Another Quiz
Well, we have a Movie Quiz and a few Music Quizzes. So how about a video game quiz?
Original Idea taken from here
How is it gonna work?
Well, I start by asking a question about a video game. It could be anything: Character name, a line of dialogue, the guys who made it, anything. In any case, if you answer it correctly you'll get a nice shiny template. :) Prizes are yet to be decided on but I'll have a few of my own plus the bog standard cookie prize.
Guest Quiz
Every tenth quiz shall be a guest quiz. :) It can be anything game related, so if you fancy a go email me at matt dot mcfarland at hotmail dot co dot uk with the question and answer. Or if you prefer, you can send me a PM on The Randoms forums (Cheeseman Muncher).
The Prizes
I'm Sportacus!
This user claims to be Sportacus.
I am THE Snake!!
This user is THE Solid Snake
This user understands the value of Manbagz to carry miscellaneous vital items.
{{{giver}}} has given {{{recipient}}} a cookie for {{{reason}}}
u herd rite...
dis user leiks mudkips
Money Tree
Money Really Does Grow On Trees!
A rat, and it's for you!
[[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] has given [[User:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] a rat {{{reason}}}.
A Free Glass of Milk
{{{1}}} has given {{{2}}} a glass of milk for {{{reason}}}.
Dis iz Daxter.
I iz in ur Sewars, sprayin' ur bugs, wearin' ma pants.
This user wants pie, if not, you may be in the verge of death...
Mama Flibble's Homemade Tomato-Free Ketchup
{{{1}}} has given {{{2}}} a bottle of Tomato-Free Ketchup for {{{reason}}}
Quiz the Sixteenth
Lets go back to GTA for a while. And since it was Easter the other day, can you tell me the location of the REAL easter egg in GTA: Vice City? -- Cheese 21:48, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
Guesses (16)
You want a full guided tour or something? And you still owe me my name linked in your sig... --Axe Hack Talk 21:53, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
- Pretty much yeah. :P And you've already passed Matt, what more do you want? -- Cheese 21:56, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
- I still want my name in your sig. Anyways...I'm taking this straight off of OPM issue 68...
- Get on top of the VCN building helipad on the second island
- Go to the left corner. You'll see a building so close you can almost touch it.
- See that window almost in front of you? Line up with it and jump!
- You will jump right through the window - it looks solid, but you'll find that it isn't.
- Inside, you'll find a tiny room with a pedestal in it. An easter egg rests on top. It reads "Happy Easter." This is a must see.
- I knew those old OPMs were good for something... --Axe Hack Talk 22:02, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
Quiz the Seventeenth
Moving on! Lets move away from console games for a few minutes and go online. In Kingdom of Loathing, what items are required to make the uber tasty Fettucini Inconnu? For a bonus point, tell me what you have to do to make it properly. -- Cheese 21:48, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
Guesses (17)
Goat cheese, scrumptious reagent, fancy schmancy cheese sauce, and dry noodles. --Axe Hack Talk 22:06, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
- Fettucini Inconnu = Dry noodles + Fancy Schmancy Cheese Sauce. You eat the Fettucini Inconnu, and immediately forget what you just ate. You gain 21-29 Adventures. You gain 47-52 Roguishness. (You gain 6 Fullness.) Bonus Points? --
SargeTalk|Home|ACC 23:30, 26 March 2008 (UTC)