User:Karen Howard/Archive/Oct06

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October 31, 2006

Location: the Glastonbury Motel (Chudleyton)

I woke to find it was mid-morning and that a thick, almost unnatural fog's rolled in and makes it impossible to peer outside through the barricades of the Kenefie Lane Police Department. Not too long after eating brunch, I tended to a severely wounded survivor called Siriusly whom staggered into the Police Department; he was near death, but I was persistent in his health care despite the fact was forced to take care of this patient in the corner of a police department. After I'd finished, I concluded that he'll be fine for now and just needed to rest and not move around much.

Later, I ventured out to see the fog lifting and made my way closer to Caiger Mall, avoiding several groups of zombies that were swaying on the streets and by buildings.

I found temporary residence in the Glastonbury Motel only a few blocks from Caiger Mall and hope I can be useful healing any survivors that need it. A light search of my surroundings to find a place to rest turned up a bottle of wine and a knife.

October 30, 2006

Location: Kenefie Lane Police Department (Chudleyton)

I followed my normal morning routine -- wake up, clean up, eat breakfast, do rounds to check the patients and barricades. Everyone was healing nicely and most were asleep still. The Barricades were strong and didn't look tampered with. With nothing really to do, I went about gathering more medical supplies.

After a small lunch, I ventured out of the safety of the hospital. Swiftly I moved through the streets, skirting around the dead bodies. I was looking for wounded to tend closer to Caiger. Most of the buildings were barricaded too highly for me to enter until I came across the Kenefie Lane Police Department.

I entered to see if there was any wounded -- with its close proximity to Caiger, I suspected there might be. Everyone seemed alright and I found a flare gun that had been kicked under a desk.

Exhausted, I decided to rest at the Kenefie Lane Police Department for a few hours. I wasn't hungry, so I just leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes...

October 29, 2006

Location: St Luke's Hospital (Chudleyton)

I woke to an overcast sky and an off again, on again drizzle. The weather is rather cold and we're all dressing in layers; my morning washing routine was done very fast and only enough to be sanitary. Breakfast was scarce again; a lot of us are losing so much weight -- my clothing's starting to get looser then I normally like, so I believe I'll have to scavenge a belt the next chance I get.

Things have been quiet inside the barricaded Hospital, so everyone's spending their time resting and letting their injuries heal -- I spent my time searching for medical supplies and getting some much needed sleep.

Why do I have the feeling that things are going to be getting much worse soon? We remain at such a high barricade that I fear if I venture outside that I'll be trapped and surrounded by zombies like before in Lukinswood.

I've not heard if the attack on Caiger is over but I've been hearing rumors that there'll be an attack on Caiger again in a few days to finish everyone off.

With those fears, the day seemed to drag on until I decided on an early evening meal and bunked down on my borrowed cot.

October 28, 2006

Location: St Luke's Hospital (Chudleyton)

The last thing I recall was that I collapsed in sheer exhaustion after I missed a swing at one of the zombies; when I came to, others had already killed them and dumped the bodies outside. I was sore all over as I pushed myself up off the floor where I had collapsed and my thoughts went longingly to a nice hot bath to loosen up my aching muscles.

Instead, I washed up the best I could and rubbed some muscle rub into the sore muscles; the bruises there are already fading into a sickly greenish-yellow. After what passed for breakfast, I made my rounds, checking on the barricades and the other survivors resting within for injuries; most just seemed to be exhausted, a state I sympathize with.

Resolutely I searched for more medical supplies when I could and read a couple newspapers I'd found to pass the time when there was truly nothing else to do. They aren't anything like my favorite authors but it'll keep me occupied.

When I bunked down for the night after the evening meal, I toyed with the thought of stopping inside a library to see if there were any books to take with me...

October 27, 2006

Location: St Luke's Hospital (Chudleyton)

In the early hours of the morning, I had woken to find a zombie had managed to find it's way into the hospital, where it was promptly killed by several trigger-happy survivors. The barricade levels were raised to extremely heavy after the population inside the hospital doubled; what's going on? How much danger are we really in? How is Caiger doing? Worried, I search for extra medical supplies. I have this feeling they will be much needed.

The day was rather routine after that -- I spent most of my time cleaning medical equipment and checking the barricades.

After I had just laid down on a borrowed cot, I heard a commotion -- immediately I hurried to see what was going on and saw that the barricades were under attack and in moments the doors stood wide open. One of the other survivors inside the hospital had been dragged out into the street and I was attacked before I could get the doors closed. After searching for more medical supplies, I went back to my borrowed cot.

