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Revision as of 03:05, 8 September 2009

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[19,27] – [20,28] (bic) (statuses) (update)
Caiger Mall
--VVV RPMBG 06:32, 24 July 2024 (UTC)
Caiger Mall Survivors
Abbreviation: CMS
Group Numbers: Variable, but steady around 60 active
Leadership: Communal
Goals: To defend Caiger Mall
Recruitment Policy: Join us at The Mall
Contact: Caiger Mall Forum
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.35 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: [19,27] - [20,28]

Members.gif Forums
This group uses a forum for communications.

Have you ever been killed by a zombie? Woken up in the morning to find yourself dead in the street, forced to resist a yearning to eat brains, and determined to lurch your way to a friendly scientist for help?

We have. We're tired of it. And Caiger Mall is where it stops.

More than a thousand zombies have organized and stormed our Mall, yet we continue to keep our food courts, our lingerie stores, and our mobile phone kiosks safe and undead-free through careful study and application of the teachings of The Plastic Trees.

No longer will humanity flee in the face of zombie hordes only to die another day.

We stand fast and prove humanity isn't finished. We stand fast because they say we can't. During the first and second sieges of Caiger, we became the largest goup in Malton. We will never give up.

Come to The Mall. It's where the action is. We welcome individuals and are grateful for the support of a number of survivor organizations.

We are the Caiger Mall Survivors. We've got your barhah right here.

Current CMS Activities

The seige of Latrobe has ended with the survivors victorious in their efforts of defense. Everyone that participated should feel proud of their efforts to keep the Caiger Mall area safe for survivors. The DHPD relocated back to their home suburb of Dunell Hills near the trailing end of the seige in order to reclaim their territory. Any CMS Survivors that feel gracious should move into the area directly around Dunell Hills and assist them in their efforst to make their suburb safe. All other CMS Survivors should turn to efforts at home, many of the buildings in the surrounding area continue to be ruined and zombie infested. The Survivor to Zombie ratio is more in favor of survivors than it has been in almost a year and we should continue this effort.

The Caiger Mall Survivors are recruiting

We are always on the lookout for new members and if you have an upstanding survivor record you are welcome to join our numbers. Joining is easy and requires no AP nor shedding of blood (usually). All you need to do is put 'Caiger Mall Survivors' in your group and help us defend the mall. If you want to have a more in-depth part in helping the Caiger Mall Survivors then you should visit our forums and apply for official membership to the closed area.


Should you or any member of your group fall to the shambling hordes of undead, please feel free to visit our designated revive point at Salopia Row [21, 29] south of the Latrobe Building. Remember to register here for a revive to speed up the process and prevent brain rotters from clogging up reviving efforts. If you are yourself a reviver please say as much in the comments section of the revive registration.

The Cemetary next to St. Isidore's Church is still an active revive point. You can register for it here.

Entry Points

  • Pagram Library : Probably one of the most widely used and well known of Caiger entrances. Located on the South East corner of the mall.
  • Warehouse 20,26 : The Northern sister entrance of Pagram. Routinely over-caded this point needs to be watched to keep it at VS+2. Located on the North East corner of the mall.
  • The Glastonbury Motel : Latest addition to the entry points. Located two blocks west of Caiger mall, this entry point should be used by survivors coming and going from that direction. As a new entry point it is often over-caded and should be subsequently watched carefully.

It is recommended to have extra AP when approaching the mall in case of over-cading at any of the entry points.

Keep these points tagged. All of these buildings should be tagged on the inside 'Designated Entry Point, keep at VS+2' or equivalent message. If you see these buildings with something else tagged inside then please reapply the entry point message. Keeping these points available could mean life or death to some hapless survivor.

Our Human Allies and Affiliates

These are allies, and we are VERY glad for their assistance, infact, it will be their efforts that do much for the saving of Caiger. At the same time, we would ask them to join our forum in order to make sure there is dialoge between us.

