sun was up, peeking through the clouds when I woke; My provisions were low, so I skipped breakfast, more concerned with finding medical supplies to tend to my allies. I was so immersed in my search I didn't hear the barricades give way until it was too late.

The sound of a garbled, slurred shout caused me to to spin around -- right into the zombie's grasp. A startled scream escaped me as I grappled with it -- him? -- trying to push the undead creature away from me. His decaying jaws snapped shut around empty air, the stench he gave off overwhelming as I tried to free myself from his grip; while he was too far away to bite me, his claws slashed at my arms and torso. I managed to lift my foot, kicking my undead attacker square in the chest, sending him staggering...right into the line of fire of another surivor, a big hairry man who was starting to bald.

"Move!" He ordered gruffly.

I fled, bleeding from my wounds; my blood slicked hands made it hard for me to slip on my pack and medical bag, but I managed. With my heart pounding, sending more of my life's blood dripping to the floor I had to get out of here, to safety. My heartbeat was echoing in my ears as I founded a corner, right into what could only be an ambush. Everything was starting to get blurry, my head spinning from the lose of blood and panic; barely I recall being dragged outside.

No, no not again---!

April 8, 2007

Location: Servatius General Hospital (Danversbank)

I woke earlier then I have been to see the leader of my allies squaring off with the leader of the local group of the suburb; as expected, my ally won, using the man's death as an example. Apprantly, the ceasefire has ended. Thankfully I've gathered enough syringes to move to my nest destination -- the nearest hospital to begin my search for medical supplies...

April 7, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I seem to be in the habit of waking late in the morning lately; there's a chill in the air, which makes my patrol around the revive points a brief one. The uneasy ceasefire between my allies and another group in the suburb continues, so I'm treading lightly and am discreet as I search for more ammunition for my weapons. My results are disheartening, so I returned to the Necrotech and manufactured another syringe before deciding to rest for the night; perhaps by turning in early, I can wake earlier then I have been...

April 6, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke several times in the early hours, listening to the man whom appears to be the leader of one of the suburb's local groups apparently declaring war on my allies. Of course, not too long after that he declared a ceasefire. How confusing, I'll have to observe the situation further, see if I can find a way to help clear up this misunderstanding...

With the weather abnormally chilly, I remained indoors, passing the time between organizing my supplies and cleaning my medical equipment and clothing. Since there is power at the NecroTech building, I'm taking full advantage of it by scrubbing out the bloodstains in my change of clothes; hopefully this will reduce the possibility of zombies tracking me through blood-scent. I've also been using the good lighting to repair Nicholas and my clothing; my last visit to a mall allowed me to restock my sewing kit. I think Mother would be proud I'm putting what she taught me to such an extensive use.

Its busy work, but it keeps me occupied until I'm tired, so I don't mind...

April 5, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke late again and continued my searching for syringes; soon I'll need to add to my stock of ammo and medical supplies...

One of my allies, the man whom many looked to for leadership visited the Building. I was coming out of the lab with a freshly made syringe when I heard him; he was asking the assembled survivors not to loot the museums, to protect the rich cultural history within their walls and to avoid sleeping in vital resource buildings since they were targets for zombie hordes.

He's right, of course. Large groups of people in the police departments and the hospitals and the fire stations, they're a magnet for zombies. For the more experienced of the survivors whom have managed to learn how to move between the buildings without stepping foot on the street, sleeping in such important buildings is just...well...rude.

April 4, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke late in the morning to find Nicholas had joined me; he was sleeping against the wall beside me and I nodded back to sleep, feeling safer. I woke again to eat a light breakfast before beginning my search for syringes. When I got fed up with my lack of results, I'd take an empty casing from my medical bag and make a new one. With the weather overcast and chill, I didn't bother venturing outside, preferring to remain indoors where it was much warmer.

At least with Nicholas here I'll sleep much easier...

April 4, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I partially woke in the early hours, my wounds being treated by a traveling doctor -- I didn't get a good look at him in the darkness but he seems to be a professional. When I woke fully in the late morning, I inspected my injuries, finding them satisfactorily treated. After a light breakfast, I went through my medical bag, taking inventory of what I needed; since I'm running low on much needed syringes, I set out to find the nearest NecroTech building.

On route, I found a pair of my allies sporting some nasty looking wounds. I tended to them of course and repaired the battered barricades of their safehouse before leaving for the Necrotech facility which was thankfully near their location. There's no generator and its late in the evening so I figure I'll search for syringes in the morning. In the shadows of the building, there is a man that makes me edgy, so I'll sleep as far away from him as possible; I didn't think it possible for a survivor to look at another survivor like that, like he's one of the zombies lurking outside the barricades.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep very soundly tonight...

April 3, 2007

Location: The Coy Museum (Danversbank)

I woke in a park, full of swaying zombies; there was a buzzing in my ears as I stood shakily, which combined with my blurry vision and feverish state told me of the infection ravaging my immune system. Carefully I staggered away, pausing in the shadows of a fire station to go through my medical bag; everything was intact, thankfully so I quickly took some antibiotics. Feeling somewhat more upbeat, I entered the fire station and found out that I was in Danversbank of all places! Needing to further treat my wounds and get my bearings, I carefully explored around; that was how I came across an ally of mine in the form of undeath -- I swiftly rectified the situation and retreated into a museum to rest...