When I woke in the middle of the night, it seemed something had forced me to wake, but I wasn't sure what. SO i picked up my fire-axe and prowled the halls. When i was in the lobby I saw a zombie.

It didn't seem to see me, so I swallowed my terror and ambushed it. I was tired and most my attacks missed but I tried so hard. I've cried out for help and I hope one of the others wake up but it seems they are sleeping too heavily. As I fight the zombie to the best of my limited abilities I am forced several times to rest.

I have it contained with in the lobby so I can rest, then attack. Much to my dismay, the barricades have yet again been destroyed and another zombie is in the hospital. I stealthily close the doors and stay hidden while conserving my energy as best I can...

Perhaps the death of these undead up to me...

God give me strength...

October 26, 2006

Location: St Luke's Hospital (Chudleyton)

The weather was overcast when I woke, so after breakfast, I bundled up before journeying outside the hospital in another attempt to get inside Caiger so that I could treat the wounded. So far my attempts are futile.

The number of undead in the streets coming away from Caiger are building in undead numbers as those who died rise. I scouted around as swiftly as I could before seeking shelter in St Mark's Church. With me were a pair of survivors seeking shelter from the zombies that shamble through the streets of Chudleyton.

While I waited, I looked around and found a first aid kit in the ransacked office and a pair of crucifixes; the kit has a small amount of medical supplies in it, but its better then nothing. Afterwards, I prayed in the silence, trying to find some peace in the turbulent times that have fallen over the city of Malton.

When I felt rested, I left the church and returned to St Luke's to see if anyone was in need of assistance. Things so far seem quiet and I took full advantage of it, taking my time in my evening meal and bath before going to sleep early on one of the spare cots.

October 25, 2006

Location: St Luke's Hospital (Chudleyton)

After waking up, I noticed the weather is deary and dress accordingly after washing up the best I could. I listened to the radio as I ate breakfast and heard communications between what sounds like a group of female scientists, medics, nurses, and doctors. Fascinated, I contacted them and they welcomed my into the fold of their organization.

They call themselves 'FANNY', which stands for First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry. They seem to be nice ladies and I'm glad to find there are others like me roaming the city to heal those in need.

I moved around Chudleyton, searching for supplies; one hospital I came across, Cuthbert, was surrounded by zombies. They didn't seem to be doing anything aside from swaying in place -- it was almost like they were waiting...

In my traveling around the suburb, I see corpses and zombies everywhere, showing how severe the battle for Caiger was -- still is? The amount of zombies and high barricades at the buildings around Caiger makes it difficult for me to get in there and treat the wounded. I'm forced to retreat to St Luke's, where I swiftly eat supper before resting on an empty cot.

October 24, 2006

Location: Knyfton Row Fire Station (Chudleyton)

Waking up early, I went through my supplies and noticed I would need to scavenge for food. After a meager breakfast, I washed up the best I could. The sweater and shirt I'd been wearing when the zombie attacked me looks to be beyond repair but perhaps I can save the material to fuel a fire. Bundling the torn and blood stained cloth, I placed them in the bottom of my pack before checking my bandages and changing clothing; the weather seems colder and I heard there's a drizzle today, so I wore my hooded sweatshirt -- its the thickest of my outerwear and the protection will be much needed.

I wandered around a bit and managed to scavenge for food -- canned goods, no fresh fruits, vegetables, or meats unfortunately. I've been taking whatever supplements I can find to help prevent any illnesses from the deprivation of many key nutrients.

After my 'shopping', I made my way to Chudleyton to help with the Caiger Mall invasion. I might not be able to help in a fight but I'll be able to help heal the injured. There are numerous dead bodies littering the streets and I worry the number of zombies will rise as the corpses do.

I find that Knyfton Row Fire Station appears to be a safe haven for the moment, so I stopped to rest and take in my evening meal before I nod off for a few hours sleep.

October 23, 2006

Location: St Lazar's Hospital (West Becktown)

I woke up outside a barricaded warehouse, a dead body near me and a zombie swaying slightly on the curb. Despite my pain, I stood and darted inside. Hiding in a darked section of the warehouse, I shivered in fear, my body aching.

The last thing I remember was being attacked by a zombie; there are wounds on my arms, where I'd been... well... 'gnawed' is the only term I can think of. There were claw marks on my sides as well that appear to be mostly healed.

While I cleaned my wounds -- I still had my medical bag, much to my surprise -- I heard on the radio that Caiger is already under attack. After resting, I headed out of the warehouse, wandering around to get my bearings -- the place does look a bit familiar...