Alpha Elite Squad - Just give us word when its time, radio 28.88

Chi Vai Hunters - Just tell us when. Vaihah!

The Crimson Wolves - Still with you. Or at least I'm still with you. --Bluemofia 23:28, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

Crossman Defense Force - We were there, and about 3/4ths of us died in the last siege. We're all at Blackmore now. ----Steele Glovier 19:26, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

Dunell Hills Police Department - With you now more than ever.

Fire Brigade 47 - The earletown division also lends it's support!

The Idiots with Pistols - Yeah. Despite our lack of a page, We're here... I am, at least...

The Internals - If ever Caiger should fall to Zeds, we'll be there to bring it back.

Malton Conservative Party - Because malls are good for business - and because some of us still remember the glory days of the first siege. --Susan Barker 22:37, 6 June 2009 (BST)

Malton Rangers - We got your back.

The Morrow Project - We're with you.


Red Army - Gathering ourselves in Quarlesbank in preparation. Wave the red flag when you want us.

United Nations Intelligence Taskforce - UNIT troops utilized the mall as a makeshift headquarters off and on while Caiger stood. Now that it's fallen, we're scattered and helping other survivor efforts (such as the defense of Greater Blackmore). But when the time comes to retake Caiger Mall from zombie hands, all those we can spare will join the Glorious Battle!

Upper Left Corner - It wouldn't be Caiger without the ULCers.

The Emperors Hammer - The Imperium may be gone, but the Emperors Hammer will gladly take stand beside you as it did.

Thank you, our friends

First of all, we would like to deeply thank our allies and friends who helped during the First and Second Sieges of Caiger Mall. Without your support, the mall would have fallen on several occasions. Whatever their group affiliation is, all of our allies will always be considered Caiger Mall Survivors. We are very honored to have fought (and to continue fighting) beside all of you.

Thank you to all the unaffiliated survivors as well. We know you make a huge difference at the mall.

Remember Us at Caiger Mall:

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw Zombies fall,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Caiger Mall.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though Zombies roam,
In Caiger Mall.

- Found on a fallen Officer in Caiger Mall; attributed to a Lt.Harris, a freelancer on a scouting mission. This portion was part of a longer poem; the blood of the fallen has partially obscured the top third.

Important Information

  • We believe in a fair fight; Caiger Mall Survivors continue to wholly reject any and all notions of cheating, including: zerging, barricade drones, zombie spies, and whatever else you've come up with that we don't have a name for yet. Recent nerfing sciences deployed from on high contain some of these sorts of problems, but anyone found to be using illegitimate techniques to defend (or attack, for that matter) the Mall will find themselves outside, dead, and less clever about things than they were a moment before. If you wish to raise the issue you can report suspicious behavior in the forum's Caiger Mall section.

Siege Tactics

See siege for Caiger specific information or Guides:The Mall_Defence Manifesto for general siege tactics.


On December 12th, after a month under seige, the survivors won the first battle for the mall.

We were under siege by the Church of the Resurrection, the Undying Scourge, the Red-eye Republic and the RRF, along with some smaller groups and their associate hangers-on since November 10th. On November 20th, the Minions of the Apocalypse joined the often-horizontal legions.

On December 1st, the Ridleybank Resistance Front was the first zombie group to announce that they were abandoning the siege:

A salute to the Caiger Mall Survivors (RRF announces defeat)
on: December 01, 2005, 02:30:21 PM  
Let none take away from what you have done here, and let none steal the credit for the valor of your
You have done what was thought to be impossible, for you have turned away the horde.

For more information, please visit Siege of Caiger Mall.

Caiger Mall Survivor templates

Here is a template for your Wiki page! Show your support!

Cmslogo1.jpg Caiger Mall Survivor
This user or group assisted in defending Caiger Mall on one or more occasions.

Code for your page:

Caiger-mall-logo.jpg Staff
This user is a Caiger Mall staff member and gets free refills as such