I found out I was in Molebank on my way back to West Becktown. I made it back to the relative safety of West Becktown and hid in Whippey Place Fire Station on the advice of Nicholas; we spoke through the barricades of Curle Street Police Department, which were too high for me to get through and I told him of my plan to help those at Caiger and he wished me luck as he passed me my pack, dropping it to me from one of the windows on the second story.

Reluctantly, I used the medical supplies I carry on myself, leaving me more determined to gather more supplies. I made my way to the hospital near Whippey Place, called St Lazar's Hospital. I found much needed medical supplies and am planning to rest and head out for Caiger Mall.

Exhausted from my ordeal, I curled up on a free cot without bothering to eat or wash.

October 22, 2006

Location: Outside Lasbury Auto Repair (Lukinswood)

I woke early again and went through my supplies. I'm running so low on medical supplies that I'm worried; so worried that I went out looking for supplies after eating a swift breakfast. I left my heavy pack here at Piesga Place so that I can move swiftly, taking only my medical bag.

I came across Dunestone Walk Fire Station, where I found another radio and a fire-axe; St. Werburgh's Hospital, which was to the South-East was barricaded too high for me to enter. Hopeful from my scavenging, I made my way back to St Elizabeth's Hospital, moving swiftly and quietly through West Becktown, into Molebank, and finally back into Lukinswood.

Things seemed to be going well and I was very optimistic as I entered my home suburb... only... only... there's more zombies then before...

I hurried to St Elizabeth's only to find it's doors standing wide open. I was in shock, staring up at the darkened, abandoned hospital, the doors opened like a great gaping maw that I didn't notice the zombie in the shadows until it was too late.

The sound of it's shuffling feet and rumbling groan snapped me back to reality and as I turned, it lunged at me. Automatically I brought my arms up to defend myself, but my arms were trapped between us. The zombie's head snapped forward as I shoved with all my strength to get free; it's decaying teeth sank into my right shoulder, ripping through the wool of my sweater and cotton of my tee-shirt to tear into the skin and muscle beneath.

I fought the urge to scream in pain as I shoved again; the zombie lost its grip and clutching the wound, I scrambled away. Right now I'm so tired that I'm not able to fight well, and compounding my exhaustion with blood loss...

I don't like the odds. And I know there are more zombies lurking around; not just at the hospital but at Dales Boulevard Fire Department -- I can see their forms in the shadows of the darkened building on the other side of the Melhuish Monument.

There's at least half a dozen zombies around and I know I'm in grave danger. Leaning against the base of the monument, I was peering at the zombies in front of Dales Boulevard when I heard a shuffling foot step behind me.

I was ready this time, whirling around and lashing out with a clumsy punch with my left hand; as my attack missed, the zombie's teeth snapped closed on my left forearm. Frantically I kicked at the zombie, my back against the base of the monument.

A few moments later, the zombie seemed to lose interest in me-- perhaps I was putting up too much a fight? Despite my injuries, I managed to climb the monument after the zombie wandered off; I remain disheartened -- St Elizabeth's has been ransacked and so many places that were once reasonably safe are either ransacked or surrounded by zombies.

Is this work of the horde I'd been hearing about?

I waited and waited, trying to stem the flow of blood from my left forearm by tucking the wounded region between the underside of my right arm and torso; I can't do much with my right hand due to my shoulder. As I shift on the monument, I almost fall, prompting me to climb down and find cover.

Moving as quietly and slowly as possible so not to attract zombie attention -- perhaps hoping they'd think I was one of them – I paused inside a carpark to rest momentarily. I strained my ears, listening for any of the moans and groans of the undead. Not hearing anything, I shuffled forward, biting back the urge to whimper in pain.

Slowly but surely I made my way to stand outside Lasbury AutoRepair. The lights are on, and there's a dead body outside. The building's too heavily barricaded for me to enter and there's a message spraypainted on the wall -- 'please let me in'.

I whimpered pitifully and froze after the sound escaped me, listening, listening for anything, hoping I had gone unheard... For a few moments, I thought I was in luck but...

I can hear zombies moving closer and closer...I'm frightened...

October 21, 2006

Location: Piegsa Place Police Dept (West Becktown)

When I woke early this morning, it was to quiet and without the chaos of a member of the undead breaking into the police department while we slept. Even with the relatively quiet morning, I was still terrified, my over active imagination bombarding me with images so terrifying, I can't eat and can't return to slumber.

Mostly paralyzed by fear by the thought the zombie horde would be marching through the Piegsa Place Police Department, I hid and rested, wrapped in the flak jacket I'd managed to find when I used the restroom. Huddling in the dark corner, I was frantically clutching my newly acquired pistol, certain there's be hundreds of undead breaking through the barricades shortly.

After a while, with no signs of the horde, I was able to think much more rationally as my fears calmed and I was able to treated a wounded survivor called Dreddd leaving me with rapidly dwindling medical supplies. I went outside the Police Department and explored around the neighboring buildings despite the biting cold and slight misting drizzle -- in one of the nearby junkyards, I found a crowbar and can of spray paint.

In my explorations I had noticed that the nearby hospitals were too heavily barricaded for me to enter at all. With my medical supplies starting to run low, I find myself wondering if I should venture back to St Elizabeth's in Lukinswood.

It seems, if the barricades aren't lowered, I will have to. Determined by this course of action, I washed the best I could in the rest room, ate my nighttime meal and bunked down for the rest I'd need for my trek in the morning.

October 20, 2006

Location: Piegsa Place Police Dept (West Becktown)

Again I woke to chaos -- this time a zombie had taken down the barricades and got inside, killing two survivors while we slept. I'd fallen asleep listening to the radio I'd found, listening to people argue about helping Caiger Mall. My search of the police department for a weapon or flak jacket is winding up to be futile -- I'm finding ammo but not a weapon.

I left Piegsa Place and went to a nearby junkyard where I have managed to find a mobile phone and a fuel can. Since I felt a bit winded from moving around heavier objects in the junkyard, I hid in a junked car for a while to rest, clutching my radio, listening in growing terror about the zombie horde that seems to be making a beeline here to get to Caiger Mall. Some speculate by the rate of progression they'll be here by the 5th. Some believe it'll be much, much sooner. They say that there's a great deal of very strong zombies -- or zeds as those on the radio call them -- leading the hordes.

Terrified, I used the last of my remaining strength to return to Piegsa Place Police Department. Before I finally give into my exhaustion, I found a pistol, hidden away forgotten in the back of a trashed locker. Glory to the highest, it's a miracle...

October 19, 2006

Location: Piegsa Place Police Dept (West Becktown)

I woke to chaos -- a zombie had smashed down the barricades and gotten inside, promptly killing one of my fellow survivors. There was disorder as the others attacked the zombie, swiftly killing it and dumping its body outside.

As they work to rebuild the barricades, I'm finding myself contemplating leaving Piegsa Place to see if there's any more secure locations. As I tuned the radio I had found last night, I heard a rumor that a zombie horde was on its way, intent on taking down Caiger Mall, located in Chudleyton and Darvall Heights to the North-East of my current location.

If it is true, I better stock up on medical supplies and search harder for a weapon. With that in mind, I searched around the Police Department for a weapon or flak jacket. I finally gave up, too tired and nervous to eat supper and instead went to sleep early.

October 18, 2006

Location: Piegsa Place Police Dept (West Becktown)

After the normal morning routine, uninterrupted by any surprise visitors of the undead variety, I sat down with Nicholas and Micheal for the noontime meal. Together we made plans to venture from Lukinswood; Micheal seemed distracted for the most part, constantly lost in thought.

The idea of leaving St Elizabeth's terrifies me, but...

It has to be done. There are people out there that need our help. I can help set up medical clinics for wounded survivors. After speaking with my supervisors, I gathered my belongings and stocked up on first aid kits. When I finished, I found that Nicholas had already gone scouting for ammo and I followed him in hopes of finding a pistol or knife for myself.

I doubt any zombie would be impressed if I waved a rolled up newspaper at them as a deterrent and hand-to-hand combat has never been my strong point. Trailing my new friend across the mostly empty streets of Lukinswood and East Becktown into West Becktown was terrifying as I skirted around stray zombies and warily eyed dead bodies, but it had to be done.

I need to become stronger if I am to be of any use to my fellow survivors.

I rested in the Curle Street Police Dept with Nicholas and after the evening meal, noticed the generator was low on fuel. Since I was the most rested of the group, I left, heading for the nearest Auto Repair station to look for fuel; the station I came across was barricaded too heavily for me to gain access to and when I went back to the Curle Street Police Department I noticed I was locked out, that is had been barricaded even higher when I left.

Frantic and hearing the sounds of stray zombies, I looked around for shelter and found it in the Piegsa Place Police Department, where I was able to find a radio and pistol clip before bedding down for the night in a remote corner. Unfortunately, they didn't have any means of washing up before hand so it was depressing not to scrub down before bed, a procedure that helps relax me.

October 17, 2006

Location: St Elizabeth's Hospital (Lukinswood)

When I awoke this morning, the weather was cold and dreary; I'll be honest, I was rather reluctant to leave the warmth of my bed, but duty called. After breakfast with the staff and scrubbing myself clean in the bathroom sink, I made my rounds through the patients' dorms. As I walked through the lobby to check the barricades alongside Micheal, I made another friend -- a soldier named Nicholas Bashere, whom Micheal and I invited along with us.

Nicholas is around my age, freshly dropped into our city in hopes of aiding the survivors against the undead menace. I'll admit, I'm surprised fresh troops have been dropped -- I thought we'd been given up on by the outside world by now and left to die. Its given me hope, and a spring in my step to know that there are still people who believe we will win against the undead hordes.

Near the end of my afternoon rounds, I witnessed the petrol generator running the Hospital's electricity be shot up by some man who had been calling himself Gut Stench; a truly apt nickname as he did smell as though he hadn't bathed at all even before the quarantine began! There was nothing I could have done but I still feel so horrid, so helpless, at not being able to keep the power going.

The generator was out until after sundown and the creeping darkness of twilight seemed to consume the corridors of the hospital as we searched for the backup fuel cans as the generator was worked on by flashlight by the more technologically adept that are among us.

With the generator out, a zombie was able to smash down the barricades and get inside the hospital without much notice; with all of us focusing on patients and fixing the generator, there was no one staffing the lobby. I saw it shambling down a corridor and gave an instinctive scream of fear when faced by a member of the undead -- it was even with the men's dorms where non-patients were resting and I had woken Nicholas. I ran for help at the Dales Boulevard Fire Station while Nicholas tried to kill it.

When I returned, the zombie was gone, Nicholas almost out of ammo, and the generator running again.

What a night! This is more excitement then I'm used to and I was still shaking during my evening meal and bath. It did take me a while to get asleep, as I flinched at every sound and jumped at every shadow.

October 16, 2006

Location: St Elizabeth's Hospital (Lukinswood)

This is the first time I've had the courage to write down anything. For so long I've been afraid of these shambling creatures that rise from death to feast on the living. For a while, I stayed in my apartment, but my dedication to my job at St Elizabeth's lured me out. Right in time too -- I found out later on that my apartment building was taken over and ransacked by these zombies.

It was a good thing that I'd already decided to stay at the hospital by then rather then making treks to and from; I'd gone through my clothing, discarding anything 'unnecessary' for survival, keeping in mind the changes in the weather and much need durability since I wasn't sure when I'd have the chance to get anything else or if any of my own belongings would be salvageable later on.

I'd decided on two bags to keep with me -- my personal belongings in the pack my father gave me before our last camping expedition and my medical supplies in a messenger bag. It was a matter of long debate, I decided on a pair of jeans, some plain teeshirts, a couple sweaters and my thick hooded sweatshirt -- when the weather got colder, I planned to dress in layers; in hindsight, I was pleased to see I was correct to do so. Along with clothing, I kept some of my toiletries -- as a member of the medical profession, its not a manner of vanity but of hygiene to prevent the spread of sickness.

As the days became weeks and weeks became months, I barely remember much of what had occurred around me; I barely remember turning parts of the hospital in 'dorms' for the medical personnel to live in or the faces of the patients that came through the hospital. I know when there was danger, I evacuated the hospital with other doctors and nurses, taking as many as our patients as possible to Withyman Street Police Department to the North-East of the Hospital. It was as though living in a daze, as though all that was happening around me wasn't real.

It was the day I started to write this all down that it became real. The writing, it seems, helps me focus my thoughts and memories and for that I'm glad -- if I can't get out, if all that's found of me is this book of entries, then I'll be glad its in the hands of my family.

I met someone today, as I wrote my first entry in this diary -- his name is Michael Orlaski, a police officer from the Loney Row Police Department in East Becktown; he's a few years older then me and already seems so much wiser then I in this matter of surviving this insanity. He seems like a nice man; he is willing to travel with me in exchange for my medical expertise. I don't mind being 'used' in such a manner -- after all, I'm traveling with him for protection from the zombies.

The Hospital here is in better hands then mine. We had only a few injuries today -- the usual that have been coming in after the quarantine; on a brighter note, I was able to gather medical supplies and found a couple of newspapers to read to pass the time until I ate supper with the others and took a sponge bath before I bedded down for the night in the 'ladies dorm' that had become home for many of us for so long.